
Why Make Computers Literate?

“What makes us human?” This question alone has provided grist to occupy philosophers and moody teenagers for centuries.

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Why Quality Management Needs Text Analytics

Part of a Quality Manager’s job is to focus on strict quality control. They have endless documentation of the dos and dont’s in the production process – no matter if the company is processing food or smart phones. They monitor product quality meticulously, perform internal and external audits, product tests and in some cases are responsible for handling customer complaints. They are always striving for excellence. There is no “good enough” for them. In this respect they are the best advocate for any customer out there.

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Maximizing Net Promoter Score Value with Natural Language Processing

With sophisticated Natural Language Processing technology, organizations are now truly able to understand the ‘why’ behind their customers’ feedback via Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys.

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In NLP Analytics: Where is the ‘Value-Add’?

Have you ever painted your fence, polished your floors, put skin cream on your face or bought a gold plated piece of jewelry? The notion of adding a layer of value to something whether that is protection, aesthetics or increase in value is fairly common to us all.

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Text Analytics: Why ‘keyword’ is just half the scan

I love the doctor’s office. I hardly ever go there but when I do I have a good idea why I am going there and what I want them to confirm so I can readily take action to resolve my issue. It occurred to me that this same scenario is frequently replicated in the world of text analytics.

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FBI to Improve its Analytics Technology Capabilities

Earlier today the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s 9/11 Review Commission released a on the status of the bureau’s progress since the September 11 attacks with significant emphasis on the agency’s overall analytics capabilities for monitoring threats. The report openly calls for the FBI to improve its analytics technology capabilities (page 6) and specifically stresses the importance of cultural, linguistic, and technical expertise to combat “adaptive and increasingly tech-savvy terrorists.”

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Attensity Named Top Software for Text Analytics

Attensity is excited to have been named a top software for text analytics and text mining by Predictive Analytics Today! You can read the article in its entirety here.

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Attensity Takes SXSW With “Lost in Translation: Search, Slang and Social”

We live in an age where on-the-go computing and social media have altered the way we communicate. Slang, “text speak,” and emojis are just a few examples of our ever-evolving language.

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Building a Successful Business Analytics Ecosystem

You’ve undoubtedly heard the term “business intelligence,” but have you heard of “content intelligence?” If you are just starting to delve into the text analytics world, you will want to remember this term. Much like business intelligence, content intelligence supports information management and data search systems in order to help companies locate and act on the most timely and valuable content.

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Doctor Who (and What and Where and Why): Text Analytics and Healthcare

The digitization of medical records in recent years has caused a paradigm shift in the way the healthcare industry views text analytics—or at least it should, according to big data proponents.

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