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Laughing Squid

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Talented Ukule Player Covers Every Song on the Iconic Fleetwood Mac Album Rumors
A really talented ukulele player who goes by the name EatMyUke is on a mission to cover all his favorite albums on his 4-string and it appears that he’s off to a great start. So far he’…
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Laughing Squid

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An Inspiring Four-Step Process For Formulating and Capturing Important Ideas
Kirby Ferguson, creator of “Everything Is a Remix offers helpful advice for formulating ideas using four-step process based upon the book A Technique for Producing Ideas by author and ad-man …
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Laughing Squid

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A Hilarious Parody Encouraging People to Upgrade Their iPhone by Plugging Up the Headphone Jack
In light of the Apple announcement on September 7 stating that iPhones will no longer have headphone jacks, the very clever folks at Nicer Studio put together a very timely parody with the “A…
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Laughing Squid

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An Amazing Hyperlapse Featuring Many of the Magnificent Art Installations at Burning Man 2016
San Francisco filmmaker Mark Day has created an absolutely amazing hyperlapse video that showcased much and many of the magnificent art, lights and sculptures that were present at Burning Man 2016.…
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Laughing Squid

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Didga the Skateboarding Cat Sets the World Record for Most Tricks by a Cat in One Minute
Didga the amazing skateboarding cat has outdone herself by setting the Guinness World Record for the most tricks performed by a cat within a minute. Didga’s human Robert Dollwet explained how…
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Laughing Squid

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Giant Soft Fleece Fruit and Vegetable Pillows
Artist and designer Amy Brown of Jumbo Jibbles has created an amazing collection of giant soft fleece fruit and vegetable pillows. Amy’s 4-foot long Carrot Pillow was actually featured on a r…
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Laughing Squid

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A Tenacious Sixth Grader Describes His Long Trek to Go to School From His Navajo Nation Home
“Gunner’s Journey”, a short film by filmmaker Jeremy Meek, gives voice to Gunner, an amiable and determined sixth-grader. Part of Gunnar’s daily life includes travelling ove…
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Laughing Squid

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A Giant Tethered Dragon Made of Flowers Roars to Life at the Annual Bloemencorso Zundert 2016
Over the weekend of September 4, an amazing assortment of magnificent flower-covered sculptures and floats made their colorful appearance at the 2016 Bloemencorso Zundert (“flower parade in Z…
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Laughing Squid

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Handmade Goofy Grinning Octopus Backpack That Carries Lots of Stuff Inside Its Giant Head
Talented materials artist Olga Kotova has crafted an incredible line of unique, nature inspired backpacks that includes a goofy grinning octopus named George, who carries a great deal of stuff insi…
Jeremy Hodges's profile photoSandy B's profile photo
Sandy B
I love it
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Laughing Squid

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A Supercut Tribute to Hollywood Legend Tom Hanks and His 35 Years of Acting
In celebration of Sully coming out in theaters this week, French filmmaker Candice Drouet teamed up with Fandor Keyframe to create a supercut tribute to Hollywood legend Tom Hanks and his incredibl…
Greg Sigmon's profile photo
It seems to skip Saving Private Ryan (1998).
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Laughing Squid

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The Onion Reviews ‘Sully’
Peter K. Rosenthal, head film critic for The Onion’s Film Standard, reviews Sully, Clint Eastwood’s new film about Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger who heroically landed an Airb…
christine campbell's profile photo
I want to see this movie!
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Laughing Squid

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An Explanation of How Steven Spielberg Created the Battle Scenes in Saving Private Ryan
Los Angeles video blogger and web producer Evan Puschak (a.k.a. “The Nerdwriter”) recently explained how director Steven Spielberg went about creating the incredible battle scenes in Sa…
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