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saveoakflatHuman Rights, Religious Rights have been Violated

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keepitinthegroundOil – Tar Sands – Fracked Gas – Coal – Minerals

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5-Year Draft Plan Protects Atlantic but Continues to Sacrifice Other Regions

offshoreEven with Atlantic exemption, President Obama’s off-shore leasing plan remains a vibrant contradiction to all things that are supposed to mitigate climate change,” states Dallas Goldtooth, Keep It In The Ground Campaign Organizer for the Indigenous Environmental Network. “We cannot hope to see a Just Transition towards a renewable energy future, without a complete rejection of the dirty energy of the past. This plan is an affront to the lives of those Indigenous coastal communities of Alaska and the Gulf Coast, who are already carrying the brunt of our carbon addiction as quintessential sacrifice zones. For the benefit of Mother Earth and our future generations, we must Keep Fossil Fuels In the Ground. The President must take the Arctic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico off the oil and gas chopping block.

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Indigenous Environmental Network and Alaska Native REDOIL Respond to Obama-Trudeau Joint Statement on Climate Change

Washington DC – In a joint statement released yesterday, President Obama and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau promised that their two countries would “play a leadership role internationally in the low carbon global economy over the coming decades.” They announced new commitments to work together to boost investment in clean energy; establish a pan-Arctic marine protection network and low-impact Arctic shipping corridors; limit greenhouse gas emissions, including methane; and pursue a number of other initiatives designed to slow global warming and speed up protection of the fragile Arctic.

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Condemning the Assassination of Berta Cáceres

BertaOn the occasion of International Women’s Day, we, the undersigned international human rights, environmental, social justice and Indigenous Peoples’ organizations, strongly condemn the murder of our colleague, indigenous leader, feminist and human rights defender Berta Cáceres on March 3rd, 2016 in La Esperanza, Intibucá, Honduras. We are profoundly concerned about how Honduran authorities are handling the investigation and the safety of key leaders within COPINH and other members of civil society directly linked to the case.

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The Indigenous Environmental Network thanks Leonardo DiCaprio for his Golden Globes Acceptance Speech

leonardo-nycThe Indigenous Environmental Network and on behalf of all frontline Indigenous Peoples across Turtle Island, we send sincere thanks, appreciation and a heartfelt handshake to Leonard DiCaprio. A lot of people from my homelands, today known as Fort Berthold, in North Dakota, were pretty excited about the making of “The Revenant”, from the onset of filming. It’s really the first time a part of our history is being represented like this on the big screen; I mean, to go to the movie theater and hear Arikara is not exactly an everyday occurrence!

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Support La Chiquita and Guadualito Ancestral Communities and Nature

Image1With your signatures you join a collective appeal to the pertinent authorities of the Ecuadorian State, that through their administration of justice, the verdict constitutes a true paradigm shift in favor of the Rights of Nature and guarantees the future of the children and grandchildren of our communities.

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The Nightmare Before Christmas – Future
GE Chestnuts: Ho Ho NO!

HoHoNO!! to Genetically Engineered ChestuntsNew York (15 December 2015)– In the midst of the holiday season, while thoughts turn to roasting chestnuts, a handful of scientists are working to genetically engineer the iconic American chestnut tree which they hope to release throughout the Appalachians and the Eastern US. Indigenous Peoples, scientists and others are raising alarms about the risks of these trees, cautioning about their dangerous impacts to forests, wildlife and human health [1]. Due to these unassessed risks, they warn, GE chestnuts, or any GE trees trees should never be approved for planting.

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UN promoting potentially genocidal policy at World Climate Summit

Tom Goldtooth NoREDD Action Paris COP21

Tom Goldtooth, IEN Executive Director

“Instead of cutting CO2 and greenhouse gas emissions, the UN, the US, the EU, China, Norway and climate criminals like BP, Total, Shell, Chevron, Air France and BHP Billiton are pushing a false solution to climate change called REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation). REDD is a carbon offset mechanism which privatizes the air that we breathe and uses forests, agriculture and water ecosystems in the Global South as sponges for industrialized countries pollution, instead of cutting emissions at source. REDD brings trees, soil, and nature into a commodity trading system that may result in the largest land grab in history. It steals your future, lets polluters off the hook and is a new form of colonialism. NO to Privatization of Nature!”

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Recent posts from our companion site.


Watch Keystone XL Victory Chat with our Most Visionary and Determined Leaders…

rejectandprotectvictoryOn Watch the webcast!!! We’ve saved it just for you… Thursday, Nov. 12, IEN is co-sponsored a live video webinar with the Keystone XL fight’s most visionary and determined leaders — from the front lines in Nebraska and South Dakota, to the halls of Washington, to student leaders — to say thank you and take stock of what this victory means while it’s fresh in our minds.

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Tribal, Grassroots, & Treaty Leaders Respond to President Obama Rejecting Keystone XL Pipeline

rejectandprotectvictoryWashington D.C. – President Obama has rejected the Keystone XL cross-border application filed by TransCanada to the U.S. State Department. This is a huge victory for the Tribal Nations and communities along its proposed route that have been fighting this dirty tar sands project for the past seven years. This rejection is a sincere affirmation of the struggle to protect the sacredness of Mother Earth and her life blood, the water.

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President Obama Rejects Keystone XL – Indigenous Environmental Network Responds


“In the fight against Keystone XL our efforts as Indigenous peoples, whether Lakota, Dakota, Assiniboine, Ponca, Cree, Dene or other has always been in the defense of Mother Earth and the sacredness of the water. Today, with this decision we feel those efforts have been validated. With the rejection of Keystone XL we have not only protected the sacredness of the land and water we have also helped our Cree & Dene relatives at the source take one step closer to shutting down the tar sands. The black snake, Keystone XL, has been defeated and best believe we will dance to our victory!”

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GE Trees and Indigenous Lands

 Share on Tumblr  Presentation at the Campaign to Stop GE Trees Tele-Press Conference, February 9, 2016 – Click here to access all presentations and materials. Historically, U.S. Federal and State Governments, along with corporate/private interests,... read more

The Nightmare Before Christmas – Future
GE Chestnuts: Ho Ho NO!

HoHoNO!! to Genetically Engineered ChestuntsNew York (15 December 2015)– In the midst of the holiday season, while thoughts turn to roasting chestnuts, a handful of scientists are working to genetically engineer the iconic American chestnut tree which they hope to release throughout the Appalachians and the Eastern US. Indigenous Peoples, scientists and others are raising alarms about the risks of these trees, cautioning about their dangerous impacts to forests, wildlife and human health [1]. Due to these unassessed risks, they warn, GE chestnuts, or any GE trees trees should never be approved for planting.

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Corporate Greenwash in Tuscany

 Share on Tumblr  IUFRO Tree Biotechnology Conference Denounced for Promoting GMO Trees Campaign to STOP Genetically Engineered Trees FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE New York (8 June 2015, 0:00 GMT) – From 8 to 12 June, Florence, Italy will be the host city for the... read more


Lakota Youth Join Thousands to Commit Civil Disobedience in Demanding Justice On Race, Climate And Immigration

OurGenerationOurChoice1“One year out from the presidential election, youth fighting for justice on race, climate, and immigration will take to the streets of our nation’s capital demanding that candidates and elected officials align their agendas with the imperatives of the crises of our time. After years of political inaction and failure, young are engaging in the political process to demand that our country invest in those things that make our communities thrive, and lead an economy in crisis to a society that works for all people.

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Native Leaders Remark on Shell & Arctic Drilling Announcement

Shell Abandons Arctic DrillingSeptember 29, 2015 – Royal Dutch Shell has announced its plans to abandon its attempts to drill for oil off Alaska’s northwest coast, citing disappointing results from exploratory wells. Native American leaders who have been campaigning against the Shell project and other extreme energy developments share their thoughts on the announcement made yesterday:

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World People’s Conference on Climate Change

 Share on Tumblr  World People’s Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth Today, our Mother Earth is wounded and the future of humanity is in danger. If global warming increases by more than 2 degrees Celsius, a situation that the... read more
Grassroots leaders from social movements across Asia tie their scarves together at the declaration of the SMAA hemispheric alliance.

Grassroots leaders from social movements across Asia tie their scarves together at the declaration of the SMAA hemispheric alliance.



  • “Keep REDD out of California!” says the California Environmental Justice Alliance
    By Chris Lang 15 March 2016 AB 32 REDD, California’s Global Warming Solutions Act (or AB 32) requires California to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels by 2020. A cap and trade mechanism is part of AB 32. In 2013, the cap was set at 2% below the emissions forecast for 2013. In 2014, […]
  • Cap and Clear-Cut – California’s cap-and-trade system as investigated by East Bay Express
    Just earlier this week, the East Bay Express, known for it’s investigative and longform news and feature stories, just released an in depth article covering California’s involvement in REDD.  The Oakland-based weekly newspaper serving the Berkeley, Oakland, and East Bay region of the San Francisco Bay Area, is the first to break a full in-depth story […]
  • A Snapshot of No REDD! at COP21 Paris
    While REDD is edging its way into the Paris Outcome, a series of protests and statements against REDD have taken place at the COP21 climate negotiations in Paris. Here’s a round-up, with photographs, of some of the No REDD! activities in Paris over the past two weeks. A crime against humanity On 30 November 2015, […]
  • “This COP will determine how Africa will be colonized again, through climate change”
    “This COP will determine how Africa will be In this interview by WST TV  Boaventura Monjane, a journalist and activist from Mozambique speaks about the outcomes of the Paris Climate Talks, COP21 and argues that most of the solutions proposed by Conference Of the Parties and Corporations are marketed oriented and that mechanisms like REDD (Reducing […]


The Extraordinary Science of Addictive Junk Food

 Share on Tumblr  By MICHAEL MOSS  New York Times On the evening of April 8, 1999, a long line of Town Cars and taxis pulled up to the Minneapolis headquarters of Pillsbury and discharged 11 men who controlled America’s largest food companies. Nestlé was in... read more

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