• Public Services International (PSI) and European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU) reject EU and Turkish “one-in, one-out deal’’ on refugees.

  • PSI calls on all its affiliates to support the reinstatement of two union leaders dismissed in February 2014 with 22 other workers, following a nationwide strike in protest of working conditions and the lack of protective equipment and medication.

  • The 60th Session of the UNCSW opens on 14 March. PSI, ITUC, EI and ITF join efforts to obtain greater recognition for trade unions’ role as defenders of women's rights, both at the workplace and in society.

  • In 2016, we should honour the February Strike, an action taken in 1941 by unionized workers on the public trams and docks of Amsterdam. Today, are we ready to confront the austerity-fuelled resurgence of racism and national chauvinism across Europe and other parts of the world?

  • Campaign against TPPA and TISA approved in PSI's regional meeting in Chile

    Representatives of unions affiliated to PSI agreed to make mobilization efforts, partnerships with civil society, lobbying parliaments and campaign material that allows raising public awareness through simple language to explain the negative impact of this type of treaty.

  • PSI AFREC 2016

    PSI holds its 20th AFREC in Nairobi

    About 40 participants from 14 countries converged in the capital of Kenya from the 6th to the 8th of April to take part in the discussions brought up by the African Regional Executive Committee (AFREC).

  • Photo: Hans Engelberts

    PSI launches the Hans Engelberts' Fund

    PSI is proud to officially launch the PSI Hans Engelberts’ Fund, to honour the memory of the former PSI General Secretary, an exceptional international trade unionist who led this organisation for more than 26 years.