London Rally Marches In Support Of Refugees On Un Anti-Racism Day


19/03/2016 16:56
Anthony Devlin/PA Wire
Campaigners from the Stand Up to Racism protest through Regent Street in London

Thousands of people are marching through London over the government's response to the refugee crisis to mark UN anti-racism day.

Campaigners from Stand Up To Racism marked the day by marching through the capital, culminating in a rally at Trafalgar Square with speeches urging the government to do more to take in refugees.

Anthony Devlin/PA Wire
Anthony Devlin/PA Wire
Anthony Devlin/PA Wire

Marching with banners proclaiming "Refugees Welcome" and "No To Islamophobia", people from all over the country assembled at midday at Portland Place and marched through through Langham Place, Regent Street, Piccadilly Circus, Haymarket, Pall Mall and Pall Mall East before congregating in Trafalgar Square from 2.15pm.

Before, the organisers had been expecting 15,000 people to attend.

At Trafalgar Square, speakers included Labour MPs Catherine West and Diane Abbott and Green MEP Jean Lambert, who told the crowd: "It's time to open the opportunities for people to come here and rebuild their lives."

Actress Vanessa Redgrave also addressed the crowd, which included a woman wearing make-up to make her lips appear stitched together.

Anthony Devlin/PA Wire
Anthony Devlin/PA Wire
Anthony Devlin/PA Wire

UN Anti-Racism Day, which falls on Monday, this year focusses on the lack of progress on the goals set out at the 2001 Durban Declaration and Programme of Action, intended to tackle racism worldwide.

"Fifteen years after the Durban Conference very little progress has been made tackling racism, afrophobia, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance," three human rights experts said earlier this week.