#M19 Public Rally: International Day of Action Against Racism | Irish Anti-War Movement Cultural Night: "ANTI-WAR ZONE", Dublin, Saturday, 19. March 2016


19 March is the International Day of Action against racism. On this day, across Europe there will be numerous events and rallies.

Keerfa (ΚΕΕΡΦΑ) - Movement Against Racism and Fascist Threat / Greece has issued a call for international day of action and solidarity on March 19, 2016. (Please scroll down for the text)


Today in Europe the fight against racism is vitally important. Racism divides us, creates fear and hate and is a key mechanism for diverting mass anger at austerity onto scapegoats. . The refugee crisis has given racist, Islamophobic and fascist movements an excuse to mobilise, build and spread their propaganda.

But as the rally against Pegida showed, anti-racism can win against such movements. We must continue our stand against racism and build stronger anti-racist movements.

Following the successful rally last year on March 21, United Against Racism (UAR) supports the call from KEERFA and will be organising a rally in Dublin on Saturday 19 March - assemble 2pm, Central Bank Plaza, Dame Street.

United Against Racism invites all anti-racist organisations, NGO's, trade unions, community groups and anti-racist political parties to support and endorse this rally and build the day together.

Yes to Diversity and Solidarity
No to Racism, No to War!
No to scapegoating of migrants and minorities
No to Islamophobia
No to Anti-semitism
Recognition of Travellers as a minority group
Open the EU borders - Refugees Welcome
End the Direct Provision System

Please join us on the day and bring banners, placards and lot's of energy.

Unite the Union

Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign

Irish Anti-War Movement

Irish Traveller Movement

Irish Refugee Council

Migrant Rights Centre Ireland

Roma Integration Association Ireland

Social Work Action Network - SWAN

Al-Mustafa Islamic Centre Ireland

Doras Luimni

Anti-Deportation Ireland

Monthly Qadamat Ireland

Waterford Against Racism

Galway Alliance Against War

Veterans For Peace Ireland

Radio Dublino

Afra-Eorpach (Afro-European)

Galway Anti Racism Network

Ireland Says Welcome


In collaboration with the Irish Anti-War Movement the public rally will be followed by a cultural night of live music, poetry and spoken words: ANTI-WAR ZONE

Venue: Workmans Club, Dublin 2, Doors Open 19:00
All welcome.
Donations accepted.

Yes to diversity and solidarity!
No to War and Racism
No to Scapegoating of Migrants and Minorities.
No to Islamophobia!
No to anti-semitism!
Recognition of Travellers as a Minority Ethnic Group!
Open the EU Borders - Refugees Welcome
End the Direct Provision System!
Don't Bomb Syria
#M19 Public Rally - International Day of Action Against Racism



"Statement issued by Keerfa (ΚΕΕΡΦΑ) - Movement Against Racism and Fascist Threat / Greece:

Call for an international day of action against racism and fascism, March 19, 2016 - Refugees and migrants are welcome, fascists out! Featured

An unprecedented wave of solidarity for refugees has risen across Europe and proclaims loud and clear: "refugees-welcome- open the borders." The outcry for refugees and migrants lives lost in the Mediterranean has turned into a mass anti-racist movement.It is a movement movement of solidarity for refugees and migrants fleeing from death in their countries.

They are persecuted by the bombs of the West and Russia, the bullets of dictators and ISIS and the economic disasters of the IMF. This movement has the potential to isolate the fascists. The far right are trying to pour again the racist poison of Islamophobia, building on the policies of governments with fences, concentration camps and the erosion of the right to asylum.

The EU Summits worse the politics of racist Fortress Europe, of closed borders. There is an escalation of racist attacks with militarization of the border guard by FRONTEX- Europol and the development of “hotspot” new concentration camps. The policy of sorting and mass expulsions of refugees / immigrants is an openly bankrupt policy.

The EU operation to hold refugees in mass guarded camps in Turkey is a scandal. Refugees have legal right under international law to claim asylum. It gives support to Erdogan at a time that he has declared war on the Kurds in Turkey.
At the same time the EU is toughening its stance against migrants. EU is planning mass expulsions by special flights of thousands who have no papers or their requests for asylum and residence have been rejected.

The lies of governments and their racist scaremongering pave the way for the rise of extreme right in Europe.

We call on people to unite so as to close the road to fascist and racist parties.
We demand to open the borders to save refugees from the hazards of entry by stormy seas, mines, rivers and from the hands of the traffickers. Refugees have legal right to claim asylum.
Let the fences fall from Evros to Calais, dismantle FRONTEX.

We call for coordinated action in order to stop the new measures of further fortification of racist EU fortress and to put an end to the fascist threat.
We call for an International day of mobilization on March 19, 2016 with the slogan "refugees welcome, fascists out”Call for an international day of action against racism and fascism, March 19, 2016 - Refugees and migrants are welcome, fascists out!"

Saturday, 19. March 2016, Dublin, #M19 Public Rally: International Day of Action Against Racism | Irish Anti-War Movement Cultural Night: "ANTI-WAR ZONE"

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