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Build gardens not prisons

08-09-2015 18:53

at the blockade

The campaign against a new mega-prison being built near Wrexham got a boost recently when the Reclaim the Fields network held an action camp nearby.

The Reclaim the Fields International Action Camp, attended by 100-150 people, ran from 28th August to the 2nd September 2015 and was hosted by a local anti-fracking site. Workshops explored the links between land struggles, prison abolition and other issues including gender, animal liberation and freedom of movement.

People held evening noise demos at three prisons in the region in solidarity with those inside, leafletted the local town, and picketed several companies involved in the mega-prison. Finally a blockade of the construction site held up lorries for over 4 hours without any arrests.

As anyone with experience of them knows, prisons are abusive places used to control and threaten people, particularly those of us who are working class, people of colour, or disobedient. We need justice processes based on strong, vibrant communities, not more prisons and cops harming our communities.

The new prison would be the biggest in the UK, and the second biggest in Europe. It aims to open in 2017 and would give the State enough cages to lock up an extra 2100 people.

Meanwhile, Robert King of the Angola 3 will give a talk on struggle and revolution in the US prison system, on Wed 16 Sep in Dundee.

Community Action on Prison Expansion | Reclaim the Fields UK | Gardens not Cages | Frack Free Wrexham | Borras Community Protection Camp

Full article | 3 comments

Maximus: Same Circus, Different Clowns

05-03-2015 23:42

On Monday 2nd of March 2015, there were demonstrations in over 30 towns and cities around the UK (plus Toronto) against Maximus, the US based health insurance corporation that has taken over the contract from the French IT Company Atos to administer the Work Capability Assessment on behalf of the Department Of Work And Pensions. Atos announced its exit from the contract in early 2014 following an intense period of direct action against the company by groups such as Disabled People Against the Cuts.

The day of action was timed to coincide with the first working day of the new contract, with the spotlight turned on Maximus as well as the continued use of Work Capability Assessments and the life-threatening consequences of the ongoing government attacks on the sick and disabled.

In central London, to the chorus of "David Cameron is a W*****" (YouTube) activists from DPAC hit the streets, taking direct action to block traffic and at one stage bringing traffic to a standstill on Victoria Street in the shadow of Big Ben.

The demonstrations across the UK on the streets were complemented with an online Twitter campaign using the hashtags #Maximarse and #ScrapWCA, the latter trending for a number of hours. This gave the opportunity for those unable (including through sickness and disability) to make it to demonstrations to vent their anger and frustation around the Work Capability Assessment and at a government hell-bent on targeting the sick and disabled.

On the Newswire: Maximarse is more than a farce | Mental Health Resistance Network Statement | Wrexham joins National Day of Protest Against WCA & Maximus

Other links: Johnny Void | Video: Maximarse the Movie (YouTube)

Full article | 1 addition | 4 comments

Police serve Bytemark with production order for Bristol Indymedia information

01-09-2014 20:58

The Police have accessed the Bristol Indymedia server

Bristol Indymedia has been hosted on a Bytemark Debian virtual server since the last server seizure in 2005 [ 1 | 2 ], during the run up to the G8. From then up until November 2013 the site was running Oscailt, in March 2014 it was re-launched as a WordPress site "using the software modremoveip". On 14th August 2014 Bristol Indymedia switched off open publishing on the site for a summer break with the intention in September to "review whether we have the time and inclination to turn publishing back on".

On 27th August 2014 Bristol Indymedia reported that, "the police had a court order to access the Bristol Indymedia server. We don’t know for sure, but assume that our web hosts have complied with the order and given the police this access". Bristol Indymedia disabled open publishing on the server and said "it is unlikely that open publishing of news items will ever be re-enabled as it would require complete re-installation of the server".

Since then the only source of further information has been from an article in The Times which reported that the PACE special procedure production order obtained by Avon and Somerset Police and served on Bytemark on 15th August 2014 "demands access to the details of administrators and bill-payers, login credentials, information on those who posted articles and the IP addresses of everyone who visited the site over an unspecified period". The court order served on Bytemark hasn't been published. The Times has reported that the Police have said that, "No arrests have been made in connection with this incident".

Corporate Coverage: [ The Times: Activist website Indymedia shuts down after police raid (repost) | The Bristol Post: Anarchist website Bristol Indymedia to close following police raid (repost) | Bristol24-7: Bristol Indymedia offline for good after police raid ]

Activist Coverage: [ Urban75: Indymedia Bristol raided by plod, servers accessed! | LibCom: Sources and the police raid on Bristol Indymedia ]

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Police action against Bristol Indymedia

28-08-2014 18:27

Bristol Indymedia reported on 27th August 2014 that:

The Police have physically accessed the Bristol Indymedia server.

Last week we heard from our web hosts that the police had a court order to access the Bristol Indymedia server. We don’t know for sure, but assume that our web hosts have complied with the order and given the police this access.

We consider this server to be compromised, users should assume that from this point on the Police have access to the IP address of anyone accessing this site.

In light of this it is unlikely that open publishing of news items will ever be re-enabled as it would require complete re-installation of the server.

We are going to leave the calendar on for now, but note that it is likely that IP addresses are now being recorded and accessed by the Police.

Full article | 1 comment

Stop NATO Cymru Week of Action / Wythnos o Weithredu Stop NATO

31-07-2014 18:04

A week of action against the NATO summit. / Wythos o weithredu yn erbyn Uwchgynhadledd NATO.

This year NATO will have their next summit at Celtic Manor Resort, in Newport, south Wales. In early September 2014, “world leaders” – all directly responsible for untold death, illegal torture flights, and wars fought purely to protect Western business interests and resource supply routes – will gather on the edge of this historic Welsh city. Many people from Newport, Cardiff, Bristol and beyond, will oppose the summit and use a diversity of tactics against it. We, an anti-capitalist, anti-militarist network in South Wales, plan to facilitate mobilisations and provide space for workshops, skill-shares and social events. We are organising without leaders as we do not agree with bosses or bombs.

For timetable, see the full article.

On the newswire: No Borders/Stop NATO day of action | Round up of Week of Action events | Stop NATO action against securitisation & policing | AFIACH benefit compilation | NATO CopWatch | Day of Action Against Militarism | 16-17 Aug, National Convergence, Blackpool | Police Harassment in Merthyr

Other links: Stop Nato Cymru | Anarchist Action Network

Full article | 1 comment

Newport Rising: Festival of Radical Change

28-05-2014 10:53

26 May - 1 June, Newport.

Organised by Anarchist Action Network, Stop NATO Cymru and South Wales Anarchists, the festival runs all week at 95-96 Commercial Street, Newport NP20 1LU. Sharing ideas and skills, celebrating resistance & organising to win. All welcome. Workshops and skill shares all week, free cafe all day and free meal every evening.

The NATO Summit comes to Newport at the beginning of September. Come along this week and prepare for the Stop NATO week of action 30 August - 5 September and take part in some of the many talks, sessions and workshops. Something for everyone! All welcome (except cops and mainstream journalists, who will be asked to stay outside). The venue is an alcohol & drug free space.

If you can only manage one day and want to get clued up on NATO and what's planned for August & September, come along on Sunday:
Sunday 1 June. 4pm: Talk - Resisting the NATO Summit. 6.30pm: Meeting to build resistance against the NATO Summit.

On the newswire: Protest & Street Theatre | Banner drops | Photos from Newport Rising | Anarchists Shut Cardiff Barclays | Anarchist Travelling Circus Presents Newport Rising | Protest the NATO Summit | Antimilitarists Block NATO Conference | NATO Uncut Call-out | Stop NATO Cymru Statement

Other links: Stop Nato Cymru | | No Nato Newport | The Long March on Newport

Full article | 2 additions | 2 comments

Women's battle against undercover policing: Week of Action

12-03-2014 19:08

***STOP PRESS 13th March: The Metropolitan Police has withdrawn its application to strike out women's case as the legal battle continues. Solidarity picket on Tuesday 18th March will go ahead as planned.***

Five of the eight women taking legal action against the Metropolitan Police, due to undercover police officers deceiving them into long term intimate relationships, will be opposing Scotland Yard's attempt to have their cases struck out on Tuesday 18th March. The women and their Police Spies Out of Lives support group have called for a solidarity picket outside the Royal Court of Justice, The Strand, at 9am on Tuesday 18th, as part of a week of action (17th - 21st March).

On the Newswire: Outrage as High Court permits secrecy over undercover policing | Abuse of women by undercover police must stop now! | Three undercover political Police unmasked | Undercover and over-the-top: The collapse of the Ratcliffe trial | Mark 'Stone/Kennedy' exposed as undercover police officer‏

Other Links: Police Spies Out Of Lives | Campaign Opposing Police Surveillance

Full article | 2 additions | 2 comments

New squatting law starts to crumble - Keep squatting!

11-11-2013 22:31

Section 144 of LASPO may prove unenforceable in practice

Resistance to s.144 of the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act (LASPO) 2012 that outlaws squatting in residential buildings is growing. Ultimately, the law may prove unworkable and unenforceable. There have been a number of successful prosecutions under the new law, including the widely publicised conviction and imprisonment of 21 year old Alex Haigh who came to London looking for work and stayed in an unoccupied housing association flat. He pleaded guilty, but it has since become clear that where a not guilty plea is entered by defendant, it may be difficult if not impossible for the prosecution to prove the charge. After some notable acquittals, we have a better idea about the obstacles facing hapless prosecutors and some of the ways in which well-informed residential squatters might go about successfully defending themselves in court. Read on.

On the newswire: Brighton acquittals 1 | Brighton acquittals 2 | Moelfre acquittal | Squatting as protest in Southwark | Mike Weatherley is a coward case | Alex Haigh conviction | Henry: Bristol's first victim of squatting criminalisation
Other links: Squatters Legal Network | Advisory Service for Squatters | Rooftop Resistance | SQUASH

Full article | 35 comments

Attack on The Casa

08-11-2013 18:32

Attackers outside The Casa

On Saturday 2nd November 2013 a fundraising benefit gig for the family of imprisoned whistleblower Chelsea Manning, organised by WISE Up Action, at The Casa in Liverpool, a pub set up by sacked Liverpool Dockers, suffered multiple violent attacks.

The day before the physical and verbal attacks on the anti-war activist organisers and The Casa staff, a statement on Adam Ford's blog, "from a group of activists who will be supporting Chelsea Manning but opposing Ciaron O'Reilly at an event in Liverpool tomorrow" claimed that "Ciaron O'Reilly - a main organiser of tonight's event - does not support Chelsea Manning in the same way that we do" and said that they "intend to protest against that". Ten days before the attack an article opposing the event, published on the blog of a member of the Liverpool Solidarity Federation and reproduced the next day on Libcom, claimed that Ciaron O’Reilly was a "vile misogynist and transphobic shitbag" and that "O’Reilly’s fundraiser in Liverpool will be challenged on the basis of his behaviour towards women and on the basis of his support for Julian Assange." Ciaron O’Reilly refutes the allegations against him, in response to the accusation that he made some sexist remarks he has said "I am not sure I have" and in response to the charge that that he refers to Chelsea Manning using her previous name of Bradley, he has made it clear that he does "not refuse to use the name Chelsea".

On 19th October 2013, outside the Anarchist bookfair in London Ciaron O’Reilly was physically and verbally assaulted because of his ongoing support and solidarity work for Julian Assange of WikiLeaks who has been sheltering from persecution in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London for over a year.

Links: Catholic among the Pigeons | Solidarity gigs/events for US prisoner of conscience Private Manning | Drunk Attack on Chelsea Manning's Family Fundraiser in Liverpool | Weekend of Solidarity with Chelsea Manning's Family - the good news! | Photos and audio from Chelsea Manning's Family Fundraiser in Liverpool

Full article | 24 comments

Tower Hamlets - Round Two

24-08-2013 09:10

Anti-fascists are gearing up for the return of the English Defence League to Tower Hamlets in East London on September 7th.

The EDL don't have any right to "march on" areas. This is not about expressing freedom of speech, it's about causing fear and division. That's why they must be opposed - Anti Fascist Network

The EDL's leadership have a peculiar obsession with this borough of London - this'll be the third time they've tried (and failed) to demonstrate en masse in the area. That's without counting leadership Tommy and Kev's ill-fated effort at a charity walk through the area back in June.

The last time the league put in an appearance in the borough, in September 2011, a thirty day ban on all parades in the area was enforced by the Home Secretary. On the day, an army of cops enforced separation between them and the thousands of locals and anti-fascists waiting for them just up the road.

So why Tower Hamlets? According to the EDL it's because the area is already under Sharia law. In fact they go so far as to claim that there is "No beer allowed, this is a Muslim area", which will come as news to regulars of the White Hart and Blind Beggar.

In reality there probably are a handful of nutters who want to establish a global caliphate and Taliban-style social mores in the East End but they're a tiny, tiny minority. Despite EDL assertions, local government is probably no more corrupt there than in any major city. Scare stories about 'ghettoes' and 'no-go zones' are just there to whip up hate and get boots on the street.

Last time, the EDL mobilised around 800 of their footsoldiers for their venture into darkest Muslamic country. When they announced Tower Hamlets 2013 they were at the height of their post-Lee Rigby bounce. Recent outings in Hull and Portsmouth have not seen anything like the numbers turning out in the immediate aftermath of the soldier's death but the threat to the area is still substantial.

There's every likelihood that there will be a state ban on demos and parades again but anti-fascist opposition on the streets is what counts. The Anti-Fascist Network is calling for autonomous anti-fascists to meet in Altab Ali park at 11 a.m on September 7th saying, "We are calling a mass opposition, the more people, the safer and more empowering it will be for all of us. On the day we aim to be mobile and fluid in order to disrupt the EDLs plans".

Look out for the Anti Fascist Network (AFN) banners and flags and join them on the streets.

Follow @THStopEDL for updates now and on the day

From the newswire:
North East BNP members exposed | Local residents oppose EDL march in South Shields | Anti-fascists report from Liverpool James Larkin march | EDL in Brum update

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Image Arms fair faces lively protests
02-04-2016 14:01

Audio UG#732 - A Billion Here, A Billion There, Pretty Soon You're Talking Real Money
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Text Chios, Greece: 'hot spot' empties, 800 tear down gate and march to harbor
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Text No Border Kitchen Lesvos under treath of police rate and eviction
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Text The Taliban have declared war on God
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Image Sweden could have prevented terrorist attacks in Brussels!
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Image ALERTA #ANTIFA: #NAZI #FILTH @slatukip @siegfails @dubdanu @misscheeky666 @JLRFB
27-03-2016 18:05

Image ALERTA #ANTIFA: #NAZI #FILTH @siegfails @dubdanu @misscheeky666 @JLRFB @slatukip
27-03-2016 17:55

Image IDIOTIC #FRENCH #FASCISTS @loup_dargent @siegfails #ANTIFA @JLRFB @misscheeky666
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Image IDIOTIC FRENCH FASCISTS @loup_dargent @siegfails #ANTIFA @misscheeky666 @JLRFB
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Image FASCISTS LOVING PAVEMENTS @siegfails #ANTIFA @hopenothate @misscheeky666 @JLRFB
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Image FASCISTS LOVING PAVEMENTS @siegfails #ANTIFA @misscheeky666 @hopenothate @JLRFB
27-03-2016 13:45

Image #EDL #EMPLOYMENT #ADVICE @siegfails #ANTIFA @JLRFB @slatukip @misscheeky666 ukip
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Image #EDL #EMPLOYMENT #ADVICE @siegfails #ANTIFA @JLRFB @hopenothate @misscheeky666
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Text Women and Trans* Week of Action Against the Prison Industrial Complex
25-03-2016 17:33 | 1 comment

Text Palestine Solidarity: Latest news
25-03-2016 09:27

Image Ukraine is trying to frustrate referendum in the Netherlands
25-03-2016 07:52

Text South East MEP to speak at ‘saving the Oxfordshire flood plains’ public meeting
24-03-2016 17:51

Image Peace Settlement Through Creation of Terrorist Cells. ISIS Expects Aid of Sweden
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Image Dont Buy The Sun Newspaper
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Image Lambeth Council agree to bulldoze Cressingham Gardens/council meeting disrupted
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Image The buffoon phenomenon: America resists the System
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Image ALERTA #ANTIFA: BIFFERS IN MANCHESTER @misscheeky666 @siegfails @jlrfb @ant1fane
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Image ALERTA #ANTIFA: BIFFERS IN MANCHESTER @misscheeky666 @jlrfb @siegfails @ant1fane
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Audio UG#731 - The Global Oiligarchy (Secrets of The Seven Sisters 2)
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Image Did a right wing murder take place in Berlin-Neukölln?
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Text Super mario flash classic
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19-03-2016 12:12

Text Hard Coloring Pages
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Text SALUTE????
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18-03-2016 11:45

18-03-2016 11:39

Image Next London Fuck Parade against Gentrification, May Day! Sunday 1st May
18-03-2016 02:31

Image #ANTIFA ALERT SMASH ODINISM @slatukip @misscheeky666 @siegfails @jlrfb @ant1fane
16-03-2016 17:49

Image #ANTIFA ALERT SMASH ODINISM @slatukip @siegfails @misscheeky666 @jlrfb @ant1fane
16-03-2016 17:40

16-03-2016 14:46

Generic media Alternative Intelligence Review 2016-3-16
16-03-2016 12:23

Text Bailey Gwynne The Untold Truth
16-03-2016 08:52

Image Cam4refugees fundraising event
15-03-2016 14:28

Image Philippines' Bernie Sanders: A Conversation with Walden Bello
15-03-2016 08:21

Image ALERTA #ANTIFA: #NAZI SCUM ALERT @slatukip @misscheeky666 @JLRFB @siegfails #edl
10-03-2016 17:07

Image ALERTA #ANTIFA: #NAZI SCUM ALERT @slatukip @misscheeky666 @siegfails @JLRFB #EDL
10-03-2016 16:56

Text Yorkley Court Farm NOW under UNLAWFUL eviction-- spread the word!
10-03-2016 16:05

Image ALERTA #ANTIFA: ODINIST #NAZI ALERT @slatukip @misscheeky666 @siegfails @JLRFB
10-03-2016 12:34

Image ALERTA #ANTIFA: ODINIST #NAZI ALERT @slatukip @misscheeky666 @dubdanu @JLRFB
10-03-2016 12:23

Image Atlas is unsheathing his sword
09-03-2016 13:33 | 1 comment

Text Bahis Detay - Online Bahis Siteleri - YAYINDA
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08-03-2016 10:24

Text Sabotage Fortress Europe – Yes we can
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Image Oxford Waterways PSPO Council Meeting 7-3-2015 18.15 Oxford Town Hall
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Image Walden Bello: Sanders as US President good for US, Philippines, and Asia
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01-03-2016 22:04 | 1 comment

Image On Ukraine’s support of ISIS
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29-02-2016 19:27

Image On Ukraine's support of ISIS
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Text Tory-Euro Bargain Blasted
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Text Why It Critically Matters Jews Are Leading the Push for Stricter Gun Control: 2n
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Text Why It Critically Matters Jews Are Leading the Push for Stricter Gun Control: 2n
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Image Callout - Bristol Anarchist Bookfair 2016 - Building an Anarchist Future
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25-02-2016 10:03

24-02-2016 13:26

24-02-2016 13:09

Image European unity is being undermined by a retarded politician
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Image European unity is being undermined by a retarded politician
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Audio UG#730 - The Life Blood of Empire (Secrets of The Seven Sisters)
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Image Philippines: Bongbong Marcos is a false prophet of unity
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Text The Polski line of control ,lolplopp, plopp, tongue theirfore clinical categore
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Image Universal Credit is coming to Cambridge!
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Text Citizens of Gujarat Write to President of India on JNU
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Image Poles are hiding the truth about mental health of Jaroslaw Kaczynski
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Image Poles are hiding the truth about mental health of Jaroslaw Kaczynski
20-02-2016 07:27

Image Poles are hiding the truth about mental health of Jaroslaw Kaczynski
20-02-2016 07:22

Image A sentamoust do the Buette as 1st birn son ain't the kids dark eyed blue Lourde
19-02-2016 18:44

Image SHANIA TWAIN LAW @slatukip #ANTIFA @exposingbf @siegfails @JLRFB @misscheeky666
19-02-2016 13:31 | 3 comments

Image SHANIA TWAIN LAW @slatukip #ANTIFA @siegfails @exposingbf @jlrfb @misscheeky666
19-02-2016 13:25 | 4 comments

Text A last stance suposed Radikal 'wanna be, wanna likely" helloffa Bisexual St.Geo
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Image Will American senators support Fethullah Gulen in his dispute with Turkey?
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Audio UG#729 - The Dynamics of Deep State Capture (The SEC, Bear Stearns,Gary Aguirre)
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Image FALL OF THE EDL FOOTSOLDIERS @slatukip‏ #ANTIFA @misscheeky666 @siegfails @JLRFB
18-02-2016 12:03

Image FALL OF THE EDL FOOTSOLDIERS @slatukip‏ #ANTIFA @siegfails @misscheeky666 @JLRFB
18-02-2016 11:53 | 2 comments

Text Course of the first meeting of the new Cabinet of Ministers of Moldova on Januar
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Image 'He's our son of a bitch!' / What the US needs Plahotniuc for?
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Text Megachurch Fusion Or Solar Encounter?
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Text ...................ANTICHI CALENDARI........TERRA.......CELTA.......GABBIANI....
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Image Poland is sending refugees into Germany under the guise of legal tourists
12-02-2016 09:07

Text Pakistan Intl.Airlines Royal high Identity theft am Inn Amsterdam
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Text 3000 A.C ARI 3000 A.C
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Text D.I.R.T. the 'Sitte," Q&A of think global, act local
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Image The MONDEGGI FREE SCHOOL OF FARMING - Scuola Contadina - is OPEN!
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Image The US exposes ties between Turkey and Jabhat al-Nusra?
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Text Each wakening day anew Speculuum onertly of Holger Meins-Bonn the Snuffporn Cop
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Text Gewindeberg Blows The Whistle On Ukraine Diplomacy
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09-02-2016 10:25

Text Tear Down the Walls Tour Liverpool
08-02-2016 18:45

Image #PEGIDA #PUPPIES @slatukip #ANTIFA @JLRFB @bikeyjezmo @dubdanu @misscheeky666
08-02-2016 17:33

08-02-2016 15:57

Image Mega Squatted Farm in Florence Italy "MONDEGGI COMMON GOOD - FARM WITHOUT MASTER
08-02-2016 14:54 | 1 comment

Image #PEGIDA #PUPPIES @slatukip #ANTIFA @bikeyjezmo @JLRFB @siegfails @misscheeky666
08-02-2016 14:25

Image #PEGIDA #PUPPIES @slatukip #ANTIFA @bikeyjezmo @JLRFB @dubdanu @misscheeky666
08-02-2016 14:16

Image Short Index aryans vs. the aryan of porn brutal
08-02-2016 10:08

Image #PEGIDA MURDERERS @ant1fane #ANTIFA @dubdanu @seigfails @JLRFB @uaf @tellmamauk
07-02-2016 16:46

Image #PEGIDA #MURDERERS @dubdanu #ANTIFA @slatukip @siegfails @JLRFB @misscheeky666
07-02-2016 16:25

Image #PEGIDA DAMP SQUIB @slatukip #ANTIFA @JLRFB @misscheeky666 @tellmamauk #edl
06-02-2016 15:40

Image #PEGIDA DAMP SQUIB @slatukip #ANTIFA @siegfails @misscheeky666 @hopenothate #edl
06-02-2016 15:35

Image #PEGIDA BUCKET FANNIES @siegfails #ANTIFA @slatukip @misscheeky666 @JLRFB
06-02-2016 14:16

Image #ANTIFA CALL OUT DESTROY #PEGIDA @ant1fane @iamhaggisuk @JLRFB @protestwatch
05-02-2016 17:52

Text SOVRANO dell' OLTRETOMBA "colei che risponde" condotti alla morte VOLERE DI DIO
05-02-2016 15:11

Image #ANTIFA CALL OUT DESTROY PEGIDA @slatukip @JLRFB @misscheeky666 @siegfails #ukip
05-02-2016 12:33

Image Russia's leaving the market of hydrocarbons
05-02-2016 09:57

Text Dover anti-fash demo 30/1
04-02-2016 18:09

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