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Oaxaca Uprising

Reports related to the popular uprising in Oaxaca, Mexico and associated solidarity actions around the world.

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Murder, Corruption and Illegal Logging in Oaxaca

14-04-2008 16:46

For its people...

The murder of two radio activists in Oaxaca has brought the repression suffered by indigenous Mexicans into sharp focus. Oaxaca has the biggest percentage of indigenous people who speak many different languages and suffering serious discrimination including the theft of their natural resources.

One such example is the village of San Isidro Aloapam who have been fighting the destruction of their local forest by commercial loggers who are bending the law to justify their activity. Attempts by the villagers to protect the forest have been met with extreme violence leaving many villagers injured and imprisoned. The village is represented politically by indigenous action group CIPO-RFM who have organized a series of media and international solidarity events to highlight the struggle. CIPO-RFM activists Miguel Cruz Moreno and Pedro Bautista Rojas were recently interviewed by IMC UK about the struggle.

There will be a prisoner support benefit gig in London on Wednesday April 16th.

Related links: IMC UK coverage of Oaxaca election 2007: ‘1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | IMC UK coverage of CIPO-RFM 2004/5: Intro | Assemblies | Protest camp | Raid | Repression | CIPO/Zapatistas feature | CIPO Speaking tour

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London Mexican Embassy Protest, The World Is Still Watching

30-10-2007 23:00

Remembering Brad Will

On Tuesday Tuesday 30 October protestors returned to the London Mexican Embassy to remember Brad Will and those who died in last year's civil uprising in Oaxaca, Mexico. William Bradley Roland was an Indymedia New York activist who was shot dead by paramilitaries whilst documenting the uprising in Oaxaca city [ Brad Will's last video]

Even though the protest was small, the message was still there, that Brad Will and all the other victims of repression during the Oaxaca uprising are not forgotten, and that justice is still due. This year's protest at the Mexican embassy passed peacefully, contary to the scenes of police violence that greeted protesters in 2006.

Links:: Brad Will: Open Letter International | IMC-UK's Oaxaca topic page | CMI- Mexico | CMI- Oaxaca

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Mexican Indymedia Activist Speaks In Nottingham

09-09-2007 09:14

On Friday 14th September, an Indymedia activist from Oaxaca, Mexico came to the Sumac Centre to speak of the ongoing struggle in Oaxaca against the unpopular and corrupt governor and the repression that followed an annual teachers strike. Since the strike, the resistance in Oaxaca has turned into the largest popular rebellion in over a decade. The hundreds of illegal detentions, disappearances and injuries, and at least eighteen documented deaths mark an unignorable part of modern Mexican and world history. Around 40 people attended the talk which lasted about 2 hours and consisted of short films with talk in between. Please see the report and listen to the audio.

Report: An Evening With M - Oaxaca Talk At The Sumac

Audio: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4

Links: Oaxaca tour feature article (UK Indymedia) | Oaxaca Topic Page (UK Indymedia) | Indymedia Oaxaca

Previous talks at the Sumac Centre: Argentinian film makers screen Indymedia film | Indigenous Woman from Ontario, Canada voice their struggle in defend of land

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Indymedia Oaxaca Tour In The UK, Second Stage

04-09-2007 18:50

A second round of Indymedia Oaxaca infonite in the UK is starting, focussing on the experiences and struggless the people of Oaxaca's rebellion. The tour will begin in Cardiff at the PAD social centre on the 9th where it will also visit people who are fighting the Brecon Beacons gas pipeline. In London it will take part in the Disarm DSEi mobilisations, as well as a planned infonite at the LARC on the 12th. Then it will visit Nottingham on Friday the 14th at the Sumac Centre to continue to Liverpool on the 16th to join in the celebration of the new social centre Next To Nowhere, the Common Ground Community Garden in Reading on the 18th, and it will end at the No Border Camp in Gatwick on the 21st.

There will be talks and discussions with our compañero from Indymedia Oaxaca as well as the presentation of 'True To My Pledge', a video made by MALDEOJOTV to rise funds in support of the women made widows in Oaxaca due to state repression. Click at the Full article link for background information, and see IMC-UK Oaxaca topic page for reports on the Oaxaca Uprising.

Reports: Nottingham (with audio) | Liverpool

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Riots and Repression in Oaxaca

18-07-2007 22:00

Since Monday night, riots and violent police repression have been taking place in Oaxaca, Mexico. At least 65 people have been arrested, while one is dead and four heavily injured in hospital. A teacher, who had been arrested unharmed, was beaten into a coma by police [pic proof]. More info on

Pics 1 , 2 | alternative Guelaguetza pics 1 , 2 | Indy Scotland report | Narco News | Indymedia Oaxaca | Indymedia Chiapas | APPO

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Indymedia Oaxaca Tour Starting In The UK

18-05-2007 10:20

Indymedia Oaxaca, the network in the UK of Zapatista solidarity groups along with anticapitalist collectives launch a tour of information and debate on the issues surrounding the people of Oaxaca's rebellion. The Tour will be visiting Birmingham on 16th May 16th, Liverpool on the 17th, Bradford on the 18th, Manchester on the 19th, Edinburgh on the 20th, Bristol on the 22nd, and finally in London's Rampart Social Centre on the 24th before jumping over to Europe. There will be films, talks and discussions with a guest from Indymedia Oaxaca.

The right to rebel is sacred, as exercising it is indispensable to break the obstacles that oppose the right to life. (Ricardo Flores Magon)

Our guest for the tour is a member of the Indymedia Oaxaca collective, and a free radio maker for the communities in the mountains north of the state. He is also a collaborator of Radio Jenpoj (Wind of Fire ). Playing the role that independent media does in the popular struggle in Oaxaca means living alongside a constant threat of targeted repression.

Click at the Full article link for background information on the current situation in Oaxaca, and see IMC-UK Oaxaca topic page for reports on the Oaxaca Uprising.

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Oaxaca Uprising Continues as the Zapatista Other Campaign Ends

05-12-2006 20:01

APPO's Flavio Sosa is arrested on December 4th.

"We are on the eve of either a great uprising or a civil war," the EZLN's Delegate Zero stated recently, referring to the current situation in Oaxaca in southern Mexico. Whilst the 45,000km-long Other Campaign tour around "the forgotten corners of Mexico", which the Zapatistas started on 1 January, 2006, ends in Mexico City, the repression in Oaxaca is worsening by the day. And this is why the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) is now calling for a global wave of active solidarity with the people of Oaxaca, to culminate with a "worldwide day of action" on 22 December to "say and to demonstrate that the people of Oaxaca are not alone" [Full communique | Words from Delegate Zero | APPO's response]. Closer to home, the Network of UK Zapatista Solidarity Groups called for a national week of solidarity actions from the 9 to the 17 of December, 2006.

Meanwhile, the popular uprising continues in and around Oaxaca city, and so do the illegal detentions of the so-called 'leaders' of the Popular Assembly of the Peoples of Oaxaca (APPO), which have increased in the last few days, forcing many people into hiding. APPO is a grassroots movement organising for popular democracy, and it is currently at the centre of the Mexican government's latest wave of repression, which has already resulted in mass illegal arrests of more than 500 people [Flavio Sosa's arrest | more | Interview] and the 'disappearance' of up to 100 people [APPO Communique | APPO activist interview | Eyewitness report].

At the same time, there is also a concerted effort by the Mexican government to try to silence any independent media that is reporting the truth on what is happening in Oaxaca. Following the murder of Indymedia videographer Bradley Will, who was shot dead by paramilitaries whilst documenting an APPO barricade on the 25th of October, the attacks against international and national independent media have continued. Two documentary filmmakers and a translator were illegally detained on 3 December while they were eating at a restaurant in Oaxacxa city centre.

Oscar Beard is an independent journalist from London currently travelling in the southern estates of Mexico. He has regularly contributed text, video and photo reports to the Indymedia newswire. See a list of his reports from Mexico.

More Info: IMC-UK Oaxaca Uprising Section | Narco News| IMC-Mexico (es) | IMC-Chiapas (es-en) | CML (es) | La Jornada (es)

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Repression in Mexico continues as UK prepares for action

02-11-2006 12:14

As the Federal Preventative Police (PFP) continue their advance on the city of Oaxaca in the hopes of dislodging the Oaxacan Peoples’ Popular Assembly (APPO), the determined residents are resisting the invasion with any means available to them [Pics: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5]. This is being marked with a demonstration outside the Mexican Embassy in London at 5pm today, to coincide with the Mexican Day of the Dead [Earlier demo report] . Afterwards, there is a video screening of Brad Will's final footage [bittorrents: Es | En | DVD ] and discussion at RampART at 8pm. Meanwhile, the planned solidarity film screening on Saturday is temporarily on hold, following the eviction of the Dalston Squat on Thursday [Pictures: 1 | 2 Video: 1].

There is also a mass demonstration against climate change taking place in London on Saturday, marching to Trafalgar Square.

Recent reports about Oaxaca in IMC-UK Newswire: Mexican embassy covered in symbolic blood | Reports from Oaxaca (and what to do) | Timeline from Oaxaca City, 2 November, 2006 | Timeline from Oaxaca City, 2 November, 2006 (Part 2) | News From Mexico | Timeline from Oaxaca City, 2 November, 2006 (Part 3) | Latest from Mexico | Timeline from Oaxaca City, 2 November, 2006 (Part 4) | Oaxaca: the people win an important battle against the police! | Reporters San Frontiers investigates Brads death | Investigators slip up in Brad Will case, while seven journalists hurt in Oaxaca | Oaxaca 3rd November | London Mexican embassy protest video - 30/10/06 | Oaxaca: the battle of the Day of the Dead | Oaxaca Worldwide | 1.3 million people march in Oaxaca | Letter in Support of the People of Oaxaca.

Links: Mexico IMC (Es) | CML Mexico (Es) | New York IMC | Radio APPO (Es) and transliteration (En) | UK Climate pages

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Demo in Solidarity with Oaxaca outside the Mexican Embassy

31-10-2006 17:21

IMC Banner

A peaceful demonstration to show support and solidarity with the Oaxaca people currently suffering violent police and military repression by the Mexican state took place in front of the Mexican Embassy in London on Monday [Press release]. Around 60 people including drummers and Indymedia supporters gathered in front of the Embassy with banners, and murdered indymedia videographer Brad Will's final footage was projected directly onto the Embassy's facade - all eventually violently interrupted by a massive police presence resulting in eight arrests. Reports: 1 | 2 | Photos: 1 | 2 | 3 | Videos: 1 | 2 | Updates on the London arrests: Tuesday and Wednesday.

On Wednesday night red paint was thrown on the walls, stairs and doors of the Mexican Embassy in London to symbolise the blood of the people of Oaxaca. On Thursday another demonstration took place outside London's Mexican embassy [Photos] Later in the evening, discussion and screening of films related to Brad and the situation in Oaxaca took at rampART Social Centre and another one is planned for Saturday 4th (E4E).

There were also protests at embassies and consulates around the world, with 14 demos in the US including direct action at the Mexican consulate in New York City | demos in Rio de Janeiro, Soa Paolo, Brasilia, and Fortaleza in Brazil | Madrid | an embassy occupation in Barcelona | an embassy occupation in Napoli | and several actions in Berlin.

Further information: Last Communique from NYC Indymedia Journalist Brad Will | NYC Indymedia | IMC Mexico | Narco News | CML | La Jornada | APPO Radio Live Broadcast (Sp) | Live Radio Transcript (Eng)

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Violence flares in Oaxaca, Indymedia reporter murdered

30-10-2006 00:10

"They might have the strength to impose their will, but we will never give them our consent". (Extract from the Radio APPO log)

Outrage spread around the world over the weekend following the killing of the documentary filmmaker and Indymedia video reporter Brad Will, from New York City at the hands of pro-government supporters who opened fire on unarmed protestors on the outskirts of Oaxaca, Mexico. Three others were also killed alongside him (making four dead in total); one member of Radio Universidad was injured.

On Sunday, more than 10,000 military swept the streets of Oaxaca. At their head were tanks with water cannons, laced with tear gas, followed by lines of 3,500 riot cops with batons. Behind them, a further 3,000 military police with automatic rifles. 5,000 army troops were waiting in the outskirts of the city while the paramilitaries continued attacking. Reports came in of snatch squads operating within the city centre, with police and military using helicopters and ambulances to grab protestors and injured people. Many arrests were reported, and at least two protestors were confirmed to have been killed in the clashes. See timeline of events. Photos: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5.

This unprovoked aggression by the Mexican State against the pacific and unarmed people of Oaxaca is one of the largest in the recent history of México and Latin America. As a result, the Zapatista Army of National Lberation (EZLN) is calling for a day of action on November 1st and announces a nationwide strike on November 20th [Call]

Radio APPO (Live stream - Spanish) | English transliteration | NYC Indymedia Statement | Previous IMC-UK Feature
Global Indymedia | Indymedia Mexico (Spanish) | NYC Indymedia

A peaceful demonstration against the repression by the Mexican state (police and military) of the Oaxaca workers and the general population took place in front of the Mexican Embassy in London on Monday evening [Press release]. 60-70 or more gathered in front of the Embassy, with a screening of Brad Will's final footage projected onto the Embassy's facade - violently interrupted by the police, resulting in eight arrests [Update on arrests: Tuesday | Wednesday]. Reports: 1 | 2 | Photos: 1 | 2 | 3 and Video. On Wednesday night red paint was thrown on the walls, stairs and doors of the Mexican Embassy in London to symbolise the blood of the people of Oaxaca.

Discussion and screening of films related to Brad and the situation in Oaxaca are being organised for, Thursday 2nd (London, rampART) and Saturday 4th (London, E4E).

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Text APPO councillor abducted and tortured in Oaxaca
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Text International campaign for an end to the aggression against the prisoners fighti
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Text New Oaxacan Social Centre Attacked by Cops, Fired On.
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Text APPO prisoner on hunger strike
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Text Oaxaca Is Not Alone: From Coast to Coast, We Demand an End to Repression
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Image Oaxacan Activists Arrested for the Murder of Brad Will
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Image In memory of SAlly Grace activist raped and murdered in Oaxaca
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Text Solidarity and support for VOCAL and the Oaxacan social movement
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Image Christina an eyewitness to the repression.
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Image Press Conference by CIPO-RFM at the their Oaxaca headquarters.
12-04-2008 14:07

Image Entering the threatened Forest in Oaxaca.
12-04-2008 14:01 | 1 comment

Text Two indigenous radio announcers killed and four injured in ambush in Oaxaca
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Image Forum in support of Political Prisoners took place in Oaxaca
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Text Oaxacan prisoner David Venegas is released.
08-03-2008 19:37

Image Protest March against Kidnap of Activist in Oaxaca
09-12-2007 00:06

Text Megamarch and ceremony mark anniversary of Oaxaca mass arrests
28-11-2007 21:01

Text testimony of Nicéforo Urbieta
06-11-2007 02:42

Text New repression in Oaxaca
03-11-2007 18:36 | 1 addition

Image 30/10/2007: London Mexican Embassy Protest, The World is STILL Watching
31-10-2007 19:54

Image One Year Since Brad Will's Murder in Oaxaca, Mexico
28-10-2007 15:59

Image Oaxaca: PRI candidate house attacked, CIPO-RFM HQ facing repression
10-10-2007 16:19 | 1 addition

Text Encounter of the Indigenous Peoples of America
09-10-2007 16:19

Text Thousands march in Oaxaca to mark anniversary of 1968 student massacre
03-10-2007 21:29

Text An Evening With M - Oaxaca Talk At The Sumac
15-09-2007 11:09 | 1 addition | 1 comment

Image Mexican Indymedia Activist Speaks In Nottingham
09-09-2007 09:54

Image Oaxaca Street Art
15-08-2007 00:11 | 1 comment

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14-08-2007 17:39

Text Four Catalans Released by Mexican Immigration Authorities
14-08-2007 16:19

Text A Letter From The Catalan Four: Still Detained In Oaxaca, threatened & beaten!
13-08-2007 20:58 | 1 comment

Text "Do not make political actions for us": Catalan Four
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Text Undercover Notes From Oaxaca: Cops, lies and videotape
11-08-2007 16:03

Text Four Internationals arrested and detained in Oaxaca for watching a video
07-08-2007 15:14 | 1 addition | 1 comment

Text Post election day in Oaxaca
06-08-2007 21:42 | 1 addition | 2 comments

Image More Repression In Oaxaca
21-07-2007 16:54

Text Oaxaca meeting 23 July, Parliament
18-07-2007 13:50

Text Tonight: Mexican teacher-activists speak in London against repression in Oaxaca
29-06-2007 16:54

Image THURSDAY 24th-London Indymedia Oaxaca Speaker workshop and benefit - 7pm - late
22-05-2007 13:06

Image Indy Oaxaca Infonight reaches Bristol
16-05-2007 22:04 | 1 comment

Text Zapatistas Marching for Atenco
09-05-2007 23:28

Image Oaxaca Indymedia Journalist comes to Liverpool
08-05-2007 20:57

Image Indymedia Oaxaca Info-night comes to Birmingham
08-05-2007 16:39

Text Oaxaca film screening at Camberwell Occupied Social Centre
04-05-2007 13:08

Image May Day in Oaxaca
02-05-2007 15:59

Text Students Re-Occupy Radio Universidad in Oaxaca City Today
01-05-2007 01:41 | 1 comment

Text Mayday Teachers March in Oaxaca, Government Workers break police barricades
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Text The Interweavings of the Plan Puebla Panamá
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Text Indigenous Representatives from All América, and the World, to Gather October 11
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Text Letter from David Vengas Reyes, political prisoner in Oaxaca
19-04-2007 20:21

Text International Mobilization for David Vengas and all political prisoners in Oaxac
18-04-2007 00:58

Image Detention of David Vengas, APPO member, adherent of La Otra, member of VOCAL
18-04-2007 00:55

Text Zapatista Comandantes Arrive at Mexico-US Border
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Text Auty Faces New Probe Over Song
12-04-2007 15:20 | 4 comments

Text Oaxaca does not Surrender
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Text Chiapas: The New Face of the War
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Text The Return of la Otra
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Text Organized Chaos in Oaxaca
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Text When the Wind Blows, the Cradle Will Rock
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Text There is no tranquility in Oaxaca
29-03-2007 16:27

Text EZLN to Initiates the Second Stage of it's Direct Participation in the
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Audio Brad Will's family visit Oaxaca
23-03-2007 14:19

Text UK Zapatista Solidarity Gathering, Next Week, Brighton!
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Text US GM corn attacks Oaxaca........
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Text Support The Demands Of The Women Of Oaxaca
14-03-2007 19:11 | 2 comments

Text The 10th APPO Megamarch Observes Women's Day
12-03-2007 20:47

Text Oaxaca Conflict Puts Spotlight on the Media
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Text Communiqué from the Good Government Council “Heart of the Rainbow of Hope”
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Text Report: OPDDIC: Operation Land Displacement
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Text MX-UK>Strengthening the Strategic Partnership
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Text The APPO Comes Back Strong in Oaxaca
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Text International Invitation to Peace Camp
23-02-2007 01:37

Text The Blue Nightmare: last indyoaxaca video with translations.
20-02-2007 08:30

Text last EZLN communiqué
20-02-2007 00:39

18-02-2007 22:21

Text SHORT NOTICE: Activist from Oaxaca speaks in Oxford, 20/02/07
18-02-2007 18:59 | 15 comments

Text the WRONG oaxaca "activist" in london
18-02-2007 01:48

Text Murder and Other High Crimes in the Lacandón Jungle (Chiapas)
17-02-2007 10:51

Text An activist from Oaxaca speaks in London, 17 February, 2pm!
16-02-2007 20:16 | 2 comments

Text OPPDIC destabilizes zones of Chiapas, JBG's denounce
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Text OaxacaLibre english weekly
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Text PRD goes "right" in Mexico
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Text Oaxaca, No Sweat and the Fifth International
12-02-2007 07:18 | 5 comments

Text Oaxacan Teachers Support the APPO and the Ninth Megamarch
09-02-2007 23:18

Text The Movement for Justice in El Barrio
09-02-2007 10:47

XML UK Oaxaca Uprising Newswire Archive