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Sharing Sweet Victory: Solidarity with Julian Assange at London’s Ecuadorian Embassy

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Friday 5 February 2016 will be remembered as an important milestone in the protracted prosecution of WikiLeaks Editor in Chief Julian Assange. Shortly after 8 a.m. the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention formally confirmed the outcome of their … Continue reading

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Sweet Victory: Assange Vindication by United Nations – Summary & Resources

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CONTENTS: 1.Summary; 2.The UN WGAD; 3.Comments from Panel Members; 4.Analysis of Findings (Due Process; What is ‘Arbitrary?’; The Arbitrary EAW; Deprivation of Liberty; Asylum; Other Matters Inimical to Justice; Remedies & Results); 5.Resources. 1.Summary Julian Assange has fought injustice on … Continue reading

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Will UN Ruling bring Justice for Assange? Come and Show Solidarity on Friday!

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by greekemmy and wiseupwest :-) UPDATE For Summary & Resources re UN Findings see here For Solidarity Report, Photos & Videos go here Solidarity with Assange as critical UN ruling announced  There will be a demonstration of respect for and … Continue reading

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Happy Birthday, Dear Chelsea!

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Six years behind bars so far Chelsea will be 28 on Thursday 17th December 2015, and birthday vigils, meals and other commemorations like letter writing to prisoners sessions, will be held by supporters to celebrate her in various locations in … Continue reading

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Call Out: 16 August – Support Julian Assange and Ecuador on 3rd Anniversary of Granting of Asylum

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Sunday 16 August marks three years since Ecuador’s decision to grant the protection of asylum to WikiLeaks Editor in Chief, Julian Assange. Join supporters in a show of solidarity with Julian and Ecuador outside the Ecuadorean embassy in London to … Continue reading

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Sweden Fails to call – Another chapter in the pre-trial (and pre-charge) punishment of Julian Assange Updates

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*Please see below Important Updates as of Friday 24/07/2015* 2015 is certainly a year of amazing activity in the Wikileaks organisation, with their publishing adding to the fount of public knowledge more revelations on the world of politics, secret government … Continue reading

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Viva Chelsea Manning, Pride Hero at London Pride! Saturday 27th June

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It’s Pride Time again!         Here we are in June, and it’s time for Pride again.  And London Pride theme this year is sooooh appropriate for Chelsea – HEROES! For a reminder of why Chelsea has earned this title and more … Continue reading

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Challenging the Abuse of Law: Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange

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Why supporting Chelsea’s Appeal Fund is a Human Rights issue Assange – 3 years in the Embassy and the Swedish prosecutor still impeding process  (but not WikiLeaks’ progress!) NEW RELEASE: Saudi Arabia Cables The meeting of the lawyers Nancy Hollander, … Continue reading

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The Holy Trinity of Whistleblowers. Laugh/Cry with Aidan Killian in London this Saturday, Monday

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Aidan Killian – this is who he is… A stand-up, whose show ‘Take the Red Pill’, which made light of the global financial crisis, was a massive hit at Edinburgh Fringe. In 2014 he took on religion with ’Jesus Versus … Continue reading

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Stand in Solidarity with Military Whistleblower William McNeilly

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Trident Nuclear Weapons Whistleblower Read McNeilly’s revelations here The black and white flyer below (larger images towards the end of this post) can be downloaded for use at solidarity events. Download here as a photocopiable pdf file. Print as double-sided … Continue reading

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