Artwork by Afghan woman, as part of an OPAWC project

Voices for Creative Non-Violence UK

VCNV are a UK peace group which formed in 2012 to work in solidarity with Afghan peace makers who are non-violently opposing war.

We regularly visit Kabul to stand in solidarity with Afghan peace activists, as well as being eyewitnesses to the results of the US/NATO war.

Our campaigning activities include organising conferences, creative protests, giving talks, writing articles and creating education materials.

Take Action


7th October 2016 is the 14 year anniversary of the Afghan war, and peace for Afghans is further away today than what it was in 2001.

On the 3rd October the Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors without Borders) hospital in Kunduz, North East Afghanistan, was bombed by US/NATO led forces.

We are urging everyone to support Médecins Sans Frontières who are calling the attack a war crime.

Hold a vigil at your local hospital with signs supporting Médecins Sans Frontières, who are asking for an independent investigation into the incident, and show support for Afghans who have endured 35 years of war.

2015 Delegation to Kabul

Mary Dobbing, Maya Evans & Henrietta Cullinan

As British troops officially withdraw from Afghanistan we visited Kabul to witness what kind of state the country is now in.                Mary Dobbing, Maya Evans and Henrietta Cullinan stayed over Christmas and into the 2015 New Year.

Afghan Peace Conference 2014

Leaflet for the Afghan Peace Conference 2014

The Forgotten War & Britain’s Legacy

The conference included Afghan activists, drone researchers, military experts and environmental campaigners who addressed the legacy Britain will leave. There was also a line up of exciting and dynamic workshops which includes: working with the Afghan diaspora; joining the dots; Afghan women and health care; and the Kabul street kids photo project. Read more here.

Sabir Zazai and Maya Evans

Fly Kites Not Drones 21st March

A campaign launched in 2013 in collaboration with Afghan activists to highlight the fear and dread armed drones bring to the people, especially children, in Afghanistan.

We have worked with the Peace Education Network to create educational resource materials to help young people learn about the impacts of weaponised drones.

Fly Kites Not Drones
Fly Kites Not Drones: Launching the campaign in Kabul
VCNV, Fly Kites Not Drones, group outside RAF Waddington
Fly Kites Not Drones: Outside RAF Waddington 21st March

Events took place up and down the UK, as well as in Kabul, the US and Europe.

The Afghan Peace Volunteers flew kites in solidarity.

The promotional short video of the Fly Kites Not Drones campaign.

Vigils at RAF Waddington

Scones Not Drones protest at RAF Waddington
Scones Not Drones protest at RAF Waddington, October 2015

As an active part of the Drone Campaign Network, we have helped to organise regular peace Vigils at RAF Waddington, Lincolnshire, Britain’s central drone base.

Last year we held monthly vigils on the 21st where we Skyped the Afghan Peace Volunteers in Kabul.

GAtes of RAF Waddington with blue scarves from Kabul, symbolising Afghan peace of the beautiful blue skies and solidarity with the APV.
At the gates of RAF Waddington with blue scarves from Kabul, symbolising Afghan peace of the beautiful blue skies which should be kept for peaceful purposes.

Opposing Drone Industry

Rooftop occupation of UAV Engines, Elbit Systems, Lichfield
Rooftop occupation of UAV Engines, Elbit Systems, Lichfield

Working in solidarity with London Palestine Action we took part in shutting down UAV Engines during the 2014 assault on Gaza. The factory manufactures a rotary engine fitted into the Hermes 450 drone which has been used extensively in both Afghanistan and Gaza.

2014 Peace Delegations

Ewa Jasiewicz visits Kabul, read her blogs.

Ewa and APV on a road trip
Ewa and APV on a road trip

And also APV send a message of solidarity to Barton Moss anti fracking protest camp.


Janey Moffatt and Beth Tichborne returned safely from Afghanistan having spent 2 weeks in Kabul as part of the 3rd UK peace delegation to the country.

On the hillside

Support our projects:

Donate to VCNV UK  The Co-operative Bank

Account: 65583025
Sort: 089299

Contact us

Front: Maya Evans, Mary Dobbing, Kathy Kelly Back: Susan Clarkson and Martha Hennessy- Kabul 2013