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Posts tagged ‘G.W.F. Hegel’

The irony of anatomy

Basquiat’s poetics of black positionality
by / RP 195 (Jan/Feb 2016) / Article

for Tanzeen Doha

Isabelle Graw Should I come to New York before I write the article on you?

Jean-Michel Basquiat What would you do if the artist you were writing about were dead?

Graw I would do as much research as possible, get together all the available information…

Basquiat Then just do it like that. Pretend I’m dead…

There …

Helen Macfarlane

Independent object
by and / RP 187 (Sept/Oct 2014) / Article

Talking of the destructive nature of egoistic desire, its satisfaction that the other is nothing, Hegel made room for further development, an empirical moment which might surprise those who think German Idealism only ever allowed for abstraction: ‘In this satisfaction, however, experience makes it [the simple ‘I’] aware that the object has its own independence.’ …

Translatorial hexis

The politics of Pinkard’s translation of Hegel’s Phenomenology
by / RP 186 (Jul/Aug 2014) / Article

Most branches of philosophy and many other disciplines in the humanities and social sciences studied in the anglophone academy draw on texts written in languages other than English and therefore rely on the products of translation, especially translations of historical, European philosophy. However, surprisingly little philosophical attention has been paid to the role of individual …

Politics in a Tragic Key

by / RP 180 (July/Aug 2013) / Article

In memory of Joel Olson (1967-2012)

In the quarter-century or so since the obscure disaster of the Soviet bloc’s collapse, two words have been pinned to that of ‘communism’ with liberal abandon: ‘tragedy’ and ‘transition’. Tragedy, to signify the magnitude of suffering, but not the greatness of the enterprise; the depth of the fall, …

Voyage au bout de l’ennui

by / RP 178 (Mar/Apr 2013) / Review

After History: Alexandre Kojève as a Photographer, BAK, Utrecht, 20 May–15 July 2012; OCT Contemporary Art Terminal, Shenzhen, 21 September–16 November 2012; Palais de Tokyo, Paris, 17 October 2012–7 January 2013.

In a darkened room stand seven podiums, like black treadmills at a standstill. Each faces a digitized photo­graph projected onto a bare wall. The …

Truly Liberating

by / RP 178 (Mar/Apr 2013) / Review

Kevin B. Anderson and Russell Rockwell, eds, The Dunayevskaya-Marcuse-Fromm Correspondence, 1954-1978: Dialogues on Hegel, Marx and Critical Theory, Lexington Books, Lanham MD and Plymouth, 2012, 269 pp., £49.95 hb., £21.95 pb., 978 0 73916 835 6 hb, 978 0 73916 836 3 pb.

Raya Dunayevskaya died in 1987 aged 77, but her ideas remain alive …

More than everything

Žižek's Badiouian Hegel
by / RP 177 (Jan/Feb 2013) / Article

There are philosophical books, minor classics even, which are widely known and referred to, although no one has actually read them page by page… a nice example of interpassivity, where some figure of the Other is supposed to do the reading for us. Slavoj Žižek1

Allow me to be that figure (for now anyway), …

Disguised as a dog

Cynical Occupy?
by / RP 174 (Jul/Aug 2012) / Article

I take my title and my philosophical cue from a passage in Marx’s 1839 ‘Notebooks on Epicurean Philosophy’. I take my artistic cue from the early work of Valie Export. The passage from Marx reads as follows:

As in the history of philosophy there are nodal points which raise philosophy in …

Subjectivity as medium of the media

Dossier: What is German Media Philosophy?
by / RP 169 (Sep/Oct 2011) / Article, Dossier, What is German Media Philosophy?

Contemporary, let us say ‘post-modern’, discourses on media, communication, information and so on are functioning in our society in at least two different – if interconnected – ways.* First, they describe scientifically the functioning of contemporary media and their growing role in our society. But the development of media theory during recent …

Capitalist Epics

Abstraction, totality and the theory of the novel
by / RP 163 (Sep/Oct 2010) / Article

In our recent highlight from RP163, David Cunningham examines the relationship between Lukács’ ‘The Theory of the Novel’ and his later Marxist works, and its asks how we are to read this work today.

Marx and the philosophy of time

by / RP 147 (Jan/Feb 2008) / Article

Joseph McCarney, 1941–2007

by / RP 146 (Nov/Dec 2007) / Obituary

Vocabulary of European Philosophies, Part 1 (Subject)

by , , and / RP 138 (Jul/Aug 2006) / Article

Étienne Balibar, Barbara Cassin, Alain de Libera

Introduction by Peter Osborne.


Adam Smith and death in the life of the universal
by / RP 134 (Nov/Dec 2005) / Article

Louis Althusser began Reading Capital with the statement, ʻWe have all certainly read and are all reading [Marxʼs] Capital.ʼ While Althusser is undoubtedly addressing here his seminar, the focus of which was precisely Marxʼs Capital, the sentence that follows elevates the act of reading this particular text to the status of the universal: the entire …

The concept of money

by / RP 134 (Nov/Dec 2005) / Article

Jacques Derrida, 1930–2004

by , , , , and / RP 129 (Jan/Feb 2005) / Obituary

In an interview with Le Monde published a couple of months before his death at the age of 74 from pancreatic cancer on Friday 9 October 2004, Jacques Derrida confirmed what many already knew, that he was ʻdangerously illʼ, ʻat war against myselfʼ. If questions of ʻsurvivalʼ had always ʻhauntedʼ him, this, he said, took …

The reproach of abstraction

by / RP 127 (Sep/Oct 2004) / Article

This is a paper about abstraction, in particular, but by no means exclusively – and this ʻby no means exclusivelyʼ is a large part of its point – philosophical abstraction.* It is concerned at the outset with what might be called the reproach of abstraction: the com- monly held view, across a wide variety of …

Antonio Negri and Danilo Zolo

Empire and the multitude: A dialogue on the new order of globalization
by and / RP 120 (Jul/Aug 2003) / Interview

Exchange on Hegel’s racism

by and / RP 119 (May/Jun 2003) / Extras

Oedipus as figure

by / RP 118 (Mar/Apr 2003) / Article