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Posts tagged ‘Jacques Derrida’

‘For all that gives rise to an inscription in general’

by / RP 187 (Sept/Oct 2014) / Article

Of Grammatology, which history seems likely to confirm as Jacques Derrida’s most influential book, was published almost four decades ago.* This book marked the beginning of my pathway into philosophy and it has accompanied me throughout my investigations of science and the history of science. I shall therefore begin these remarks with quite a long …

Generative grafting

Reproductive technology and the dilemmas of surrogacy
by / RP 183 (Jan/Feb 2014) / Commentary

In 2013, at the advanced age of 101, Howard W. Jones, a medical pioneer in reproductive technology, published Personhood Revisited: Reproductive Technology, Bioethics, Religion and the Law. Looking back at the development of what came to be called the ARTs (assisted reproductive technologies), Jones chronicles the initial controversies surrounding their emergence and his own participation …

Conditions of the university

by / RP 181 (Sept/Oct 2013) / Review

Andrew McGettigan, The Great University Gamble: Money, Markets and the Future of Education, Pluto Press, London, 2013. 232 pp., £54.00 hb., £15.00 pb., 978 0 74533 294 9 hb., 978 0 74533 293 2 pb.

In an interview with Giovanna Borradori given after 9/11, Jacques Derrida said: ‘I am incapable of knowing who today …

Grande biog

by / RP 176 (Nov/Dec 2012) / Review

Benoît Peeters, Derrida: A Biography, trans. Andrew Brown, Polity Press, Cambridge and Malden MA, 2012. 603 pp., £25.00 hb., 978 0 74565 615 1.

‘What matter who’s speaking, someone said, what matter who’s speaking?’ Despite post-structuralist philosophies’ association with Beckettian questions such as these, they remain surprisingly bound to what Foucault …

Fabrication defect

Fabrication defect: François Laruelle’s philosophical materials
by / RP 175 (Sep/Oct 2012) / Article

François Laruelle, professor of philosophy at Paris X, Nanterre, has been publishing since the early 1970s and now has around twenty book-length titles to his name. English-language reception of his work owes most to the efforts of Ray Brassier, who published an account of Laruelle’s ‘non-philosophy’ in Radical Philosophy in 2003 and critically incorporated aspects …

The Valuation of Nature

The Natural Choice White Paper
by / RP 170 (Nov/Dec 2011) / Commentary

How to value biodiversity and the mutable thing called nature, in the context of biodiversity loss in the UK and elsewhere, is a question that has been vexing biologists, conservation groups, environmental lawyers and indigenous groups. The question is posed in the context of that modestly named ‘sixth mass extinction event’, the Holocene …

Euphemism, the university and disobedience

by / RP 169 (Sep/Oct 2011) / Commentary

Euphemism is the linguistic condition of contemporary society and spreads through the university as much as through any other institution. But what, exactly, is a euphemism? After having turned his attention to the different meanings of the Greek word from which ‘euphemism’ is derived, and having considered the fact that they seem to contradict each other and bring about a …

Subjectivity as medium of the media

Dossier: What is German Media Philosophy?
by / RP 169 (Sep/Oct 2011) / Article, Dossier, What is German Media Philosophy?

Contemporary, let us say ‘post-modern’, discourses on media, communication, information and so on are functioning in our society in at least two different – if interconnected – ways.* First, they describe scientifically the functioning of contemporary media and their growing role in our society. But the development of media theory during recent …

The performative without condition

A university sans appel
by and / RP 162 (Jul/Aug 2010) / Article

‘Responsibility’ and the homonymy of autonomy

‘Take your time but be quick about it, because you don’t know what awaits you’, said French philosopher Jacques Derrida in 1998 at Stanford.1 Indeed. He would not have expected to be cited like this by Valérie Pécresse, French Minster for Higher Education and Research, in January …

Claude Lévi-Strauss, 1908–2009

A Lévi-Straussian century
by / RP 160 (Mar/Apr 2010) / Obituary

Patrice Maniglier argues that if the next century might be one day be recognized as Deleuzian or Badiouian, it won’t be so without us first realizing that the one that has just ended was Lévi-Straussian.

Who was Oscar Masotta?

Psychoanalysis in Argentina
by / RP 158 (Nov/Dec 2009) / Article

As Manuel Vázquez Montalbán’s sardonic detective Pepe Carvalho ruefully observed, in a dictionary of Argentine clichés, psychoanalysis would have a crucial place, along with ‘tango and the disappeared’.1 ‘One’ knows that along with Paris, Buenos Aires is one of the centres of psychoanalytic practice, and one of the leading training centres …

Walter Benjamin and the Red Army Faction, Part 2

by / RP 153 (Jan/Feb 2009) / Article

Aporias of free trade

The nature of biodiversity
by and / RP 151 (Sep/Oct 2008) / Article

Primitive accumulation is not produced just once at the dawn of capitalism, but is continually reproducing itself.

Deleuze and Guattari, Anti-Oedipus 1

In a climate rife with threats of species extinction, we propose a genealogy of the discourse of the late twentieth century in which the meaning of the natural …

The promise of justice

by / RP 143 (May/Jun 2007) / Article

138 Reviews

by , , , , and / RP 138 (Jul/Aug 2006) / Reviews

Hal Foster, Rosalind Krauss, Yve-Alain Bois, Benjamin H.D. Buchloh, Art since 1900: Modernism, Antimodernism, Postmodernism Steve Edwards

Jacques Derrida, On Touching – Jean-Luc Nancy Ian James

Matthias Fritsch, The Promise of Memory: History and Politics in Marx, Benjamin, and Derrida Andrew McGettigan

Michael Scott Christofferson, French Intellectuals against the Left:The Antitotalitarian Moment of the …

Vocabulary of European Philosophies, Part 1 (Subject)

by , , and / RP 138 (Jul/Aug 2006) / Article

Étienne Balibar, Barbara Cassin, Alain de Libera

Introduction by Peter Osborne.

Re-presentation of the repressed: The political revolution of the neo-avant-garde

Dossier: Spheres of action - Art and politics
by / RP 137 (May/Jun 2006) / Article, Dossier, Spheres of action - Art and politics

Philosophy’s malaise

Philosophy and its history
by / RP 132 (Jul/Aug 2005) / Article

Exchange on ‘Fixing meaning’

Where does meaning get its fix? A response to Rachel Malik’s ‘Fixing meaning’ & Reply
by and / RP 128 (Nov/Dec 2004) / Extras

121 Reviews

by , , , , and / RP 121 (Sep/Oct 2003) / Reviews

Jacques Derrida, Without Alibi Philip Derbyshire

Bernard Williams, Truth and Truthfulness: An Essay in Genealogy Alessandra Tanesini

Jean-Jacques Lecercle, Deleuze and Language Alberto Toscano

Dieter Freundlieb, Dieter Henrich and Contemporary Philosophy:The Return to Subjectivity Stewart Martin

Timothy Bewes, Reification, or the Anxiety of Late Capitalism Timothy Hall

Manuel DeLanda, Intensive Science and Virtual Philosophy Andrew …