Bobby Sands (pictured, left) – born on this date (9th March) 62 years ago (1954).

Bobby Sands was born on the 9th March 1954 – 62 years ago on this date – in Belfast and, on the 9th April 1981, he was elected as ‘an abstentionist member of parliament’ (having received 30,492 votes) after being nominated to contest a seat by Dáithí Ó Conaill, the then vice president of the then Sinn Féin organisation. Bobby Sands was, as far as Irish republicans are concerned, a ‘Teachta Dála’ (TD) who was elected to take a seat in a 32-county Irish parliament, unlike the Free State representatives who sit in an institution in Kildare Street in Dublin today and claim to be ‘TD’s in an Irish parliament’ and, indeed, Bobby’s motives and those of Dáithí and the other then Sinn Féin Ard Chomhairle members who nominated him to contest the election were pure, unlike the motives of the self-serving time-keepers who sit in that Kildare Street premises : the motives of the former involved a principled unwillingness to allow themselves and the struggle they were part of to be criminalised and to highlight to the world that they were fighting a political struggle against Westminster and its allies in this country. Others, however, are not as principled when it comes to issues of this magnitude.

Bobby Sands was sentenced to 14 years imprisonment for his alleged part in a fire-bombing campaign which, as part of an economic war against the British presence in Ireland, targeted business premises (in this instance, the Balmoral Furniture Company) with the intention of making it financially unviable for Britain to maintain its grip on that part of Ireland, a fact which present-day Provisional Sinn Féin members seek to ignore or gloss over when referencing the so-called ‘ineffectual/grubby deeds’ of those who continue that struggle today. On the 9th April, 1981, Bobby Sands was elected by 30,492 of those that voted in the Fermanagh/South Tyrone district, prompting, years later, this thesis from a republican leader : “Contrary to allegations made in the news media, there was not a straight line from the election of Bobby Sands in 1981 to the Stormont Agreement of 1998. Rather was the line from March, April and May 1981 to the same months in 1998 disfigured and distorted by an internal power-struggle for the leadership of Sinn Féin accompanied and followed by deceit and artifice as the ideals of Bobby Sands were steadily perverted and a section of the then powerful revolutionary Republican Movement turned into a constitutional party…” (from here).

Bobby died in Long Kesh Prison on the 66th day of his hunger-strike on the 5th May, 1981, at 27 years of age and, on Thursday 5th May 2016, a black flag vigil will be held in his memory on the traffic isle facing the GPO in O’ Connell Street, Dublin city centre, from 4pm to 5.30pm. And a picket to show support for republican prisoners will be held this Saturday (12th March) at the same location, from 12.45pm to 1.45pm. All genuine republicans welcome!


By prisoners from E1 Landing, Portlaoise Prison, 1999.


Grateful thanks to the following for their help, support, assistance and encouragement, and all those who helped with the typing and word processing over the past few months. Many thanks to Cian Sharkhin, the editor of the book, Mr Bill Donoghue, Governor, Portlaoise, Mr Seán Wynne, supervising teacher, the education unit in Portlaoise Prison and the education staff, especially Zack, Helena and Jane. Education officers Bill Carroll and Dave McDonald, Rita Kelly, writer, print unit, Arbour Hill.

First Print : November 1999, reprinted March 2000, illustrations by D O’Hare, Zack and Natasha. Photograph selection : Eamonn Kelly and Harry Melia.


Isabella I love you
more than you’ll ever know
I really really felt this love
the morning I had to go

Although you won’t remember
and were probably too young to see
the first night I set eyes on you
you meant the world to me

Then you seemed to grow and grow
and never seemed to stop
I realised this one morning
as you were climbing from your cot

Your first love was a rabbit
it’s funny you couldn’t see
he was shaking and afraid of you
behind the Christmas tree

The reason why he felt like this
he was never on the ground
instead you held him in your arms
and always upside down

He was also a little terror
which could not be left alone
’cause if you took your eyes off him
you’d be left without the phone

All these lovely memories of you
are not on any shelf
they’re locked deep within my heart
and the key I keep myself.

Jason Flynn.


‘Magill’ magazine has unearthed new information which raises a grim but important question : were explosives from within this Republic used in the Dublin and Monaghan bombings? It is a question which, bizarrely, also encompasses the controversial Dónal de Róiste case. By Don Mullan, author of the book ‘The Dublin and Monaghan Bombings’.
From ‘Magill’ magazine, February 2003.


Who was it in 1997 who saw the potential of Dónal de Róiste’s controversial 1969 ‘retirement’ from the Irish Army* (ie the Free State army) as a stake to destroy the heart of his sister Adi Roche’s presidential campaign? Whoever it was has only succeeded in opening up a Pandora’s Box and the ramifications have yet to be fully realised.
A former Irish Army* commandant, Patrick Walshe, a soldier with an unblemished record who served both the Irish state and the United Nations with distinction, has his suspicions about the source of the leak – “The details of Donal’s case would have been known to very few at the time of its introduction in the presidential race. I believe the information had to come from an army or ex-army source,” he told ‘Magill’.

Walshe is a key player in the Dónal de Róiste saga : his allegations may ultimately force the Irish state to admit that a terrible wrong was done to de Róiste. Walshe was ex-Lieutenant de Róiste’s best friend in the army : both men loved traditional Irish music and travelled the length and breadth of the country during their free time to participate in various sessions.

The notion of a friendship between Walshe and anyone who associated with republican subversives – the contentious allegation levelled against, and denied by, de Róiste – is extraordinarily unlikely, for reasons that will soon be explained… (MORE LATER.)


By Jim McCann (Jean’s son). For Alex Crowe, RIP – “No Probablum”. Glandore Publishing, 1999.

Biographical Note : Jim McCann is a community worker from the Upper Springfield area in West Belfast. Although born in the Short Strand, he was reared in the Loney area of the Falls Road. He comes from a large family (average weight about 22 stone!). He works with Tús Nua (a support group for republican ex-prisoners in the Upper Springfield), part of the Upper Springfield Development Trust. He is also a committee member of the ‘Frank Cahill Resource Centre’, one of the founders of ‘Bunscoil an tSléibhe Dhuibh’, the local Irish language primary school and Naiscoil Bharr A’Chluanaí, one of the local Irish language nursery schools.

His first publication last year by Glandore was ‘And the Gates Flew Open : the Burning of Long Kesh’. He hopes to retire on the profits of his books. Fat chance!


It was one of my finest hours. I had already scored a hat trick, the first in my long but not too illustrious career. My first goal was a volley-cum-tap-in from a distance of two feet. I had run round the keeper and was delighted to find Barnes’ volley just about to enter the net and, seizing the opportunity, I smashed the ball into the empty net, to my great delight and Joe Barnes’ disgust. “McCann, ye bastard, that was my goal…”, he yelled.

“Joe, I couldn’t take a chance on it, after all we’re only winning 13-nil,” , I replied. The annoying thing was he had already scored nine goals and was trying to claim ‘my’ goal. I shrugged off his pettiness and assumed my position, hiding behind the opposition’s goalkeeper. Offside can be so subjective. My next two goals couldn’t have been more different, while remaining fundamentally basic. I can’t remember much about my second – when the ball rebounded off the back of my head into the net, I was nearly knocked out by the force of it!

My third was put through the keeper’s leg (Barnes was the master of this, if nothing else!) and I tapped it in from behind the keeper again. One person’s instinctive striker is another person’s poaching bastard. It was well into the second half when it happened : personally it couldn’t have came at a worse moment for me as I was on my first ever mazy run with the ball. My head, eye and brain co-ordination were as one , I was floating down the wing, the sun was on my back and the wind was blowing through the fantastic head of hair that I possessed at that time. I beat one man – it was only Bobby Darling, and anyone who knows Bobby will understand the significance of this. And also people who watch ‘The Simpson’s’ , especially Homer. But it was comprehensive.

Dede McTasney came running up to me. “Hold on, Dede, you’re not playing…,” I shrieked at him. “MY FINGER CAME OFF…!”, he screamed… (MORE LATER.)


IRA Volunteer Patrick Moran (pictured, left):“I don’t want to let down the witnesses who gave evidence for me…”
– the words of Patrick Moran, Adjutant of D Company Irish Volunteers, 2nd Battalion (Dublin), to his comrades Ernie O’Malley (who had passed himself off to the British as ‘Bernard Stewart’) and Frank Teeling as they were about to walk to freedom through a gate in Kilmainham Jail in Dublin, which they had forced open, on the 14th of February 1921. Patrick Moran believed he would be found innocent at his ‘trial’ and saw no reason why he should take the opportunity to escape.
He was a ‘dangerous man’, as far as Westminster was concerned, and had been imprisoned in Dublin Castle on the 7th of January 1921 and charged with the ‘murder’ of two British Army/paramilitary gang members, Ames and Bennett, after been mistakenly identified as having been involved in the shooting dead of both men – Lieutenant Peter Ashmun Ames and British Army Lieutenant George Bennett (both of whom were in command of ‘The Cairo Gang’) on the 21st of November 1920 at 38 Upper Mount Street in Dublin. Patrick Moran stayed behind on the night of the prison break ,refusing to take part in same, having encouraged Simon Donnelly to go in his place, a decision which was was to cost Patrick Moran his life.

On the 15th of February 1921, he was put on ‘trial’ (during which sixteen people and an RIC man verified he was elsewhere!) but was, as expected, found ‘guilty’ and, three days later – on the 18th of February 1921 – he was transferred to Mountjoy Jail, Dublin. On Wednesday, 9th of March 1921 – 95 years ago on this date – Patrick Moran was sentenced to death and he was executed by hanging five days later, on Monday, the 14th of March. He had defended the integrity of his country in Jacob’s Factory Garrison during Easter week in 1916, where he served under Thomas MacDonagh, and had been imprisoned at Knutsford and Woorwood Scrubs in England, and in Frongoch Internment Camp in Wales. He was one of ‘The Forgotten Ten’ in that he, and his nine comrades, were ‘forgotten’ by the State but have always been remembered by the Republican Movement.

Finally, the planning and execution of the escape itself is worthy of a few paragraphs : On the 11th February 1921, Frank Teeling and Ernie O’Malley were joined in Kilmainham Jail by Simon Donnelly, who was taken into their confidence and told of the up-coming plan of escape. The peep-holes in the cell doors were three inches in diameter and, if one of the men could get his arm through it, it would be possible to open the door from the outside ; the plan then was to make their way to the yard, as the men had noticed that the door leading from the prison to the yard was usually left closed-over, but not locked, and then cross the yard to a large iron gate on the west side of the jail, cut the bolt on it and escape. A ‘Plan B’ had been made in case the bolt cutter should fail – IRA Volunteers from ‘F’ Company, Fourth Battalion, Dublin Brigade, would take up positions outside the prison wall with a rope ladder and, awaiting an agreed signal, throw in the rope attached to the ladder, so that the prisoners could haul the ladder over to their side of the wall.

Oscar Traynor (on the left, in this photograph), IRA Dublin Brigade O/C, had secured a bolt cutter and that, along with two revolvers, were packaged and smuggled into the prison by a friendly British soldier. The prisoners were not sure that the bolt cutter would be up to the job but were determined to carry out the escape plan, as Frank Teeling was in line for execution ; on the night of February 13th, 1921, the three men made their way to the outer prison gate but, as the handles of the bolt cutter were incorrectly fitted, they were unable to cut the bolt. They went to ‘Plan B’, and gave the signal for their comrades on the other side of the prison wall to throw in the rope attached to the ladder – the rope jammed on top of the wall and snapped when the men outside attempted to pull it back to them. The three prisoners had no alternative but to return to their cells. The following day, the British soldier who was in on the plan repaired/adjusted the handles on the bolt cutter and, that night, at 6.30pm, the three prisoners decided to make another escape attempt.

The three Irish republican prisoners again made their way down to the gate and, this time, the bolt cutter worked. They used butter and grease, which they saved from their meals, to help ease the remaining portion of the corroded bolt out from its latch and two of the men got their revolvers at the ready as the third man pulled on the heavy door which creaked open sluggishly on its rusty hinges and the three men walked out! Simon Donnelly had tried to persuade Patrick Moran to join them, but Moran – who was not involved in shooting Ames or Bennett, and had what he considered the perfect alibi for that night – refused to leave the prison except by the front gate as a free man. Patrick Moran paid with his life for relying on British justice : as stated above, on Wednesday, 9th of March 1921 – 95 years ago on this date – Patrick Moran was sentenced to death and he was executed by hanging five days later, on Monday, the 14th of March. Not the first innocent man to be put to death by the British, and not the last Irish person to be punished by them in revenge.


Adam Smith (pictured, left), the ‘Father of Economics’. He was born in Scotland (on a date unknown) and baptised there on the 16th June 1723, and is perhaps best known for his work entitled ‘The Wealth of Nations’ (which he wanted to call ‘An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations’).

It was on this date, the 9th March, 240 years ago (in 1776) that the above-mentioned book was published. He lived in late 18th Century Edinburgh, and was shunned completely by society ; he was known to ramble around in a trance, not properly dressed, and was of a very nervous disposition (ie he ‘twitched’ constantly) and spoke loudly to himself. His appearance was said to be that like a “worm with legs”. He never married and lived all his life with his mother. While ostracised by the establishment of the day, he certainly had their measure – “People of the same trade seldom meet together even for merriment and diversion but the conversation always ends in a conspiracy against the public” and was wary of politicians : “There is no art that one government sooner learns from another than that of draining money from the pockets of the people.”

A far-sighted man, in our opinion, mentally ahead of those that considered themselves the superior class. Just thought we’d give him a quick mention!


On the 9th March, 1907, a play entitled ‘The Rising of the Moon’, by Isabella Augusta Persse Gregory (Lady Gregory, pictured, left) premiered in Dublin in the Abbey Theatre, and was also produced by that venue. The cast included W G Fay, J M Kerrigan, J A O’Rourke and Arthur Sinclair : ‘On a moonlit night at an Irish wharf by the sea, three Irish policemen in the service of the occupying English government pasted up wanted posters for a clever escaped political criminal. Convinced that the escaped rebel might creep to the water’s edge to be rescued by sea, they all hoped to capture him for the hundred-pound reward and perhaps even a promotion. The Sergeant sent his two younger assistants with the only lantern to post more leaflets around town while, uneasily, he kept watch at the water’s edge. A man in rags tried to slip past the Sergeant, explaining that he merely wanted to sell some songs to incoming sailors…’ (from here.)

The lady author was born in Roxborough House, near Loughrea in County Galway, and was schooled at home by a nanny, Mary Sheridan, who obviously passed-on her interest in Irish history to her pupil. At 28 years young, Isabella married ‘Sir’ William Henry Gregory, who ‘owned’ a large estate at Coole Park, near Gort, in County Galway, thus conveying on her the title ‘Lady’ : as a ‘Lady of Leisure’ who now found herself in the ‘Big House’ she availed of the large library and, when not reading, accompanied her husband on business trips throughout the world. Her education, the library and her foreign travels sparked within her a love of the written word and she
quickly became a published author.

Her husband died when she was 41 years of age but she continued to live in ‘the Big House’, where her interest in all things Irish was nurtured, to the point that she practically converted the house into a ‘retreat’ for those who, like her, were smitten by Ireland and its troubled history – Edmund John Millington Synge, William Butler Yeats (and his brother, Jack, a well-known painter) , George Bernard Shaw (who described her as “the greatest living Irishwoman”) and Sean O’ Casey were amongst those who visited regularly and, indeed, she was believed to have had romantic connections with the poet Wilfrid Blunt and a New York lawyer, John Quinn.

Despite her privileged lifestyle (or, indeed, perhaps due to it, as it afforded her the time to ‘look within her soul’) Isabella Augusta Persse Gregory, who had a regular ‘audience’ with the ‘Upper Class’ of the day, loudly declared to all and sundry that it was “..impossible to study Irish history without getting a dislike and distrust of England..”. A ‘poacher-turned-gamekeeper’, if you like but, unusual in our history, one who ‘turned’ the right way. She died in that ‘Big House’ on the 22nd May 1932, at 80 years of age, and is fondly remembered by those of us who share her convictions and agree with her “impossible to study…” declaration. The academic Mary Colum said of her – “With all her faults and snobbery, she was a great woman, a real leader, one of those who woke up Ireland from the somnolence and lassitude it was too prone to fall into. It is very doubtful that Yeats could have produced as much work as he did without her help. It is almost certain that, but for Lady Gregory, the Irish national theatre would have remained a dream, or ended in being that failure that so many hopeful undertakings in Ireland became.”
Isabella Augusta Persse Gregory : 15th March 1852 – 22nd May 1932.


…we won’t be posting our usual contribution, and probably won’t be in a position to post anything at all until the following Wednesday ; this coming weekend (Saturday/Sunday 12th/13th March 2016) is spoke for already with a 650-ticket raffle to be run for the Dublin Executive of Sinn Féin Poblachtach in a venue on the Dublin/Kildare border (work on which begins on the Tuesday before the actual raffle) and the ‘autopsy’ into same which will take place on Monday evening, 14th, in Dublin, meaning that we will not have the time to post here. But we’ll be back, as stated above, on Wednesday 23rd March 2016, with an ‘ON THIS DATE…’ piece concerning a Blueshirt debt collector, a Dundalk tout and two IRA men…see ye then!

Thanks for reading, Sharon.



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This young boy didn’t follow the ‘straight line’ that the political establishment wanted…

Heard about the Blueshirt debt collector, a Dundalk tout and two IRA men…? // this woman had everything going for her but her hatred of injustice prevented her from benefiting from her good fortune…// this powerhouse of a man rambled about the place in a trance, couldn’t dress himself properly, looked very uncomfortable with and within himself and shouted at himself constantly – but his political thesis amazed those who weren’t good enough to mock him…// this IRA man thought the British were out for justice but soon discovered it was revenge they wanted…// Bobby Sands – no straight line to Stormont…

Check in with us again on Wednesday 9th March 2016.

Thanks, Sharon.



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‘None of the above : the system is corrupt!’

– a purposely spoiled ballot paper (left) which was cast in Dublin Mid-West on Friday 26th February 2016 in the State general election but, as expected, enough votes were cast on the day to ensure the possibility of an administration being formed. Eventually, that is, as no one party received an overall majority and, at the time of writing, alleged behind-the-scenes talks are taking place between various political groupings in the hope that they can agree, between them, on how exactly to share out the financial spoils generated by the citizens.

Those interested in the outcome can satisfy their curiosity here (…just ignore the ‘65% national turnout’ claim as only 26 of our 32 counties had the opportunity to spoil their vote or not!) but, safe to say – regardless of which combination of robber baron occupies the Kildare Street castle (and this is our best guess, based on past experience) – it will only favour the inhabitants of same, for at least five years. Then, no doubt, that crowd will be voted out and the grouping that were just recently voted out will be voted back in. As Henry Louis Mencken said – “Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule — and both commonly succeed, and are right.”

But well done, anyway, to whoever it was that improved these election posters in the hope of reminding those considering voting for those featured on them just what it is they would be voting for –

Joanna Tuffy, State Labour Party, who lost her seat but is not yet homeless…

John Curran, Fianna Fail, won a seat but, even if he hadn’t, wouldn’t be facing eviction anyway…

..no more than Mrs Fitzgerald would have been. She held on to seat, as it transpired, and it would surely have been a crime had she not done so..!


By prisoners from E1 Landing, Portlaoise Prison, 1999.


Grateful thanks to the following for their help, support, assistance and encouragement, and all those who helped with the typing and word processing over the past few months. Many thanks to Cian Sharkhin, the editor of the book, Mr Bill Donoghue, Governor, Portlaoise, Mr Seán Wynne, supervising teacher, the education unit in Portlaoise Prison and the education staff, especially Zack, Helena and Jane. Education officers Bill Carroll and Dave McDonald, Rita Kelly, writer, print unit, Arbour Hill.

First Print : November 1999, reprinted March 2000, illustrations by D O’Hare, Zack and Natasha. Photograph selection : Eamonn Kelly and Harry Melia.


Excited and aroused I await my dream
to be released from this how hard it may seem
on this day I always can trust
it’s just for this high I crazily lust

Return of my confidence does brighten the days
just briefly my troubles get lost in the haze
the spoils from this game arouses the crowd
reflects on the days I was quiet proud

I’m more entranced than the average man
I used to be good and know I still am
the first time was good I nearly got caught
maybe some day they’ll carry me off

This past time and I just fade into one
this game can expand from father to son
I’m still young it’s not too late now
will I give it all up or do I know how?

I’m really quiet close just a break away
from straightening things out and being ok
I can help myself to regain my glory
with a little twist to the same old story

Now I see it’s everyone for themselves
this causes a burning within me it dwells
I am the one that pays for this game
it bestows maybe riches none welcome fame

Family will listen but really don’t hear
they will always hide invisible tears
now I grow tired of all this greed
and chart a course to set things free.

Jason Flynn.


There are currently 52 sentenced Irish republicans in jails in England. Although they are continually transferred from one ‘maximum security’ jail to another, the list below is a fairly accurate guide to where they are presently being held. Included in the list, where known, are their prison numbers. Anyone able to send a card or letter to any of these prisoners should ensure that they include the correct number and full address, since otherwise it is unlikely they will be received.

From ‘IRIS’ magazine, July/August 1982.

In order to highlight the plight of all these prisoners, Sinn Féin is organising a programme of activity during the month of August. The theme of this year’s anniversary of internment demonstrations will emphasise 1) the two blanket man, Patrick Hackett (see ‘Chapter 4’, here) and Michael Murray; 2)the use of solitary confinement ; 3)conditions in control units; 4)visits, and 5)the right to repatriation on demand.

(END of ‘Irish Political Prisoners In England’ : Next – ‘Explosive Questions’, from ‘Magill’ magazine, 2003.)


By Jim McCann (Jean’s son). For Alex Crowe, RIP – “No Probablum”. Glandore Publishing, 1999.

Biographical Note : Jim McCann is a community worker from the Upper Springfield area in West Belfast. Although born in the Short Strand, he was reared in the Loney area of the Falls Road. He comes from a large family (average weight about 22 stone!). He works with Tús Nua (a support group for republican ex-prisoners in the Upper Springfield), part of the Upper Springfield Development Trust. He is also a committee member of the ‘Frank Cahill Resource Centre’, one of the founders of ‘Bunscoil an tSléibhe Dhuibh’, the local Irish language primary school and Naiscoil Bharr A’Chluanaí, one of the local Irish language nursery schools.

His first publication last year by Glandore was ‘And the Gates Flew Open : the Burning of Long Kesh’. He hopes to retire on the profits of his books. Fat chance!

When Comrade McCann asked me to write the foreword for his up and coming work I had two questions for him : 1)Is there any danger of me being charged as an accessory after the fact in connection with the felonies spoken of in his writing ‘Portrait of the Author as a Young Chuck?’ and 2)Will I receive any payment in the way of royalties on the back of any success the book may enjoy? The answer to the first question was “One never knows in these volatile post-conflict situations” and the second question was answered “No chance!” So in spite of the risk of imprisonment and despite the lack of remuneration I have agreed to do it anyway.

Most people’s perception of Long Kesh and other jails has been shaped, in the main, by press reports, a lot of which were based upon statements from civil servants or over zealous republican PRO’s. Of course all is fair in the propaganda war but some of these reports have painted Long Kesh like a scene from a Beckett play with hundreds of grey, broken, depressed beings in a featureless grey environment waiting for Godot.

Jim McCann’s stories illustrate the human spirit and in particular republican spirit in the face of adversity. In the worst possible situations republicans have turned the situations and conditions meant to break them into stimulating, positive and even happy environments where revolutionary zeal was nurtured and honed and the craic was 90. More power to your pen, comrade.
Tommy Gorman, February 1999.


“Nothing that is morally wrong can be politically right” – William Ewart Gladstone (pictured, left) , British Prime Minister for four terms : 1868 to 1874, 1880 to 1885, six months in 1886 and then from 1892 to 1894.

On the 2nd March 1871 – 145 years ago on this date – William Ewart Gladstone, the British Prime Minister, publicly acknowledged for the first time, during a speech in the ‘House of Commons’, the high levels of support in Ireland for those who were questioning the position of Ireland within the then ‘British Empire’ but his colleagues in the British ‘Liberal Party’ let it be known they were uneasy about such a proposition being highlighted. Regardless, Gladstone continued to put out ‘feelers’ re that issue and is on record for declaring that it was his mission “to pacify Ireland”.
In May 1882 he appointed his nephew, ‘Lord’ Frederick Cavendish, as the new ‘British Chief Secretary’ in Ireland and Cavendish, in turn, appointed Thomas Henry Burke as his ‘Under-Secretary’ and perhaps it was because both men were put to death by the Irish ‘Invincibles’ on their arrival in Ireland that Gladstone was encouraged to deal with his ‘Irish problem’ : he persevered with attempting ‘to solve the Irish problem’ and four years later (ie in 1886) , in a three-hour speech, he presented, to the British ‘House of Commons’, a ‘Home Rule’ bill for Ireland which sought an Irish Parliament to be established in Dublin but with Westminster retaining control of matters to do with defence, foreign affairs, customs and excise, trade, postal services, currency and the appointment of law judges. The proposed ‘Irish Parliament’ would consist of one chamber which would house those elected by the people and those placed within by the Crown (‘peer/nobleman’), and an ‘Irish MP’ would not be entitled to sit at Westminster. Irish commentators were disappointed that ‘Irish MP’s’ should be excluded from Westminster and also voiced caution in relation to the powers that Westminster retained re defence, foreign affairs etc and, once again, Gladstone’s own colleagues in the ‘British Liberal Party’ felt that too much power was being given to Ireland – 93 of them actually voted against it, splitting the party and defeating the bill.

A lesson should have been learned then – in 1886, 130 years ago – that a limited form of ‘granted’ jurisdictional control and sovereignty from Westminster re Ireland is, in the words of William Ewart Gladstone, “morally wrong” and will not be accepted by Irish republicans as “politically right”.


On the 2nd March 1914 – 102 years ago on this date – Patrick Henry Pearse, 37 years of age, delivered the following address to a packed venue, the ‘Academy of Music’ in Brooklyn, New York. Robert Emmet was born in Dublin on the 4th March, 1778 :

“We who speak here tonight are the voice of one of the ancient indestructible things of the world. We are the voice of an idea which is older than any empire and will outlast every empire. We and ours, the inheritors of that idea, have been at age-long war with one of the most powerful empires that have ever been built up upon the earth; and that empire will pass before we pass. We are older than England and we are stronger than England. In every generation we have renewed the struggle, and so it shall be unto the end. When England thinks she has trampled out our battle in blood, some brave man rises and rallies us again; when England thinks she has purchased us with a bribe, some good man redeems us by a sacrifice. Wherever England goes on her mission of empire we meet her and we strike at her: yesterday it was on the South African veldt, today it is in the Senate House at Washington, tomorrow it may be in the streets of Dublin. We pursue her like a sleuth-hound; we lie in wait for her and come upon her like a thief in the night: and some day we will overwhelm her with the wrath of God.

It is not that we are apostles of hate. Who like us has carried Christ’s word of charity about the earth? But the Christ that said, “My peace I leave you, My peace I give you,” is the same Christ that said “I bring not peace, but a sword.” There can be no peace between the right and wrong, between the truth and falsehood, between justice and oppression, between freedom and tyranny. Between them it is eternal war until the wrong is righted, until the true thing is established, until justice is accomplished, until freedom is won. So when England talks of peace we know our answer: ‘Peace with you? Peace while your one hand is at our throat and your other hand is in our pocket? Peace with a footpad? Peace with a pickpocket? Peace with the leech that is sucking our body dry of blood? Peace with the many-armed monster whose tentacles envelop us while its system emits an inky fluid that shrouds its work of murder from the eyes of men? The time has not yet come to talk of peace.’ But England, we are told, offers us terms. She holds out to us the hand of friendship. She gives us a Parliament with an Executive responsible to it. Within two years the Home Rule Senate meets in College Green and King George comes to Dublin to declare its sessions open. In anticipation of that happy event our leaders have proffered England our loyalty. Mr. Redmond accepts Home Rule as a “final settlement between the two nations”; Mr. O’Brien in the fullness of his heart cries “God Save the King”; Colonel Lynch offers England his sword in case she is attacked by a foreign power.

And so this settlement is to be a final settlement. Would Wolfe Tone have accepted it as a final settlement? Would Robert Emmet have accepted it as a final settlement? Either we are heirs to their principles or we are not. If we are, we can accept no settlement as final which does not “break the connection with England, the never-failing source of all our political evils”; if we are not, how dare we go on an annual pilgrimage to Bodenstown, how dare we gather here or anywhere to commemorate the faith and sacrifice of Emmet? Did, then, those dead heroic men live in vain? Has Ireland learned a truer philosophy than the philosophy of ’98, and a nobler way of salvation than the way of 1803? Is Wolfe Tone’s definition superseded, and do we discharge our duty to Emmet’s memory by according him annually our pity? To do the English justice, I do not think they are satisfied that Ireland will accept Home Rule as a final settlement. I think they are a little anxious today. If their minds were tranquil on the subject of Irish loyalty they would hardly have proclaimed the importation of arms into Ireland the moment the Irish Volunteers had begun to organise themselves. They had given the Ulster faction which is used as a catspaw by one of the English parties two years to organise and arm against that Home Rule Bill which they profess themselves so anxious to pass: to the nationalists of Ireland they did not give two weeks. Of course, we can arm in spite of them: today we are organising and training the men and we have ways and means of getting arms when the men are ready for the arms. The contention I make now, and I ask you to note it well, is that England does not trust Ireland with guns; that under Home Rule or in the absence of Home Rule England declares that we Irish must remain an unarmed people; and England is right. England is right in suspecting Irish loyalty, and those Irishmen who promise Irish loyalty to England are wrong.

I believe them honest;* but they have spent so much of their lives parleying with the English, they have sat so often and so long at English feasts, that they have lost communion with the ancient unpurchasable faith of Ireland, the ancient stubborn thing that forbids, as if with the voice of fate, any loyalty from Ireland to England, any union between us and them, any surrender of one jot or shred of our claim to freedom even in return for all the blessings of the British peace. I have called that old faith an indestructible thing. I have said that it is more powerful than empires. If you would understand its might you must consider how it has made all the generations of Ireland heroic. Having its root in all gentleness, in a man’s love for the place where his mother bore him, for the breast that gave him suck, for the voices of children that sounded in a house now silent, for the faces that glowed around a fireside now cold, for the story told by lips that will not speak again, having its root, I say, in all gentleness, it is yet a terrible thing urging the generations to perilous bloody attempts, nerving men to give up life for the death-in-life of dungeons, teaching little boys to die with laughing lips, giving courage to young girls to bare their backs to the lashes of a soldiery.

It is easy to imagine how the spirit of Irish patriotism called to the gallant and adventurous spirit of Tone or moved the wrathful spirit of Mitchell. In them deep called unto deep: heroic effort claimed the heroic man. But consider how the call was made to a spirit of different, yet not less noble mould; and how it was answered. In Emmet it called to a dreamer and he awoke a man of action; it called to a student and a recluse and he stood forth a leader of men; it called to one who loved the ways of peace and he became a revolutionary. I wish I could help you to realise, I wish I could myself adequately realise, the humanity, the gentle and grave humanity, of Emmet. We are so dominated by the memory of that splendid death of his, by the memory of that young figure, serene and smiling, climbing to the gallows above that sea of silent men in Thomas Street, that we forget the life of which that death was only the necessary completion: and the life has perhaps a nearer meaning for us than the death. For Emmet, finely gifted though he was, was just a young man with the same limitations, the same self-questionings, the same falterings, the same kindly human emotions surging up sometimes in such strength as almost to drown a heroic purpose, as many a young man we have known. And his task was just such a task as many of us have undertaken: he had to go through the same repellent routine of work, to deal with the hard, uncongenial details of correspondence and conference and committee meetings; he had the same sordid difficulties that we have, yea, even the vulgar difficulty of want of funds. And he had the same poor human material to work with, men who misunderstood, men who bungled, men who talked too much, men who failed at the last moment.

Yes, the task we take up again is just Emmet’s task of silent unattractive work, the routine of correspondence and committees and organising. We must face it as bravely and as quietly as he faced it, working on in patience as he worked on, hoping as he hoped: cherishing in our secret hearts the mighty hope that to us, though so unworthy, it may be given to bring to accomplishment the thing he left unaccomplished, but working on even when that hope dies within us. I would ask you to consider now how the call I have spoken of was made to the spirit of a woman, and how, equally, it was responded to.

Wherever Emmet is commemorated let Anne Devlin not be forgotten. Bryan Devlin had a dairy farm in Butterfield Lane; his fields are still green there. Five sons of his fought in ’98. Anne was his daughter, and she went to keep house for Emmet when he moved into Butterfield House. You know how she kept vigil there on the night of the rising. When all was lost and Emmet came out in his hurried retreat through Rathfarnham to the mountains, her greeting was — according to tradition, it was spoken in Irish, and Emmet must have replied in Irish — “Musha, bad welcome to you! Is Ireland lost by you, cowards that you are, to lead the people to destruction and then to leave them?” “Don’t blame me, Anne; the fault is not mine”, said Emmet. And she was sorry for the pain her words had inflicted, spoken in the pain of her own disappointment. She would have tended him like a mother could he have tarried there, but his path lay to Kilmashogue, and hers was to be a harder duty.

When Sirr came out with his soldiery she was still keeping her vigil. “Where is Emmet?” “I have nothing to tell you,” she replied. To all their questions she had but one answer: “I have nothing to say; I have nothing to tell you.” They swung her up to a cart and half-hanged her several times; after each half-hanging she was revived and questioned: still the same answer. They pricked her breast with their bayonets until the blood spurted out in their faces. They dragged her to prison and tortured her for days. Not one word did they extract from that steadfast woman. And when Emmet was sold, he was sold, not by a woman, but by a man — by the friend that he had trusted — by the counsel that, having sold him, was to go through the ghastly mockery of defending him at the bar.
The fathers and mothers of Ireland should often tell their children that story of Robert Emmet and that story of Anne Devlin. To the Irish mothers who hear me I would say that when at night you kiss your children and in your hearts call down a benediction, you could wish for your boys no higher thing than that, should the need come they may be given the strength to make Emmet’s sacrifice, and for your girls no greater gift from God than such fidelity as Anne Devlin’s.

It is more than a hundred years since these things were suffered; and they were suffered in vain if nothing of the spirit of Emmet and Anne Devlin survives in the young men and young women of Ireland. Does anything of that spirit survive? I think I can speak for my own generation. I think I can speak for my contemporaries in the Gaelic League, an organisation which has not yet concerned itself with politics, but whose younger spirits are accepting the full national idea and are bringing into the national struggle the passion and the practical-ness which marked the early stages of the language movement. I think I can speak for the young men of the Volunteers. So far, they have no programme beyond learning the trade of arms; a trade which no man of Ireland could learn for over a hundred years past unless he took the English shilling. It is a good programme; and we may almost commit the future of Ireland to the keeping of the Volunteers. I think I can speak for a younger generation still: for some of the young men that are entering the National University, for my own pupils at St. Enda’s College, for the boys of the Fianna Eireann.

To the grey-haired men whom I see on this platform, John Devoy and Richard Burke, I bring, then, this message from Ireland that their seed-sowing of forty years ago has not been without its harvest, that there are young men and little boys in Ireland today who remember what they taught and who, with God’s blessing, will one day take, or make an opportunity of putting their teaching into practice.”

*“… they have spent so much of their lives parleying with the English, they have sat so often and so long at English feasts, that they have lost communion with the ancient unpurchasable faith of Ireland..” Indeed they have, but it is questionable whether they ever had that faith in the first place, morally and physically so, rather than just verbally?


“The (British) government will, as I said in December, warmly, solemnly and steadfastly uphold Northern Irelands (sic) status. We are not indifferent, we are not neutral”. – the words of then British ‘Direct Ruler’ for the Six Counties, Patrick Mayhew, on 2nd March 1993 (pictured). Irish republicans have always dismissed the propaganda lie from Westminster and its allies here in this State that it was a ‘peace-keeping force’ in Ireland and we welcome confirmation of that fact from the source itself. All that’s required now is that they clear off altogether, perhaps to one of the many other ‘trouble spots’ they are associated with. Or perhaps they can find a new location in which to hone their ‘peace keeping’ skills but, either way, they should realise this is the 21st century and their ’empire’ is finished. Go on home…


On Saturday 25th February 1995, the Provisional Sinn Féin political party held its Ard Fheis in the Mansion House in Dublin and a report on same was carried in that party’s newspaper, ‘AP/RN’, on the 2nd March 1995 – 21 years ago on this date. The Chairperson of their ‘Women’s Department’ and an EEC/EU election candidate for them for a seat in Brussels and a UNISON official, Anne Speed, practically received a standing ovation when she took to the stage and stated – “Partition is unravelling before our eyes.” Interestingly, less than a decade before she took an interest in partition, Anne had ‘unravelled’ herself from a Trotskyist support group – ‘From 1982 on, a number of (‘Peoples Democracy’) activists left them and joined Sinn Féin. At a PD national conference in 1986, a group including Anne Speed proposed the dissolution of the group and that the members all join SF as individuals. This position was defeated by 19 votes to five. A few weeks later the minority of five resigned from PD followed by their supporters and joined Sinn Féin…’ (from here.)

Anne’s colleague, Gerry Adams, standing in front of the partitioned Ireland he has assisted in maintaining.

That was, as stated, 21 years ago, which was three years before Anne Speed and her colleagues in the leadership of that party actually played a leading role in securing the partition of this country by promoting and signing the 1998 Stormont Treaty which, like a previous effort, was sold to almost* all and sundry as a start in removing the British political and military presence from this country whereas what both actually delivered was an attempted unravelling of republicanism but, both in 1921 and 1998, the attempt only weakened Irish republicanism rather than unravel it. (*Those with a proper understanding of republicanism warned against so-called ‘stepping stones’ and have been proved right re same.)

Thanks for reading, Sharon.



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“None of the above – the system is corrupt!” – a spoiled ballot paper (pictured, left) from the 26-County election, Friday, 26th February 2016.
Two that won and one that lost have their ‘achievements’ added to their 26th February 2016 posters…starting over in Portlaoise Prison…two IRA Blanketmen from the 1980’s…Jim McCann writes from Long Kesh…British PM verbally nods towards British misrule in Ireland…British ‘Direct Ruler’ in Ireland confirms they are “not neutral”…ex-republican declares that “partition is unravelling”…Padraig Pearse in Brooklyn, New York, commemorates Robert Emmet ; see this blog, Wednesday 2nd March 2016.

Thanks for reading, Sharon.



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By prisoners from E1 Landing, Portlaoise Prison, 1999.


Grateful thanks to the following for their help, support, assistance and encouragement, and all those who helped with the typing and word processing over the past few months. Many thanks to Cian Sharkhin, the editor of the book, Mr Bill Donoghue, Governor, Portlaoise, Mr Seán Wynne, supervising teacher, the education unit in Portlaoise Prison and the education staff, especially Zack, Helena and Jane. Education officers Bill Carroll and Dave McDonald, Rita Kelly, writer, print unit, Arbour Hill.

First Print : November 1999, reprinted March 2000, illustrations by D O’Hare, Zack and Natasha. Photograph selection : Eamonn Kelly and Harry Melia.

ARLENE. By Jason Flynn.

Every day that you’re away

seems like a year to me

I tell myself it’s not for long

and you’ll soon be back with me.

I know it must be hard for you

but I had to let you know

it seems this separation

has made my love just grow.

Let’s try and both be positive

as long as we’re both strong

we’ll one day be together again

just where we both belong.


There are currently 52 sentenced Irish republicans in jails in England. Although they are continually transferred from one ‘maximum security’ jail to another, the list below is a fairly accurate guide to where they are presently being held. Included in the list, where known, are their prison numbers. Anyone able to send a card or letter to any of these prisoners should ensure that they include the correct number and full address, since otherwise it is unlikely they will be received.

From ‘IRIS’ magazine, July/August 1982.

HM Prison, Welford Road, Leicester, LE2 7AJ – Eddie Butler (338637), Brian Keenan (B26380), Brendan Dowd (758662).

In addition, there are fourteen prisoners who are not connected with the Republican Movement in any way, but who are campaigned for by the Sinn Féin POW department because their imprisonment has come about, incidentally, because of the political situation in the north of Ireland. They are – Anne Maguire, Carole Richardson and Judith Ward (all Durham Jail) ; Patrick Armstrong and Patrick Maguire (Wakefield) ; Gerard Conlon (Parkhurst) ; Paul Hill, Seán Smyth, Billy Power and Richard McIlkenny (all Wormwood Scrubs) ; Hugh Callaghan, John Walker, Gerard Hunter and Paddy Hill (all Long Lartin).


By Jim McCann (Jean’s son). For Alex Crowe, RIP – “No Probablum”. Glandore Publishing, 1999.

Biographical Note : Jim McCann is a community worker from the Upper Springfield area in West Belfast. Although born in the Short Strand, he was reared in the Loney area of the Falls Road. He comes from a large family (average weight about 22 stone!). He works with Tús Nua (a support group for republican ex-prisoners in the Upper Springfield), part of the Upper Springfield Development Trust. He is also a committee member of the ‘Frank Cahill Resource Centre’, one of the founders of ‘Bunscoil an tSléibhe Dhuibh’, the local Irish language primary school and Naiscoil Bharr A’Chluanaí, one of the local Irish language nursery schools.

His first publication last year by Glandore was ‘And the Gates Flew Open : the Burning of Long Kesh’. He hopes to retire on the profits of his books. Fat chance!

Unfortunately, a number of the comrades in these stories are now dead and gone. They are men who affected and touched me personally. Their passing is a huge loss to that fraternal spirit they helped to create within all of us as Irish republican POW’s. It is impossible for me to think of them without a smile on my face.

The time I spent in prison was an incredible learning experience for me. I found out about comradeship, spirit, friendship and, most importantly, I found out about the thing that put me in prison in the first place. Like lots of men and women before and after me, I went to prison to be free.

These are a collection of personal memories of mine about some of the people I met and situations that we found ourselves in while POW’s in Long Kesh – with one short trip to the Crumlin Road Gaol. These are just a few of the incidents I can remember well enough to write about with a deal of accuracy and, hopefully, a certain amount of humour.

Most of the faces are still vivid in my mind’s eye but some of the names while still with me keep appearing on other comrades’ shoulders, so as much as possible I’m trying not to mention any names even though old comrades are constantly asking ‘write one about me.’ My response is ‘write one of your own.’ I met men in Long Kesh that they should make films about never mind write short stories about. I look forward to reading their stories.

Once again I am grateful for the support of my colleagues in ‘Tús Nua’ : Jackie, Maire, Danny, Tuso and the Swinger. I would also like to thank all my workmates in the Upper Springfield Development Trust for their encouragement and support. Joe Sheehy of Glandore Publishers, Theresa, Grainne, Danny, Jake, Orla, Roisin McBride, Tommy Gorman Jnr , ‘Cormac’ and Danny Devenney for their support, patience and optimism. (MORE LATER.)


The political sleeveen and the political ignoramus are working hand-in-hand more so than usual in this corrupt State, the reason being that a Free State general election is being held here on Friday 26th February in this, the year republicans celebrate and commemorate the 100th anniversary of the 1916 Rising.

An example of that cooperation (and there are countless such examples in the print and other media) can be seen in the pic, above left, from the Dublin southside edition of a freesheet newspaper called ‘Dublin Voice (incorporating ‘Dublin Informer’)’, the front page headline of which implores its readers to ‘Get out and vote! Casting your ballot will honour memory of 1916’ which is augmented on page 11 with an article entitled ‘Why voting is the best way to remember 1916’.

The front page article states (and claims) ‘…as we look back and commemorate the actions of the brave men and women who fought and many of whom lost their lives for our freedom, we cannot deny our civic duty to cast our ballot this February…voting in the election is by far the most important and appropriate tribute one can give to those involved in the Easter Rising…(the Rising) gave us the gift of democracy…as citizens of Ireland we have the ability to have our say when it comes to how the State is run (‘1169’ comment – a poor attempt by a rookie writer to pronounce this State as ‘Ireland’) …(your vote) could change this nation…(we can change) our country and history for the better…use (your vote) to help shape this nation..’

The article on page 11 states (and claims) ‘…the heroes of 1916 are looking down on the politicians, looking to see what kind of vision the ‘Class of 2016’ have for the future of their nation…with the next Dail being assembly number 32 symbolism abounds (‘1169’ comment – the next Leinster House assembly will be the 29th such body, not the 32nd Dail) …we are at a critical point in the history of our nation…we are a first world nation…we have a responsibility as a nation to play our part in world affairs…go with your instinct about who seems most genuine, most honest.The martyrs of 1916 would ask no more of you than this.’

What a completely shameless attempt at misdirection and/or a politically and historically misinformed collection of ink stains on paper those two pieces are. So bad are they, indeed, that I find it hard to believe they were worded in such a sloppy way by mistake. Only a political sleeveen or a politically ignorant person would try and present this corrupt State as the product of that which the men and women of 1916 fought to establish, and to be so brazen in pretending and/or attempting to convince others that such a link exists is beyond contempt. Any Irish person that has no desire – in his/her head or heart – to be British will correctly tell you that the men and women of 1916 fought for a free country, not a Free State.


..or vote for one or other of the candidates and spend the next few years – just as you have spent the last few years – cursing them for having fooled you again.

The Leinster House institution is not only a corrupt and corporate body, it has set itself up in such a manner that it could not but be anything else. Irish republicans have known from the outset that it is not a ‘stepping stone’ to anything better but is a ‘staging post’ for those who desire simply to feather their own nest while giving the impression that they are there to offer service to the community. We are not advocating that you abstain altogether from voting (as that will be interpreted by the powers that be as proof that you were just ‘too lazy’ to claim your ballot paper) rather we are suggesting that you claim same and use it to register a protest against the political system in this rotten State – spoil it on purpose. Vote NOTA on Friday 26th February 2016 and make sure your objection is known (see ‘500,000 reasons’ here)!


‘Account summary : Last bill total – €194.46
Less total payments since last bill – €0.00
Add total charges for this bill – €65.54.
TOTAL DUE – €260.00. To be paid by 26/2/2016’.

I received the above ‘bill’ on Thursday 18th February 2016, and a paragraph on the back of it, entitled ‘Unregistered Charge’, informed me that ‘This charge of €260 per year is applied to all customers (sic – I never signed up to be a ‘customer’ of that company) who have not registered with Irish Water’.

Myself, family and friends (and other RSF supporters and/or members) were among about 80,000 people who took to the streets of Dublin on Saturday 20th February 2016 in protest against this double tax and the other financial anti-austerity measures that have been imposed by Leinster House politicians on the working class and the unemployed in this State. The only way that the ‘Irish Water’ company and its parent company in Kildare Street will make me pay twice for any one service is to do what they done on me in relation to their ‘property tax’ – stop it out of my wages without my permission: ‘If, within 14 days from the date of this letter, you have not paid in full or picked a payment option, or confirmed that a payment is not due, I hereby serve notice that I will issue an instruction to (EMPLOYERS NAME HERE) to deduct €200 in equal instalments from payments to you…’ That seems to be their intention but it will be the only way they will get that double-tax from me.


I don’t always agree with what Max Keiser has to say (and/or, sometimes, the manner in which he says it) and I can’t even say that much for Boris Johnson, but the above Twitter quote is different – in that, apart from the ‘NI’ description, I can’t find fault with it. Except, perhaps, it’s only words whereas, after 847 years, we deserve more than Mr. Johnson and his colleagues in Westminster can ever give us and, after all, Boris often says more than he means to and, when verbally backtracking on his latest gaffe, has been known to make an even bigger one – “I think the risks that people see of terrorism are incredibly important but we are very confident we have got the right people on it and the risks have been minimised…” – no, they haven’t, Boris, at least not for us Irish, as we continue to face a daily risk of terrorism, courtesy of you and your type in Westminster, and will continue to do so until you actually act on your ‘overstay’ tweet, above.
But to take such action is not, apparently, your ‘duty’ – “It is my duty to stick up for every put-upon minority in the city – from the homeless to Irish travellers to ex-gang members to disgraced former MPs. But there is one minority that I still behold with a benign bewilderment, and that is the very, very rich. These are the people who put bread on the tables of families who – if the rich didn’t invest in supercars and employ eau de cologne-dabbers – might otherwise find themselves without a breadwinner…”

And how many Irish republican families over more than eight centuries has your ’empire’ left without breadwinners, Boris? Tweet that…

Thanks for reading, Sharon.



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Thinking of Arlene in Portlaoise Prison…Irish political prisoners in HM Prison, Welford Road, Leicester, England…an introduction to growing up in Long Kesh…voting and the 1916 Rising – not a misinterpretation, rather an attempt at misdirection…why you should ‘Vote for Nobody’ on Friday 26th February 2016…water tax ‘bill’ rising, interest in paying same, not…Max quotes Boris and we quote our history… – check back with us tomorrow, Wednesday 24th February 2016.
See you then, Sharon.



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..of a gig you’d be sorry you missed if you hadn’t read this reminder! It’s looking to be a full house but I know that at least fifteen tickets have been kept back for sale at the door on the night, on a first-come-first-served basis. And the raffle prizes are first class (as are, indeed, the crew helping to run that raffle!) and if you’re not fortunate enough to win one of the prizes then you may be able to purchase a similar item on the night as a few of each will be available for sale, again on a first-up-best-dressed basis. Hope some of our readers can make it to Hanlon’s Pub on Saturday, 20th February next, and, also, don’t forget the seminar being held that same Saturday, from 12 noon to 5pm, in Wynn’s Hotel, Lower Abbey Street in Dublin city centre. The theme for the seminar is ‘Who Fears to Speak of Easter Week?’ and admission is free.


By prisoners from E1 Landing, Portlaoise Prison, 1999.


Grateful thanks to the following for their help, support, assistance and encouragement, and all those who helped with the typing and word processing over the past few months. Many thanks to Cian Sharkhin, the editor of the book, Mr Bill Donoghue, Governor, Portlaoise, Mr Seán Wynne, supervising teacher, the education unit in Portlaoise Prison and the education staff, especially Zack, Helena and Jane. Education officers Bill Carroll and Dave McDonald, Rita Kelly, writer, print unit, Arbour Hill.

First Print : November 1999, reprinted March 2000, illustrations by D O’Hare, Zack and Natasha. Photograph selection : Eamonn Kelly and Harry Melia.

BIRD MAN… by John Doran

The crows were sharpening their beaks as Kevin walked the yard, inspecting his army of crows. He was very proud of them, and it brought a smile to his face. He gave Greybird the signal to attack – the bird was on the south end wall, and the crows took off, and hovered in the sky over Gitboy – hundreds of them. Gitboy had his eyes closed and thought to himself that it was just a dark cloud over him, and that it would soon pass. Greybird was the first kamikaze to take a nosedive straight into Gitboy’s right eye. He pulled the crow from his face, but his eye was stuck onto the end of the beak. The other crows followed suit, and Gitboy was screaming for help and in pain. They took turns in attacking him, as he rolled around the ground, killing some of them. The crows replaced the ones that were killed, pecking all over Gitboy’s body and face.

The armed soldiers on the roof guarding the prisoners let off a few shots to disperse the crows but that didn’t have the least effect on them, and they carried on with their attack. Gitboy’s gang members jumped up and ran for cover into the toilet and locked themselves in. The other prisoners cheered and jeered the gang, and the alarm was by now ringing in the yard. The screws came rushing into the yard by the dozen, wearing their riot gear, with a water hose. The prisoners formed a circle around the yard – they wouldn’t let the screws in. Gitboy called Kevin, and pleaded with him to call the birds off ; he was covered in blood, crying like a young child, and said he was sorry for what he did to the crows, vowing it would never happen again. Kevin called the crows off, and the screws put him on a stretcher and rushed him to the hospital.

He was in hospital for a number of weeks and would wake up in the middle of the night after taking panic attacks. He suffered a nervous breakdown and was transferred up to the Central Mental Hospital, where he was certified insane.
(End of ‘Bird Man’ : next [from the same source] – ‘Arlene’, by Jason Flynn.)


There are currently 52 sentenced Irish republicans in jails in England. Although they are continually transferred from one ‘maximum security’ jail to another, the list below is a fairly accurate guide to where they are presently being held. Included in the list, where known, are their prison numbers. Anyone able to send a card or letter to any of these prisoners should ensure that they include the correct number and full address, since otherwise it is unlikely they will be received.

From ‘IRIS’ magazine, July/August 1982.

HM Prison, Hedon Road, Hull, Yorkshire, HU95LS – Richard Glenholmes (B32955), John McCluskey (136282), Michael Murray (509534), Stephen Nordone (758663), Eddie O’Neill (1357220.

HM Prison, Love Lane, Wakefield, Yorkshire, WF2 9AG – Patrick Hackett (342603), Michael Reilly (515243), Gerard Small (507957).

HM Prison, County Road, Maidstone, Kent – Gerard McLoughlin (D77395). (MORE LATER.)


By Jim McCann (Jean’s son). For Alex Crowe, RIP – “No Probablum”. Glandore Publishing, 1999.

Biographical Note : Jim McCann is a community worker from the Upper Springfield area in West Belfast. Although born in the Short Strand, he was reared in the Loney area of the Falls Road. He comes from a large family (average weight about 22 stone!). He works with Tús Nua (a support group for republican ex-prisoners in the Upper Springfield), part of the Upper Springfield Development Trust. He is also a committee member of the ‘Frank Cahill Resource Centre’, one of the founders of ‘Bunscoil an tSléibhe Dhuibh’, the local Irish language primary school and Naiscoil Bharr A’Chluanaí, one of the local Irish language nursery schools.

His first publication last year by Glandore was ‘And the Gates Flew Open : the Burning of Long Kesh’. He hopes to retire on the profits of his books. Fat chance!









‘Select Your Country :
Rep. of Ireland

Northern Ireland’.

We have mentioned the ‘LIDL’ issue before and – then as now – we are still waiting for any reply, good, bad or indifferent, from them re their ‘two countries’ statement. And, no doubt, we’ll be left waiting. But perhaps the good people at the ‘Userneeds’ market research company will be more forthcoming. That company are practicing the ‘Lidl’ form of geography in that they recently sent their Irish survey members a questionnaire (since removed) in which they asked their member which ‘country’ he/she lives in and provided two possible answers only – ‘Republic of Ireland / Northern Ireland’.

The reader who contacted us about this issue had already contacted the ‘Userneeds’ company, asking them to “…please note that the 26-county state is not a “country”, nor is the six-county entity. Can you please correct same and get back to me…?” but, to date, has received the ‘Lidl’ treatment from that survey company : no acknowledgement of his email to them, no answer to the point he made and no correction and/or apology from them regarding their geographical mistake. What is it with these companies that they refuse to even acknowledge that they made a mistake, never mind actually correct it? Anyway – if we hear anymore about this issue, from either company, we’ll post a comment here, but we suspect that ‘Userneeds’ will follow the ‘Lidl’ example and just ignore the notification they received. Those that are arrogant and/or ignorant enough to describe both bastard states in Ireland as ‘countries’ are well capable of being arrogant and/or ignorant enough to ignore requests to correct their mistake.


..NOT! Here’s that quote in full –
“Everyone, republican or otherwise, has their own particular part to play. No part is too great or too small; no one is too old or too young to do something.”
The ‘Booby’ prize for one of the sloppiest ever political leaflets (so far, but it’s early yet for her!) has to go to Mary Lou for her attempt to link herself to Bobby Sands. Even in the section of that quote she attempted to use in her leaflet (pictured, left) she made more than one error, the most obvious of which is the approval given by the lady herself, or by her proofreader, for the misspelling of the name ‘Bobby’. Replacement leaflets will be required and we would like to suggest that she acquire some of the materials needed for same from this man, as a cost saving* measure.. (*…but not for the taxpayer : see ‘Inkgate’, here!)


This article was first published in ‘The Sunday Press’ newspaper on the 10th February 1985 – 31 years ago, on this date :

The British Government has twice entered into detailed negotiations with representatives of the IRA. Nollaig O Gadhra recalls the talks that took place exactly ten years ago between the Northern Ireland (sic) Office and the Provisional Republican Movement.

When the British Government, through its spokespersons from Stormont Castle, met the Provos to negotiate a continuation of the 1974 Christmas Truce – on 19th January 1975 – they made four main points:

*We are prepared for (our) officials to discuss with members of Provisional Sinn Féin how a permanent cessation of violence might be agreed and what would be the practical problems to be solved.

*We are, as we have already said, prepared for (our) officials to engage in a discreet exchange of views with Provisional Sinn Féin on matters arising from their objectives. We would not exclude the raising of any relevant questions.

*Our representatives would remain, as at present, for both sets of talks. We would be content to engage in these consecutively or in parallel, but the urgency of the ceasefire question suggests that this should be taken first.

*The representation would have to be within the terms of the statement in parliament about not negotiating with the IRA though being ready to speak to Provisional Sinn Féin.

Two days of general discussion and some ‘shadow-boxing’ ensued, complicated by the fact that the British side wanted the first two points kept secret but not point three. The formula about speaking to Provisional Sinn Féin but not directly to the (P)IRA was set out in (the British) Parliament on January 14th, 1975, by Mr. Merlyn Rees, the Northern Ireland(sic) Secretary, and became the basis of policy for the months ahead, even when, later on, (P)IRA Commanders from Derry and Belfast joined with Provisional Sinn Féin leaders in direct negotiations with the (British) Stormont Officials about monitoring and maintaining the Truce which finally was agreed to come into operation on 11th February, 1975. The basis of that Truce was laid in a 12-point document entitled ‘Terms for a Bi-lateral Truce’ which the republican leaders handed over at a meeting on 21st January, 1975. That document called for :

1. Freedom of movement for all members of the Republican Movement.

2. Cessation of all harassment of the civilian population.

3. A cessation of raids on lands , homes and other buildings.

4. A cessation of arrests of members of the Republican Movement.

5. An end to screening, photographing and identity checks.

6. Members of the Republican Movement reserve the right to carry concealed short arms solely for the purpose of self-defence.

7. No provocative displays of force by either side.

8. No re-introduction of RUC and UDR into designated areas.

9. Agreement of effective liaison system between British and republican forces.

10. A progressive withdrawal of British troops to barracks to begin with the implementation of the bi-lateral Truce.

11. Confirmation that discussions between representatives of the Republican Movement and H.M.G. will continue towards securing a permanent ceasefire.

12. In the event of any of these terms being violated, the Republican Movement reserves the right of freedom of action.

The initial ‘off-the-cuff’ British reaction to these demands was as follows –

1. Difficult ;

2. No trouble in principle ;

3. Do ;

4. Difficult where political charges were concerned ;

5. Timing and extent an issue ;

6. ‘A rock’ ;

7. OK ;

8. Difficult ;

9. Would have to involve the Republican Movement and the Northern Ireland (sic) Office ;

10. OK ;

11. Yes ;

12 . Fact.

There were a few days of indecision, during which the IRA had resumed limited operations in both Britain and the North, leading to a threat from the British side that “..if any further activity takes place in Britain or Belfast, the meetings will probably end..”. The republican response was to note that there had been “…a genuine and sustained cessation of violence for 25 days during the Christmas and New Year Truces and there had been no worthwhile response from the British Government…” This was a game of bluff, which ended on 22nd January 1975 when the British returned to the bargaining table, handing over a copy of the Rees Statement in the Commons, and emphasising two points in particular which stressed a positive role for Sinn Féin as the political wing of the Republican Movement, if a Truce came into operation on a permanent basis, and steps were needed to ensure it did not break down. They also stressed that they would have to break off the talks if two acts like those which had happened in Belfast the previous day were repeated. On this and on several other occasions, while the British stressed the need for an over-all ceasefire, the impression was given that IRA attacks on Britain were particularly resented. They had a political effect on Westminster far outweighing much greater horrors in Northern Ireland (sic) though this did not mean, of course, that London was in any way over-looking the suffering which violence had caused there.

Discussions continued from 23rd January 1975, with substantial progress being made on what was seen as the less difficult points in the republican demands. Freedom of movement for all republicans during the period of the Truce was a particular sticking-point, in spite of a precedent set during the course of the negotiations with Mr. Whitelaw and the Tories in 1972. Towards the end of the month, the Gardiner Report and its implications were discussed. The republican negotiators emphasised, once again, the “terrible consequences” that would follow any attempt to deny political status ; they also re-iterated their original aim in entering the dialogue ie – “If Her Majesty’s Government wished to disengage from Ireland the Republican Movement would help them, but if their aim was to reconstruct British rule in Ireland in some type of more acceptable form, then republicans would contest the ground with them..” (‘1169’ comment – in our opinion, the 1998 Stormont Treaty (‘GFA’) was an agreement between the British, the Free Staters and the Provos “to reconstruct British rule in Ireland” : Irish republicans will not accept any agreement which seeks to do that.)

By 31st January 1975, the British had suggested that the key to progress lay in keeping “off principle” and getting on with practical arrangements. Towards this end, they handed over two formal documents ; one was a comprehensive system of liaison involving two alternative schemes, the other was a questionnaire regarding the running of proposed ‘Incident Centres’. In the process of reporting back to London, the initial impression was that there was welcome for the constructive discussions that had taken place. But work on the two schemes, the proposals for Incident Centres to monitor a Truce and other matters, continued into February 1975 – on the third of that month, the British added four points to the 12-point document which the republicans had prepared, and which formed the ultimate basis of the bilateral ceasefire. Three of these new points concerned the types of paramilitary activity in which the IRA could not engage during a cessation of hostilities : the fourth new point promised that “the rate of release will be speeded up with a view to releasing all detainees” as soon as violence had come to a complete end.

It emerged, on 7th February 1975, at which the British produced a new version of their (by now) 16-point document, that the early removal of the ‘Emergency Provisions Act’ was foreshadowed : they also made three other central points, on which the fate of the Truce ultimately hung –

1. The highest possible consultation had taken place on their (H.M.G.’s) side , involving the Prime Minister, the Attorney General, the Director of Public Prosecutions and a named British Civil Servant who acted as ‘link-man’ between Whitehall and the negotiators.

2. All points had been considered, and they had gone the furthest possible distance.

3. They were now presenting an ‘amended version’ of their previous document, and they had also prepared a document containing possible forms of words for the public announcement on both sides.

The bulk of the republican demands were then conceded, though in phrases that, in some cases, differed from the original Provisional 12-point document. On the question of ‘Free Movement’ for all Provisional IRA people, the legal issue of immunity was recognised, but resolved, by a promise of ‘Incident Centres’, and an assurance that “…the British Army will be pulled back, the RUC will not enter designated areas and the Republican Movement can check, in advance, through the liaison system, regarding the position of specific republican personnel..” The right of republicans to bear arms, even short arms for their personal protection, was also a major difficulty ; this was resolved by a written British response which stated that “The law provides for permits to be granted for people to carry arms for self-defence. The issue of firearms permits will take account of the risk to individuals. The need to protect individuals who may be at risk of assassination is recognised.”Because the Provisionals did not wish to apply for permits to the RUC it was necessary for the British to give “a personal assurance” from the ‘Northern Ireland (sic) Office’ that “if all that stands between us and the successful conclusion of our present arrangement is 24 permits, we shall find a way around that difficulty.” (‘1169’ Comment – the Provisionals now request permits from the British and the Free Staters to undertake Easter Lily collections : for shame, applying to those that put brave Irish men and women in their graves for ‘permission’ to ‘remember and honour’ those same men and women put there by the same foe. If that is ‘success’, we want no part of it.)

The break-through came on 7th February 1975, and the next day the formula of words to be issued by both Mr. Rees and the Republican Movement on the coming into operation of the new cease fire were agreed. In his statement , Mr. Rees recalled a previous statement about the talks, confirming that they had taken place but being very vague about details, either of what had been agreed or what the talks would involve in the future. The then British Secretary for ‘Northern Ireland’ (sic) , Merlyn Rees, stated that they (the British) would continue “to explain British Government policy” to Sinn Féin, and “to outline and discuss the arrangements that might be made to ensure that any ceasefire did not break down.” He also outlined details of the ‘Incident Centres’ which had been set up “to ensure that any ceasefire did not break down.” The Provisional IRA, on Sunday 9th February 1975, issued its statement as follows – “In the light of discussions which have taken place between representatives of the Republican Movement and British Officials, on effective arrangements to ensure that there is no breakdown of a new truce, the Army Council of Oglaigh na hÉireann has renewed the order suspending offensive military action. Hostilities against Crown Forces will be suspended from 6.00 pm, February 10th 1975.”

For the second time within three years, the British Government had negotiated a cease-fire with the Provisional IRA : this time it was with a Labour Government whose Prime Minister, Harold Wilson, had hinted throughout his long political career of the need to set the wheels in motion towards ultimate British disengagement from Ireland. That, and the fact that an elaborate monitoring-system had been agreed, meant that this second attempt had a better chance of survival. Negotiations about the more specific issue of British disengagement from Ireland continued for almost a year before the entire exercise collapsed. But that is another story which, hopefully, Merlyn Rees will outline in some detail when his book of memoirs is published. (‘1169’ comment – the British are still here today, politically and militarily, and not only is there no indication from them that they are considering withdrawing from Ireland, but their actual position here has been strengthened by the cooperation of those that once opposed them.)


Free State Detective Garda Frank Hand (pictured, left).
This article was published in ‘Magill’ magazine, March 1986.

On February 10th 1986 – 30 years ago on this date – the courts turned down the appeals of three men sentenced to hang. The men now face, on commutation of sentence by the (Free State) government, 40 years in prison without remission, for their involvement in the Drumree robbery and killing.

John Collins retired from the Garda Siochana (Free State police) in February 1984. He lived at Ballybane, County Galway. Two months later, on April 27th 1984, he had a night out at the golf club in Salthill and emerged at 1.30am to find his beige Opel Ascona had been stolen from the carpark. He had left a lot of property in the car , including golf clubs, golfing clothes, spectacles and a briefcase. Two days later the briefcase was handed into Coolock Garda Station in Dublin, minus a chequebook, banker’s card and documents relating to the Ascona car.
Three months later, on July 27th 1984, John Small of Newcastle, County Down, parked his dark red Mercedes car in an open carpark at Monaghan Street, Newry : when he returned after three hours it was gone. Tommy Eccles, aged 24 , from Muirhevenamore, Dundalk, County Louth, went to Newry on that day. Eccles was a Provo ; he had been instructed to go to Newry and pick up the red Mercedes. He found the car, as per his instructions, parked near the Cupid Nightclub, with the keys in the ignition. He drove the car down across the border and left it in the care of Paddy Duffy, aged 24 ; he was a landscape gardener and lived in a mobile home in a yard at Dromiskin, a village south of Dundalk. Duffy was a Provo. Around the same time he was also given the Ascona car , and concealed both cars on a farm near Castlebellingham.

Joe Gargan had a yellow Ford Escort car ; he was a Provo sympathiser, aged 34, a lorry driver who lived at Kentstown, County Meath. Noel McCabe, aged 44, from Dundalk, County Louth, was a Provo sympathiser : he was handy with cars and, around July, he began repairs to a car belonging to another Dundalk man – it was a blue Ford Cortina, and when McCabe fixed it he didn’t return it to its owner immediately, but began driving it himself.
A stolen beige Open Ascona, a stolen red Mercedes, Joe Gargan’s yellow Escort, Noel McCabe’s ‘borrowed’ blue Cortina : two cars brought within reach, two local cars ‘on tap’. Noel McCabe was an alcoholic who was beating his problem ; by August 1984 he was eight months off drink. To fill his time and keep his mind off drink he fixed television sets in a shed at the back of his house in Oliver Plunkett Park, Dundalk, County Louth : his odd-jobs extended to various kinds of electrical work and car repairs.

Some time in 1983 a man arrived at Noel McCabe’s house with a TV that needed fixing ; the man was a Northerner , a hardened Provo now living in the South. As legal proceedings may yet ensue against this man we will for the purposes of this narrative call him ‘Paul Finnegan’, though that is not his name. McCabe fixed the TV and Finnegan asked him to fix the TV again in February 1984 ; on this occasion McCabe went to Finnegan’s house to do the job. The two chatted for a long time about politics, about the Provos. Finnegan said his family had been harassed by the RUC and the British Army and he was forced to go ‘on the run’ and come to live in Dundalk. McCabe expressed sympathy with Finnegan’s republican sentiments – the two became friendly and McCabe sometimes dropped into Finnegan’s house for tea. Finnegan sometimes dropped around to McCabe’s with some little repair job on a car or radio. Eventually, Finnegan asked Noel McCabe if he would “do a bit of work for the Republican Movement”.

Noel McCabe agreed to do a bit of work for the Republican Movement ; he began doing the odd bit of fixing walkie-talkies, radios and battery chargers. Before long McCabe became a kind of Provo ‘chauffeur’ : he would be asked to pick someone up and drive him to, say, Inniskeen, and pick the guy up a couple of hours later and drive him back. He got petrol money for this ; sometimes Paul Finnegan himself was the passenger. Another of the people he drove for was a Northerner called ‘Frankie’ ; McCabe used to see Frankie around Dundalk from time to time and he would give him the nod. The man never acknowledged the greeting. The next time McCabe gave Frankie a lift he was warned never to speak to him in the street – McCabe was not to be publicly identified with the Provos, he could then be used safely as a driver or helper.

Around March 1984, Paul Finnegan began leaving guns with Noel McCabe ; first, a .38 automatic for just one night, then a sawn-off shotgun for a month. McCabe hid the guns under a bench in his shed – he was nervous about this and complained. Finnegan was understanding and took the guns away. He asked if McCabe would do one last run for him, he was stuck and he wouldn’t ask again. McCabe agreed and gave Finnegan a lift to either Inniskeen or Swords ( he couldn’t remember which) and picked him up later and brought him back to Dundalk.
A couple of months went by in which McCabe wasn’t asked to do anything for the Republican Movement ; then, around June or July, Paul Finnegan arrived with a bag of guns : a sten-gun, two carbines, a sawn-off shotgun, a modern pistol and a rusty old revolver –
“Everyone has to play their part. Headquarters know you held guns for us before and they expect you to do so again, and to do your part” , Finnegan told Noel McCabe. So McCabe kept the guns under his bench for a few weeks.

A few weeks later, Paul Finnegan came and took them away. A few days later he was back with a request that Noel McCabe “do a wee run”. Someone else had let him down ; and at the weekend he might want McCabe to do another run up the country “to collect a few lads and take them back to Dundalk.” Noel McCabe drove Finnegan about three-quarters of a mile up the Carrickmacross Road that day, to an old farmhouse. There was an old man there and he told Finnegan – “There was a few of your lads here earlier this week.” A Ford Cortina drove into the yard and a transaction followed involving guns ; one man from the Cortina wound coloured tape around a rifle – “I’ll know my marking,” he told Finnegan.
That gun was passed on to a man driving yet another car, and then Noel McCabe drove Finnegan back to Dundalk ; on the way, Finnegan told McCabe he wanted him to pick up three blokes the following Friday morning, August 10th, and take them to Dundalk – they wouldn’t be armed, they’d be clean. On the Thursday night, Finnegan would show him where to pick them up. That Thursday, Paul Finnegan went about organising a number of people for the robbery of a post van at Drumree Post Office, to take place about 8am the following morning. Drumree is a ‘speck on the map’ about twenty miles from Dublin, about forty-five miles from Dundalk ; the post office is in a lay-by. It is run by Mary Gilsenan and her son Michael – it is not the obvious place for a large haul. That Thursday, Paul Finnegan went to Drogheda at noon and met Seamus Lynch, a Provo from Kentstown, which is about fifteen miles from Drumree : Finnegan instructed Lynch to be at a field at Rathfeigh, near Drumree, shortly after 8am the following morning, to collect guns and money and store them. Finnegan and Lynch drove to the field so that Finnegan could show Lynch where to pick up the stuff.

Others lined up that day for the robbery of a post van at Drumree Post Office were Paddy Duffy of Dromiskin, to provide the stolen cars ; Tommy Eccles of Dundalk, who had brought the Mercedes down from Newry and who was to drive it in the robbery ; Joe Gargan of Kentstown, who was to provide Seamus Lynch with a car and help him hide the money ; Noel McCabe, who had been doing odd jobs for Paul Finnegan, who was to drive three robbers to safety ; and Pat McPhillips and Brian McShane, two Provos from Dundalk, who were to help unload the money from the post office van into the red Mercedes. There were also at least two others lined up for the robbery, plus Paul Finnegan : two armed men would wait at Drumree Post Office for the post van to arrive, the others would be involved in getting the money and guns away from the area after the job. That night Paul Finnegan and a number of others assembled in Paddy Duffy’s yard at Dromiskin, about six miles south of Dundalk ; Duffy was the Provo who lived in the mobile home and was in charge of providing the cars. He had the Opel Ascona ready, someone else brought the red Mercedes. That was the end of Duffy’s participation in the robbery.

Noel MCabe, the alcoholic who had been doing odd jobs for Paul Finnegan, had driven Finnegan out to Paddy Duffy’s place that night, where the cars and guns were assembled. Finnegan passed money around – he gave McCabe £30 to make sure the blue Ford Cortina had enough petrol ; he showed McCabe the crossroads where he was to pick up ‘the lads’ next morning. McCabe then drove Finnegan back to Dundalk, getting home himself at about a quarter to one in the morning. He was uneasy and had trouble getting to sleep. Meanwhile, Tommy Eccles, Pat McPhillips, Brian McShane and some others moved on from Duffy’s to some sheds near Dunshaughlin, about three miles from Drumree.
They travelled in the stolen Mercedes and Ascona ; they slept in the sheds that night.

Earlier that day, (FS) Detective Sergeant Patrick Millea of the Central Detective Unit was rostering gardai for Friday’s duties. He assigned Detective Garda Francis Hand for Post Office escort duty commencing at 7am the next day and, just before 7am that morning, Detective Garda Frank Hand of the Central Detective Unit arrived at his Headquarters at Harcourt Square. The detective with whom he would work that day, Detective Garda Michael Dowd, was already there. Dowd had signed out an attache case which held an Uzi submachine gun ; the two Gardai went out and found the Fiat Mirafiori they would be using that day. Dowd took the Uzi from the case, along with two magazines carrying twenty rounds each ; he put the attach case, containing three more magazines, on the back seat of the Fiat. He put one magazine into the Uzi and left the other on the floor of the car near his feet. He was also armed with a Walther P.P. semi-automatic pistol ; Frank Hand was armed with a Smith and Wesson .38 Special. Frank Hand was 25. He joined the Garda force in 1977 and became a detective in 1981. He was one of seven children of a Roscommon family and, on joining, in 1977, worked in Dublin – in Donnybrook and Irishtown. In 1981 he became a detective and subsequently worked with the Drug Squad.

Early in 1984 he was assigned to the Central Detective Unit . In July 1984 he married Ban Gharda Breda Hogan ; they had returned from their honeymoon in Venice about a week before Hand set out with Detective Michael Dowd on post office escort duty. They lived in Lucan, County Dublin. Frank Hand was driving. He and Dowd arrived at the GPO at around 7.15am and almost immediately drew in behind a post office van and set off on Route 3, which begins at Dunboyne, in Meath, just beyond the border with Dublin. That route then went to a few post offices in Meath, wound back into Dublin through Blanchardstown, Cabra, Phibsboro, to Berkeley Road, a stone’s throw from O’Connell Street. Route 3 covered nineteen post offices, there were twenty-three mailbags in the van, containing almost a quarter of a million pounds, most of it social welfare money. Ironically, the route which the post office van took on its way to the beginning of its deliveries – through Phibsboro, Cabra, Blanchardstown etc – was the way it would travel on its official route back ; in other words, the van was going to almost the most distant point on the route before beginning to drop off money! Had it began dropping off mailbags on its way out of the city it would have arrived in Drumree with just a few thousand pounds.

The armed detectives stayed roughly 100 yards behind the post office van ; routinely, they paid attention to any vehicle coming in sight, assessing it for danger. There was nothing suspicious. At Dunboyne Post Office, the first drop, the garda car stopped behind the van ; detective Michael Dowd sat where he was, the Uzi on his lap. Detective Frank Hand got out of the car ; the post office helper, Donal Brady, got out of the van with the mailbag . He and Hand went to the door of the post office together, and Hand kicked the bottom of the door and rattled the letterbox. The bag of money was handed over. Next stop, Batterstown, the same procedure. Detective Hand got out, Dowd stayed in the car. Brady got out of the van and J.J. Bell, the van driver, stayed at the wheel. No problems. Next stop, Drumree. The van now carried £202,900 in cash. It was about 7.50am. Around that time Tommy Eccles, Pat McPhillips and someone else, a man with an earring, were in the red Mercedes in the shed about three miles from Drumree ; Brian McShane was in the beige Opel Ascona along with some others. They had walkie-talkies. In Kentstown , about fifteen miles from Drumree, Seamus Lynch was up and about. He had to be in the designated field at Rathfeigh to pick up the money and guns ; he needed a car and knew where to get it. He had several times borrowed Joe Gargan’s yellow Ford Escort. Gargan also lived in Kentstown.

Noel McCabe had left his home in Dundalk at 7.10am and was now driving his ‘borrowed’ blue Ford Cortina south-west towards a crossroads somewhere around Dunshaughlin, where he would pick up ‘the lads’, as requested by Paul Finnegan. In a lane beside Drumree Post Office, behind an iron gate, two armed men were waiting. They wore blue boiler-suits and black balaclavas. One carried a Sten submachine gun, the other had a Webley revolver, .455 calibre. Just a few feet away, inside the post office, Michael Gilsenan and Mick Boyle, the local postman, were sorting mail. The post office van pulled into the lay-by at Drumree Post Office ; Donal Brady, the van helper, got out with the money bag – this time he didn’t wait for detective Frank Hand to join him. He went into the post office. It was 8.03am, give or take a minute. The Garda Fiat car coasted to a stop behind the post van. The gunmen in boiler suits, two of them, began running towards the garda car from the lane beside the post office. The one in front had the Sten gun, the one slightly behind had the Webley. Detective Garda Michael Dowd, glancing to his left , saw the two gunmen coming at him ; he shouted to Frank Hand : someone else shouted – ” GET DOWN, YOU FUCKER!” The man with the Webley was already firing – there were six bullets in the cylinder, .455 calibre, all old, some defective. The man got off three rounds, two of which hit the rear left door of the garda Fiat. One lodged in the door panel, the other passing through the car, missing both gardai and smashing through the driver’s window, beside Frank Hand. The third shot from the Webley hit the ground behind the post office van. The gunman pulled the trigger again, and once more, those two rounds misfired ; at this stage the gunman with the Sten was moving to his left : he had not yet fired. He was now standing to the front and left of the garda car. While this was happening – inside the post office Gilsenan and Boyle and Brady heard the running feet, the shouting, the shots. Boyle and Brady ran out the back of the post office and hid in a shed. Gilsenan ran forward and slammed the front door of the post office. He locked the door and went upstairs to look out the window.

The robbery was in progress ; shots had been fired. JJ Bell, the post office van driver, took off the handbrake and put the van into first gear. Then he hesitated, for fear of being shot whilst driving away. All of this was happening in the few seconds after the garda car came to rest behind the van. Then the man with the Sten gun opened up. The memories of the surviving victims of the raid are, understandably, confused and contradictory on some points : Michael Dowd, for instance, thought at first that the man with the Webley was firing a submachine gun. From statements made shortly after the incident and – more reliably – detailed forensic reports, it is possible to work out what happened. The gunman with the Sten fired eight shots, either in one burst, with the gun moving up and to the left or – more likely – two quick bursts of four bullets. Four bullets hit the windscreen area of the car, in a cluster, ripping the chrome and rubber strip holding the windscreen. One of these bullets ploughed across the dashboard and went out the driver’s door, which was open. Detective Frank Hand was already out of the car, or getting out, his Smith and Wesson .38 revolver in his hand, when the Sten gun began firing. Two more bullets from the Sten hit the windscreen about a foot from the bottom ; a seventh bullet hit the windowframe of the door which Frank Hand had just opened. This all happened in fractions of a second ; Detective Michael Dowd saw the bullet holes appear in the windscreen, the dashboard being ploughed by a bullet. One of the bullets fragmented and a sliver of metal hit him just above his left eyebrow. He slumped to his right, putting his hands to the wound, the Uzi slipping from his lap ; Detective Frank Hand got off two shots – one hit the post office wall about seven feet from the ground, the other was never found. The eight bullet from the Sten gun hit Frank Hand in the right upper chest, passing through the chest cavity causing a hemorrhage. Frank Hand spun around and fell face down, facing towards the rear of the garda car ; the hemorrhage led to asphyxia. Someone shouted “For God’s sake stop shooting, there’s a man dead…” Detective Michael Dowd was still struggling upright in the garda car, his forehead bleeding, when the door was pulled open beside him and a handgun put to his head ; he was grabbed by the arm and thrown out beside the car on his hands and knees. His handgun was pulled from its holster – he was told to lie down. He hesitated. A gun was put to the back of his head – “On your belly.” He was told to put his nose and lips on the ground and not to move. He sank to the ground.

There was a man with a submachine gun at the driver’s door of the post van – “Turn off the fucking ignition.” The van driver, JJ Bell, switched off and pulled out the key. He was told to get out and open the back doors. For some reason he found himself reaching into the glove compartment and taking his cigarettes and lighter. The stolen beige Opel Ascona and the red Mercedes, with Tommy Eccles, Pat McPhillips, Brian McShane and two or three others whose identity is not known, called there by walkie-talkie, arrived at the post office, skidding to a stop. JJ Bell had opened the back doors of the van and was now lying face down on the ground ; he still had the keys of the van in his right hand. One of the gunmen kicked the keys from under his hand , put a gun to the back of his head and said “If you move, son, you are fucking dead.” Bell didn’t move ; in his left hand he still had his smokes and his lighter. The money bags were transferred into the red Mercedes ; the radio was torn out of the garda car. Detective Michael Dowd, gambling that the gunmen would be watching the money, raised his right arm and turned his head so he could see under his armpit and from the number of legs he saw moving back and forth he thought there were at least eight raiders. They were wearing blue boilersuits and black balaclavas with red stitching around the mouths. He could see one raider holding a pistol that looked like his own. The leader of the gang, giving orders in a Northern accent, several times said “Shoot him! Shoot him!” to the raider standing near Detective Dowd ; Dowd didn’t know how the gunmen would interpret this, whether it was a real order or a method of intimidation. Each second he expected to be shot. Mary Gilsenan, Michael’s mother, was in the family bungalow about 60 yards away ; she had heard the shots, so she rang the post office to find out what was happening. The receiver was lifted immediately and Michael shouted “DIAL 999!” then the phone was slammed down. She dialled 999 three times before being put through to Dublin Castle.

The money and guns were by now dumped in the Opel Ascona and the red Mercedes and both cars sped off. Just before the second car left the leader said “If that fucking bastard moves, fucking shoot him, shoot him !” Then the cars were gone. Detective Michael Dowd didn’t know if any raiders remained behind. James Gorman, who lived about 50 yards on the other side of the post office, had already seen the activity, and heard the shots ; he got 999 and was put through to the gardai, his son David was watching the events unfold and shouting information to his father, who in turn passed it on to the gardai. He saw the cars speed away.
Detective Dowd, lying on the ground beside the garda car, looked across at JJ Bell lying face down –
” Are they all gone?” Things were very quiet. Donal Brady came out from the shed behind the post office ; “Are you alright, JJ?” , he called to Bell. Detective Dowd looked around and under the car at his partner – “Are you alright, Frank?” The ambulance came from Navan ; it arrived after almost half an hour, around 8.35am. Nurse Olivia Reilly felt for Detective Frank Hand’s pulse but could find none.
It was 8.05am : Seamus Lynch, the Provo in Kentstown, had gone to Joe Gargan’s house, went up to his bedroom and Gargan had given him the keys to his yellow Ford Escort. Lynch was now arriving at the field at Rathfeigh ; Noel McCabe was waiting in his ‘borrowed’ blue Ford Cortina, at the crossroads where he was to pick up ‘the lads’. The red Mercedes, driven by Tommy Eccles, came speeding along, on its way from Drumree, past McCabe, who followed it to the field at Rathfeigh. The yellow Escort was already there. There was panic in the field ; the men from the Mercedes were shouting and arguing about the shooting of the garda, running around in circles. The money, guns, boiler suits and walkie-talkies were dumped in the boot of the yellow Escort and Seamus Lynch drove it away to Kentstown. Petrol was thrown on the Mercedes and it was set on fire.

Tommy Eccles, Pat McPhillips and the man with the ear-ring got into Noel McCabe’s blue Ford Cortina and he drove them off towards Dundalk ; the three passengers were white-faced, arguing. McCabe started to ask them what happened when McPhillips said “Shut up,drive!” The car wound its way through the narrow roads with McPhillips barking ” Left,right,right,left,” several times, before admitting he was lost. The panic in the car was such that at Julianstown, three or four miles from Drogheda, Noel McCabe ordered the others out of the car, in fear they would run into a garda checkpoint ; McPhillips and the man with the ear-ring got out and made their way on foot. McCabe agreed to drive Tommy Eccles into Drogheda ; he did so. Then he drove on to Dundalk and went to Mass before returning home. In Drogheda, Tommy Eccles went into a shop and bought a peach – he ate it walking along the street, then he went into St. Peter’s Church, the one with Oliver Plunkett’s head, and thanked God he had got away. Seamus Lynch drove the guns and money to a big shed about a mile from Kentstown. Joe Gargan was waiting there for him. Lynch hid the guns and money inside an empty tank in the shed and then went home. The 9am news on the radio said a garda had been killed at Drumree. Tommy Eccles took a taxi home to Dundalk from Drogheda. The taxi driver, a Mrs Dempsey, told him there had been something on the news about a garda being shot dead at Drumree. Eccles felt sick. Meanwhile, the beige Opel Ascona had disappeared in another direction, taking the ‘heavies’, the ones who had used the guns, to safety.

Sunday 12th August 1984 ; two days after the killing of Detective Frank Hand. Noel McCabe went to Tommy Eccles’s house. Eccles was there with Paul Finnegan – McCabe asked them about the robbery but Finnegan warned him not to talk about it to anyone or he would be shot – “It went wrong, we didn’t mean to shoot anyone” , said Finnegan, “I did’nt intend to involve you in anything like this.” Then he laughed. “It’s only another stiff, anyway.” When Finnegan was gone McCabe and Eccles talked ; “It’s ironic” , said Eccles, according to McCabe, “but it’s a Scotsman who shot him.” The gardai drew up a questionnaire and began a house-to-house inquiry. On Monday 13th August 1984 both Seamus Lynch and Joe Gargan received routine visits at their homes in Kentstown ; both answered the routine questions, placing themselves well away from Drumree at the time of the killing (which was, in fact , true). A Garda Michael Miley interviewed Joe Gargan – he thought that Gargan talked a lot, very freely, but gave short and to-the-point answers to specific questions about his movements. There was space at the bottom of the questionnaire marked – ‘Member’s Personal Opinion?’ and Garda Miley wrote – ‘Very talkative, seemed very friendly, but not genuine.’

The Gardai lifted a lot of people, the routine round-up. Among them were Seamus Lynch, Joe Gargan, Tommy Eccles and Paddy Duffy. They all made statements, some bare admissions of their own roles in the robbery, others lengthier and fuller. There would later be allegations of garda beatings, but there was little evidence to sustain them. What seemed to have happened is that, faced with the unexpected enormity of the situation in which they found themselves, the suspects crumbled. The money and guns were recovered from the shed at Kentstown. Most of the IRA team had been lifted ; admissions were made. The money and guns had been recovered. Noel McCabe, never publicly linked with the Provos, wasn’t lifted. He was still shocked and full of remorse about the killing of Frank Hand, worried about what would happen to him. Some time in the week after the killing he went to confession in Dundalk, to a Fr. McAuley ; he told about his part in the robbery and said he wanted to tell someone else. The priest told him he should. On Friday 24th August 1984, two weeks after the robbery, his name still unknown to the gardai, McCabe began ringing Brendan McGahon, the Fine Gael TD from Dundalk. He couldn’t reach the T. McGahon had known Noel McCabe for years and knew of his trouble with the drink. That night McCabe went to McGahon’s house and told him of his involvement in the crime ; they talked for three hours. McGahon said he would contact someone in authority. That night he got in touch with the gardai in Dundalk. McCabe was to return to McGahon two days later, but he was attending an ‘Alcoholics Anonymous’ meeting that Sunday night ; he went to McGahon’s home on Monday but the man wasn’t there. On Tuesday night he again approached his house, this time just as McGahon’s car drove away. The gardai, meanwhile, had been in touch with McGahon at Leinster House. At 6.45am on Wednesday 29th August 1984 McCabe was arrested ; Brian McShane and Pat McPhillips were arrested twenty minutes earlier. Within ten minutes of being taken to Navan Garda Station, Noel McCabe began making a lengthy statement. It told everything he knew about the robbery ; it was not the kind of confession sweated out of a suspect over a long period. It was detailed and convincing, and it corroborated and gave credence to statements made earlier by others of the group. McCabe was in over his head and now he just wanted to tell all. He hadn’t intended to get involved in the killing of a garda.

Noel McCabe spent six weeks in solitary confinement in Portlaoise Prison, as a protective measure. In the course of the subsequent trial, in February and March 1985, he pleaded guilty to robbery and received a 10-year sentence, suspended – there was uproar in the public gallery of the Special Criminal Court and a man named Eoin McKenna, from Darndale, Dublin, shouted at McCabe “McCabe, you’re a supergrass, the first Free State supergrass.” McKenna was ordered to apologise to the court ; he refused and was immediately sentenced to 12 months for contempt of court. The accusation of ‘supergrass’ was silly ; Noel McCabe made his statement on August 29th ; Seamus Lynch and Joe Gargan made statements on August 15th ; Paddy Duffy made a statement on August 22nd and Tommy Eccles on August 23rd. The only person named in McCabe’s statement who was subsequently convicted and who had not himself made a statement by that time was Pat McPhillips. It suited the gardai and the courts to portray the affair as a well-planned and professionally executed robbery ; the Provos have their own macho reasons for believing in their own professionalism. The evidence is that the Drumree raid was poorly organised, dependent on amateurs, panicky in its execution and counter-productive in its political effects. And they got no money. The net effect was the death of a 25 year-old garda. Tommy Eccles, Brian McShane and Pat McPhillips pleaded not guilty to capital murder and claimed their statements were untrue and involuntary. The statements were declared admissible and the three were found guilty of capital murder and sentenced to death. Their appeal was dismissed on February 10th 1986 – 30 years ago on this date – and, on February 21st, their sentences were commuted to forty years without remission.

Paddy Duffy claimed in court that he thought the cars he was providing were to be used by the IRA in the North ; he was found guilty of non-capital murder and sentenced to penal servitude for life. Of the four found guilty of murder, only Paddy Duffy had a previous conviction – for possession of a revolver. Seamus Lynch was found guilty of robbery and was sentenced to four years ; Joe Gargan was found guilty of robbery and was given 10 years, suspended. None of those mentioned was present at Drumree when Detective Garda Frank Hand was killed.
Paul Finnegan was picked up a couple of times by the gardai but made no statement ; at least one, if not two or three more men, were involved in the robbery and have never been charged. ‘Paul Finnegan’ is no longer wanted for the Drumree robbery and murder. The gardai have no evidence against him. It is thought that he may be living abroad.



And, unfortunately, one of those ‘jobs’ doesn’t include posting the usual few words here. Or anywhere else for that matter. The CABHAIR group are holding a 650-ticket fundraising raffle this coming Sunday (14th) and any spare time we have has been gladly given over to them to assist in the work, meaning that we have been on the go since yesterday (Tuesday 9th) helping to round-up the ticket stubs and giving a hand to arrange the necessary paperwork etc for the day. We’ll be back here the following Wednesday (24th) with our usual offering. Unless we win the raffle, that is…!

Thanks for reading, Sharon.



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