Stop the DPRTE arms fair in Cardiff

stopcardiffarmslogo2 copyCome to Cardiff on the 16th of March 2016 to take action against the DPRTE arms fair at Cardiff Motorpoint Arena.

According to its website, DPRTE (the Defense Procurement, Research, Technology and Exportability exhibition) is the “UK’s Premier Defense Procurement Event” and is now being hosted annually at Cardiff Motorpoint Arena. They hosted the arms fair in Cardiff for the first time in October 2014, with exhibitors including BAE Systems, the world’s 3rd largest arms producer. BAE has a very special relationship with the UK government & the Saudi dictatorship.
* BAE has sold equipment sells equipment to Saudi Arabia, which is being used in the current bombardment of Yemen.
* BAE supplied the tactical armoured vehicles, which were used by Saudi Arabia, in 2011, to brutally crush pro-democracy protests in Bahrain.
* BAE systems also supplies Israel with the tools to wage war on the Palestinians, and provides display units used to equip Israeli F-16 fighter jets.
* BAE is one of many companies at DPTRE which supplies weapons to Turkey. In 2015, people in towns across Turkey’s Kurdish region have barricaded their city centers and declared autonomy from the state. The Turkish army has responded by attacking residential areas with tanks, combat helicopters and mortars, killing hundreds of people.

BAE are just one of over 80 exhibitors set to participate in the arms fair. Some are giants of the international arms industry that might be expected; others have a more local dimension, including the Welsh Assembly’s National Procurement Service and the University of South Wales. Household business names like BT and Panasonic are also all over the programme. It seems that a lot of people stand to make a lot of blood money out of the various technological approaches to waging warfare that will be displayed.

There has been active opposition to DPRTE since 2013. The arms fair had previously originally been hosted at the UWE campus in Bristol, but was subsequently driven out by determined resistance; hence the move to Cardiff. The protests involved a variety of actions, including blockading the UWE north entrance, causing queues trailing back along the A4174.

Having been driven out of Bristol, DPTRE  relocated to Cardiff in 2014, South Wales Anarchists, Stop NATO Cymru and other groups and individuals resolved to show the arms dealers that there is no welcome for them in Wales either. Food Not Bombs Cardiff had a presence; people confronted the arms dealers and tried to get inside; and three arms dealers were covered in red paint as they tried to enter. Those arrested for this action had their charges dropped when it came to trial, due to insufficient evidence.

We urge all that can to come join the growing resistance in to Cardiff, to take action against this arms fair and all those taking part in it on Wednesday 16th March 2016. We know that when the rich make war, it’s the poor that die, and we won’t stand for business people profiting from racist mass murder death, displacement and torture.

Our website will be updated with news and information and we have an email address where we can be contacted by email on: stopcardiffarmsfair at<>

Stop the Cardiff Arms Fair / Na i Ffair Arfau Caerdydd supported by Anarchist Action Network, Smash EDO, Campaign Against the Arms Trade, South Wales Anarchists, Swansea Food not Bombs, Disarm DSEI, Stop the Arms Fair and Bristol Against Arms Trade

Disarm DSEI Critical Mass bike ride

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Dates and Times

Saturday 12 Sep 2015
11:00 - 13:00


41 Tower Hill

Bikes not Bombs logoJoin the bicycle ride as part of the day of mass action against DSEI, one of the world’s largest arms fairs.

Meet by the bike racks outside Societe Generale; cycle to the ExCeL centre in London’s Docklands, where it’s all happening.

Bring noise, colour and defiance!

For more info, check Stop The Arms Fair.

Bikes not Bombs! Critical Mass action against the arms fair

Bikes not Bombs logoSunday 8 September, 10am, meet at Bank Junction, London EC2. Bring noise, colour, contempt.

Part of the day of action against DSEI, the world’s largest arms fair with 1,300 arms companies and 28,000 buyers. It’s all taking place at the ExCeL centre in London’s docklands.

We will also be riding to the arms dealers dinner on Thurs 12 Sept.

Download the flyer here and help spread the word!

Call for the September 8th Occupy DSEI mass action – from the Stop the Arms Fair coalition

In 2011 all across the world people took to the streets in from Greece to Spain from Egypt to New York. These uprisings where the first glimpse of a global movement against political and economic injustice. In 2013 the movement continues and has spread to Turkey and Brazil where people face brutal state repression.

Continue reading Call for the September 8th Occupy DSEI mass action – from the Stop the Arms Fair coalition

Call-out to stop the DSEI arms fair – Mass action 8th September 2013

The government is welcoming the world’s worst human rights abusing regimes to shop for weapons in London. WHAT WILL YOU DO?

A massive arms fair is planned to take place in the UK in September 2013. The UK government plans to invite human rights abusing regimes, such as Algeria, Bahrain, Colombia, Saudi Arabia and Vietnam, to the London arms fair to court them and sell them weapons.

Continue reading Call-out to stop the DSEI arms fair – Mass action 8th September 2013

Report from the June 12 demonstration against militarism and capitalist violence

The anti-militarist demonstration on June 12 had been called by Smash EDO, Disarm DSEI and Sussex Stop G8 and was part of the Stop G8 week of action in London.

After an eventful Carnival Against Capitalism on June 11, which had seen a ridiculously over-the-top policing operation throughout central London, including a brutal raid on the Stop G8 convergence space, it was time to show the police and the arms dealers that neither mass arrests nor physical attacks would keep us off the streets.

Continue reading Report from the June 12 demonstration against militarism and capitalist violence

Call for an anti-militarist action against the G8 on June 12th

On June 12th Sussex Stop G8, Smash EDO and Disarm DSEI are calling for a mass Citizens’ Weapons Inspection in the West End. The meeting place will be BAE Systems, 6 Carlton Gardens, SW1Y 5AD. Join Us!

Continue reading Call for an anti-militarist action against the G8 on June 12th