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A New Sheffield Social Centre: The Black Rose Centre

21-02-2012 00:44

The Black Rose Centre is a new social centre project (PDF Flyer) at 268 Verdon Street, established by the Sheffield Social Centre Collective. This is the first time that the Social Centre Collective has had a permanent space, previously there have been weekend events held by the collective such as the Free Schools in 2011 and 2010 and there were two, short lived, squatted buildings in 2009.

On Wednesday 22nd of February at 7:30pm there will be a discussion on setting up a Sheffield Wide Class Struggle Anarchist Group following a screening of An Anarchist's Story. On Friday 24th February at 6pm there will be the opening of QUEER: an exhibition of local artists' work in response to "LGBT History Month", the deadline for submissions for the show is Wednesday 22nd February.

Newswire: Queer - 24th-26th February 2012 | Calling All Sheffield Anarchists | New Social Centre in Sheffield: The Black Rose Centre

Links: Sheffield Social Centre Collective | Open Street Map

Full article

Sheffield Anarchist Bookfair 2011

27-05-2011 22:11

Saturday May 21st saw the return of the Sheffield Anarchist Bookfair, now in its second year. This year it attracted over 250 people and throughout the day it had a good crowd of people attending meetings, watching films, hanging out in the cafe space and checking out a good range of groups and stalls. The venue was certainly an improvement on last year (we had day light and windows for a start!) and was decorated with loads of different banners, flags and posters brought by various groups on the day.

Photos | Audio: Elephants, Dogmas and Taboos: a Friendly Critique of Anarchism | Anarchism 101 | Anarchist Studies Network Book Launch | Sheffield Social Centre: Why? What? Where? | Luddites Organising Forum

Full article

Sheffield Temporary Autonomous Arts 2011

26-05-2011 22:24

The weekend 19th to the 21st May 2011 saw the second Sheffield Temporary Autonomous Arts event take place in a disused industrial unit on Bowdon Street. The event was organised by the Art and Soul Kollective and followed on from their event last year.

Events over the weekend included a gig on Friday night by Stan Skinny and the Neats and on Saturday night there was a DIY fashion show.

Newswire: 1 | 2 | 3

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SchNEWS 759: Middle Eastern Promise

17-02-2011 22:45

The Battle for Lazoughli Square (From Occupied Cairo)

Egyptian dissidents (along with the masses) celebrated on Friday as Hosni Mubarak finally threw in the towel after the mass protests in Cairo's Tahrir Square, and across the country, refused to abate (and presumably the Americans finally ordered him to load up the plane with gold and go in an attempt to ensure the power structures – and thus their influence – didn't collapse completely). But the Egyptian revolution is not yet won as the military have stepped in, repressed protest and threatened to declare martial law.

From the Newswire:
Libyan solidarity in London | Algerians take to the streets
Bahrain: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Egypt: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

In SchNEWS: 758 | 757 | 756

Read first-hand reports from Egypt at Cairo Rising | Occupied Cairo | 3arabawy | Game Over Mubarak

Full article

SchNEWS 754: We'll Fight Them on the Beeches

13-01-2011 22:44

Last week (see SchNEWS 753) we covered the protests against the sell-off of the Forest of Dean. But the implications of the Public Bodies Bill for the Forestry Commission  go a lot further than that.  Essentially the Tory’s are planning (in time-honoured fashion) to flog off the family silver and privatise forests up and down the country. The sale is intended to raise £2bn - less than half of one years tax avoidance by Vodafone.

Links: | | | |

Local campaigns we know about: Staffordshire | Exeter | Nottinghamshire | East Anglia | Gloucestershire

In SchNEWS:SchNEWS 753

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SchNEWS 744: To The Manor Osbourne

21-10-2010 21:36

Thousands have marched, a government department has been broken into, and a Scottish branch of Lloyds TSB has been occupied by pissed-off pensioners...It must be the (OK, somewhat quiet compared to France) start of the anti-cuts revolt!

On the Newswire: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

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SchNEWS 743: Leicester Is More

14-10-2010 21:05

A thousand EDL supporters rampaged through the streets of Leicester on Saturday (9th), attacking locals, anti-fascists and police.

On the Newswire: 1

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SchNEWS 742: ITT's Hammertime

07-10-2010 18:31

Brighton's Smash EDO campaign are holding a mass demo at EDO/ITT on Wednesday 13th October. Anti arms trade campaigners plan to lay seige to EDO/ITT and shut them down for the day.

Info for the Day:: The meeting place for the demo is Wild Park Cafe (directions here) at 10am on Wednesday, but people are being asked to arrive on the evening of the 12th. Convergence space will be available. There will be a meeting about the demo at 7pm at the Cowley Club on Tuesday 12th. There will be a timeline on Indymedia and a twitter feed: @smash_edo

Local contacts for ITT's Hammertime: Birmingham - hammertime-brum [at] | Bristol - bristolagainstarmstrade [at] | Cambridge - hammertime-cambridge [at] | Cardiff - val.swain [at] | Cornwall - kernowaction [at] | London - hammertimelondon [at] | Manchester - info [at] | Notts - alex.dable [at] | Swansea - d [at]

Previous features:They Think It's All Over ...ITT Is Now | Smash EDO Solidarity in Nottingham | Hammer Time: The EDO Decommissioners go on trial | Indymedia Coverage of Remember Gaza | Anti Militarists take on Barclays | Support the EDO Decommissioners | Mayday! Mayday! | EDO Smashed | Anti-Arms Protesters Shut ITT | Smash EDO Carnival Against the Arm Trade - Timeline | Carnival Against the Arms Trade | Marie Vesco RIP | On the Verge - The Film They Tried to Ban | Singers Arrested Outside Arms Factory | Smash EDO Action Camp: Shut down the Brighton bomb builders | Lebanon War protesters - Not Guilty! | EDO CORP: 2006 Alternative Report | 2007 Is The Year To Shut EDO Down | EDO MBM Injunction crumbles | EDO MBM desperate to stop protests as resistance increases | Smash EDO Take On The Law | Harassment Law Used Against Anti-War Campaigners | Campaign to Smash Edo | Arms company shut down

Links: ITT's Hammertime demo page| Smash EDO |Target Brimar| Decommisioners

Full article | 14 comments

SchNEWS 740: No Borders Camp, Brussels

23-09-2010 21:40

No Borders Camp 2010 in Brussels kicks off this Saturday (25th) til the 3rd October, so get yourself to the continent to make a start on creating a world where no one is illegal. Among the objectives of the camp are the denouncing of European migration policy; showing the links between this policy and the structures of capitalism and repression; the blocking of Brussels' deportation system and the organisation of an autonomous safe space for the voices of migrants and activists to be heard.

On the Newswire: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

In SchNEWS:1

Full article

SchNEWS 739: Tesco Check-Out

16-09-2010 19:01

In fantastic victory for the local community, Tesco have withdrawn their involvement from the Lewes Road Community Garden development plans.

On the Newswire:1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

In SchNEWS: 738 | 732 | 729 | 727 | 680


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Image Race, Art, and All That Jazz at Harvard
26-03-2016 12:53

Text Bailey Gwynne The Untold Truth
16-03-2016 08:52

Text Yorkley Court Farm NOW under UNLAWFUL eviction-- spread the word!
10-03-2016 16:05

Image boomsatsuma presents Mother Foucault at new underground art venue in Bristol
29-02-2016 11:17

Text Carnival in defense of the ZAD land occupation in France
17-02-2016 14:15 | 1 comment

Text Megachurch Fusion Or Solar Encounter?
15-02-2016 20:54

Image USA - Incarceration Nation of World
31-01-2016 01:51

28-01-2016 11:09

Image Fountainhead e-Letter, Berlin/Germany, January/February 2016
27-01-2016 23:12

Generic media ABAB
15-01-2016 09:16

Image Radical Anthropology Talks in London, Spring 2016
02-01-2016 15:00

Image Joma Sison welcomes Pia Wurtzbach’s ‘welcoming Americans’ stance
02-01-2016 13:17

Image Joma Sison welcomes Pia Wurtzbach’s ‘welcoming Americans’ stance
02-01-2016 13:08

Audio UG#726 - The Flight From Death (Importance of Death Anxiety, Operation Gladio 3)
26-12-2015 23:19

Text ICJ bans hitchhunters
02-12-2015 14:05

Image UK Social Centres Gathering 28/29 November
16-11-2015 23:54

Image Irish Coursing Club reeling as major company pulls ad from its website
05-11-2015 20:09 | 1 comment

Image An overview of Italy’s anti-fascist gyms and boxing clubs
01-11-2015 13:13 | 1 comment

Image Update - London Anarchist Bookfair - Stalls & Meetings - 24th October
20-10-2015 12:34 | 2 comments

Text Bono Collaterally Slashes Virgin Arrangement
19-10-2015 15:02

Image 2015 London Anarchist Bookfair - Saturday 24th October
22-09-2015 21:15 | 2 additions | 35 comments

Text Boris Johnson under pressure to welcome the Dalai Lama
17-09-2015 10:01 | 1 comment

Text Boris Johnson under pressure to welcome the Dalai Lama
17-09-2015 09:59

Image Never Mind The Labour Party, Come To The Fucking Fuck Parade
16-09-2015 20:04 | 1 comment

Image New Installation - 'Activist Investor by Rupert James Baker Ltd.'
16-09-2015 16:53

Image Fuck Gentrification - Join the Fuck Parade....Part 3!
14-08-2015 21:21 | 1 comment

Image An Oz in Room at the Top
30-07-2015 14:19

Image Fuck Parade needs you!
27-07-2015 13:46

Image International Art and Social Consciousness: Rejecting ‘Endless Lines and Squares
28-06-2015 12:11

Image 2nd International Antifascist Martial Arts Tournament
28-05-2015 15:46

Image The Fuck Parade Strikes Back! - Reclaim Camden, Reclaim the Beats
19-05-2015 15:07 | 2 comments

Image #TransActing: A Market of Values
17-05-2015 21:29

Image Stalls at the Anarchist #SheffBookfair on today at the Workstation
16-05-2015 11:48 | 3 additions | 1 comment

Text David Rovics in Concert - Casa, Hope Street, 8pm Saturday 23rd May
15-05-2015 16:12 | 1 comment

Image Manchester May Day Festival
06-05-2015 23:57

Audio UG#707 - Returning To Earth (Fungus, Fermentation and Food)
02-05-2015 14:46

Image Liverpool May Day Party and Protest - Solidarity on the Streets
30-04-2015 21:01

Text More and more planning application in Stokes croft
30-04-2015 13:01

Image Indonesia - The time for being polite is over !
30-04-2015 04:44

Image FCUM Bans Workfare
29-04-2015 08:19 | 1 comment

Text Manchester radical book fair and workshops, all welcome
22-04-2015 13:01 | 3 comments

Image 700-strong Massed Voices Choir will gather to "Sing for Water" in Cardiff Bay
16-04-2015 22:36

Text Social Centre Gathering This Weekend
16-04-2015 15:21

Image USA — 152 Death Penalty Mistakes, and counting!
15-04-2015 00:25

Image Mayday! Reclaim the Beats!! - Join the Fuck Parade!
11-04-2015 17:33

Image How Australia Abolished Death Penalty
11-04-2015 09:01

Text Runnymede needs You! Eviction Resistance ॐ
06-04-2015 19:36 | 3 comments

Image International Callout
26-03-2015 14:47

Image Letter from Lerwick
17-03-2015 22:12

Text The three Tower Hamlets schoolgirls and Azmal Alam (Poplar schoolboy murdered )
24-02-2015 15:23

Image INDONESIA: Shamed by Lack of Gratitude
23-02-2015 00:02 | 1 comment

Image Brazil LGBT
19-02-2015 13:06

Image Cardiff Anarchist Bookfair this Saturday
18-02-2015 16:10 | 44 comments

Text When will the ITUC investigate one of its "own"?
10-02-2015 12:17

Image Melanie Shaw - Shocking story of child abuse whistleblower being victimised
08-02-2015 13:51

Image INDONESIA - Death By Firing Squad
08-02-2015 08:43

Text We are a Mass Movement! Class Struggle is not Dead
06-02-2015 00:28 | 7 comments

Image Queen Elizabeth's Fur Fetish
23-01-2015 20:05

Text In San Francisco USA, "Dispatches Against Displacement" -- a review
19-01-2015 08:19

Image “World’s remotest film festival” announces dates for 2015
18-01-2015 16:47

Image Ronald Ryan: Did Australia Hang an Innocent Man?
13-01-2015 01:42

Image 23/24 January: 2nd Manning Truthfest in west Wales
09-01-2015 21:24

Image Australian Politicians Must Speak Out AGAINST Death Penalty
06-01-2015 06:56

Image Mary's Immaculate Deception - A Christmas Play
24-12-2014 21:42 | 2 comments

Text All I want for Xmas is a pint of Cobra venom.. - Youtube video
22-12-2014 11:43

Image Texas - The BESTIAL State of USA
29-11-2014 01:30

Text Freedom's Womb
26-11-2014 11:55

Audio Audio: Sylvia Pankhurst - The Suffragette as a Militant Artist
24-11-2014 22:23

Audio Audio from #ORGCon2014 - The UK's Digital Rights Conference
18-11-2014 01:38

Image Leading UKIP Campaigners Are Friends With BNP Antisemite @edlnews @exposing_ukip
04-11-2014 23:17

Text Veggies Happy Birthday to you and Thanks!
17-10-2014 16:41

Image Vigil for Palestine in Edinburgh ahead of commons vote
13-10-2014 00:51 | 2 comments

Audio Cory Doctorow: Information Doesn't Want to Be Free
07-10-2014 22:07

Text People, power and policy
03-10-2014 15:45

Text SchNEWS Ending?
26-09-2014 14:31 | 1 comment

Image Referendum night in George Square, Glasgow September 18/19 2014
21-09-2014 00:34

Image Well the referendum is over but how much was it influenced by outsiders?
20-09-2014 14:09

Image 21 & 22 September: Two Days for World Peace in Wrexham
17-09-2014 22:19

Text Open letter to the whiteman: Brett Bailey
14-09-2014 18:34

Image Deep Forest Poetry
14-09-2014 11:04 | 5 comments

Text Is Eric Pickles up to the job on Tower Hamlets?
04-09-2014 08:43 | 1 comment

Image 15 photos from Edinburgh Mela 2014
31-08-2014 23:39

Image Public Beheadings - Daily Sport in Saudi Arabia
29-08-2014 01:33

Image Benefit gig for London Antifascists 13 sept
26-08-2014 06:24

Text Anarchist Dierctory
24-08-2014 22:30 | 2 comments

Image Can you feel the Class War all around you?
21-08-2014 18:24 | 4 comments

Text Jerusalem Art Exhibition: Children's painting competition
19-08-2014 07:44

Text Call-out for the Radical Bookfair Hamburg, 4-5 Oct 2014
30-07-2014 19:20

Text Please Vote Veggies!
11-07-2014 17:37

Text Please Help!
11-07-2014 10:44

Text The courage of Iranian women.
11-07-2014 09:53

Image Freedom Incorporated
03-07-2014 16:17

Image Rediscover hope, anarchists are urged
30-06-2014 11:30 | 1 comment

Text Musicians Wanted for Veggies 30th Party
26-06-2014 11:26

Image Rik Mayall's Last Laugh?
17-06-2014 18:22 | 1 addition | 7 comments

Image Anarchism against alcoholism
03-06-2014 13:56 | 2 comments

Text Starting a help account for cats in need of help
30-05-2014 12:18

Text DIY Cultures 2014, Sunday 25th May, 12pm-7pm, Rich Mix
24-05-2014 06:14

Text Is fish the future?
23-05-2014 08:31

Image Welsh Language Action / Gweithred Hawliau Iaith
12-05-2014 09:31

Image 2nd edition International Cinema Libre film festival: send us your entries!
11-05-2014 13:44

Audio UG#681 - Leviathan Remixed (Resistance Audiocollage)
05-05-2014 16:15

Text Boko Haram – An Image From The Future
04-05-2014 15:02 | 1 comment

Image Oklahoma Governor Thanks Witnesses After Botched Execution
04-05-2014 02:42 | 2 comments

Image Programme out now for Bristol Anarchist Bookfair 2014
07-04-2014 16:31

Text Australia takes different tack on private parking legislation
07-04-2014 09:30

Image A Mothers Day Benefit gig for Afghan mothers.
27-03-2014 20:43

Text Theatre for Change
21-03-2014 15:37

Image Book Now for Peace News Summer Camp 2014!
05-03-2014 11:38

Text Commentary: Shadow of Western War 'Games' Falls on Friendly Olympics
23-02-2014 09:07 | 3 comments

Text North Devon Community Squat Local Pub
22-02-2014 16:53

Image All New look for UK PROTEST & DEMOS
17-02-2014 14:09 | 1 addition

Text This Year's Flu Shots Causing Guillain-Barre and Other Lethal Effects
28-01-2014 18:25 | 2 comments

Text #132: No Borders Tangier, ISP website-blocking, observations on creativity...
20-01-2014 14:19

Image Latino Vegetarians: A Critical Mass
17-01-2014 17:08 | 5 comments

Text Enjoy The Radioactive Fish:
17-01-2014 12:36 | 2 comments

Image Report & Photos from the Manning Truthfest
16-01-2014 22:07 | 1 addition

Text Fukushima: Who Profits from a Cover-up?
08-01-2014 02:58 | 4 comments

Image Invitation to The Manning Truthfest in Haverfordwest (and Fishguard) 10-11 Jan
04-01-2014 22:07

Image Bristol anarchist bookfair 2014
31-12-2013 17:46 | 2 comments

XML UK Culture Newswire Archive