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G20 London Summit

Protests against the G20 Summit in London: A meeting for the world's leaders to discuss the economy, its markets and the global financial crisis.

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Ian Tomlinson death: police will not face charges

29-07-2010 01:16

Protests were held in London and Manchester after the Crown Prosecution Service announced that the police officer who was caught on video striking Ian Tomlinson,who later died, during the G20 demonstrations in London in April 2009, would not face criminal charges for Ian Tomlinson's murder.

Quite a few people took the opportunity to express their anger and grief, about Ian Tomlinson and everyone who has died at the hands of the police.

In London, after a short halt at Bank, the crowd went to Cornhill to have a minute of silencein memory of Ian Tomlinson.

Read Last Hours timeline and a report.

London Class war have called for people to gather outside the offices of Keir Starmer the DPP next Friday 30th July from 12-2pm. Ian Cameron of the George Davis Defence Campaign will be speaking there.

Proposed revised letter if you want to write to your MP.

Full article | 1 comment

SchNEWS 732: Getting Away With Murder

22-07-2010 21:17

“After 16 months of waiting, to hear nothing is being done is a complete joke. Today they gave us no hope. This experience has broken our family apart. The DPP has told us there was an unlawful act, yet no charges are to be brought. This is no justice - everyone has failed us.” - Ian Tomlinson's son Paul King.

Ian Tomlinson, a 47 year old news-vendor was killed at the G20 protests in April 2009. His family have waited until now to find out what action the justice system was going to take. The Director of Public Prosecution Keir Starmer stated today (Thurs) that there would be no charges brought against any police officers involved in the death of Ian Tomlinson. This astonishingly bare faced whitewash prompted the director of INQUEST Deborah Coles to say “The eyes of the world will be looking on with incredulity as yet again a police officer is not facing any criminal charges after what is one of the most clear-cut and graphic examples of police violence that has led to death. This decision is a shameful indictment of the way police criminality is investigated and demonstrates a culture of impunity when police officers break the law. It follows a pattern of cases that reveal an unwillingness to treat deaths arising from the use of force by police as potential homicides”

On the Newswire: 1 | 2 | 3

Family Campaign Fighting Fund | Picket of DPP 30/7

In SchNEWS: 508 | 647)

Links: |

Full article | 113 comments

G20 policing caused man's death: police coverup and media lies

02-04-2009 09:29

See Indymedia London for G20 reports, timelines and features.

On Wednesday 1st April during a demonstration against the G20 in London, thousands of protestors were trapped inside a police cordon (kettled) where they were baton charged and crushed by the police. Ian Tomlinson, who appears to have been a passer-by, died during this demonstration outside the Bank of England. The police started a coverup immediately, claiming police and medics had been prevented from attending to him, although eyewitnesses reported seeing Ian Tomlinson being attacked by police shortly before his death. The corporate media parroted these police lies even though eyewitness accounts contradicted this [statement | video]. Now a video has surfaced clearly showing Ian was viciously assaulted by riot police from behind and violently pushed to the ground. Riot police and members of the Forward Intelligence Team looked on as a protestor attended to him. Minutes after moving away, Mr. Tomlinson collapsed in a nearby alley and died shortly afterwards.

An assembly and a procession has been called for this Saturday 11th April assembling at Bethnal Green Police Station at 11:30 am to demand a public enquiry. A procession will move off at midday to arrive at the Bank of England around 1 pm. Another protest has also been called for Saturday 18th April at 12 noon in Redditch, the Home Secretary's constituency town. A demonstration calling for an end to state murders has been called in Edinburgh

Anyone with information they believe may help clarify the circumstances surrounding his death should, as soon as possible, write a full statement and contact the Climate Camp Legal Team: legal [at] climatecamp [dot] org [dot] uk

N.B. If you have previously left any important legal information on an answering machine or sent to a different email address and nobody got back to you, please try again using the email address above

Eyewitness accounts: Witnesses Statement: Death at G20 | Video: Interview with two Eyewitnesses of G20 Death

Reports: IMC - about the death | Death At The Hands Of Capital | G20 protests video shows perfect example of police tactics

Solidarity and Remembrance: New Zealand Solidarity Demo Against Police Brutality | Helsinki is supporting NO G20 | Vigil today ongoing at Bank of England | G20 Protest London - Memorial for the Dead | Photos - 2nd April memorial demo London

Full article | 5 comments

Indymedia G20 Reporting

01-04-2009 22:16

For G20 feature coverage and reporting timeline of events see:

G20 Direct Action: April 1st

G20 April 2nd: Raids and Remembrance

Full article | 1 comment

March 28th: 40,000 on Put People First March

29-03-2009 15:11

A march for Jobs, Justice and Climate headed across London on Saturday 28th as part of a global campaign to challenge the G20 ahead of the summit taking place on April 2nd. About 40,000 people braved the cold weather from 11am until 5pm and marched from Victoria Embankment via Westminster to Hyde Park for a rally.

Timeline of march (and international reports)

Photos: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | Video | Audio |
YouTube: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Anarchist Rally Speeches |
Flickr: [pool] 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

Report your news about the G20 and help Indymedia to cover the event.
Dispatch: 07588 479 039 also see: list of G20 protests

Full article | 24 comments

Days of Action: G20 London Summit

25-03-2009 15:11

We are your crisis!

The G20 group (or G22) will be meeting at the Excel Center, London, on April 2nd 2009. The main aim of this summit is to discuss how to re-build confidence in the financial markets and “re-stabilise” the world economy given the current financial crisis. The meeting will be composed of finance ministers from the European Central Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the European Union, and the World Bank.

Callouts: Reclaim The Streets | Climate Camp | Summer Of Rage | Bristol Dissent | Fossil Fools Day | G20 maps (easily printable versions)

Links: G20 Meltdown | Climate Camp G20 | Manchester G20 | Put People First | We Won't Pay For Their Crisis | Stop the War Coalition | Palestine Solidarity Campaign | The British Muslim Initiative | Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament | What is the G20? | Indymedia UK G20 topic page

G20 Melbourne Summit 2006: A first communiqué from two uncitizens of Arterial Bloc (Video) | Payback: 100 Melbourne Police violently attack | V for victory | Photos

Full article | 12 comments

Storm the Banks

06-03-2009 12:55

Climate Rush activists gathered outside RBS (Royal Bank of Scotland), Thursday 5th March to protest the incredible multi million pound pay out to Fred (the shred) Goodwin, former RBS Chief Executive, and more importantly, the banks continuing role in funding the climate changing industries of coal, gas and oil. Posting the largest losses in British corporate history, RBS lost £24.1 billion in 2008 and has since had billions of pounds of taxpayers' money pumped into it. Already the largest bailout to date, the government has agreed to inject a further £13 billion on top of the £20 billion already given, and to make a further £6 billion available. While the tax payer now owns at least 70% of its shares, the bank continues to operate as a private company,

On the same day as the Climate Rush demo outside RBS, the Bank of England reduced the base interest rate to 0.5% and announced the printing of £100 billion pounds of new cash to inject into the stalled economy. Next month, the G20 leaders (G22 to be more precise) will arrive in London to discuss further ways to get the poor to bail out the rich. Various groups are mobilizing to protest against the summit which the police are co-promoting as part of a 'summer of rage'.

The G20 Meltdown group say they're going to reclaim the City, 'thrusting into the very belly of the beast', with a four pronged assault on the Bank of England at noon on 1st April. That afternoon, as part of a series of actions leading up to the COP15 climate summit in Copenhagen, the Camp for Climate Action aim to expose how the discredited market mechanisms are being sold as a solution to climate change and are planning a climate camp in the city close the the Carbon Trading Exchange.

Links : Climate Rush target RBS Photos: 1 | 2 | 3 | LCAP occupies RBS | Quantitive Easing | Corporate Undead | Image From The Future | Bristol Dissent g20 Call Out | Climate Camp hits the city | Press Complaint over G20 article | RBS boss pension | Arrogance of Capitalism | Environmental silver lining? | Climate chaos meets economic chaos | Bash a Billionaire | Doubt of global financial crisis? | Origins of the Credit Crunch | Summer of rage? | Demand for energy falling | Climate Crimes Delayed | Dissident Island Economic Special | "Pro-Capitalist" Mobilisation Video

Full article

What Does The Economic Crisis Mean For The Climate Change Movement?

19-02-2009 00:51

We are in the middle of two crises, the climate crisis and the economic crisis. Although we we seem to treat them as separate, it can be argued that they are completely entangled. Tackling one without tackling the other is impossible and fruitless, but the connections are complex and shifting. To intervene effectively, we need to look carefully at how we think about time and change, and how we relate to markets and the state. But first, let's look at how the economic crisis arose and draw some link between this history and the problematics of climate politics.

Other aspects of economic crisis: Leeds | Liverpool | Public services cuts | Evictions | Factory Occupations

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Text Drone Warfare: Watching You, Watching Me...
15-10-2012 23:28

Text Simon Harwood punched and racially abused 14-year old girl
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Text Ian Tomlinson - demo outside Scotland Yard 6pm to 9pm TONIGHT
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Image Ian Tomlinson - More Cops Identified
21-06-2012 18:29 | 1 comment

Image BBC lie about events surrounding Ian Tomlinson's death
18-06-2012 21:17 | 19 comments

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Text PC Harwood in court for first hearing - Monday 20 June
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Image FIT cops cover up attack on Ian Tomlinson
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Text shunning the boy who would be king
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Text Ian Tomlinson inquest - police officer crumbles under examination
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Image Ian Tomlinson's inquest - Steve Discombe:Scum cop
01-04-2011 21:41 | 7 comments

Text Attending the Ian Tomlinson Inquest: Information for the public
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Text Met pays £117000 in G20 compensation‎
15-02-2011 00:27 | 5 comments

Image Italia: Silvios Bambinas
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Text Met officer 'sorry' over G20 policing
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Text Channel 4 news report on ClownCop 'Lynn Watson' - aka Officer A
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Text Protest 2010: Into the Spectacle
22-12-2010 15:59 | 16 comments

Image Eurozone's Time Bomb Ωρολογιακή βόμβα στην Ευρωζώνη (by Latuff)
29-11-2010 07:16 | 3 comments

Text A new era of policing protest?
26-11-2010 13:02 | 2 comments

Image G20 (by Latuff)
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Text Pathologist who investigated G20 police killing found guilty of misconduct
06-09-2010 19:40 | 2 comments

Text *Final, revised* letter to my MP concerning the attack on Ian Tomlinson
13-08-2010 20:26 | 9 comments

Text Letter to my MP concerning the attack on Ian Tomlinson
05-08-2010 18:57 | 4 comments

Image Thursday 5th August // Anti-Repression Night @ Urban HapHazard Squat ( Hackney )
03-08-2010 19:31

Image Newcastle Protest Against Police Violence
30-07-2010 16:44 | 1 comment

Image Final Reminder: 12noon Friday 30th July // Everyone to the Streets
28-07-2010 23:04

Text Protest outside the Crown office and Procurator Fiscal in Edinburgh (Friday 30th
28-07-2010 12:31 | 4 comments

Image Poster for Ian Tomlinson DPP Demonstration
25-07-2010 18:27 | 1 addition | 20 comments

Text Getting Away With Murder: My Memories of the Death of Ian Tomlinson
25-07-2010 11:21 | 5 comments

Text Fri 30th July // Picket against DPP - Solidarity with Ian Tomlinson's Family
24-07-2010 11:39 | 4 comments

Text Ian Tomlinson death: police officer will not face criminal charges
22-07-2010 10:34 | 19 comments

Image G20 Plan for Prosperity: Rubber Bullets and Shredded Social Safety Net
14-07-2010 18:28 | 2 comments

Text Anti-G20 protests erupt in Toronto
26-06-2010 21:19

Text solidarity with prisoners
23-06-2010 14:36

Text info about g20 arrests
13-06-2010 15:13

Text The IMF and Afrika - the Double standards and hypocrisy
30-05-2010 14:22

Text Canadian banks fear G20 protests
29-05-2010 07:15

Image G20 Defence Needed
23-05-2010 14:23 | 2 comments

Text Blair Peach killed by police, Met report finds
27-04-2010 10:25 | 2 comments

Image Activist Realism panel - linking critical theory with activism on the streets
18-04-2010 14:34

Image Ian Tomlinson Vigil – Pix-&-Vidz – Thu 01 Apr 10
02-04-2010 18:04 | 7 comments

Text The Summer of Rage?: A critical look at the G20 London protests, a year on
01-04-2010 09:50 | 14 comments

Text Smellie admits to enraging crowd
25-03-2010 10:56 | 12 comments

Image Job Seekers Only?
24-03-2010 22:32

Text G20: PS Smellie due in Court
18-03-2010 13:56 | 3 comments

Image Space Hijackers G20 charges dropped
29-01-2010 23:16 | 4 comments

Image 06 feb 2010 - Make Capitalism History through revolution
25-01-2010 19:39 | 20 comments

Image 06/02/2010 - Worldwide Revolution
11-01-2010 02:45 | 19 comments

Text Thursday April 1 2010
05-12-2009 10:29

Text Solidarity with Mindaugus Lenartavicius - Smash RBS
04-12-2009 10:31 | 4 comments

Image Riot police on tour: The Times runs sick TSG PR as Tomlinson family attend vigil
02-12-2009 04:41 | 6 comments

Text Climate Camp G20 Policing - Judicial Review Hearing Granted
25-11-2009 11:26 | 2 comments

Text HMIC Policing Protest Report Published - Police Tactics Condemned
25-11-2009 11:08 | 5 comments

Text CANDLELIT VIGIL to remember Ian Tomlinson
10-11-2009 11:50

Text Help, we need witnesses!
04-10-2009 21:46 | 1 addition | 1 comment

Text UK Taxpayer subsidises out-sourcing to autocracies
04-10-2009 15:27 | 3 comments

Text G20 cop assault charge
28-09-2009 14:55 | 1 comment

Text violent Smellie cop faces G20 assault charge
28-09-2009 14:54 | 6 comments

Text G20 protester remanded
24-09-2009 14:13 | 7 comments

Image an invitation from the police
18-09-2009 17:54 | 1 comment

Text Another Financial Crisis
09-09-2009 04:19

Image G20 April Fools Prosecution - Space Hijackers
04-09-2009 23:14 | 4 comments

Text Climate Camp: New Met Police online propaganda war and '6 consulting'
24-08-2009 20:00 | 7 comments

Text Report from Last Week's Meeting Between Police and the Camp for Climate Action
24-08-2009 09:36 | 29 comments

Text Bad apples vs social change: policing after the G20 protests
12-08-2009 15:01 | 1 addition | 2 comments

Image Remember Hiroshima and Nagasaki!
06-08-2009 13:42 | 7 comments

Text IPCC calls for immediate change in policing tactics: G20 pdf Bishopgate Report
06-08-2009 13:10 | 2 comments

Text How Independent is the Independent Police Complaints Commission?
05-08-2009 22:51 | 2 comments

Image Protest Mediators: A Plan To Make Protest Even More Benign
03-08-2009 07:49 | 6 comments

Text Saifee Durbar: Trans African Rail
25-07-2009 16:45

Text Houses of Parliament G20 peace activist receives caution
23-07-2009 10:08 | 1 comment

Text Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Constabulary
08-07-2009 14:34 | 3 comments

Text Ian Tomlinson killed by police imposter?!
02-07-2009 16:22 | 11 comments

Text Camp for Climate Action Launches Legal Challenge Against G20 Police
30-06-2009 16:22 | 1 comment

Text What's body fascism doing in a nice riot like this?
27-06-2009 23:02 | 1 addition | 17 comments

Text New evaluations of G20 protests available
04-06-2009 15:35

Text Anarchist beware of those how talk too much
31-05-2009 17:21 | 20 comments

Image Saturday 23 May - Stop Police Violence, Kettle New Scotland Yard!
19-05-2009 15:26 | 12 comments

Text Shift Mag 6: Summer of Rage?
16-05-2009 16:10 | 2 comments

Text G20 Agents Provocateurs
15-05-2009 15:20 | 4 comments

Text Click to hear what's on Dissident Island Radio Show - Tonight!! 9pm
15-05-2009 12:37 | 1 comment

Text Video: Parliamentarians interview Nicola Fisher and other key G20 witnesses
14-05-2009 01:01 | 3 comments

Text Parliament Protest — Jam Cam shut
11-05-2009 12:42 | 4 comments

Text G20 police 'used undercover men to incite crowds'
10-05-2009 07:50 | 26 comments

Image Afghanistan: 110 muertos por US-AF
08-05-2009 11:06 | 1 comment

Audio Bristol Against Police Violence - demo report
08-05-2009 00:33

Text solidarity demo g20
07-05-2009 15:34 | 2 comments

Image Mayday & police brutality march in Cambridge
04-05-2009 16:29 | 7 comments

Image Space hijackers Mayday - Photos
01-05-2009 21:34 | 1 comment

Image Who's watching big brother? May edition of Riseup! Radio
01-05-2009 16:26

Text Met blunders in MPA report
01-05-2009 10:34 | 2 comments

Image City Hall grill Met police over G20 policing
30-04-2009 15:14 | 5 comments

Text Policing of the G20 Summit 2009
30-04-2009 09:53 | 1 comment

Text UK and IMF complicit in the Tamil Genocide?
28-04-2009 17:41 | 5 comments

Text Tenth Anniversary of the Struggle for Justice and labor demand
28-04-2009 12:51

Text Britain's Secretive Police Force: Politicising the Policing of Public Expression
26-04-2009 00:40

Text Fuck The Police
25-04-2009 10:13 | 17 comments

Image The Death of Ian Tomlinson
24-04-2009 20:04

Text Police caught on tape trying to recruit protester as spy
24-04-2009 17:47 | 9 comments

Text Propaganda campaign mounted to justify brutal G20 policing
24-04-2009 17:35 | 2 comments

Image Cop on Facebook: "can't wait to bash some long haired hippys up @ the G20."
24-04-2009 17:23 | 15 comments

Text BEWARE! The importance of NO COMMENT whilst under caution by the police!
24-04-2009 14:05 | 4 comments

Text The cameras which filmed Ian Tomlinson's death at the G20.
24-04-2009 10:58 | 1 addition | 9 comments

Video Video of G20 Convergence Centre ٌRaid- Part1
23-04-2009 22:37

Text Third autopsy into G20 victim Ian Tomlinson’s death
23-04-2009 19:03

Text Territorial Support Group Organisational Chart
22-04-2009 11:22 | 7 comments

Text (Greece) Attack against British educational institute, Thessaloníki (15/4)
22-04-2009 09:40 | 1 comment

Text IPCC Channel Four injunction fails
21-04-2009 20:36 | 7 comments

Text Repression Cafe' at RamART thursday 23rd April. 8 pm
21-04-2009 19:55

Image The Camp for Climate Action and the media - Part 1
21-04-2009 17:21 | 3 comments

Text ACPO Press Release on the Recent Events
21-04-2009 01:56

Text Police Pointing a 50,000-volt Taser at a Group of People Lying on the Floor
20-04-2009 10:52 | 5 comments

Text Appeal for Witnesses / 01 April / 1900h
20-04-2009 10:12 | 2 comments

Text Watching police misbehave
19-04-2009 19:46 | 15 comments

Text Sooty and Sweep present the G20
19-04-2009 15:22

Text So what has changed, the police, the media or the evidence?
19-04-2009 06:25 | 14 comments

Image Protest Against The Use Of Kettling
18-04-2009 21:12 | 1 comment

Text Yorkshire Post: 'If anyone ever deserved a good slap, this woman..did'
18-04-2009 13:20 | 10 comments

XML UK G20 London Summit Newswire Archive