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israel / palestinian attacks / news report Saturday March 12, 2016 17:18   image 1 image
Suspected Palestinian hackers briefly overtook an Israeli television broadcast, Friday evening.
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west bank / palestinian attacks / news report Wednesday March 09, 2016 05:01   image 1 image
Three Palestinians were shot dead allegedly carrying out separate attacks in Israel and occupied East Jerusalem, killing one American tourist and wounding at least 12 Israelis, on Tuesday afternoon and evening. read full story / add a comment
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hebron / palestinian attacks / news report Friday February 26, 2016 09:47   image 1 image
Israeli media sources have reported that an Israeli security guard was seriously injured after suffering several stab wounds, in a the Ma’ale Adumim settlement mall, before the attacker fled the scene. read full story / add a comment
photo: Magen David Adom
jerusalem / palestinian attacks / news report Friday February 19, 2016 01:44   image 1 image
Two 14-year-old Palestinians were shot and critically injured after carrying out a stab attack that left one Israeli killed and one injured in the Rami Levi supermarket, located in the Shaare Benyamin industrial complex, northwest of Jerusalem, in the occupied West Bank. read full story / add a comment
israel / palestinian attacks / news report Saturday February 06, 2016 20:44   image 1 image
An Israeli woman was injured in a stabbing attack, Saturday, in a predominantly Bedouin city located in the Negev desert region, Israeli police said. read full story / add a comment
west bank / palestinian attacks / news report Friday February 05, 2016 08:32   image 1 image
Two Palestinian girls were detained, after allegedly attempting to attack an Israeli security guard at a bus station in the central Israeli city of Ramla, on Thursday. read full story / add a comment
jerusalem / palestinian attacks / news report Wednesday February 03, 2016 18:47   image 1 image
Three Palestinians were shot dead on Wednesday, after they killed an Israeli police officer and wounded another during an armed attack near Damascus Gate, in occupied East Jerusalem's Old City, Israeli police said. read full story / add a comment
ramallah / palestinian attacks / news report Sunday January 31, 2016 13:52   image 4 images
A Palestinian man was shot dead after shooting and injuring three Israeli soldiers at an Israeli military checkpoint located around the illegal Israeli settlement of Beit El, in the central occupied West Bank district of Ramallah. read full story / add a comment
(archive image --  Ma'an News Agency)
jerusalem / palestinian attacks / news report Thursday January 28, 2016 04:37   image 1 image
An Israeli man was injured Wednesday night, in a stabbing attack which took place at a gas station outside an illegal Israeli settlement, to the north of Jerusalem, Israeli police said. read full story / add a comment
ramallah / palestinian attacks / news report Tuesday January 26, 2016 08:51   image 1 image
On Tuesday, a 24-year old Israeli woman died of wounds sustained Monday morning when she was stabbed at Horon settlement. The two Palestinians who were killed immediately following the stabbing on Monday were later identified as Ibrahim Osama Yousef ‘Allan, 23, from Beit ‘Or at-Tihta town, west of Ramallah, and Hussein Mohammad Abu Ghosh, 17, from the Qalandia refugee camp, north of Jerusalem. read full story / add a comment
jerusalem / palestinian attacks / news report Saturday January 23, 2016 11:31   image 1 image
Israeli sources reported Saturday, that an armed guard of “Anatot” settlement, north of occupied Jerusalem, shot dead a Palestinian child after she allegedly pulled a knife on him.
The child has been identified as Roqayya Eid Abu Eid (al-Yattawi), 14, from the Palestinian town of ‘Anata, in the Jerusalem district. read full story / add a comment
hebron / palestinian attacks / news report Tuesday January 19, 2016 10:52   image 1 image
The Israeli army and Internal Security Services announced they have arrested, on Monday at night, a Palestinian teen, allegedly behind the killing of a settler woman, in Otneil colony, south of the southern West Bank city of Hebron. read full story / add a comment
Tekoa settlement (image by wikimedia)
bethlehem / palestinian attacks / news report Monday January 18, 2016 11:56   image 1 image
An unidentified Palestinian man was shot and critically wounded on Monday morning after allegedly stabbing and wounded a pregnant Israeli woman in Tekoa settlement, near Bethlehem, according to Israeli sources. read full story / add a comment
hebron / palestinian attacks / news report Sunday January 17, 2016 21:57   image 1 image
An Israeli woman was stabbed and killed, in the southern occupied West Bank district of Hebron, on Sunday, an Israeli army spokesperson said. read full story / add a comment
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