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international / israeli politics / news report Tuesday March 15, 2016 20:21   image 1 image
New documents seen by The Electronic Intifada, obtained under freedom of information laws, show that the British Council has been quietly working to thwart the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement in support of Palestinian rights. read full story / add a comment
international / israeli politics / opinion/analysis Monday March 14, 2016 22:35   image 1 image
On Tuesday of last week, Vice President of the United States, Joe Biden, met with Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. read full story / add a comment
international / israeli politics / news report Sunday March 13, 2016 19:11   image 1 image
Israeli authorities denied entrance, to the occupied West Bank, to an Indonesian delegation headed by Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi, on Sunday morning. read full story / add a comment
jerusalem / israeli politics / news report Sunday March 13, 2016 18:04   image 1 image
Five Palestinian companies warned of financial losses as Israeli occupation forces banned their products from being marketed in occupied Jerusalem, under political and economic pretexts, Palestinian sources reported Saturday. read full story / add a comment
international / israeli politics / news report Saturday March 12, 2016 15:48   image 1 image
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed his gratitude, on Saturday, to French President Francois Hollande, after the French government shut down a Hamas-affiliated television station that, according to the Israeli media, “aired content which constituted anti-Israel and anti-Jewish incitement.” read full story / add a comment
international / israeli politics / news report Monday March 07, 2016 00:53   image 1 image
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, during the weekly cabinet meeting on Sunday, has said that US Vice President Joe Biden’s upcoming visit to Israel is an expression of great relations between the two countries. read full story / add a comment
Photo: Christian Peacemaker Teams
palestine / israeli politics / news report Friday March 04, 2016 16:19   image 1 image
Adalah unpacks 10 Israeli laws and bills with provisions liable to harm Palestinians and those who defend Palestinian rights. read full story / add a comment
international / israeli politics / news report Friday March 04, 2016 15:40   image 1 image
A delegation from the Palestinian Authority (PA) officially warned Israeli authorities, several days ago, that the Palestinian government would end its security coordination with Israel if the state did not "commit to past agreements," a member of the PLO executive committee stated. read full story / add a comment
Photo: David Cameron's Facebook page
international / israeli politics / news report Tuesday March 01, 2016 20:06   image 1 image
Israel's relations with its allies waver; right-wing Israeli media see a Donald Trump victory in U.S. presidential elections as a boon for Israel. read full story / add a comment
Photo: Israel-Egypt border, Wikipedia Commons
international / israeli politics / opinion/analysis Sunday February 28, 2016 15:53   image 1 image
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu dreams of surrounding Palestinians and Israelis with walls. read full story / add a comment
international / israeli politics / news report Sunday February 28, 2016 14:55   image 1 image
US officials have agreed to an Israeli request to increase annual military aid, according to Israeli public radio. read full story / add a comment
PNN archive image
international / israeli politics / news report Saturday February 27, 2016 18:26   image 1 image
US President Barack Obama, this week, signed into law a sweeping trade agreement which protects Israel from boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) by countries who oppose the ongoing military occupation of Palestine. read full story / add a comment
international / israeli politics / news report Friday February 26, 2016 17:22   image 1 image
Secretary of State John Kerry, on Wednesday, urged Israeli and Palestinian officials to resume a “genuine” peace process, stressing that continued settlement construction is not helpful. read full story / add a comment
image art: Gerald Scarfe, Pink Floyd -- "The Wall", 1982 (Fair use rationale invoked by author.)
international / israeli politics / opinion/analysis Tuesday February 16, 2016 14:47   image 1 image
US President Barack Obama reportedly has intentions to sign a trade agreement which includes provisions that fail to differentiate between Israel and illegal settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories, as well as discourage the boycott of Israeli goods. read full story / add a comment
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