
We welcome contributions to Radical Philosophy.

Submission Guidelines:

Material submitted to Radical Philosophy should not be under consideration with any other journal.

Material is accepted for publication in Radical Philosophy on the understanding that copyright is assigned to Radical Philosophy Ltd unless other arrangements are explicitly made.

Each article submitted is read and refereed by at least four members of the Editorial Collective, one of whom is appointed Article Editor and takes responsibility for communication with the author.

Once accepted for publication in Radical Philosophy texts will be edited by a member of the collective. The edited version will be sent to the author for approval. The manuscript of each issue of the journal is subsequently professionally copy-edited and proofread. We regret that due to limited resources we are unable to provide authors will galley or page proofs. However, if any substantive changes are made the author will be contacted.

It is on occasion necessary to make final minor editorial changes to texts during the layout of an issue, for reasons of spacing and visual consistency. In particular, the Commentary and News sections (and less frequently some reviews) are subject to journalistic norms in this regard.

Acceptance of these editorial practices is a condition of the acceptance of texts for publication in Radical Philosophy.

To ensure your submission is dealt with as efficiently as possible, please only send submissions to one of the following addresses; do not send to other email addresses associated with the journal or the Editorial Collective.

For articles and commentaries please send abstracts to submissions (at) radicalphilosophy (dot) com

Please send news items and letters to submissions (at) radicalphilosophy (dot) com

Please send reviews to reviews (at) radicalphilosophy (dot) com


Books for Review

Books for review should be sent to the Reviews Editor:

Post: David Cunningham
Institute for Modern & Contemporary Culture
Department of English, Linguistics and Cultural Studies
University of Westminster
32-38 Wells Street
London W1T 3UW

Email: reviews (at) radicalphilosophy (dot) com


Radical Philosophy is included in:
Alternative Press Index, British Humanities Index, Social Science Citation Index & Current Contents, The Left Index, Philosophers’ Index and Sociological Abstracts.