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 DPAC Membership:

Disabled people can  join online as DPAC members by clicking:HERE

If you have previously tried to join as a non disabled member of DPAC-apologies- we’ve had problems with our database and details have been lost to cyberspace-to complete membership please email: mail@dpac.uk.net

we are currently updating our membership system for organisations, unions and DPOs please email us if you wish to affiliate, join or donate to DPAC

Read about Disabled People Against Cuts (DPAC) and our policy

DPAC Logo and Copyright Notice

DPAC Constitution 2014



 The loss of ILF doesn’t just affect ILF users-it affects everyone

We’re all in it together – aren’t we? from Moore Lavan Films on Vimeo.

Read more Tweet/share from HERE

John McDonnell MP Praises DPAC at DPAC national Conference 2014

Read more on #DPAC2014, tweet from HERE

 Video from outside Courts of Justice 13th March 2013: Challenging DWP on the Closure of ILF

Tweet/read more on ILF  HERE

#WCA #ESA #PIP #DWP decisions: get it in writing

We are hearing more and more from people who are not getting decisions on #WCA or #PIP outcomes in writing, but by phone. It is your statutory right to have decisions in writing. This applies to a decision declaring you are fit for work, in the support group or in the Work related activity group.… Continue Reading #WCA #ESA #PIP #DWP decisions: get it in writing

A letter from a GP about “Jobs on Prescription” #DoNoHarm

Jobs on Prescription The Government’s latest proposal to turn GP surgeries into Jobcentre Plus must be treated with extreme caution. The Islington GP surgeries that have agreed to pilot this scheme have, perhaps unwittingly, crossed another boundary which plays into the wider agenda of blurring functions and roles of public servants. Hidden behind the deception… Continue Reading A letter from a GP about “Jobs on Prescription” #DoNoHarm

Why we’re opposed to “Jobs on prescription” #DoNoHarm

The introduction of job coaches into seven Islington GP practices has caused a storm of protest. Here a coalition of mental health and disability rights activists, claimants and concerned local residents explain why they are opposed to ‘jobs on prescription’ Government aims to turn GP surgeries into JobCentrePlus The arrival of job coaches in Islington… Continue Reading Why we’re opposed to “Jobs on prescription” #DoNoHarm

Warning – take care when posting to facebook

Remember to be careful when putting things on your Facebook profile. We know that many of you put a brave face on and most photos don’t tell the full story. However DWP will use screen grabs of you smiling as evidence that you are not in pain. I’m in court today for a fraud case… Continue Reading Warning – take care when posting to facebook

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