31 March 2016

Angola: FAO to Continue Supporting Food Security Programmes in Angola

Lubango — The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) will continue to support food security programmes drafted by the Angolan Executive, chiefly in the country's south, a region deeply affected by successive droughts.

This guarantee was given last Wednesday by FAO representative in Angola, Mamoudu Diallo, in Lubango City, southern Huila Province, when delivering a speech at the opening ceremony of a technical seminar on Food Security, promoted by the Agriculture Ministry with the backing of the FAO.

"We are following all the efforts being made by the Angolan Executive to mitigate the consequences of climate changes, by supporting the population at the level of food and nutritional security, through projects in the areas of agriculture, health and nutrition", he said.

He also defended the need for the authorities to take steps ahead of events and avoid emergency measures, invest in structural programmes, chiefly in drought-hit zones.

These structural programmes, he explained, aim at changing the current situation in a sustainable way, by transforming the drought-hit areas into arable lands.

The one-day seminar had the objective to promote discussions about the impact of natural calamities in the country and find mechanisms for the viability of co-ordinated and multi-sectoral interventions, with a view to improving food security and mitigate the negative effects of climatic phenomena.


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