Who can vote in the EU referendum?

We've been asked who can vote in the EU referendum on 23 June. It's mostly the same people who can vote at a general election.

Is spending on disability benefits going up or down?

Competing claims about spending on disability benefits count different types of disability benefits.

EU immigration to the UK

We've summarised some of the key facts on the level of EU migration to and from the UK.

Brits abroad: how many people from the UK live in other EU countries?

Around 1.2 million British-born people live in other EU countries, according to United Nations figures.

Energy bills and Brexit

Would leaving the EU raise energy bills by £500 million a year, as claimed?

Disability benefits, homelessness, and payments to the EU: Prime Minister's Questions, factchecked

We've factchecked claims from Prime Minister's Questions on disability benefits, homelessness, and the UK's contributions to the EU.

Does George Osborne have a £4.4bn black hole in his budget?

Changes to the Personal Independence Payment have been withdrawn. They had been forecast to save £4.4 billion over five years.

Are sixth forms and further education colleges better funded?

David Cameron and Jeremy Corbyn clashed in Parliament on what’s been happening to funding for further education colleges and sixth forms.

Adult skills funding: what happened in the last Parliament?

Jeremy Corbyn has claimed that adult skills funding was cut by 35% in the last Parliament.

Ask Full Fact: Does the World Health Organisation think the UK no longer has an NHS?

There has been privatisation of services according to the WHO’s definition, but that doesn’t mean it thinks the NHS has been abolished.

17 March's BBC Question Time, factchecked

We've checked the panel's claims on disability benefits, government borrowing, childhood obesity, and academies.

What does obesity cost the economy?

We’ve looked into the claim that it costs £27 billion.

Jobs, pollution, and academies: Prime Minister's Questions, factchecked

We've factchecked claims from Prime Minister's Questions on employment figures, pollution, renewable energy, gun crime, and academies.

Academies and maintained schools: what do we know?

A look at the evidence on how academies perform compared to local authority schools.

A guide to the economy: debt

Everything you need to know about what the British government owes.

A guide to the economy: the deficit

Everything you need to know about the UK's budget deficit.

A guide to the economy: taxes

Everything you need to know about what the government takes in tax - and who pays it.

A guide to the economy: public spending

Everything you need to know about what the British government spends.

What is the EU?

We asked an EU expert to answer the question "What is the EU?" in 500 words. Here's what she said.

The Energy Bill in the Commons, factchecked

We followed the Commons debate on the Energy Bill ahead of the voting—here’s a selection of some of the claims we checked.

10 March's BBC Question Time, factchecked

Last night's Question Time came from Dundee. We've checked the panel's claims on the EU referendum, the Scottish economy, oil revenues, and NHS spending.

Renewable subsidy cuts might raise bills in the long term, but we don’t know by how much

Uncertainty among investors might make it more expensive to finance energy projects in future.

EU law and the UK

Dr Albertina Albors-Llorens gives a brief rundown of how EU law works.

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