- published: 06 Sep 2016
- views: 768951
Syleena Johnson - Guess What
Orange Colored Sky 橘色天空 _ 問樂團 Guess What
GUESS WHAT?!! Be excited for this
再見 GOODBYE _ 問樂團 Guess What (G.E.M.鄧紫棋 cover)
Guess What I'm Chewing Challenge!! *Cringe Alert!*
Beat By: https://soundcloud.com/brockberrigan Beats By : https://soundcloud.com/dirty-porcelain Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/PhillyChic5 http://twitter.com/JesseWelle Follow us on Instagram: http://instagram.com/jeanapvp http://instagram.com/jessewelle Facebook: http://facebook.com/prankvsprank Prank Channel: http://youtube.com/PrankvsPrank Gaming Channel: http://youtube.com/DownRangeGaming Kitty Channel: http://youtube.com/NylahKitty Chip Chocolate: http://youtube.com/chipchocolate "Cookie Dance" iTunes - https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/cookie-dance-single/id714465524
►Q&A; AND GUESS WHAT! ►DOWNLOAD IT FOR IPHONE HERE! - http://bit.ly/JoemojiKB ►PRE ORDER MY BOOK AND DVD BELOW ►Amazon Exclusive DVD:https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B01I1ECFUE ►HTR WRAP PARTY LIVE STREAM! - tinyurl.com/h9sxxja ►Full Information: https://www.hittheroadusa.com ►PRE ORDER USERNAME:REGENERATED BELOW ►Amazon pre-order competition: http://amzn.to/1ZNDRlH ► http://www.amazon.co.uk/joesugg ►Amazon.com: https://goo.gl/RUlRcr ►Tesco signed: http://bit.ly/28Izwh9 ►WHSmith signed: http://bit.ly/28IuP72 ►Waterstones: http://bit.ly/28KDeWU Australia ►Booktopia: http://bit.ly/28JrHGV ►Dymocks: http://bit.ly/28IJrBY
Yesterdays Vlog - https://youtu.be/iR_zonNt3JY Today we traveled all the way back home from London and instead of not uploading anything I thought we would at least come on and say hi! We really thank you so much for coming home with us and hanging out :) See you Tomorrow and Wednesday for my big project announcement. Smile More! SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/SubToRoman TWITTER: https://twitter.com/romanatwood TWITTER: https://twitter.com/_Little_Britt_ SNAPCHAT: RomanAtwood SNAPCHAT: little_brittney INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/romanatwood INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/_Little_Britt_ Smile More Store: http://RomanAtwood.com My Pranks: http://youtube.com/RomanAtwood Send Mail To: PO BOX 670 Millersport OH 43046 This is my life as a Father of my sons Noah and Kane along with ...
Back with more Syleena Johnson. This is her video for her 2nd single "Guess What" from her album Chapter II: The Voice. Enjoy the video!
365天前第一次6人團練,能這樣相聚是多麼的不容易。問樂團生日快樂 :) 訂閱問樂團 ▶ http://bit.ly/gw-sub 追蹤粉絲頁 ▶ http://bit.ly/gw-fbpage 在一歲生日這天決定以這首奪下臺灣重唱大賽最佳爵士獎詮釋獎的Orange Colored Sky獻給大家,就像丘比特經過時那一抹即逝的悸動;問樂團感謝每一位曾經讓我們的努力被更多人聽見看見的伯樂,謝謝您們讓問樂團享有片羽的橘色天空! 謝謝Paco、Leo、賴家慶大師、黃烈傳、Liquid5th、 Andrea Figallo、楊朝友、賴星宇、東森新聞、台灣達人秀、達人秀音樂、yahoo 看TV,yahoo 音樂、ET新聞雲、即新聞、三立電視台、謝和弦、鄧紫棋、任賢齊、Linkin Park 更多問樂團: 愛不需要裝乖/Somewhere I Belong Cover: https://youtu.be/-kGLsl1K8v4 李榮浩「李白」Cover: https://youtu.be/0-VorGv5030 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Orange Colored Sky 詞曲 | Milton DeLugg, Willie Stein 編曲 | Cameron Golinsky 演唱 | 問樂團 Guess What 歌手 | 蔡子萱 陳玉書 王子龍 張祐寧 蔡子雍 潘絃融 製作 | 賴家慶 錄音 | 蔡子雍 混音 | Carl Taylor (Liquid5th) 導演 | 蔡子雍 攝影 | 蔡子雍 蔡子萱 陳玉書 王子龍 張祐寧 潘絃融
BE EXCITED!!!! Thank you guys so much for supporting us! Enjoy this long vlog, We love you guys!!! THUMBS UP IF YOU WANT US TO KEEP DOING DAILY VLOGS! Get this video to a 100K likes!!! ________________________________________________ WE’RE PREGNANT! HOW ? Watch Below ⇣⇣⇣ https://youtu.be/0NY7vwbHsNg HOW WE FOUND OUT BELOW ⇣⇣⇣ https://youtu.be/vrDV2HJ-lAM TELLING CRISSY I’M PREGNANT BELOW ⇣⇣⇣ https://youtu.be/Z1JFrWWkizA ________________________________________________ Our Social Medias ⇣⇣⇣ Instagram: Domo.Crissy.15 Snapchat : Domoandcrissy Twitter : Domoandcrissy YouNow : DomoandCrissy Musically : DomoandCrissy Facebook : Domo and Crissy ( Like Page ) ________________________________________________ Send Us Letters :) ⇣⇣⇣ Domo And Crissy PO Box 1457 Valparaiso, IN, 46384 ...
問樂團需要聽聽你的聲音! 問卷連結 - https://backme.tw/ref/guesswhatsurvey 喜歡我們的話記得到粉絲頁按讚喔 :) http://www.facebook.com/guesswhatvocalband Also Watch: 問樂團搖滾快閃 - 愛不需要聯合公園: https://youtu.be/HHGL4DfH3vQ 動物方城市 TRY EVERYTHING: https://youtu.be/E4JPRklrX6U 曾經「特別」這詞只為你 現在指一件努力忘記的事情 曾經「唯一」是熾情 現在指一齣成長的經驗 雖萬事好聚好散 願東南雀終能再見 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 再見 GOODBYE 詞曲 | G.E.M. 編曲 | Cameron Golinsky 演唱 | 問樂團 Guess What 歌手 | 蔡子萱 陳玉書 王子龍 張祐寧 蔡子雍 潘絃融 配唱製作人 | 林依霖 Elisa 錄音 | 蔡子雍 林依霖 Elisa 混音 | 蔡子雍 導演 | 張書豪 蔡子雍 剪接後製 | 蔡子雍
Not My Arms Challenge! ➡ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-0jKGprGt0&index;=2&list;=PLdU_QLI5aP-8a_dlxHTuUAxNDPRyn8XfK Support Us On Patreon ➡ https://www.patreon.com/matthias Subscribe Now! ➡ http://bit.ly/teamedge TEAM EDGE SHIRTS ➡ http://goo.gl/BDFm6X Matthias ➡ http://bit.ly/Sub2Matthias J-Fred ➡ http://bit.ly/JFred Bryan ➡ http://bit.ly/CrazieCrew Mail Box: 24307 Magic Mtn Pkwy #211 Valencia, CA 91355 Twitter ➡ https://goo.gl/rbKKmG Instagram ➡ https://instagram.com/itsteamedge/ Challenges ➡ Monday - Wednesday - Friday
If you have a spare moment I'd love for you to nominate me under 'Best Vlogger' at the Cosmopolitan Influencer Awards ↠ http://www.cosmopolitan.co.uk/entertainment/news/a45587/cosmopolitan-influencer-awards-2016/ PREVIOUS VLOG ↠ https://youtu.be/MQbTb-nZn6I INSTAGRAM ↠ http://instagram.com/rhiannonashlee SUBSCRIBE ≫ http://www.youtube.com/rhiannonashleeextra ↠ WEARING Tee: ASOS Jeans: Topshop ↠ https://api.shopstyle.com/action/apiVisitRetailer?id=534839106&pid;=uid1329-31955177-18&site;=www.shopstyle.co.uk Belt: Topshop ↠ https://api.shopstyle.com/action/apiVisitRetailer?id=507770397&pid;=uid1329-31955177-18&site;=www.shopstyle.co.uk Shoes: Office ↠ https://api.shopstyle.com/action/apiVisitRetailer?id=446489969&pid;=uid1329-31955177-18&site;=www.shopstyle.co.uk Scarf: ASOS ↠ https://api.shops...
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Hey guys I just wanted to let you know that in 3 weeks I will be answering your questions the reason why I am not doing it now because you guys so far just asked me 6 questions so we need at least 20 questions
Please tell me if you know the icon in the comments below and tell me what it is please so I can finish game! If you liked this vid give it a thumbs up!
I have no idea what this is I just had to upload something...[May the Force Be with You I Guess?]
Source: https://www.spreaker.com/user/8531483/guess-what-my-ac-130-set-off-at-your-hou
Parker and I head over to the Juggies Store to show off some new merch and get an interview with Aunt Jackie. CHECK OUT POSTERS: https://www.etsy.com/shop/mcjuggernuggets *CLICK BELOW TO SEE MORE* ;) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LINKS Twitter: https://twitter.com/mcjuggernuggets Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mcjuggernuggets Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/mcjuggernuggets Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mcjuggernuggets Google+: https://www.google.com/+McJuggerNuggets Vine: https://vine.co/u/956083181931634688 Gaming Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/ridgidgamingchannel The Juggies Store: http://www.etsy.com/shop/McJuggerNuggets I love talking to you guys and getting to know you! If you want to s...
► GUESS WHAT THIS WAS! Draw Something ► SUBSCRIBE! - http://bit.ly/1PkfmsN ► FOLLOW ME! - https://twitter.com/Slogomanify • MY FRIENDS! KWEBBELKOP - https://www.youtube.com/user/kwebbelkop JELLY - https://www.youtube.com/user/JellyYT • TWITTER - @Slogomanify https://twitter.com/slogomanify • INSTAGRAM - @Slogomanify http://instagram.com/slogomanify • SNAPCHAT - slogomanify • FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/slogomanify • MERCHANDISE! http://shop.slogoman.co.uk/ • Credits Intro: Electro - Swing || Jamie Berry Ft. Octavia Rose - Delight https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aH5aq4V0Ywk&list;=UUUHhoftNnYfmFp1jvSavB-Q Outro: Electro Swing || Jazzotron - I Can Swing (Grant Lazlo remix) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yniX_HGV0wU https://soundcloud.com/jamie-berry https://www.facebook.com/flakr...
Hello dear :) This is Janita and this is my third asmr video. In this video is mouth sounds, whispers, finnish words, kissing, fire matches, And playing with random stuff and you have to guess what it is ;) My social media: Instagram : janduxo Youtube : janduxo Twitter : jjxv Ps4 : jandullah
http://pastorcharleslawson.org Pastor Charles Lawson C/O Temple Baptist Church P.O.Box 5133 Knoxville, TN 37918
Can we guess the pictures right!? Jen's Channel http://youtube.com/gamingwithjen Epic Shirts! https://www.districtlines.com/PopularMMOs/ Don't forget to subscribe for epic Minecraft content! Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/pages/PopularMMOs/327498010669475 Twitter! https://twitter.com/popularmmos Download Map: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/maps/2604879-1-9-pixel-drop-2d-guessing-game-singleplayer-and In this Pixel Drop 1.9 Map: Blocks are about to start raining from the sky and forming a picture. Whoever can guess it first will gain some points. Who will win this guessing challenge?! Intro by: https://www.youtube.com/calzone442 Intro song: Spag Heddy - Pink Koeks provided by Play Me Records: https://www.youtube.com/user/playmerecords https://www.facebook.co...
Grey's productivity is being disrupted, Myke is giving in to the tropes of Youtube, and they both played PewDiePie's Tuber Simulator. Shownotes and links for this episode: http://www.relay.fm/cortex/39 Listen to the latest episodes: http://www.relay.fm/cortex CGP Grey: https://www.youtube.com/user/cgpgrey Myke Hurley: https://www.youtube.com/user/mykehurley
Hilarious episode of a mid 1980s Canadian game show called Guess What - featuring one of the most improbable yet awesome comeback attempts in game show history.
If interested, please "Like" and "Share" Do not forget the "Subscribe" for more compelling videos and more meaningful ahead. Visited channels: https://goo.gl/fKGPFD
I am Sally the gossip queen
I lie about everything that I've seen
I only see what I want to see
so don't deny what you hear from me
Guess What guess who fucked up
guess who went to bed
guess who loves you
guess who hated your guts
guess who adores you
Nothing can escape my eyes
you can't fool me with your lies
there's not a story I haven't heard
the latest scoop I know every word
Isn't it true
that you
you know who