New Internationalist


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Brazil, don't panic. Capitalism has an unfixable bug

Capitalism is falling across the globe, not just in the South American country, argues Bruno De Oliveira.

Filed in: Brazil Economics Media

Serving the super-rich

The December podcast from the Tax Justice Network provides insights into the closed world of wealth managers.

Filed in: Economics Finance

Developing countries urged to pull out of the WTO

Moses Wasamu reports on activists’ concerns as the World Trade Organization meets in Kenya.

Filed in: Corporations Economics Kenya Trade

Myth 7: Financial regulation will destroy a profitable banking sector

Why should financial markets be accountable only to themselves? asks David Ransom.

Filed in: Economics Finance

Myth 6: Fossil fuels are more economically viable than renewables

Not if you look at the environmental costs, says Dinyar Godrej.

Filed in: Economics Energy Finance Sustainability

Myth 5: The private sector is more efficient than the public sector

There is no evidence of greater efficiency, explains Dinyar Godrej.

Filed in: Economics Finance

Myth 4: Economic migrants are a drain on rich world economies

Migration follows a demand for labour - and benefits the receiving country, writes Dinyar Godrej.

Filed in: Economics Finance Migration

Myth 3: Taxing the rich scares off investors and stalls economic performance

Taxation creates prosperity just as much as private enterprise, says David Ransom.

Filed in: Economics Finance

'I predict...'

Economists don’t always get it right…

Filed in: Economics Finance

Economic Myth 2: Deficit reduction is the only way out of a slump

Don’t rely on those who caused the crash to resolve it, argues David Ransom.

Filed in: Economics Finance

Myth 1: Austerity will lead to 'jobs and growth'

It’s wrong to sell austerity as a cure for economic woes, says Dinyar Godrej.

Filed in: Economics Work

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