New Internationalist


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Calculating the environmental benefits of peace in Colombia

The costs of the 50-year conflict add up to ecocide. Doug Weir reports.

Filed in: Colombia Environment War and Peace

Universalizing environmental and human rights

Doug Weir explains why these rights are especially important during times of armed conflict.

Filed in: Arms Conflict Environment Human Rights Military Nuclear Weapons Pollution War and Peace

Oil on the skids

The quiet power of oil and money has for decades enabled Saudi Arabia to buy silence and influence. But not for much longer, predicts Nafeez Ahmed.

Filed in: Oil Saudi Arabia

Planting a million trees for Malawi

Sabine Joukes reports on a project to halt deforestation in a once-fertile land.

Filed in: Environment Forests Malawi

Climate change needs real solutions not more hot air

Are certain proposals to reduce carbon emissions based on technological hype? Almuth Ernsting asks.

Filed in: Canada Climate Change Environment Pollution

The Heathrow 13 are the only role models that count for my generation

Anna Wild, 20-years-old, explains what climate activists from Plane Stupid, the Heathrow 13, mean to her and why they have her support.

Filed in: Climate Change Environment United Kingdom

Cowspiracy: stampeding in the wrong direction?

There’s much to admire in the documentary but its political framing and a major error threaten to undermine its message, writes Danny Chivers.

Filed in: Animals Climate Change Environment Sustainability

Switching on to energy democracy

Popular participation, social ideals and ecological sustainability are key attributes of sustainable systems, Claire Fauset writes.

Filed in: Cities Climate Change Environment Germany Spain Sustainability United Kingdom

2016: Time to take the leap

Naomi Klein and her team speak to Marienna Pope-Weidemann about the significance of The Leap Manifesto.

Filed in: Climate Change Environment Indigenous Peoples Sustainability

Armed conflict, environmental protection and the Sustainable Development Goals

Unless the international community does more to protect the environment from armed conflict, many countries will fail to meet the Sustainable Development Goals, writes Doug Weir.

Filed in: Environment Pollution Sustainability Ukraine

Mass civil obedience is killing us

Defendants from direct action environmental group Plane Stupid may face prison terms. Jamie Kelsey-Fry reports.

Filed in: Climate Change Environment Pollution

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