New Internationalist

Articles by Polyp

Polyp's Big Bad World – September 2005

Two faces of wanton murder, as seen by Polyp.

  • September 1, 2005
  • 0

Polyp's Big Bad World – August 2005

Live8: multimillionaires for economic justice.

  • August 1, 2005
  • 0

Polyp's Big Bad World – July 2005

A bedtime story from the IMF Book of Fairytales.

  • July 1, 2005
  • 0

Polyp's Big Bad World – June 2005

Corporate responses to protest by Polyp.

  • June 1, 2005
  • 0

About Polyp

I've been scratching 'Polyp' political cartoons since 1980 (for Leeds Student Newspaper) and took it up full time in the 90's, having been a care worker before then.

New Internationalist Magazine, bless 'em, gave me my first big break, turning over a whole issue to STARVE TREK, a political spoof of Captain James Knee Jerk beaming neoliberal politics down to reluctant planets throughout the galaxy. I owe them my career, I guess... THANK YOU, NI!

Since then I've drawn cartoons for anyone who'll have me, including Ethical Consumer Magazine, WDM, Christian Aid, War on Want, The Big Issue, Friends of the Earth, FoE, Liberty, People and Planet, Campaign Against the Arms Trade, and all the other usual suspects.

My book BIG BAD WORLD came out in 2002 and had a 2003 reprint - would love to direct you to a place where you can buy one, but they're all sold now. A web search might find you one..?

As for my politics... well... read the cartoons, chuck in some chunks of Bill Hicks, radical democracy, direct action, the co-operative movement, Karl Popper: then stir and then give it your best guess...

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