New Internationalist

Help us reach our fundraising goals!

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Independent journalism is an endangered species – together we can protect and defend it.

Thanks to the amazing support of our subscribers, for over 40 years we have provided a platform for grassroots voices ignored by mainstream media. We have exposed inequality and reported alternative perspectives on critical issues. Together, we have built an international community of people who care about global justice. Now we face new challenges.

Please click to donate.

New Internationalist promotes and defends independent journalism. Yet, independent journalism is an endangered species. People are reading more of their news online and expecting it for free, without questioning if what they’re reading is accurate or has an agenda. We’re also seeing mainstream media becoming more concentrated in the hands of a few billionaires and corporations. With media budgets slashed, journalists focus on an ever-narrowing agenda and Majority World voices are particularly sidestepped.

Please click to donate.

Quality independent journalism needs money, to research and investigate articles and present a balanced story. Yet, over the past few years we have seen declining numbers of our print subscribers not yet replaced at the same rate by digital subscribers. Unfortunately, our subscription income no longer covers all costs involved in delivering our independent journalism.

We need to raise £30,000 ($42,000) by the end of April to help fund our independent in-depth journalism and provide an alternative to mainstream media. Can you help us? A donation, however small, is incredibly valuable to us. Please go to or you can send a cheque to New Internationalist, Old Music Hall, 106-108 Cowley Road, Oxford, OX4 2NYUK.

Let’s show that independent journalism is here to stay!

This blog is written by Helen Wallis on behalf of the New Internationalist Co-operative.

Thank you for reading this blog and for any support you can give us. And a huge thank you to everyone who has supported us so far!

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