
Reveal date: Jan 12 2016 Tagged: Brussels, terrorism

In the European Parliament in Brussels, a "defense and security consultant" presented an "industrial solution to terrorism" which—unlike all other military and security solutions—is guaranteed to actually work.

Reveal date: Nov 1 2015 Tagged: cancer, Environment, Maryland

On All Hallow's Eve, some spooky ghosts took over downtown Frederick, MD to spread a truly terrifying story of the U.S. military's chemical and biological weapons testing in nearby Ft. Detrick.

Reveal date: Oct 12 2015

When Edward Snowden made his first in-person public appearance on U.S. soil since receiving a Presidential pardon, a bi-partisan crowd went wild. Sadly it wasn't true. Read all about it or watch the video.

Reveal date: Jun 16 2015 Tagged: California, drought, food, water

In drought-ravaged California, producing one pound of beef requires 1,799 gallons of water. Moby and some friends found a way meat-loving Californians can find a way to sustainably enjoy their locally-raised cattle products: stop showering.

Reveal date: Mar 31 2015

When the pensions of the London Fire Brigade are threatened by new reforms, the Yes Men and local activists virally disseminate a hoax video of a dog being accidentally blown into a raging inferno at a demo by firefighters. Outrage at the animal cruelty turns into to outrage at the biggest threat to the livelihoods of London's bravest.

Reveal date: Dec 15 2014

Before the UN Climate Talks in Lima, the New York Times told us: “At stake now is the difference between a newly unpleasant world and an uninhabitable one.” But in Lima, the world's governments chose the latter, offering the world not solutions but rather a roadmap to global burning.

Are we really just going to sit by and watch until most species on earth—including our own—go extinct? Or are we going to turn up the heat on our tone-deaf leaders in every way that we can, until they finally realize they have to stand up to the fossil fuel companies, and stop the carbon madness?

Reveal date: Apr 30 2014 Tagged: climate change, Department of Energy, fracking, Homeland Security, Keystone XL

Environmental and indigenous rights activists team up with the Yes Men to impersonate the U.S. Department of Energy, the Bureau of Indian Affairs, and the Department of Defense, and announce the nation's new energy plan.

Reveal date: May 19 2014 Tagged: climate change, divestment, fossil fuels

Yes Man and Reed College alum Mike Bonanno teamed up with students to deliver a fake announcement that Reed will divest from fossil fuels over his commencement speech.

Reveal date: Nov 21 2013 Tagged: racism, the Netherlands, Zvarte Piet

A Dutch man in in full costume appears on a Canadian talk show to explain the particular blackface elements of a December holiday deeply cherished in The Netherlands.

Reveal date: Sep 16 2013 Tagged: Canada, Keystone XL, pipeline, Tar Sands, TransCanada, YL

In towns across Canada, troupes of mischievous activists disrupted the attempts of TransCanada (of Keystone XL fame) to ram through another Tar Sands pipeline, Energy East, by dressing as TransCanada reps, but with "SaveCanada" logos, and telling the real story.

Reveal date: Aug 21 2013 Tagged: Amsterdam, arctic, Gazprom, oil, Shell

Royal Dutch Shell and Russia's Gazprom team up to open the newly accessible Russian Arctic to oil drilling. To help them celebrate, Greenpeace teamed up with the Yes Lab and activists from Russia and the Netherlands to throw a barge party on the canals of Amsterdam, complete with a drugged up polar bear, a marching band, and a singing Russian child.

Reveal date: Aug 14 2013 Tagged: corn, genetically modified, Mexico, Monsanto

In Chiapas, México, a group of students and activists issued a fake Monsanto press release announcing the Mexican government had officially approved the sale of their patented seeds on a commercial scale. Though the announcement was a fake, Monsanto apparently felt very threatened.

Reveal date: Jun 13 2013 Tagged: deportation, immigration, undocumented, women, YL

Human rights organization Breakthrough partnered with the Yes Lab to focus on how immigration reform legislation affects women, and Legals for the Preservation of American Culture (LPAC) was born. The fictional group launched their anti-immigrant campaign by calling for the deportation of the beloved icon.

Reveal date: Jun 5 2013 Tagged: education, immigration, students, undocumented, YL

College for undocumented youth? The Common Application, Inc. finally accepts students without papers, offering equal access to upwards of 500 private colleges. The real Common App denies, denies, denies

Reveal date: Feb 28 2013 Tagged: coal, Europe, fossil fuels, investment, YL

Counter Balance, a coalition of NGOs dedicated to holding the European Investment Bank accountable to the EU's clean energy standards, teamed up with the Yes Lab to hijack an EIB press conference and tell them to stop financing coal.

Reveal date: Oct 16 2012 Tagged: college, Dalai Lama, divestment, fossil fuels, Middlebury, students, YL

In honor of a visit from the Dalai Lama, Middlebury College announces that it will divest from industries of violence - with a little prodding from its student body.

Reveal date: Oct 2 2012 Tagged: corporate personhood, Kiobel, murder, Nigeria, Shell, Supreme Court, torture

In the 1990's when Nigerians began to nonviolently protest Shell’s oil development, Shell collaborated with the Nigerian military regime to violently suppress opposition. More than 60 villages were raided, over 800 people were killed, and 30,000 more were displaced from their homes.

Reveal date: Jul 31 2012 Tagged: drugs, Laura Duffy, pot, US Attorney General, YL

In July 2012, U.S. Attorney Laura Duffy announces that pharmacies in La Jolla, San Diego's wealthiest neighborhood, would be shut down because of medication abuse associated with those pharmacies. That was only the start....

Reveal date: Jun 7 2012

To celebrate Shell’s era-defining Arctic drilling program, a gala is announced in Seattle’s historic Space Needle. The event goes haywire (and viral) when a miniature rig-drink-dispenser malfunctions.

Reveal date: May 14 2012 Tagged: globalization, Obama, trade, Trans Pacific Partnership, YL

Is there a way to get lots of attention for something boring, secretive, and highly wonkish, with an acronym that sounds like stuff you wipe your butt with?

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