- published: 18 Mar 2013
- views: 800456
Jay Chou ((traditional Chinese: 周杰倫; simplified Chinese: 周杰伦; pinyin: Zhōu Jiélún, born 18 January 1979) is a Taiwanese musician, singer, songwriter, record producer, director, and actor.
In 2000, Chou released his debut album, titled Jay (2000), under the record company Alfa Music. Since then his music has gained recognition throughout Asia, most notably in regions such as Taiwan, Mainland China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Korea, Japan and in the Asian communities of Western countries such as the United States and Australia. He has sold more than 30 million albums and has received numerous awards for his musical work. Chou has also written songs for other artists whilst working on his albums. In 2003, he was the cover story of Time magazine (Asia version), titled New King of Asian Pop, acknowledging his influence on popular culture. He has since held six world tours, performing in cities around the world to more than 10 million people.
Chou debuted his acting career in the film Initial D (2005); followed shortly by his role as the honorable son, Prince Jai, in the multi-nominated Mandarin Chinese epic, Curse Of The Golden Flower (2006). He has since ventured into many other movie projects, becoming known to western audiences when he made his Hollywood debut in 2011 with The Green Hornet, starring alongside Seth Rogen and Christoph Waltz. Chou also manages his own record and management company JVR Music.
周杰倫 喬克叔叔 詞:黃俊郎 曲: 周杰倫 iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/tw/album/qiao-ke-shu-shu/id536016479?i=536016689 「魔術師我恨你 搶走我的生意 別忘記 蝙蝠俠靠我才票房冠軍」 周杰倫說,這是一首連外婆聽了都想跟著動起來的歌曲!這首「喬克叔叔」是周杰倫看的電影「蝙蝠俠-黑暗騎士」之後得到的全新靈感,以歡樂的節奏敘述小丑世界是孤獨的,用詼諧的歌詞描述小丑對魔術師的不滿,與「魔術先生」這首歌形成強烈的對比;「用笨拙又驚險的雜耍 繼續對你裝傻 所有的悲傷通通忘了吧」,「我只是卑微的小丑 翻幾個跟斗 就等你拍一拍手」背景偶爾會發出幾聲小丑誇張的笑聲,整首歌有種詭譎戲謔的氛圍,這個叫做喬克叔叔的小丑,愛耍俏皮又多愁善感,這次,小丑不再是串場的甘草人物,終於扶正成為歌曲的主角,最後黃俊郎還開杰倫的玩笑:「下著雨 我躲在面具裡 偷偷地在哭泣 因為看了不能說的秘密」!還不忘嗆方文山:「魔術師我恨你 搶走我的生意 別忘記 蝙蝠俠靠我才票房冠軍」! 特別的是,周杰倫在中間有一段用近似女聲的假音唱著:「拿出你的鈔票 笑平常買不到 先生小姐趕快來 趕快來」彷彿用聲音男扮女裝,有種妖嬌的撫媚喔! 【時光機 完整MV】http://youtu.be/nCfrfCzaB2A 【蛇舞 完整MV】http://youtu.be/aO9SU-w8hnM 【給我一首歌的時間 完整MV】http://youtu.be/wt0RKW3aC84 【說好的幸福呢 完整MV】http://youtu.be/mLFhTFiX0uM 【稻香 完整MV】http://youtu.be/sHD_z90ZKV0 【龍戰騎士 完整MV】http://youtu.be/6VRioN8euIs 【魔術先生 ...
作詞:黃俊郎 / 作曲:周杰倫 <br /> 親愛的 別嚇到閉上了眼睛 小丑把戲 不是大家都可以 <br /> 誇張眼影 藍色憂傷的淚滴 丟丟刀 噴噴火 踩高蹺吹笛 <br /> 跌倒失手燒到眉毛我故意 哈哈你笑的開心我可是在玩命 <br /> 撲克牌裡 我的肖像才一兩張 你看你看我的重要性 <br /> <br /> 彩色的 大捲髮 紅鼻子 最滑稽 的步法 這樣的快樂你學會了嗎 <br /> 用笨拙 又驚險 的雜耍 繼續對 你裝傻 所有的悲傷通通忘了吧 <br /> <br /> 聽我說 拿出你的鈔票 笑平常買不到 先生小姐們趕快來 趕快來 <br /> 再慢就看不到 座位沒剩多少 還能跟喬克叔叔拍 一張照 <br /> <br /> 我只是 卑微的小丑 翻幾個跟斗 就等你拍一拍手 <br /> 人群散了後 夜色多朦朧 月光也會跟著我 <br /> 我不是 孤獨的小丑 你笑了之後 不需要記得我 &l;...
《魔杰座》- 10.喬克叔叔
周杰倫 魔術先生 詞: 方文山 曲: 周杰倫 iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/tw/album/mo-shu-xian-sheng/id536016479?i=536016484 「阿~讀你讀你讀心想啥事 用古典迫牌方式」 魔術先生在華麗的美式紐奧良曲風優雅出場,整首歌的編曲以充滿爵士風味樂團演出的方式呈現,如魔術般的炫爛奪目,也是名編曲家鍾興民老師的又一力作! 方文山繼開創以中藥題材等之後,首次在歌詞裡運用魔術題材,「手交錯 輕輕碰 戒指換手移動 給觀眾一個夢 訝異中有笑容」,就是魔術的魅力,虛虛實實的幻術,而周杰倫的曲更是趣味地融入旁白、畫面、情節,甚至在最後牛仔又出來攪局,大唱:「不用麻煩了 不用麻煩了」!其中一句:「誰說戀愛別找魔術師 我不需要解釋 所以他是小丑我是大師」,頗有嗆黃俊郎的意味,因為黃俊郎在專輯裡寫了一首有關小丑的歌詞「喬克叔叔」,這幾個好友藉著音樂互相叫勁,實在很有意思! 【時光機 完整MV】http://youtu.be/nCfrfCzaB2A 【蛇舞 完整MV】http://youtu.be/aO9SU-w8hnM 【給我一首歌的時間 完整MV】http://youtu.be/wt0RKW3aC84 【喬克叔叔 完整MV】http://youtu.be/GKT_1DTa2as 【說好的幸福呢 完整MV】http://youtu.be/mLFhTFiX0uM 【稻香 完整MV】http://youtu.be/sHD_z90ZKV0 【龍戰騎士 完整MV】http://youtu.be/6VRioN8euIs 【蘭亭序 完整MV】http://youtu.be/s5Xl5MXboas 【流浪詩人 完整MV】http://youtu.be/-ytYpXm3cv0 【花海 完整MV】http://yout...
bbs.ShareMTV.com 欢迎大家到论坛下载高品质 并希望得到强劲的网络公司的服务器、广告赞助等。 2008年,美索不達米亞的牧羊人,在浩瀚星空中,又發現了一個全新的星座【魔杰座】。【魔杰座】周杰倫 2008最新杰作魔術杰倫 音樂無界 眼睛看到的不一定是真的 用音樂卻看見更多想像超乎感動全新杰作,讓愛音樂的人重新誕生,重新歸類! 魔杰座,代表的是音樂與魔術的星座,杰倫變魔術,讓音樂變幻無窮,讓不可能的想像成真;原本屬於摩羯座的周杰倫,以音符和創意,變出星空中的新星座【魔杰座】,這個令星座專家摸不透的神秘新星座,形狀有時是撲克牌上的騎士,有時又變成鬼牌上的小丑,變幻不同的形體和曲風,就好像魔術師的幻術,炫目神迷,定住所有目光,魔杰座要讓所有的不可能都變可能!超乎感動的全新杰作,在這裡可以找到失落的夢想、希望、創意與感動,讓愛音樂的人重新誕生,重新歸類自己的星座!
周杰伦 - 乔克叔叔 作词:黄俊郎 作曲:周杰伦 专辑:魔杰座 亲爱的 别吓到闭上了眼睛 小丑把戏 不是大家都可以 夸张眼影 蓝色忧伤的泪滴 丢丢刀 喷喷火 踩高跷吹笛 跌倒失手烧到眉毛我故意 哈哈你笑的开心我可是在玩命 扑克牌里 我的肖像才一两张 你看你看我的重要性 彩色的 大卷发 红鼻子 最滑稽 的步法 这样的快乐你学会了吗 用笨拙 又惊险 的杂耍 继续对 你装傻 所有的悲伤通通忘了吧 听我说 拿出你的钞票 笑平常买不到 先生小姐们赶快来 赶快来 再慢就看不到 座位没剩多少 还能跟乔克叔叔拍 一张照 我只是 卑微的小丑 翻几个跟斗 就等你拍一拍手 人群散了后 夜色多朦胧 月光也会跟着我 我不是 孤独的小丑 你笑了之后 不需要记得我 灯熄的时候 满天的星空 最明亮的是寂寞 下着雨 我躲在 面具里 偷偷地 在哭泣 因为看了不能说的秘密 魔术师 我恨你 抢走我 的生意 别忘记 蝙蝠侠靠我才票房冠军 听我说 拿出你的钞票 笑平常买不到 先生小姐们赶快来 赶快来 再慢就看不到 座位没剩多少 还能跟乔克叔叔拍 一张照 我只是 卑微的小丑 翻几个跟斗 就等你拍一拍手 人群散了后 夜色多朦胧 月光也会跟着我 我不是 孤独的小丑 你笑了之后 不需要记得我 灯熄的时候 满天的星空 最明亮的是寂寞 我只是 卑微的小丑 翻几个跟斗 就等你拍一拍手 人群散了后 夜色多朦胧 月光也会跟着我 我不是 孤独的小丑 你笑了之后 不需要记得我 灯熄的时候 满天的星空 最明亮的是寂寞
Upload By Thienvv™ Track list (thanks to cyber365) 00:00 Opening 02:55 Dragon Rider 06:52 The Era 10:00 Snake Dance 13:49 Love Before the Century 17:22 I'm Not Worthy 22:07 Hip-Hop Stewardess 24:58 William's Castle 31:05 Mr. Magic 34:19 Black Humour - with Cindy Yen 39:00 The Drifters 42:50 With The Drifters 47:31 Rice Aroma 51:10 Sunshine Homeboy 55:18 Tornado 59:45 Promised Happiness + Eliminate + Blue and White Porcelain 1:03:28 Time Machine 1:08:25 Dad, I'm Home + Who Knows My Heart 1:16:28 Rain Falls All Night 1:20:42 Diary: Fly for Love - with Gary Yang 1:25:00 In the Name of the Father 1:31:02 Can't Utter a Word 1:37:20 Give Me the Time of a Song -With Jolin Tsai 1:42:14 East Wind Breaks 1:47:33 Nunchucks Download Jay Chou The Era 2010 World Tour BluRay 7...
【魔天倫世界巡迴演唱會 Opus Jay World Concert】 明明就+Mine Mine+龍捲風 周杰倫「魔天倫」世界巡迴演唱會從2013年5月開始,至2015年年底,共巡迴全世界76場演出,累積180萬現場觀賞人次,動員了2萬7千多名工作人次,這場耗資上億元成本的演唱會,從登場後歷經3年的等待,終於等到這場盛會的影像化,歌迷引頸期盼的周杰倫「魔天倫」演唱會live影音輯(藍光BD、DVD、CD+DVD)於5月10日推出,並加贈演唱會的幕後花絮,收錄的內容更有看過演唱會也看不到的幕後秘辛!認真的周杰倫、魅力的周杰倫、幽默的周杰倫! 「魔天倫」演唱會以「Time Track」(時空凝結拍攝技術)呈現螢幕3D魔幻空間的影片在一開場就震懾歌迷眼球!以亞洲最大的Mapping技術,創造4D舞台視覺效果!最新科技的魔幻饗宴不在話下,累積的音樂能量更是一次爆發!而影音輯最特別收錄的幕後花絮,包含有影片前置拍攝過程、練團室彩排、練舞、演唱會搭台、總彩、現場幕後直擊…,都首次曝光!周杰倫對演唱會的投入、對音樂的要求、與舞者的默契、趣味的互動過程都收錄在裡面,像是周董在練舞時不忘要舞者也健身,排練時妙趣橫生!而周董練舞時的一個隨性,將衣服撩起顯露腹肌的動作,更是讓舞者們驚呼連連! ◆ 周杰倫 Jay Chou ◆ ↬ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/jay ↬ 微博 Weibo (魔天倫世界巡迴演唱會): http://weibo.com/jay2013concert ↬ 微博 Weibo (Jay & Me粉絲社區): http://www.weibo.com/jayme0716 ↬ 杰威爾音樂官網 JVR Music Official Site: http://www.jvrmusic.com/ ------------------...
01. 双截棍 | Côn Nhị Khúc 02. 惊叹号 | Dấu Chấm Than 03. 说好的幸福呢 | Lời Hứa Hạnh Phúc Giờ Nơi Đâu 04. 安静 | Yên Tĩnh 05. 手写的从前 | Dòng Viết Tay Ngày Ấy 06. 青花瓷 | Sứ Thanh Hoa 07. 阳光宅男 | Chàng Trai Năng Động 08. 淘汰 | Đào Thải 09. 简单爱 | Tình Yêu Đơn Giản ●-------------------------------------● Dịch: Dragon Rider & Ufokian Vietsub by Dragon Rider 🎵 Download: http://goo.gl/AtiFe7 ●-------------------------------------● ღ http://drjvn.blogspot.com/ ღ https://www.facebook.com/drjvn
周杰倫共獲 -「hito冠軍王」 -「hito長壽專輯」 -「最受歡迎全球華語歌手」 -歌曲〈算什麼男人〉奪「年度十大華語歌曲」
♪Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNuVSlfCH8E ♪[Jay Chou Playlist] Romantic Love Songs - Những ca khúc tình yêu lãng mạn của Châu Kiệt Luân: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVNLGmVRTp_3GbWi-y5XGEQ ♪Jay Chou׃ Relaxing Piano Covers Collection: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3rQxGow97o ♪[Jay Chou Playlist 4] Back To The Past: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBpOF6BQC1E 0:00 - Qian Li Zhi Wa - Thiên lý chi ngoại - Far Away 4:16 - Ye Qu - Dạ khúc - Nocturne 8:03 - Fa Ru Xue - Tóc như tuyết - Hair Like Snow 13:06 - Dong Feng Po - Gió đông thổi - East Wind Breaks 18:22 - Hong Chen Ke Zhan - Khách điếm hồng trần - Red Dust Inn 22:50 - Dao Xiang - Hương lúa - Fragrant Rice 26:29 - Tui Hou - Rút lui - Retreat 30:50 - Ju Hua Tai - Đài hoa cúc - Chrysanthemum Flower Platform 35:45 - Ni ...
00:00 晴天 4:28 楓 9:03 珊瑚海 13:21 稻香 17:04 算什麼男人 21:53 給我一首歌的時間 21:07花海 31:32 蒲公英的約定 34:39 說好的幸福呢 38:53 逆鱗 42:50 青花瓷 46:49 飄移 50:52 黑色毛衣 55:06 一路向北 1:00:01你聽得到 1:03:47 蘭亭序 1:08:02 發如雪 1:13:02 聽見下雨的聲音 1:17:44 夜曲 1:21:34 天涯過客 1:25:44 彩虹 1:30:00 我不配 1:35:00手寫的從前
Upload By Thienvv™ Track list (thanks to cyber365) 00:00 Opening 02:55 Dragon Rider 06:52 The Era 10:00 Snake Dance 13:49 Love Before the Century 17:22 I'm Not Worthy 22:07 Hip-Hop Stewardess 24:58 William's Castle 31:05 Mr. Magic 34:19 Black Humour - with Cindy Yen 39:00 The Drifters 42:50 With The Drifters 47:31 Rice Aroma 51:10 Sunshine Homeboy 55:18 Tornado 59:45 Promised Happiness + Eliminate + Blue and White Porcelain 1:03:28 Time Machine 1:08:25 Dad, I'm Home + Who Knows My Heart 1:16:28 Rain Falls All Night 1:20:42 Diary: Fly for Love - with Gary Yang 1:25:00 In the Name of the Father 1:31:02 Can't Utter a Word 1:37:20 Give Me the Time of a Song -With Jolin Tsai 1:42:14 East Wind Breaks 1:47:33 Nunchucks Download Jay Chou The Era 2010 World Tour BluRay 7...
【魔天倫演唱會 Opus Concert】幕後花絮 Behind-the-scenes 周杰倫「魔天倫」世界巡迴演唱會從2013年5月開始,至2015年年底,共巡迴全世界76場演出,累積180萬現場觀賞人次,動員了2萬7千多名工作人次,這場耗資上億元成本的演唱會,從登場後歷經3年的等待,終於等到這場盛會的影像化,歌迷引頸期盼的周杰倫「魔天倫」演唱會live影音輯(藍光BD、DVD、CD+DVD)於5月10日推出,並加贈演唱會的幕後花絮,收錄的內容更有看過演唱會也看不到的幕後秘辛!認真的周杰倫、魅力的周杰倫、幽默的周杰倫! 「魔天倫」演唱會以「Time Track」(時空凝結拍攝技術)呈現螢幕3D魔幻空間的影片在一開場就震懾歌迷眼球!以亞洲最大的Mapping技術,創造4D舞台視覺效果!最新科技的魔幻饗宴不在話下,累積的音樂能量更是一次爆發!而影音輯最特別收錄的幕後花絮,包含有影片前置拍攝過程、練團室彩排、練舞、演唱會搭台、總彩、現場幕後直擊…,都首次曝光!周杰倫對演唱會的投入、對音樂的要求、與舞者的默契、趣味的互動過程都收錄在裡面,像是周董在練舞時不忘要舞者也健身,排練時妙趣橫生!而周董練舞時的一個隨性,將衣服撩起顯露腹肌的動作,更是讓舞者們驚呼連連! ◆ 周杰倫 Jay Chou ◆ ↬ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/jay ↬ 微博 Weibo (魔天倫世界巡迴演唱會): http://weibo.com/jay2013concert ↬ 微博 Weibo (Jay & Me粉絲社區): http://www.weibo.com/jayme0716 ↬ 杰威爾音樂官網 JVR Music Official Site: http://www.jvrmusic.com/ ----------------------------...
Facebook 1: https://www.facebook.com/BuonOi.TaoNhoMi Facebook 2: https://www.facebook.com/AmNhacKetNoiConTim
LINK PART 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXfgY2OEv8E PLAY LIST PART 1: 0:00 - Blue and White Porcelain 3:57 - Chrysanthemum Flower Platform 8:51 - Common Jasmin Orange 13:47 - Far Away 18:04 - Fireworks Cool Easily 22:26 - Fragrant Rice 26:40 - Hair Like Snow 31:35 - I'm not worthy 36:28 - Moonlight on Rooftop 39:03 - Nocturne 42:50 - Rainbow 47:13 - Red Dust Inn 51:49 - Superman Can't Fly 56:50 - The Longest Movie 1:00:45 - You are everywhere
I do not own the rights to these songs. They belong to their owners. Anyway, enjoy these relaxing piano covers ^^ THUMBS UP if you like it and don't forget to share this list to your love . ~Songs in this playlist: 0:00 Bicycle (Secret) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtVLQztITzM 3:21 Silence - An Jing - Tĩnh lặng - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PhDxlLPmKuM 5:54 Tornado - Long Juan Feng - Cơn gió lốc - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbsXHecywkQ 9:50 Obviously - Ming Ming Jou - Rõ ràng rồi - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=274WsVwvlo4 13:45 Mine Mine - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=997yI2g5WjI 18:10 Maple - Feng - Phong - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JS4S4SYC1Zg 22:39 Chrysanthemum Platform - Ju Hua Tai - Đài hoa cúc - 26:48 Excuse - Jie Kou - Xin lỗi - https://www.youtube.com/wa...
周杰倫2000-2005作品 連續一小時鋼琴 One Hour Piano of Jay Chou's songs. Track list: 0:00 星晴 (Starry Mood) 4:05 黑色幽默 (Black Humor) 8:48 龍捲風 (Tornado) 12:53 開不了口 (Hard to Say It Out) 17:23 世界末日 (End of the World) 21:41 半島鐵盒 (Peninsula Ironbox) 26:41 最後的戰役 (The Final Battle) 30:41 晴天 (Sunny Day) 35:10 妳聽得到 (You Hear Me) 39:06 軌跡 (Orbit) 44:21 七里香 (Qi-Li-Xiang) 49:14 藉口 (Excuse) 53:34 擱淺 (Step Aside) 57:30 園遊會 (Carnival) 1:01:16 髮如雪 (Hair Like Snow) 1:06:06黑色毛衣 (Black Sweater) 1:10:15 楓 (Maple Leaf)
I made this playlist for those who have the same feeling with Jay in these songs - miss your old lovers. There are many songs of Jay about it so I will make some more lists in next months. I hope you all like this one. If you love to hear playlists with topic of Jay Chou, click SUBSCRIBE my channel to get more of them. Enjoy music ^^ ♪ Songs in this video: ♥ 0:00 Slience - 安靜 - Tĩnh Lặng - MV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hI-7vj2FhE ♥ 5:31 Black Humour - 黑色幽默 - Trò Đùa Độc Ác - MV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRT-5heURhY ♥ 10:13 Back To The Past - 回到過去 - Quay Về Quá Khứ - MV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKNrnSsIwf8 ♥ 14:02 Sunny Day - 晴天- Ngày Nắng - MV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYptgVvkVLQ ♥ 18:34 Can't Speak - 開不了口- Không Thể Nói - MV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=...
jay chou talks about his role as Kato in his new film The Green Hornet It's from collider.com I found it here : http://collider.com/jay-chou-interview-green-hornet/69337/
The stars of The Green Hornet sit down with Paul Byrne. And proceed to talk dirty. Very, very dirty. Interview first seen on http://www.Movies.ie First of all, let me say there's a lot of laughter in this room. Most of it comes courtesy of Seth Rogen's devilish chuckle, but Cameron Diaz -- one of the true great modern cinema comediennes, in case you didn't know -- cackles up a storm too. As for the third member of this particular triple-act act in London's Dorchester Hotel today, Jay Chou may have plenty of reasons to be cheerful -- a megastar in Asia, now making his first big Hollywood movie -- but the language barrier no doubt robs him of many gags in today's laugh-in. The reason for the get-together is The Green Hornet, the long, long, long-in-the-making big-budget, big-screen ada...
Khang Hy Đến Rồi jayvietnam.com
http://Twitter.com/ClevverMovies - Follow Us! Jay Chou talks about his new film 'The Green Hornet', working with Seth Rogen, his character 'Kato" and taking over a role made famous by Bruce Lee. The Green Hornet hits theaters on January14th, 2011. Cast: Seth Rogen, Jay Chou, Cameron Diaz, Christoph Waltz, Edward James Olmos, Tom Wilkinson, David Harbour Britt Reid is the son of LA's most prominent and respected media magnate and perfectly happy to maintain a directionless existence on the party scene - until his father mysteriously dies, leaving Britt his vast media empire. Striking an unlikely friendship with one of his father's more industrious and inventive employees, Kato, they see their chance to do something meaningful for the first time in their lives: fight crime. But ...
Lee Hom and Jay Chou are interviewed at a award ceremony in Taiwan. They're asked to sing each other's song Translation (all credits to elvenchamp!) Paraphrasing: There are two very good singers that are always being compared today. But what do they feel or think about it? Jay, what do you think of Wang Lee Hom? Jay: Well i think he's pretty handsome but besides just being good looking, he's abilities/personality is very moving. He also preservere's through the hard times and he would support him if he changed no matter for good or bad. Announcer: If you support him, do you listen to his songs? Jay sings Leehom's 唯一 (Wei Yi), the one and only. Announcer: Wang Lee Hom, discuss Jay Chou Lee Hom: I feel Jay is very talented and skilled and I think I'm speaking for everyone her...
For as long as she can remember, Patty has always enjoyed every opportunity to dance her ASS OFF. Dancing at a young age lead to performing in theater, which then lead her to pursue a career in acting. Patty lives in Los Angeles, CA and has been doing commercials, TV, and film work for the last four years. In recent news, an independent film Patty was a part of, called "Passengers," is currently moving through the festival circuit in both the United States and Australia. Also, look out for a Sprite campaign coming up with Asian pop super star Jay Chou, as well as a movie for SyFy Channel called "Fight or Flight." You may internet stalk Patty at http://cutebutdeadly.net, where she shares videos, photography, self-portraits, writing, and lots of other whimsical crazy nonsense.
Video recap of our epic summer camp! Thanks to everyone who contributed photos or interview clips! Even though we were surrounded by Chinese culture, I feel like I learned much more from this trip about the UK and amazing people in general. Miss everyone already and hope you all visit California! Cheers! Music Used: Firework - Katy Perry 青花瓷 - Jay Chou Lucky - Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillat Abracadabra - Brown Eyed Girls 老鼠爱大米 - 杨臣刚
Zine TV | PHANTACi 7th Anniversay : Interview with Ric Chiang It's been 7 years ,although Jay Chou is one of the founders of the company, we still experience the same obstacles just like every other company out there.But what makes us happy is that our hard work lasted 7 years. that's why this is verymemorable for us. What are our future plans...Well it's been 7 years, we will just follow what we've planned out for our future. We will probably collaborate with some cool clothing brands.After all, Jay Chou and I just want our supporters who like PHANTACi , Jay Chou and our style to join our brand's spirit together. WHIZ is the first brand that PHANTACi franchised. A Japan based clothing company. When it was PHANTACi's first anniversary, we collaborated with WHIZ and created a collecti...
It's been 7 years ,although Jay Chou is one of the founders of the company, we still experience the same obstacles just like every other company out there.But what makes us happy is that our hard work lasted 7 years. that's why this is verymemorable for us. What are our future plans...Well it's been 7 years, we will just follow what we've planned out for our future. We will probably collaborate with some cool clothing brands.After all, Jay Chou and I just want our supporters who like PHANTACi , Jay Chou and our style to join our brand's spirit together. WHIZ is the first brand that PHANTACi franchised. A Japan based clothing company. When it was PHANTACi's first anniversary, we collaborated with WHIZ and created a collection which had a great result. I think Mr. Shitano Hiroaki 's d...
Sponsored by StylinOnline - 200,000 pop culture t-shirts in-stock & in your size: http://StylinOnline.com. Think "Green Hornet" and you have to think about the well-armored 1966 Chrysler 300 "Black Beauty", and his faithful martial artist sidekick, "Kato". KP talks with Matt Ford from Sony Pictures about the 29 cars used in the movie, about casting of Seth Rogen as the "Green Hornet", and how Taiwanese superstar Jay Chou's popularity as an actor / singer / director will impact the global audience perception of him as "Kato". New to his arsenal of weapons is an all-black 2010 Harley-Davidson V-Rod which makes for nice chase scenes throughout the movie. To learn more about the "Green Hornet" Movie" visit http://www.greenhornetmovie.com. Get every episode delivered as soon as its posted...
简单爱。This marked the first time we used a Jay Chou song for a Same Day Edit and we thoroughly enjoyed working on the edit. So what is 简单爱? To put it simply, it defines love in a honest and purest form without all the complications in the world. And we witnessed all of that during Jeremy and Jeannie's wedding. The couple made a small request for us to interview their parents and used it as part of the edit. It was a brilliant idea as who else knows the couple better than their parents right? Also, it is always great to get your close ones involved. :) "I promise to love you even when i am 'hangry (angry + hungry)' or when you are snoring in your sleep" - Jeannie That to us is real commitment right there. Also the reason why we strongly encourage couples to write their own vows, making i...
The Glenn Gould Foundation's Executive Director Brian Levine interviews Jay Hunter Morris during the Eleventh Glenn Gould Prize celebrations in 2015. Video footage by Kenneth Chou (http://www.kennethchou.ca)