Monthly Archives: August 2007

Mearsheimer, Walt and the Erudite Hysteria of David Remnick

First, an illustrative anecdote: A little over a year ago, Iraq’s prime minister Nuri al-Maliki arrived in Washington and addressed Congress. The event was supposed to be a booster for the elected Iraqi leadership, showing U.S. support for the new … Continue reading

Posted in Could Die Laughing, Situation Report, Unholy War | 166 Comments

Maliki’s Fate and America’s

Another Bush-Maliki videoconference There’s no surprise in the rising chorus of demands in Washington that Iraq’s Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki be replaced. After all, the U.S. public discussion of Iraq has been fixated on the notion of a troop surge … Continue reading

Posted in Situation Report, Unholy War | 56 Comments

The Wrong Questions on Iran

Imagine, for a moment, that U.S. troops invading Iraq had, as they neared Baghdad, been fired on by an artillery unit using shells filled VX nerve gas — an attack that would have lasted minutes before a U.S. aircrew had … Continue reading

Posted in Featured Analysis, Situation Report, Unholy War | 266 Comments

The Debka Made ‘Em Do It

Driving down the West Side Highway heading back to Brooklyn on a sunny Saturday morning, I’m suddenly flagged down by one of dozens of policemen, and pulled over. I know what this is about. Earlier, NPR had broadcast that New … Continue reading

Posted in New York Moments, Situation Report | 21 Comments

Permit Sharon a Comatose Smile…

You don’t hear much about Ariel Sharon, these days, quietly passing his days on a life-support machine with no indication of when or how his coma will end. But were Sharon capable of comprehending and appreciating his legacy, right now … Continue reading

Posted in Situation Report, Unholy War | 47 Comments