Tag Archives: antifa

Halal Expo shenanigans : Antifa 1 /// Party For Freedom 0

Gee whiz. A month or two ago the Sydney-based fascist grouplet ‘Party For Freedom’ (PFF) — the organisers of the Cronulla Riot Re-enactment failboat last year (and the ‘anti white genocide’ Palm Sunday counter-rally a few weeks ago) — decided … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-fascism, Art, Media, State / Politics | Tagged , , , , , , | 9 Comments

#ReclaimAustralia ~versus~ RALLY AGAINST RACISM (#Melbourne, Saturday, July 18)

• After a sparkling debut on April 4, Reclaim Australia is returning to Melbourne on Saturday, July 18 (coincidentally, the 79th anniversary of the Spanish civil war and revolution). Neo-Nazis (Nationalist Republican Guard & Co.) are once again at the … Continue reading

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#ReclaimAustralia : disrupt, dismantle, decolonise

Update : A quick guide to staying safe and being effective: all out against ‘Reclaim Australia’!, Anarchist Affinity, April 3, 2015. From Cronulla December 2005 to Reclaim Australia April 2015 … The Reclaim Australia (RA) rallies are taking place tomorrow … Continue reading

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RALLY AGAINST RACISM – Melbourne Sat April 4 @ Fed Square

On Saturday April 4 the far right have organised a series of public rallies under the title of ‘Reclaim Australia’. Because Muslims. In Melbourne, organisers have elected to rally at the Shrine of Remembrance Federation Square. A counter-rally has been … Continue reading

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A note on Facebook (esp for Strayan #antifa) …

Note : The Facebook profile ‘Astrid Ezard’ is a fake nazi account. Treat accordingly. === If you use Facebook and are in any way involved in expressing opposition to racism and fascism then there’s some possibility you will be targeted … Continue reading

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Against the far right; against Islamophobia: Rally in Penrith, December 8

Hola compañerxs, Below is an account of events surrounding the meeting of November 24 at Penrith Council. (See also : Owners of the new Islamic community centre owners just want to be part of community, Ian Paterson, Penrith Press, November … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-fascism, State / Politics, Student movement, That's Capitalism!, War on Terror | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 15 Comments

#Antifa in Russia

Two things: First, this article at Global Voices Online is problematic but worth reading. I’m yet to encounter a serious account in English of antifascist politics in Russia. Russia’s Punk Underground on Trial Lewis May November 7, 2014 See also … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchism, Anti-fascism, Broken Windows, Death, History, Media, Music, State / Politics, That's Capitalism!, War on Terror | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Disrupt and Dismantle #GoldenDawn November 2014 Tour Down Under [#antifa]

Update : Golden Dawn: far right Greek party members pay ‘stealth visit’ to Australia, Michael Safi, The Guardian, November 10, 2014. Above : ‘Remember Pavlos Fyssas’, poster in Marrickville, Sydney, October 2014. Dear friends and comrades, It’s now less than … Continue reading

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Australia First / Golden Dawn defeated 1-0 by Antifa

The Brisbane branch of the Australia First Party (AF) tried to hold a rally, march and picket today in support of their comrades in the Greek Golden Dawn (GD) party. Sadly, despite calling upon every other nazi and White supremacist … Continue reading

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From Athens to Brisbane: No to Golden Dawn! #antifa

In brief: On Sunday evening (April 13) 60 Minutes broadcast ‘Greek Tragedy: The rise of Europe’s neo-Nazis’ on the sudden popularity of the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn organisation in Greece. In cooperation with local fascists in the Australia First Party, GD … Continue reading

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