Did the Belgian Authorities Purposely Trigger the Brussels Attacks?

Updated March 24, 2016, 10:15am EST. Among the dense clouds of speculation from mainstream journalists and the many supposed national security experts whose expertise lies in repeating nothing (“I have been briefed, but I cannot say anything further as it would compromise sensitive intelligence sources during an ongoing investigation”) one is forced to make one’s… Read More Did the Belgian Authorities Purposely Trigger the Brussels Attacks?

Nativistic Movements

Originally published as: “Nativistic Movements” By Ralph Linton and A. Irving Hallowell American Anthropologist, 45(2), 1943, pp. 230-240 NATIVISTIC MOVEMENTS By RALPH LINTON ———-page 230———- AT THE time that the centennial meeting of the American Ethnological Society was planned, the writer was invited to contribute a paper on nativistic movements in North America. When he… Read More Nativistic Movements

Terminal Condition: Neoliberal Globalization

After decades of protests and riots against neoliberal structural adjustment; after anti-globalization mass movements flourished across North America and Europe; after a large portion of Latin America and the Caribbean elected socialist governments; after waves of anti-Western cultural and religious revitalization movements (some violent, some not) have spread from Indonesia to Europe; after nationalist and… Read More Terminal Condition: Neoliberal Globalization

To Understand Donald Trump is to Not Explain Donald Trump

There is something very strange about this US presidential election. There is an air of stress, with bursts of odd comic relief, sliding uncontrollably from the grimly serious to the hysterically hilarious. The last time I personally witnessed such behaviour was at a funeral. And there is something about this election that smells and sounds… Read More To Understand Donald Trump is to Not Explain Donald Trump