Brands and their Influence

Values drive our behaviour, underpin culture, influence who we vote for and what we buy. Values change markets, yes even the share market and grow sales. From understanding these drivers, you can harness their influence through your brand to grow business, improve business continuance and so much more.

Our site is designed to provide you with information on leading brand and influence practices. Our consultancy offers innovations in brand and influence that will improve sales and marketing efforts, increase reputations and grow customer loyalty.

Recent research into the influence that "value sets" have on markets and brand loyalty are now allowing CEO's and business owners to re-evaluate existing challenges that might have seemed beyond our control in the past. The latest Evers Report addresses three such issues.

If your focus has been on distribution and product, then perhaps it is time to shift your focus to improving influence and brand.

Brand Loyalty: Strategies for Australia, national and small businesses (extract from the latest Evers Report)

Part 1: Globalisation and the "Australian Made" brand

Companies that thought they were future-proofing themselves by providing quality Australian made products and services to a loyal, discerning public, are now finding themselves competing against cheaper and often inferior imports. Manufacturers and suppliers relying on a home-ground advantage are finding very little support from their fellow Australians, who are opting for price over loyalty.

The reason is simple. The "Australian Made" or "Buy Australian" brands are familiar, but actually hold little brand loyalty with the consuming public outside of food. The consumers have shown by their support of "cheaper" buying, that there is no preference for Buy Australian.

Business Australia, the Government, have let this opportunity to improve their position against imports, slip through their fingers. On the other hand, investment into "Australia" in sports, has been fully realised by promoters and sporting associations for years. Topped up annually with some $160 million of additional funding by tax payers into elite sports, the brand "Australia" as far as sports is concerned has that loyal public following.

Sport, accounts for at most, 4% of GPD. Manufacturing instead has slumped 25% to just 5% of GDP. Export goods and services still account for 30% of GDP. Why is there not the same rigorous investment into the "Australian Made" brand to assist the business sector with its brand loyalty? If we don't grow our brand loyalty in "Australian Made", consumer spending will continue to be skewed towards imports and supporting business in other countries instead of here. We need to lift our exports. Improving brand loyalty in "Australian Made" will service this need as well. (link to full report)

EVERS: About the principal consultant

Monika Evers is the principal business consultant. She offers more than a decade of influence in improving sales and customer loyalty through brand and market influence for all types of businesses. She has developed and implemented many processes that streamline brand and marketing efforts. With over 200 brands launched or improved she is one of only a handful of women who has reached this level of experience and expertise in Australia.


Brand loyalty: Strategies for Australia, national and small businesses

Brand loyalty means more than "marketing" wanting to increase market share, it is a business strategy... [more].


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Interested in creating a personal brand to advance your business or career? The Octagon Room, for people who want a personal brand that they can live, love and use to better their position.


talking turkey

Why do we lose a sale?

The culprit interestingly enough, is related to something humans share with mothering turkeys and relates equally to brand influence as it does to compliance strategies in sales. [more].


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BRAND LOYALTY, n. the ongoing, emotional buy-in to a specific brand's product or service, without regard to competition.