
To Spread the Revolution: Anarchist Archives and Libraries

Notes on why anarchists have created libraries (past and present) and some of the challenges they face, drawing on a survey of current anarchist libraries, anarchist history, and the author's own experiences at the Kate Sharpley Library.

Libertarian critique and the left wing of capitalism - Miguel Amorós

In these (January 2016) draft notes for a lecture on the “partiocracy” and its crisis—pertaining for the most part to Spain and Southern Europe—Miguel Amorós points out that, while the “professional politicians” continue to betray their former constituencies (relatively privileged layers of the middle class), and the civil society movement (the “left wing of capitalism”, “led for the most part by professors and lawyers”) tries to rally those same constituencies to support illusory “reforms”, a revolutionary response must involve at least in part the pursuit of a kind of “restoration” that takes its “inspiration from historical examples of non-capitalist ways of living together”.

Bolshevism or communism - United Workers Party of America

1934 article by the council communist UWPA and the National Committee of the Communist League of America, Left Opposition on the question of a new Party and a new (Fourth) International.

The Experience of Co-operative Societies in Rojava

TEV DEM - the Movement for a Democratic Society - is a broad-based organisation playing a key role in guiding the development of Rojava's innovative society. Its Economic Committee has published the following statement about the role, scale and rules of co-operatives which are playing an increasing part in Rojava's social economy.

O capitalismo - uma introdução

Uma breve introdução elaborada por sobre o capitalismo e como ele funciona.

Prairie Struggle posters, handouts and pictures


Here are a majority of all Prairie Struggle Organization's poster & handouts created during its short 3-4 year existence.

Combative Unionism: Waging Class War within Labour - Prairie Struggle

After putting much of our efforts in the cross Canada Speaking Tour on Combative Unionism, a debate on Combative unionism took place inside and outside of Prairie Struggle giving way to PSO's first position paper. In this position paper we hope to contribute to the relevant work and theoretical development that has been done or is already underway. We salute our comrades within the revolutionary left that are active in undermining bureaucratic control over working class power.

Combative Unionism: Clarifications to our position paper - Prairie Struggle

Combative Unionism

Shortly after the release of our position paper on “combative unionism” which sparked much criticism and legitimate questioning, members of Prairie Struggle set about reviewing the critiques and debating the position paper and its legitimacy. Though the process of creating this position paper entailed much debate and thought, the process is a continu- ous one.

Iron Column #1: Newspaper of the Anarchist Communist of the prairies


The Iron Column was the publication of the Prairie Struggle Organization. Only 3 of them published over Prairie Struggles 3-4 year existence.

The law of value under capitalism in the Essays of Isaak Rubin - Vladimir Dunaevsky

Isaak Rubin Essays on Marx's Theory of Value

A critique of Rubin's Essays on Marx's Theory of Value.