- published: 16 Apr 2012
- views: 5462
Kauppalehti (English: "Trade Newspaper") is a commerce-oriented newspaper published in Helsinki, Finland.
Kauppalehti was established by the Finnish Businessmen's Association in 1898. Since 1919 the paper is published five or six times per week.
Kauppalehti is owned by the Business Information Group of Alma Media and is based in Helsinki. The sister papers of Kauppalehti are Iltalehti and Aamulehti. The publisher of Kauppalehti is the Kustannus Oy Kauppalehti. The paper is published in tabloid format.
In 2002 Kauppalehti began to offer a supplement, Saldo, together with the magazine Tekniikka ja Talous. The paper published a Saturday supplement, Presso from October 2004 to December 2007.
Kauppalehti is the first Finnish newspaper which launched paywall in its online edition in 2012.
Kauppalehti had a circulation of 85,292 copies in 2001. Next year it was 84,626 copies. The 2003 circulation of the paper was 83,100 copies. In 2004 the paper had a circulation of 82,000 copies.
http://opetus.tv/mab/mab7/sijoittaminen/#Osakkeet Katsaus siihen mitä tietoa http://kauppalehti.fi :n verkkopalvelusta löytyy osakesijoittamiseen liittyen.
Kauppalehti tarjoaa asiakkaillensa hyödyllisä tietoa ja helppokäyttöisiä työkaluja oman sijoitussalkun seurantaan.
Suomen Jääkiekkoliiton toimitusjohtaja Matti Nurminen kertoo MM-kisojen huumassa, miten Leijonat ja Laakkonen - jääkiekko ja autot - kuuluvat yhteen.
Pauli Aalto-Setälä kertoo Jukka Mildhin haastattelusta. mitä hän autoltaan haluaa ja miten työsuhdeauto on yhä tärkeä osa työpaikan vetovoimaa.
Kauppalehti on nyt enemmän, nopeampi ja osuvampi. Koko Kauppalehti -sisältö on verkossa, myös Optio.
Kauppalehti is a leading and oldest business newspaper in Finland focusing on marketing and economics. About ten years ago The Sanoma Corporation - the 2nd biggest media house in Scandinavia decided to wipe Kauppalehti off the map with their own business daily newspaper, 'Taloussanomat'. By the end of 2007 Taloussanomat was forced to terminate the printed version of newspaper. The 2nd of January 2008 was the first day when Kauppalehti was issued without it's competitor, Taloussanomat. For just one day the name of the newspaper was changed. Instead of Kauppalehti the name was changed to Minä elän!, which means I'm alive!. See the whole story on mad-blog.com.
Kohdistamalla kampanjasi Kauppalehteen tavoitat vähemmistön, joka vaikuttaa enemmistöön. Tavoitat ne, jotka hankkivat laatua itselleen ja työssään koko yritykselle. Kauppalehden kautta tavoitat päättäjät, yrittäjät ja sijoittajat ts. Suomen ostovoimaisimman yleisön.
Cry at my feet; The god made of Man,
Drinking your face with my hands,
You were the one clinging to me,
There's nothing but the sex you gave us both,
I was always stronger than you,
I'm burying your soul with my boots,
Walking away, fucking and drunk.
Remember ten minutes of your worst time for me.
The ocean was trying to swallow the land,
I don't remember, the words never leave.
Those moments won't... Fuck I forgot.
Lets burn down together.
Lets burn down our houses together.
Lets burn down forever.
Lets burn down our children together.
I'll spit on you again but I don't know when,
I'll wait to see you outside the gates of heaven,
Now I could explain what I couldn't back then,
The devil walk me away with a sympathetic grin.
Lets burn down together.
Lets burn down our houses together.
Lets burn down forever.
Lets burn down our children together.
Burn me down, shoot me in the chest,
Burn me down, shoot me in the chest,
Burn me down, shoot me in the chest,
Burn me down, shoot me in the chest,
Lets fuck one last time, In a burning bed.
Lets fuck one last time, In a burning bed.
Lets fuck one last time, In a burning bed.