Oil Band: «Великая река»
Музыкальная группа ИНК выпустила новый клип на песню «Великая река», посвящённую открытию Марковского месторождения. Именно здесь началось развитие нефтегазовой отрасли Восточной Сибири.
Песня на слова заслуженного геолога России Владимира Самсонова.
Вокал: Николай Тюшевский, Анастасия Сиразова, Ольга Медведева;
гитара: Анатолий Котяков;
бас-гитара: Дмитрий Гурин;
клавиши: Валерия Тазентинова;
ударные: Кирилл Смышляев.
published: 15 Jun 2022
Oil Band: Ты помни, друг!
Музыкальная группа Oil Band (коллектив сотрудников Иркутской нефтяной компании), единственная музыкальная группа, которая пропагандирует через творчество важность безопасности на производстве. Коллектив записал клип на песню "Ты помни, друг!".
Музыка: Анатолий Котяков.
Слова: Павел Пучнин, Николай Тюшевский.
В записи песни участвовали Анатолий Котяков, Павел Пучнин, Николай Тюшевский, Максим Изосимов.
Клип снят при участии студии "Стаханов".
published: 30 Nov 2018
Oil Band: премьера клипа "Я вами дорожу"
Музыкальная группа, которую основали сотрудники Иркутской нефтяной компании выпустила клип на песню "Я вами дорожу".
published: 06 Mar 2020
Oil - Waiting There
Band of Groove/Thrash Metal Cristão.
Oil - Refine. 02 Waiting There
published: 12 Aug 2008
OIL - Live in Concert | Oil
#rock #heavymetal #liveinconcert
JETZT ERHÄLTLICH: https://amzn.to/2JJnO9w
Erlebe das komplette Konzert bei Amazon Prime Video!
OIL - Ein Mix zwischen Hard Rock und Heavy Metal. Musik für die größten Bühnen und die kleinsten Rock-Clubs. Die Musik von OIL is gradlinig, hart, energiegeladen und laut. Rockfans kommen bei diesem spektakulären Konzert voll auf ihre Kosten.
Produktion: punchline studio - https://film-und-ton.de/konzertmitsch...
Die Dreharbeiten zu diesem Live-Auftritt von "OIL" wurden im Rahmen der Doku-Produktion "HEART AND SOUL" durchgeführt.
Mehr zum Film:
Band: https://oil-band.com
Vocals/Guitar - Gert Endres
Bass - Rainer Jauch
Drums/Vocals - Marc Vetter
Song: "Idols"
Regie - Maik Sty...
published: 02 Feb 2019
Midnight Oil - Beds Are Burning
Midnight Oil – Beds Are Burning (Official Video)
Taken from the album Diesel and Dust
SUBSCRIBE to the MIDNIGHT OIL YouTube channel
Official Website https://www.midnightoil.com
Listen https://smarturl.it/MidnightOilListen
Mailing List http://eepurl.com/cBpcov
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/midnightoilofficial
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/midnightoilband
Twitter https://twitter.com/midnightoilband
Beds Are Burning - Lyrics
Out where the river broke
The blood-wood and the desert oak
Holden wrecks and boiling diesels
Steam in forty-five degrees
The time has come
To say fair's fair
To pay the rent
To pay our share
The time has come
A fact's a fact
It belongs to them
Let's give it back
How can we dance
When our earth is turning
How do we sleep
While our beds a...
published: 03 Oct 2009
Oil Band: "Молитва"
Группа Oil Band, состоящая из сотрудников Иркутской нефтяной компании, представляет свой новый клип "Молитва". Он был снят на одноименную авторскую песню. В создании песни и съемках клипа участвовали сотрудники ИНК и киностудии "Стаханов", съемки проходили в Иркутске и в окрестностях поселка Бугульдейка.
Участники группы: Анатолий Котяков (автор музыки, гитара), Николай Тюшевский (вокал), Максим Курбанов (бас-гитара), Валерия Тазентинова (клавишные, скрипка), Кирилл Смышляев (ударные), Анастасия Сиразова (бэк-вокал); Сергей Евчик (автор слов), Василий Медведев (режиссер), Вадим Высотин (оператор), Марина Дорохина (сценарий).
published: 30 Dec 2019
Oil Band "Легче легкого"
published: 03 Jan 2021
Oil Band: гимн волонтеров
Музыкальная группа Oil Band написала гимн волонтерского движения Иркутской нефтяной компании.
Атворы: Анатолий Котяков , Николай Тюшевский.
Состав группы:
1. Николай Тюшевский - вокал
2. Анастасия Сиразова - вокал
3. Анатолий Котяков - гитара
4. Максим Курбанов - бас-гитара
5. Валерия Тазентинова - клавиши
6. Кирилл Смышляев - ударные
Клип снят при участии студии "Стаханов".
published: 18 Dec 2019
Kumasuki GerbangNya - OIL's 2014 COVERED (Behind The Scenes)
OIL (One In Love) Band Copyright 2012 visit https://www.facebook.com/oilband
Kelapa Gading Praise Centre visit https://www.facebook.com/kgpcm
KGPC. . . the place where you will be blessed. . .Join us every Thursday @7 PM
LIVE STREAMING every Thursday @7 PM - visit www.kgpc.or.id or open your Blackberry browser http://cast.dj-hosting.net:8115/stream
Our Address :
Jl. Boulevard Bukit Gading Raya Blok AA 1-2, Ruko Bukit Gading Mediterania, Jakarta, Indonesia 14240
OIL's personnel : Piano, Rhodes : Yehezkiel Harry, Strings, Synthe : Hans Pitoy, Electric Bass : Ricky, Electric Guitar : Prefitra Wiryadi, Drum : Toar Pelenkahu
published: 19 Jun 2014
Hanya Di dalam NamaNya - OIL Band's COVERED November 2015
OIL (One In Love) Band Copyright 2012 visit https://www.facebook.com/oilband
Kelapa Gading Praise Centre visit https://www.facebook.com/kgpcm
KGPC. . . the place where you will be blessed. . .Join us every Thursday @7 PM
LIVE STREAMING every Thursday @7 PM - visit www.kgpc.or.id or open your Blackberry browser http://cast.dj-hosting.net:8115/stream
Our Address :
Jl. Boulevard Bukit Gading Raya Blok AA 1-2, Ruko Bukit Gading Mediterania, Jakarta, Indonesia 14240
OIL's personnel : Piano, Rhodes : Yehezkiel Harry, Strings, Synthe : Hans Pitoy, Electric Bass : Victor, Electric Guitar : Fifit, Drum : Toar
published: 06 Nov 2015
Sungai Sukacita / Langit dan Bumi Medley - OIL Band's ( Latihan Mode-On )
OIL (One In Love) Band Copyright 2012 visit https://www.facebook.com/oilband
Kelapa Gading Praise Centre visit https://www.facebook.com/kgpcm
KGPC. . . the place where you will be blessed. . .Join us every Thursday @7 PM
LIVE STREAMING every Thursday @7 PM - visit www.kgpc.or.id or open your Blackberry browser http://cast.dj-hosting.net:8115/stream
Our Address :
Jl. Boulevard Bukit Gading Raya Blok AA 1-2, Ruko Bukit Gading Mediterania, Jakarta, Indonesia 14240
OIL's personnel : Piano, Rhodes : Yehezkiel Harry, Strings, Synthe : Hans Pitoy, Electric Bass : Ricky, Electric Guitar : Prefitra Wiryadi, Drum : Handi Salim
published: 15 Oct 2013
Saat Indah - Kunikmati KemuliaanMu - Kau Kusembah / OIL BAND, May 2017
OIL (One In Love) Band Copyright 2012 visit https://www.facebook.com/oilband
Kelapa Gading Praise Centre visit https://www.facebook.com/kgpcm
KGPC. . . the place where you will be blessed. . .Join us every Thursday @7 PM
LIVE STREAMING every Thursday @7 PM - visit www.kgpc.or.id
Our Address :
Jl. Boulevard Bukit Gading Raya Blok AA 1-2, Ruko Bukit Gading Mediterania, Jakarta, Indonesia 14240
OIL's personnel : Piano, Rhodes : Yehezkiel Harry, Strings, Synthe : Hans Pitoy, Electric Bass : Victor Sembiring, Electric Guitar : Prefitra Wiryadi, Drum : Toar Pelenkahu
published: 19 May 2017
Hatiku Percaya 2 - OIL Band's behind the scene 2014
OIL (One In Love) Band Copyright 2012 visit https://www.facebook.com/oilband
Kelapa Gading Praise Centre visit https://www.facebook.com/kgpcm
KGPC. . . the place where you will be blessed. . .Join us every Thursday @7 PM
LIVE STREAMING every Thursday @7 PM - visit www.kgpc.or.id or open your Blackberry browser http://cast.dj-hosting.net:8115/stream
Our Address :
Jl. Boulevard Bukit Gading Raya Blok AA 1-2, Ruko Bukit Gading Mediterania, Jakarta, Indonesia 14240
OIL's personnel : Piano, Rhodes : Yehezkiel Harry, Strings, Synthe : Hans Pitoy, Electric Bass : Ricky, Electric Guitar : Prefitra Wiryadi, Drum : Handi Salim
published: 16 Jan 2014
Oil Band: «Великая река»
Музыкальная группа ИНК выпустила новый клип на песню «Великая река», посвящённую открытию Марковского месторождения. Именно здесь началось развитие нефтегазово...
Музыкальная группа ИНК выпустила новый клип на песню «Великая река», посвящённую открытию Марковского месторождения. Именно здесь началось развитие нефтегазовой отрасли Восточной Сибири.
Песня на слова заслуженного геолога России Владимира Самсонова.
Вокал: Николай Тюшевский, Анастасия Сиразова, Ольга Медведева;
гитара: Анатолий Котяков;
бас-гитара: Дмитрий Гурин;
клавиши: Валерия Тазентинова;
ударные: Кирилл Смышляев.
Музыкальная группа ИНК выпустила новый клип на песню «Великая река», посвящённую открытию Марковского месторождения. Именно здесь началось развитие нефтегазовой отрасли Восточной Сибири.
Песня на слова заслуженного геолога России Владимира Самсонова.
Вокал: Николай Тюшевский, Анастасия Сиразова, Ольга Медведева;
гитара: Анатолий Котяков;
бас-гитара: Дмитрий Гурин;
клавиши: Валерия Тазентинова;
ударные: Кирилл Смышляев.
- published: 15 Jun 2022
- views: 153
Oil Band: Ты помни, друг!
Музыкальная группа Oil Band (коллектив сотрудников Иркутской нефтяной компании), единственная музыкальная группа, которая пропагандирует через творчество важнос...
Музыкальная группа Oil Band (коллектив сотрудников Иркутской нефтяной компании), единственная музыкальная группа, которая пропагандирует через творчество важность безопасности на производстве. Коллектив записал клип на песню "Ты помни, друг!".
Музыка: Анатолий Котяков.
Слова: Павел Пучнин, Николай Тюшевский.
В записи песни участвовали Анатолий Котяков, Павел Пучнин, Николай Тюшевский, Максим Изосимов.
Клип снят при участии студии "Стаханов".
Музыкальная группа Oil Band (коллектив сотрудников Иркутской нефтяной компании), единственная музыкальная группа, которая пропагандирует через творчество важность безопасности на производстве. Коллектив записал клип на песню "Ты помни, друг!".
Музыка: Анатолий Котяков.
Слова: Павел Пучнин, Николай Тюшевский.
В записи песни участвовали Анатолий Котяков, Павел Пучнин, Николай Тюшевский, Максим Изосимов.
Клип снят при участии студии "Стаханов".
- published: 30 Nov 2018
- views: 25179
Oil Band: премьера клипа "Я вами дорожу"
Музыкальная группа, которую основали сотрудники Иркутской нефтяной компании выпустила клип на песню "Я вами дорожу".
Музыкальная группа, которую основали сотрудники Иркутской нефтяной компании выпустила клип на песню "Я вами дорожу".
Музыкальная группа, которую основали сотрудники Иркутской нефтяной компании выпустила клип на песню "Я вами дорожу".
- published: 06 Mar 2020
- views: 4146
Oil - Waiting There
Band of Groove/Thrash Metal Cristão.
Oil - Refine. 02 Waiting There
Band of Groove/Thrash Metal Cristão.
Oil - Refine. 02 Waiting There
Band of Groove/Thrash Metal Cristão.
Oil - Refine. 02 Waiting There
- published: 12 Aug 2008
- views: 12206
OIL - Live in Concert | Oil
#rock #heavymetal #liveinconcert
JETZT ERHÄLTLICH: https://amzn.to/2JJnO9w
Erlebe das komplette Konzert bei Amazon ...
#rock #heavymetal #liveinconcert
JETZT ERHÄLTLICH: https://amzn.to/2JJnO9w
Erlebe das komplette Konzert bei Amazon Prime Video!
OIL - Ein Mix zwischen Hard Rock und Heavy Metal. Musik für die größten Bühnen und die kleinsten Rock-Clubs. Die Musik von OIL is gradlinig, hart, energiegeladen und laut. Rockfans kommen bei diesem spektakulären Konzert voll auf ihre Kosten.
Produktion: punchline studio - https://film-und-ton.de/konzertmitsch...
Die Dreharbeiten zu diesem Live-Auftritt von "OIL" wurden im Rahmen der Doku-Produktion "HEART AND SOUL" durchgeführt.
Mehr zum Film:
Band: https://oil-band.com
Vocals/Guitar - Gert Endres
Bass - Rainer Jauch
Drums/Vocals - Marc Vetter
Song: "Idols"
Regie - Maik Styrnol & Pirmin Styrnol (punchline studio)
Produktion - David Tabellion
Kamera - Lukas Karl, Raphael Baumann & Franz Weber (vidream Bewegtbild) | Marius Rinkel, Maik Styrnol
Schnitt & Grading - Maik Styrnol (punchline studio)
Aufnahme, Mixing & Mastering Musik: Maik Styrnol (punchline studio)
Assistenz - Marius Rinkel
Location: Schlachthof Lahr | Jugend & Kultur - http://schlachthof-lahr.de/
Rockwerkstatt - http://www.rockwerkstatt.de/
#rock #heavymetal #liveinconcert
JETZT ERHÄLTLICH: https://amzn.to/2JJnO9w
Erlebe das komplette Konzert bei Amazon Prime Video!
OIL - Ein Mix zwischen Hard Rock und Heavy Metal. Musik für die größten Bühnen und die kleinsten Rock-Clubs. Die Musik von OIL is gradlinig, hart, energiegeladen und laut. Rockfans kommen bei diesem spektakulären Konzert voll auf ihre Kosten.
Produktion: punchline studio - https://film-und-ton.de/konzertmitsch...
Die Dreharbeiten zu diesem Live-Auftritt von "OIL" wurden im Rahmen der Doku-Produktion "HEART AND SOUL" durchgeführt.
Mehr zum Film:
Band: https://oil-band.com
Vocals/Guitar - Gert Endres
Bass - Rainer Jauch
Drums/Vocals - Marc Vetter
Song: "Idols"
Regie - Maik Styrnol & Pirmin Styrnol (punchline studio)
Produktion - David Tabellion
Kamera - Lukas Karl, Raphael Baumann & Franz Weber (vidream Bewegtbild) | Marius Rinkel, Maik Styrnol
Schnitt & Grading - Maik Styrnol (punchline studio)
Aufnahme, Mixing & Mastering Musik: Maik Styrnol (punchline studio)
Assistenz - Marius Rinkel
Location: Schlachthof Lahr | Jugend & Kultur - http://schlachthof-lahr.de/
Rockwerkstatt - http://www.rockwerkstatt.de/
- published: 02 Feb 2019
- views: 4640
Midnight Oil - Beds Are Burning
Midnight Oil – Beds Are Burning (Official Video)
Taken from the album Diesel and Dust
SUBSCRIBE to the MIDNIGHT OIL YouTube channel
Official Website https://...
Midnight Oil – Beds Are Burning (Official Video)
Taken from the album Diesel and Dust
SUBSCRIBE to the MIDNIGHT OIL YouTube channel
Official Website https://www.midnightoil.com
Listen https://smarturl.it/MidnightOilListen
Mailing List http://eepurl.com/cBpcov
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/midnightoilofficial
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/midnightoilband
Twitter https://twitter.com/midnightoilband
Beds Are Burning - Lyrics
Out where the river broke
The blood-wood and the desert oak
Holden wrecks and boiling diesels
Steam in forty-five degrees
The time has come
To say fair's fair
To pay the rent
To pay our share
The time has come
A fact's a fact
It belongs to them
Let's give it back
How can we dance
When our earth is turning
How do we sleep
While our beds are burning
How can we dance
When our earth is turning
How do we sleep
While our beds are burning
The time has come
To say fair's fair
To pay the rent
Now to pay our share
Four wheels scare the cockatoos
From Kintore East to Yuendemu
The western desert lives and breathes
In forty-five degrees
The time has come
To say fair's fair
To pay the rent
To pay our share
The time has come
A fact's a fact
It belongs to them
Let's give it back
How can we dance
When our earth is turning
How do we sleep
While our beds are burning
How can we dance
When our earth is turning
How do we sleep
While our beds are burning
The time has come
To say fair's fair
To pay the rent now
To pay our share
The time has come
A fact's a fact
It belongs to them
We're gonna give it back
How can we dance
When our earth is turning
How do we sleep
While our beds are burning
#MidnightOil #BedsAreBurning #DieselandDust
Midnight Oil – Beds Are Burning (Official Video)
Taken from the album Diesel and Dust
SUBSCRIBE to the MIDNIGHT OIL YouTube channel
Official Website https://www.midnightoil.com
Listen https://smarturl.it/MidnightOilListen
Mailing List http://eepurl.com/cBpcov
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/midnightoilofficial
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/midnightoilband
Twitter https://twitter.com/midnightoilband
Beds Are Burning - Lyrics
Out where the river broke
The blood-wood and the desert oak
Holden wrecks and boiling diesels
Steam in forty-five degrees
The time has come
To say fair's fair
To pay the rent
To pay our share
The time has come
A fact's a fact
It belongs to them
Let's give it back
How can we dance
When our earth is turning
How do we sleep
While our beds are burning
How can we dance
When our earth is turning
How do we sleep
While our beds are burning
The time has come
To say fair's fair
To pay the rent
Now to pay our share
Four wheels scare the cockatoos
From Kintore East to Yuendemu
The western desert lives and breathes
In forty-five degrees
The time has come
To say fair's fair
To pay the rent
To pay our share
The time has come
A fact's a fact
It belongs to them
Let's give it back
How can we dance
When our earth is turning
How do we sleep
While our beds are burning
How can we dance
When our earth is turning
How do we sleep
While our beds are burning
The time has come
To say fair's fair
To pay the rent now
To pay our share
The time has come
A fact's a fact
It belongs to them
We're gonna give it back
How can we dance
When our earth is turning
How do we sleep
While our beds are burning
#MidnightOil #BedsAreBurning #DieselandDust
- published: 03 Oct 2009
- views: 196836945
Oil Band: "Молитва"
Группа Oil Band, состоящая из сотрудников Иркутской нефтяной компании, представляет свой новый клип "Молитва". Он был снят на одноименную авторскую песню. В соз...
Группа Oil Band, состоящая из сотрудников Иркутской нефтяной компании, представляет свой новый клип "Молитва". Он был снят на одноименную авторскую песню. В создании песни и съемках клипа участвовали сотрудники ИНК и киностудии "Стаханов", съемки проходили в Иркутске и в окрестностях поселка Бугульдейка.
Участники группы: Анатолий Котяков (автор музыки, гитара), Николай Тюшевский (вокал), Максим Курбанов (бас-гитара), Валерия Тазентинова (клавишные, скрипка), Кирилл Смышляев (ударные), Анастасия Сиразова (бэк-вокал); Сергей Евчик (автор слов), Василий Медведев (режиссер), Вадим Высотин (оператор), Марина Дорохина (сценарий).
Группа Oil Band, состоящая из сотрудников Иркутской нефтяной компании, представляет свой новый клип "Молитва". Он был снят на одноименную авторскую песню. В создании песни и съемках клипа участвовали сотрудники ИНК и киностудии "Стаханов", съемки проходили в Иркутске и в окрестностях поселка Бугульдейка.
Участники группы: Анатолий Котяков (автор музыки, гитара), Николай Тюшевский (вокал), Максим Курбанов (бас-гитара), Валерия Тазентинова (клавишные, скрипка), Кирилл Смышляев (ударные), Анастасия Сиразова (бэк-вокал); Сергей Евчик (автор слов), Василий Медведев (режиссер), Вадим Высотин (оператор), Марина Дорохина (сценарий).
- published: 30 Dec 2019
- views: 2241
Oil Band: гимн волонтеров
Музыкальная группа Oil Band написала гимн волонтерского движения Иркутской нефтяной компании.
Атворы: Анатолий Котяков , Николай Тюшевский.
Состав группы:
Музыкальная группа Oil Band написала гимн волонтерского движения Иркутской нефтяной компании.
Атворы: Анатолий Котяков , Николай Тюшевский.
Состав группы:
1. Николай Тюшевский - вокал
2. Анастасия Сиразова - вокал
3. Анатолий Котяков - гитара
4. Максим Курбанов - бас-гитара
5. Валерия Тазентинова - клавиши
6. Кирилл Смышляев - ударные
Клип снят при участии студии "Стаханов".
Музыкальная группа Oil Band написала гимн волонтерского движения Иркутской нефтяной компании.
Атворы: Анатолий Котяков , Николай Тюшевский.
Состав группы:
1. Николай Тюшевский - вокал
2. Анастасия Сиразова - вокал
3. Анатолий Котяков - гитара
4. Максим Курбанов - бас-гитара
5. Валерия Тазентинова - клавиши
6. Кирилл Смышляев - ударные
Клип снят при участии студии "Стаханов".
- published: 18 Dec 2019
- views: 1401
Kumasuki GerbangNya - OIL's 2014 COVERED (Behind The Scenes)
OIL (One In Love) Band Copyright 2012 visit https://www.facebook.com/oilband
Kelapa Gading Praise Centre visit https://www.facebook.com/kgpcm
KGPC. . . the pla...
OIL (One In Love) Band Copyright 2012 visit https://www.facebook.com/oilband
Kelapa Gading Praise Centre visit https://www.facebook.com/kgpcm
KGPC. . . the place where you will be blessed. . .Join us every Thursday @7 PM
LIVE STREAMING every Thursday @7 PM - visit www.kgpc.or.id or open your Blackberry browser http://cast.dj-hosting.net:8115/stream
Our Address :
Jl. Boulevard Bukit Gading Raya Blok AA 1-2, Ruko Bukit Gading Mediterania, Jakarta, Indonesia 14240
OIL's personnel : Piano, Rhodes : Yehezkiel Harry, Strings, Synthe : Hans Pitoy, Electric Bass : Ricky, Electric Guitar : Prefitra Wiryadi, Drum : Toar Pelenkahu
OIL (One In Love) Band Copyright 2012 visit https://www.facebook.com/oilband
Kelapa Gading Praise Centre visit https://www.facebook.com/kgpcm
KGPC. . . the place where you will be blessed. . .Join us every Thursday @7 PM
LIVE STREAMING every Thursday @7 PM - visit www.kgpc.or.id or open your Blackberry browser http://cast.dj-hosting.net:8115/stream
Our Address :
Jl. Boulevard Bukit Gading Raya Blok AA 1-2, Ruko Bukit Gading Mediterania, Jakarta, Indonesia 14240
OIL's personnel : Piano, Rhodes : Yehezkiel Harry, Strings, Synthe : Hans Pitoy, Electric Bass : Ricky, Electric Guitar : Prefitra Wiryadi, Drum : Toar Pelenkahu
- published: 19 Jun 2014
- views: 80341
Hanya Di dalam NamaNya - OIL Band's COVERED November 2015
OIL (One In Love) Band Copyright 2012 visit https://www.facebook.com/oilband
Kelapa Gading Praise Centre visit https://www.facebook.com/kgpcm
KGPC. . . the pla...
OIL (One In Love) Band Copyright 2012 visit https://www.facebook.com/oilband
Kelapa Gading Praise Centre visit https://www.facebook.com/kgpcm
KGPC. . . the place where you will be blessed. . .Join us every Thursday @7 PM
LIVE STREAMING every Thursday @7 PM - visit www.kgpc.or.id or open your Blackberry browser http://cast.dj-hosting.net:8115/stream
Our Address :
Jl. Boulevard Bukit Gading Raya Blok AA 1-2, Ruko Bukit Gading Mediterania, Jakarta, Indonesia 14240
OIL's personnel : Piano, Rhodes : Yehezkiel Harry, Strings, Synthe : Hans Pitoy, Electric Bass : Victor, Electric Guitar : Fifit, Drum : Toar
OIL (One In Love) Band Copyright 2012 visit https://www.facebook.com/oilband
Kelapa Gading Praise Centre visit https://www.facebook.com/kgpcm
KGPC. . . the place where you will be blessed. . .Join us every Thursday @7 PM
LIVE STREAMING every Thursday @7 PM - visit www.kgpc.or.id or open your Blackberry browser http://cast.dj-hosting.net:8115/stream
Our Address :
Jl. Boulevard Bukit Gading Raya Blok AA 1-2, Ruko Bukit Gading Mediterania, Jakarta, Indonesia 14240
OIL's personnel : Piano, Rhodes : Yehezkiel Harry, Strings, Synthe : Hans Pitoy, Electric Bass : Victor, Electric Guitar : Fifit, Drum : Toar
- published: 06 Nov 2015
- views: 19628
Sungai Sukacita / Langit dan Bumi Medley - OIL Band's ( Latihan Mode-On )
OIL (One In Love) Band Copyright 2012 visit https://www.facebook.com/oilband
Kelapa Gading Praise Centre visit https://www.facebook.com/kgpcm
KGPC. . . the pla...
OIL (One In Love) Band Copyright 2012 visit https://www.facebook.com/oilband
Kelapa Gading Praise Centre visit https://www.facebook.com/kgpcm
KGPC. . . the place where you will be blessed. . .Join us every Thursday @7 PM
LIVE STREAMING every Thursday @7 PM - visit www.kgpc.or.id or open your Blackberry browser http://cast.dj-hosting.net:8115/stream
Our Address :
Jl. Boulevard Bukit Gading Raya Blok AA 1-2, Ruko Bukit Gading Mediterania, Jakarta, Indonesia 14240
OIL's personnel : Piano, Rhodes : Yehezkiel Harry, Strings, Synthe : Hans Pitoy, Electric Bass : Ricky, Electric Guitar : Prefitra Wiryadi, Drum : Handi Salim
OIL (One In Love) Band Copyright 2012 visit https://www.facebook.com/oilband
Kelapa Gading Praise Centre visit https://www.facebook.com/kgpcm
KGPC. . . the place where you will be blessed. . .Join us every Thursday @7 PM
LIVE STREAMING every Thursday @7 PM - visit www.kgpc.or.id or open your Blackberry browser http://cast.dj-hosting.net:8115/stream
Our Address :
Jl. Boulevard Bukit Gading Raya Blok AA 1-2, Ruko Bukit Gading Mediterania, Jakarta, Indonesia 14240
OIL's personnel : Piano, Rhodes : Yehezkiel Harry, Strings, Synthe : Hans Pitoy, Electric Bass : Ricky, Electric Guitar : Prefitra Wiryadi, Drum : Handi Salim
- published: 15 Oct 2013
- views: 89309
Saat Indah - Kunikmati KemuliaanMu - Kau Kusembah / OIL BAND, May 2017
OIL (One In Love) Band Copyright 2012 visit https://www.facebook.com/oilband
Kelapa Gading Praise Centre visit https://www.facebook.com/kgpcm
KGPC. . . the pla...
OIL (One In Love) Band Copyright 2012 visit https://www.facebook.com/oilband
Kelapa Gading Praise Centre visit https://www.facebook.com/kgpcm
KGPC. . . the place where you will be blessed. . .Join us every Thursday @7 PM
LIVE STREAMING every Thursday @7 PM - visit www.kgpc.or.id
Our Address :
Jl. Boulevard Bukit Gading Raya Blok AA 1-2, Ruko Bukit Gading Mediterania, Jakarta, Indonesia 14240
OIL's personnel : Piano, Rhodes : Yehezkiel Harry, Strings, Synthe : Hans Pitoy, Electric Bass : Victor Sembiring, Electric Guitar : Prefitra Wiryadi, Drum : Toar Pelenkahu
OIL (One In Love) Band Copyright 2012 visit https://www.facebook.com/oilband
Kelapa Gading Praise Centre visit https://www.facebook.com/kgpcm
KGPC. . . the place where you will be blessed. . .Join us every Thursday @7 PM
LIVE STREAMING every Thursday @7 PM - visit www.kgpc.or.id
Our Address :
Jl. Boulevard Bukit Gading Raya Blok AA 1-2, Ruko Bukit Gading Mediterania, Jakarta, Indonesia 14240
OIL's personnel : Piano, Rhodes : Yehezkiel Harry, Strings, Synthe : Hans Pitoy, Electric Bass : Victor Sembiring, Electric Guitar : Prefitra Wiryadi, Drum : Toar Pelenkahu
- published: 19 May 2017
- views: 19337
Hatiku Percaya 2 - OIL Band's behind the scene 2014
OIL (One In Love) Band Copyright 2012 visit https://www.facebook.com/oilband
Kelapa Gading Praise Centre visit https://www.facebook.com/kgpcm
KGPC. . . the pla...
OIL (One In Love) Band Copyright 2012 visit https://www.facebook.com/oilband
Kelapa Gading Praise Centre visit https://www.facebook.com/kgpcm
KGPC. . . the place where you will be blessed. . .Join us every Thursday @7 PM
LIVE STREAMING every Thursday @7 PM - visit www.kgpc.or.id or open your Blackberry browser http://cast.dj-hosting.net:8115/stream
Our Address :
Jl. Boulevard Bukit Gading Raya Blok AA 1-2, Ruko Bukit Gading Mediterania, Jakarta, Indonesia 14240
OIL's personnel : Piano, Rhodes : Yehezkiel Harry, Strings, Synthe : Hans Pitoy, Electric Bass : Ricky, Electric Guitar : Prefitra Wiryadi, Drum : Handi Salim
OIL (One In Love) Band Copyright 2012 visit https://www.facebook.com/oilband
Kelapa Gading Praise Centre visit https://www.facebook.com/kgpcm
KGPC. . . the place where you will be blessed. . .Join us every Thursday @7 PM
LIVE STREAMING every Thursday @7 PM - visit www.kgpc.or.id or open your Blackberry browser http://cast.dj-hosting.net:8115/stream
Our Address :
Jl. Boulevard Bukit Gading Raya Blok AA 1-2, Ruko Bukit Gading Mediterania, Jakarta, Indonesia 14240
OIL's personnel : Piano, Rhodes : Yehezkiel Harry, Strings, Synthe : Hans Pitoy, Electric Bass : Ricky, Electric Guitar : Prefitra Wiryadi, Drum : Handi Salim
- published: 16 Jan 2014
- views: 29982
What is the thickness of an oil film?
Film thickness is one of the most basic concepts in tribology, but most of the time the subject is dealt with in a theoretical way. For application engineers, there's only a couple of things you need to know about film thickness, and we cover them in this video.
Here at Lubrication Expert we take a first-principles approach to lubricants and greases; helping industry understand lubrication technology and pushing the limits of what is possible.
Catch us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/LubricationExp
Catch us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/lubrication-expert
published: 29 Dec 2020
Viraat Ek Yodha (2019) | New South Indian Movies Dubbed in Hindi Full Movie 2019 | Darshan
Viraat Ek Yodha (2019) | New South Indian Movies Dubbed in Hindi Full Movie 2019 | Darshan
The story thinly revolves around power shortage aptly freshened up by ample doses of action, comedy and love. Viraat Prasad (Darshan) is a businessman who wants to provide a solution to the existing power problem and in consultation with the chief minister, a role played by Suhasini, he plans to build a thermal power project. Enter Surendra Singh (Ravi Shankar), an opportunist, who tries to distract the chief minister and take over the project. But the project is handed over to Viraat which does not go down well with Singh. Balancing the friction and the action is romance involving three ladies - Keerthi (Chaitra Chandranath), Spoorthi (Vidisha Srivastava) and Preethi (Isha Chawla), who are head ove...
published: 18 Jul 2019
Swami Sivanandha's Karungkunthal Shampoo & Hair Oil Ad Film
Our Works:
Ad films,
Corporate films and
Photo Shoot
TV advertisement
eyeballfilm ad agency,
Contact : +91-9841232167
email : eyeballfilm@gmail.com
Website : http://eyeballfilm.in/
published: 01 Dec 2016
Riding The Film (1937)
Motorists really ride on a film of oil, because all the moving parts of the engine are kept slipping over each other by a thin film of oil.
published: 09 Sep 2012
A Film In Three Minutes - Lorenzo's Oil
#lorenzosoil #AFITM #georgemiller
George Miller directs one of the most heart-warming dramas to ever be released, starring Susan Sarandon, Nick Nolte, Peter Ustinov and Zack O'Malley Greenburg. Cinematography by John Seale, released in 1992.
published: 07 Jul 2019
How To Remove Oil Film From Water Surface
Simple way to remove and prevent oil films. Please use headphones as the voice is little low.
►Betta (Fighter Fish) Care http://bit.ly/BETTA_CARE
►Learn how to make a 3d background fish tank here http://bit.ly/DIY_3D_BACKGROUND
►My other 3d background fish tanks http://bit.ly/3D_BACKGROUND_AQUARIUMS
►देखिये वीडियोस हिंदीमे http://bit.ly/HINDI_AQUARIUM_VIDEOS
►Low tech planted tank setup series http://bit.ly/LOW_TECH_PLANTED_TANK_SERIES
►Easy DIY aquarium projects http://bit.ly/DIY_AQUARIUM_PROJECTS
►Fishkeeping explained http://bit.ly/WHITEBOARD_AQUARIUM_VIDEOS
►Amazing Aquariums http://bit.ly/AMAZING_FISH_TANKS
►Make your own pond at home http://bit.ly/POND_SERI...
published: 02 Jun 2019
Vanguardwax - Glass Oil Film Scale Remover
Sunny day is good to do #car #detailing work! 😁
Let's try this #POWERFUL glass #coat remover!!!
👍#Polish the glass surface extremely #clean!
👍#Remove road grime / #water spots / minor #scratches EASILY!
👍Bring the glass back to the original #brightness
#Vanguardwax #Glass #Oil #Film #Remover
#Buy: http://aliurl.cn/s6krz5
#FB: https://www.facebook.com/Vanguardwax/
#Twitter: https://twitter.com/vanguardwax
published: 14 Apr 2020
刀标油感人短片 - 加油 | Add Oil - A short film by Knife
The truth lies in the words that she keeps in her heart.
Like Knife Cooking Oil Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KnifeDelicious?fref=ts
歌手:程欣琪 Kayle
published: 30 Apr 2015
Want to support this channel and help us preserve old films? Visit https://www.patreon.com/PeriscopeFilm
Browse our products on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2YILTSD
This color educational film is about how lubricants are derived from crude petroleum and how to improve the quality of lubricating oil. This is a 1949 film.
Opening credits: U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines - THE STORY OF LUBRICATING OIL, produced with the cooperation of the Standard Oil Company in Indiana (:07-:47). Moving parts are shown and our narrator explains how oil is important. Water and aircraft as well as automobiles need oil. Trucks, buses, and tractors are shown. Gears are shown moving and they need oil as a lubricant. Aerial shots of factories (:48-2:13). An animated character is shown and he is a lu...
published: 21 Jan 2020
Raw Video: Oil Film Near Costa Concordia
A film of oil could be seen on the surface of the waters surrounding the Costa Concordia Wednesday, adding to concerns that that the fuel-laden ship could cause environmental pollution in the pristine waters where it ran aground. (Feb. 1)
published: 01 Feb 2012
유튜브 채널바로 가기 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVlpeCeAyC7zpG7DxDToADQ
네이버 블로그 http://blog.naver.com/ccj1818
페이스북 https://www.facebook.com/heewon.park.355
인스타그램 https://www.instagram.com/diy_your_car/
트위터 https://twitter.com/crissangel0919
홈페이지 https://www.diyyourcar.co.kr
구독하기 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVlpeCeAyC7zpG7DxDToADQ/featured?view_as=subscriber
본 영상은 DIY YOUR CAR에서 제작한 영상입니다.
자동차 DIY작업을 하시면서 어떻게 해야좋을지 모르시는분들께 도움을 드리기 위해 제작하였습니다.
추가로 동영상 확인은 유튜브(UTUBE)구독하시면 DIY YOUR CAR 채널로 확인하실수 있습니다.
published: 04 Aug 2016
Jason Statham oil fight The Transporter movie film sri
Jason Statham Oil Fight The Transporter
published: 18 Jul 2019
The Shocking Oil Film Strength Test Using Royal Purple’s Synfilm
In this informative video, follow along as Royal Purple measures oil film strength with a bearing test using Royal Purple’s Synfilm. Comparing RP Synfilm (with an ISO 68) to a competitor’s lubricant (with an ISO 220) to test the strength of Royal Purple's oil film.
To find out more about Royal Purple industrial lubricants in Canada contact Robco Inc. www.robco.com
published: 18 Aug 2016
Want to support this channel and help us preserve old films? Visit https://www.patreon.com/PeriscopeFilm
Browse our products on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2YILTSD
Journey. Report from Libya. Produced for Standard Oil Company, New Jersey. By Tangent Films, Inc. The movie opens with a view over the water at Tripoli, the capital city of Libya. The purpose of the movie is to show the progress of oil drilling and collaboration between American oil companies and the Libyan people. Historically the area of Libya was considered as three provinces (or states), Tripolitania in the northwest, Cyrenaica in the east, and Fezzan in the southwest. Tripoli has wide boulevards, palm trees and beautiful modern architecture 1:15. Downtown Tripoli, cars and horse and carriages share the road 1:35. Regio Tripoli...
published: 30 Jun 2020
What is the thickness of an oil film?
Film thickness is one of the most basic concepts in tribology, but most of the time the subject is dealt with in a theoretical way. For application engineers, t...
Film thickness is one of the most basic concepts in tribology, but most of the time the subject is dealt with in a theoretical way. For application engineers, there's only a couple of things you need to know about film thickness, and we cover them in this video.
Here at Lubrication Expert we take a first-principles approach to lubricants and greases; helping industry understand lubrication technology and pushing the limits of what is possible.
Catch us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/LubricationExp
Catch us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/lubrication-expert
Film thickness is one of the most basic concepts in tribology, but most of the time the subject is dealt with in a theoretical way. For application engineers, there's only a couple of things you need to know about film thickness, and we cover them in this video.
Here at Lubrication Expert we take a first-principles approach to lubricants and greases; helping industry understand lubrication technology and pushing the limits of what is possible.
Catch us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/LubricationExp
Catch us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/lubrication-expert
- published: 29 Dec 2020
- views: 1277
Viraat Ek Yodha (2019) | New South Indian Movies Dubbed in Hindi Full Movie 2019 | Darshan
Viraat Ek Yodha (2019) | New South Indian Movies Dubbed in Hindi Full Movie 2019 | Darshan
The story thinly revolves around power shortage aptly freshened up b...
Viraat Ek Yodha (2019) | New South Indian Movies Dubbed in Hindi Full Movie 2019 | Darshan
The story thinly revolves around power shortage aptly freshened up by ample doses of action, comedy and love. Viraat Prasad (Darshan) is a businessman who wants to provide a solution to the existing power problem and in consultation with the chief minister, a role played by Suhasini, he plans to build a thermal power project. Enter Surendra Singh (Ravi Shankar), an opportunist, who tries to distract the chief minister and take over the project. But the project is handed over to Viraat which does not go down well with Singh. Balancing the friction and the action is romance involving three ladies - Keerthi (Chaitra Chandranath), Spoorthi (Vidisha Srivastava) and Preethi (Isha Chawla), who are head over heels for Viraat, but the latter chooses one among them, managing to maintain his friendship with the other two. How does he handle Singh and the thermal project and who does he select as his love runs in parallel and forms the crux of the film.
Cinekorn Entertainment presents you Trend Setter New Released South Movies Dubbed In Hindi.
Cinekorn Entertainment gives you latest dubbed south action movies of stars like NBK, Puneeth Rajkumar, Sri Murli, Ajun Sarja, Allu Arjun, Suriya, Nikhil Siddharth and many more. These films are full of action and dhamaal.
Action ka dose right in your pocket at just your fingertip. We promise to give you daily dose of action with blockbuster action movies of all big stars.
If you love the movie, don't forget to hit the like button.
Share with your family and friends.
Please tap the subscribe button so that you never miss an update from us. All movies are double dose of action and entertainment.
Click the below link to subscribe now !
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/CinekornEnt
Twitter - @CinekornEnt
Email - info@cinekorn.com.
#ViraatEkYodha #CinekornEntertainment #NewHindiDubbed #SouthMovies
Viraat Ek Yodha (2019) | New South Indian Movies Dubbed in Hindi Full Movie 2019 | Darshan
The story thinly revolves around power shortage aptly freshened up by ample doses of action, comedy and love. Viraat Prasad (Darshan) is a businessman who wants to provide a solution to the existing power problem and in consultation with the chief minister, a role played by Suhasini, he plans to build a thermal power project. Enter Surendra Singh (Ravi Shankar), an opportunist, who tries to distract the chief minister and take over the project. But the project is handed over to Viraat which does not go down well with Singh. Balancing the friction and the action is romance involving three ladies - Keerthi (Chaitra Chandranath), Spoorthi (Vidisha Srivastava) and Preethi (Isha Chawla), who are head over heels for Viraat, but the latter chooses one among them, managing to maintain his friendship with the other two. How does he handle Singh and the thermal project and who does he select as his love runs in parallel and forms the crux of the film.
Cinekorn Entertainment presents you Trend Setter New Released South Movies Dubbed In Hindi.
Cinekorn Entertainment gives you latest dubbed south action movies of stars like NBK, Puneeth Rajkumar, Sri Murli, Ajun Sarja, Allu Arjun, Suriya, Nikhil Siddharth and many more. These films are full of action and dhamaal.
Action ka dose right in your pocket at just your fingertip. We promise to give you daily dose of action with blockbuster action movies of all big stars.
If you love the movie, don't forget to hit the like button.
Share with your family and friends.
Please tap the subscribe button so that you never miss an update from us. All movies are double dose of action and entertainment.
Click the below link to subscribe now !
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/CinekornEnt
Twitter - @CinekornEnt
Email - info@cinekorn.com.
#ViraatEkYodha #CinekornEntertainment #NewHindiDubbed #SouthMovies
- published: 18 Jul 2019
- views: 5798689
Swami Sivanandha's Karungkunthal Shampoo & Hair Oil Ad Film
Our Works:
Ad films,
Our Works:
Ad films,
Corporate films and
Photo Shoot
TV advertisement
eyeballfilm ad agency,
Contact : +91-9841232167
email : eyeballfilm@gmail.com
Website : http://eyeballfilm.in/
Our Works:
Ad films,
Corporate films and
Photo Shoot
TV advertisement
eyeballfilm ad agency,
Contact : +91-9841232167
email : eyeballfilm@gmail.com
Website : http://eyeballfilm.in/
- published: 01 Dec 2016
- views: 20637964
Riding The Film (1937)
Motorists really ride on a film of oil, because all the moving parts of the engine are kept slipping over each other by a thin film of oil.
Motorists really ride on a film of oil, because all the moving parts of the engine are kept slipping over each other by a thin film of oil.
Motorists really ride on a film of oil, because all the moving parts of the engine are kept slipping over each other by a thin film of oil.
- published: 09 Sep 2012
- views: 789386
A Film In Three Minutes - Lorenzo's Oil
#lorenzosoil #AFITM #georgemiller
George Miller directs one of the most heart-warming dramas to ever be released, starring Susan Sarandon, Nick Nolte, Peter Us...
#lorenzosoil #AFITM #georgemiller
George Miller directs one of the most heart-warming dramas to ever be released, starring Susan Sarandon, Nick Nolte, Peter Ustinov and Zack O'Malley Greenburg. Cinematography by John Seale, released in 1992.
#lorenzosoil #AFITM #georgemiller
George Miller directs one of the most heart-warming dramas to ever be released, starring Susan Sarandon, Nick Nolte, Peter Ustinov and Zack O'Malley Greenburg. Cinematography by John Seale, released in 1992.
- published: 07 Jul 2019
- views: 20349
How To Remove Oil Film From Water Surface
Simple way to remove and prevent oil films. Please use headphones as the voice is little low.
►Betta (Fighter Fish) Care http://bit.ly/BETTA_CARE
Simple way to remove and prevent oil films. Please use headphones as the voice is little low.
►Betta (Fighter Fish) Care http://bit.ly/BETTA_CARE
►Learn how to make a 3d background fish tank here http://bit.ly/DIY_3D_BACKGROUND
►My other 3d background fish tanks http://bit.ly/3D_BACKGROUND_AQUARIUMS
►देखिये वीडियोस हिंदीमे http://bit.ly/HINDI_AQUARIUM_VIDEOS
►Low tech planted tank setup series http://bit.ly/LOW_TECH_PLANTED_TANK_SERIES
►Easy DIY aquarium projects http://bit.ly/DIY_AQUARIUM_PROJECTS
►Fishkeeping explained http://bit.ly/WHITEBOARD_AQUARIUM_VIDEOS
►Amazing Aquariums http://bit.ly/AMAZING_FISH_TANKS
►Make your own pond at home http://bit.ly/POND_SERIES
►Aquarium Filter & Meda http://bit.ly/AQUARIUM_FILTRATION
►Goldfish Care http://bit.ly/GOLDFISH_CARE
►Turtle Care http://bit.ly/TURTLE_CARE
►Planted Tanks http://bit.ly/PLANTED_TANKS
SUBSCRIBE to learn how to be a fishkeeper http://bit.ly/CLICK_HERE_TO_SUBSCRIBE
PS: Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE THE INDIAN FISHKEEPER for more Helpful & Awesome videos http://bit.ly/CLICK_HERE_TO_SUBSCRIBE
Simple way to remove and prevent oil films. Please use headphones as the voice is little low.
►Betta (Fighter Fish) Care http://bit.ly/BETTA_CARE
►Learn how to make a 3d background fish tank here http://bit.ly/DIY_3D_BACKGROUND
►My other 3d background fish tanks http://bit.ly/3D_BACKGROUND_AQUARIUMS
►देखिये वीडियोस हिंदीमे http://bit.ly/HINDI_AQUARIUM_VIDEOS
►Low tech planted tank setup series http://bit.ly/LOW_TECH_PLANTED_TANK_SERIES
►Easy DIY aquarium projects http://bit.ly/DIY_AQUARIUM_PROJECTS
►Fishkeeping explained http://bit.ly/WHITEBOARD_AQUARIUM_VIDEOS
►Amazing Aquariums http://bit.ly/AMAZING_FISH_TANKS
►Make your own pond at home http://bit.ly/POND_SERIES
►Aquarium Filter & Meda http://bit.ly/AQUARIUM_FILTRATION
►Goldfish Care http://bit.ly/GOLDFISH_CARE
►Turtle Care http://bit.ly/TURTLE_CARE
►Planted Tanks http://bit.ly/PLANTED_TANKS
SUBSCRIBE to learn how to be a fishkeeper http://bit.ly/CLICK_HERE_TO_SUBSCRIBE
PS: Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE THE INDIAN FISHKEEPER for more Helpful & Awesome videos http://bit.ly/CLICK_HERE_TO_SUBSCRIBE
- published: 02 Jun 2019
- views: 9710
Vanguardwax - Glass Oil Film Scale Remover
Sunny day is good to do #car #detailing work! 😁
Let's try this #POWERFUL glass #coat remover!!!
👍#Polish the glass surface extremely #clean!
👍#Remove road grim...
Sunny day is good to do #car #detailing work! 😁
Let's try this #POWERFUL glass #coat remover!!!
👍#Polish the glass surface extremely #clean!
👍#Remove road grime / #water spots / minor #scratches EASILY!
👍Bring the glass back to the original #brightness
#Vanguardwax #Glass #Oil #Film #Remover
#Buy: http://aliurl.cn/s6krz5
#FB: https://www.facebook.com/Vanguardwax/
#Twitter: https://twitter.com/vanguardwax
Sunny day is good to do #car #detailing work! 😁
Let's try this #POWERFUL glass #coat remover!!!
👍#Polish the glass surface extremely #clean!
👍#Remove road grime / #water spots / minor #scratches EASILY!
👍Bring the glass back to the original #brightness
#Vanguardwax #Glass #Oil #Film #Remover
#Buy: http://aliurl.cn/s6krz5
#FB: https://www.facebook.com/Vanguardwax/
#Twitter: https://twitter.com/vanguardwax
- published: 14 Apr 2020
- views: 2378
刀标油感人短片 - 加油 | Add Oil - A short film by Knife
The truth lies in the words that she keeps in her heart.
Like Knife Cooking Oil Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KnifeDelicious?fr...
The truth lies in the words that she keeps in her heart.
Like Knife Cooking Oil Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KnifeDelicious?fref=ts
歌手:程欣琪 Kayle
The truth lies in the words that she keeps in her heart.
Like Knife Cooking Oil Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KnifeDelicious?fref=ts
歌手:程欣琪 Kayle
- published: 30 Apr 2015
- views: 2055900
Want to support this channel and help us preserve old films? Visit https://www.patreon.com/PeriscopeFilm
Browse our products on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2YILTSD
Want to support this channel and help us preserve old films? Visit https://www.patreon.com/PeriscopeFilm
Browse our products on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2YILTSD
This color educational film is about how lubricants are derived from crude petroleum and how to improve the quality of lubricating oil. This is a 1949 film.
Opening credits: U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines - THE STORY OF LUBRICATING OIL, produced with the cooperation of the Standard Oil Company in Indiana (:07-:47). Moving parts are shown and our narrator explains how oil is important. Water and aircraft as well as automobiles need oil. Trucks, buses, and tractors are shown. Gears are shown moving and they need oil as a lubricant. Aerial shots of factories (:48-2:13). An animated character is shown and he is a lubricating oil molecule, he is called a hydrocarbon. Crude oil is taken from the depths of the earth. Separation of molecules is first for the crude oil. An explanation is presented as animation shows the processes (2:14-4:21). Lubricating oil molecules must be separated. This is shown and explained. Animation shows the different types of molecules. Asphalt is one of the types that must be removed. This process is explained as factory footage is shown (4:22-6:33). Lubricating oil stocks. Undesirable companions follow our good molecule. Wax must be removed and this process is explained and animation shows how (6:34-8:43). Sludge/varnish and the one that causes oil to thin or thicken at various temperatures must be dealt with now. How to remove these is explained and shown. Tests are then performed to make sure. Viscosity index is discussed (8:44-11:10). Color impurities must be removed next. This is explained and shown via animation (11:11-12:07). Different types of oils are shown. Each oil does a particular job in industry and transportation. Farm equipment needs good oil as do cars, trucks and busses (12:08-13:48). Scientists work with additives and oil. Gears are shown closeup with oil. Many additives are explained in detail (13:49-15:48). Many tests are performed on oil to make sure it is ready. Scientists work and look at oil performing control tests. Measuring combustion residue is the ultimate test (15:49-17:57). All lubricant oils must prove themselves. Months of research lead to speed up tests. A test is performed on an engine. Endurance tests are performed (17:58-19:25). The 36 hour high temperature test is performed and then parts are studied. Metal sliding on metal as lubricating oil assists. Our animated lubricating oil molecule, the hydrocarbon sings about how he is needed. He is joined by other hydrocarbons (19:26-21:19). End credits (21:20-21:55)
We encourage viewers to add comments and, especially, to provide additional information about our videos by adding a comment! See something interesting? Tell people what it is and what they can see by writing something for example: "01:00:12:00 -- President Roosevelt is seen meeting with Winston Churchill at the Quebec Conference."
This film is part of the Periscope Film LLC archive, one of the largest historic military, transportation, and aviation stock footage collections in the USA. Entirely film backed, this material is available for licensing in 24p HD, 2k and 4k. For more information visit http://www.PeriscopeFilm.com
Want to support this channel and help us preserve old films? Visit https://www.patreon.com/PeriscopeFilm
Browse our products on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2YILTSD
This color educational film is about how lubricants are derived from crude petroleum and how to improve the quality of lubricating oil. This is a 1949 film.
Opening credits: U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines - THE STORY OF LUBRICATING OIL, produced with the cooperation of the Standard Oil Company in Indiana (:07-:47). Moving parts are shown and our narrator explains how oil is important. Water and aircraft as well as automobiles need oil. Trucks, buses, and tractors are shown. Gears are shown moving and they need oil as a lubricant. Aerial shots of factories (:48-2:13). An animated character is shown and he is a lubricating oil molecule, he is called a hydrocarbon. Crude oil is taken from the depths of the earth. Separation of molecules is first for the crude oil. An explanation is presented as animation shows the processes (2:14-4:21). Lubricating oil molecules must be separated. This is shown and explained. Animation shows the different types of molecules. Asphalt is one of the types that must be removed. This process is explained as factory footage is shown (4:22-6:33). Lubricating oil stocks. Undesirable companions follow our good molecule. Wax must be removed and this process is explained and animation shows how (6:34-8:43). Sludge/varnish and the one that causes oil to thin or thicken at various temperatures must be dealt with now. How to remove these is explained and shown. Tests are then performed to make sure. Viscosity index is discussed (8:44-11:10). Color impurities must be removed next. This is explained and shown via animation (11:11-12:07). Different types of oils are shown. Each oil does a particular job in industry and transportation. Farm equipment needs good oil as do cars, trucks and busses (12:08-13:48). Scientists work with additives and oil. Gears are shown closeup with oil. Many additives are explained in detail (13:49-15:48). Many tests are performed on oil to make sure it is ready. Scientists work and look at oil performing control tests. Measuring combustion residue is the ultimate test (15:49-17:57). All lubricant oils must prove themselves. Months of research lead to speed up tests. A test is performed on an engine. Endurance tests are performed (17:58-19:25). The 36 hour high temperature test is performed and then parts are studied. Metal sliding on metal as lubricating oil assists. Our animated lubricating oil molecule, the hydrocarbon sings about how he is needed. He is joined by other hydrocarbons (19:26-21:19). End credits (21:20-21:55)
We encourage viewers to add comments and, especially, to provide additional information about our videos by adding a comment! See something interesting? Tell people what it is and what they can see by writing something for example: "01:00:12:00 -- President Roosevelt is seen meeting with Winston Churchill at the Quebec Conference."
This film is part of the Periscope Film LLC archive, one of the largest historic military, transportation, and aviation stock footage collections in the USA. Entirely film backed, this material is available for licensing in 24p HD, 2k and 4k. For more information visit http://www.PeriscopeFilm.com
- published: 21 Jan 2020
- views: 83981
Raw Video: Oil Film Near Costa Concordia
A film of oil could be seen on the surface of the waters surrounding the Costa Concordia Wednesday, adding to concerns that that the fuel-laden ship could cause...
A film of oil could be seen on the surface of the waters surrounding the Costa Concordia Wednesday, adding to concerns that that the fuel-laden ship could cause environmental pollution in the pristine waters where it ran aground. (Feb. 1)
A film of oil could be seen on the surface of the waters surrounding the Costa Concordia Wednesday, adding to concerns that that the fuel-laden ship could cause environmental pollution in the pristine waters where it ran aground. (Feb. 1)
- published: 01 Feb 2012
- views: 6461
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유튜브 채널바로 가기 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVlpeCeAyC7zpG7DxDToADQ
네이버 블로그 http://blog.naver.com/ccj1818
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트위터 https://twitter.com/crissangel0919
홈페이지 https://www.diyyourcar.co.kr
구독하기 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVlpeCeAyC7zpG7DxDToADQ/featured?view_as=subscriber
본 영상은 DIY YOUR CAR에서 제작한 영상입니다.
자동차 DIY작업을 하시면서 어떻게 해야좋을지 모르시는분들께 도움을 드리기 위해 제작하였습니다.
추가로 동영상 확인은 유튜브(UTUBE)구독하시면 DIY YOUR CAR 채널로 확인하실수 있습니다.
유튜브 채널바로 가기 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVlpeCeAyC7zpG7DxDToADQ
네이버 블로그 http://blog.naver.com/ccj1818
페이스북 https://www.facebook.com/heewon.park.355
인스타그램 https://www.instagram.com/diy_your_car/
트위터 https://twitter.com/crissangel0919
홈페이지 https://www.diyyourcar.co.kr
구독하기 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVlpeCeAyC7zpG7DxDToADQ/featured?view_as=subscriber
본 영상은 DIY YOUR CAR에서 제작한 영상입니다.
자동차 DIY작업을 하시면서 어떻게 해야좋을지 모르시는분들께 도움을 드리기 위해 제작하였습니다.
추가로 동영상 확인은 유튜브(UTUBE)구독하시면 DIY YOUR CAR 채널로 확인하실수 있습니다.
- published: 04 Aug 2016
- views: 573979
The Shocking Oil Film Strength Test Using Royal Purple’s Synfilm
In this informative video, follow along as Royal Purple measures oil film strength with a bearing test using Royal Purple’s Synfilm. Comparing RP Synfilm (with ...
In this informative video, follow along as Royal Purple measures oil film strength with a bearing test using Royal Purple’s Synfilm. Comparing RP Synfilm (with an ISO 68) to a competitor’s lubricant (with an ISO 220) to test the strength of Royal Purple's oil film.
To find out more about Royal Purple industrial lubricants in Canada contact Robco Inc. www.robco.com
In this informative video, follow along as Royal Purple measures oil film strength with a bearing test using Royal Purple’s Synfilm. Comparing RP Synfilm (with an ISO 68) to a competitor’s lubricant (with an ISO 220) to test the strength of Royal Purple's oil film.
To find out more about Royal Purple industrial lubricants in Canada contact Robco Inc. www.robco.com
- published: 18 Aug 2016
- views: 17384
Want to support this channel and help us preserve old films? Visit https://www.patreon.com/PeriscopeFilm
Browse our products on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2YILTSD
Want to support this channel and help us preserve old films? Visit https://www.patreon.com/PeriscopeFilm
Browse our products on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2YILTSD
Journey. Report from Libya. Produced for Standard Oil Company, New Jersey. By Tangent Films, Inc. The movie opens with a view over the water at Tripoli, the capital city of Libya. The purpose of the movie is to show the progress of oil drilling and collaboration between American oil companies and the Libyan people. Historically the area of Libya was considered as three provinces (or states), Tripolitania in the northwest, Cyrenaica in the east, and Fezzan in the southwest. Tripoli has wide boulevards, palm trees and beautiful modern architecture 1:15. Downtown Tripoli, cars and horse and carriages share the road 1:35. Regio Tripolitana. Around the beginning of the 3rd century AD, it became known as the Regio Tripolitana, meaning "region of the three cities", namely Oea (i.e., modern Tripoli), Sabratha and Leptis Magna. It was probably raised to the rank of a separate province by Septimius Severus, who was a native of Leptis Magna. Arch honoring Marcus Aurelius 1:50. The ruins of the two other modern cities in Libya stand as monuments to ancient Rome. The theater at Sabratha 2:10. Camels truck down the road carrying passengers 2:21. Large excavations in Libya uncovering Roman ruins 2:42. Aerial view of the desert 2:51. The Sahara Desert. Esso Standard Libya was the first company to find oil in Libya in 1958 in the Fezzan province 3:06. Dry holes from failed excavating attempts dot the landscape 3:25. Drilling rig in the Fezzan 3:36. Drills find “basement rock” meaning that there was no oil in the hole 3:47. Pneumatic tires under the rig 3:55. Oil has been found more than a mile deep in Zelten. The oil camp is moved from the Fezzan province to Zelten 4:12. Trucks move the large equipment 4:25. Airplanes and Land Rover cars scout for passable roots 4:45. The trip takes two weeks. Skilled Libyan drivers push the trucks across the desert to Zelten 5:13. Discovered in 1956, Zelten (Zelten 1) was Libya's first major oil well, producing about 17,500 bbl/d. In 1959, its reserves were estimated at 2.5 billion barrels (400,000,000 m3) of 38° API oil, lying at 5,500-7,600 feet. Esso Standard began production of Zelten in 1961. The Zelten gas-lift system was installed during the period from 1969 to 1971 and represented one of the first uses of gas lift on a fieldwide basis to produce the high-volume wells typical of Middle East Oil fields. Zelten begins oil drilling 5:47. Libyan men are trained on the oil rigs 6:20. The Libyan men teach American oil workers how to survive in the heat of the Sahara 6:45. The crew pumps fast setting cement into the well to seal a hole 7:08. Pressure is restored. Oil is struck 7:22. 15,000 barrels a day. Libyan oil-well camp has potable water 7:50. The camp boss has a radiotelephone connected directly to the main office and other camps 8:20. Land Rover crosses what used to be in inland sea 8:52. Geologists look at different types of rock to locate oil 9:15. A plane takes off from the desert 9:25. Oil explorers encounter vast areas of land mines in the desert since World War II 10:00. Anti-tank mines are excavated 10:15. Aerial view of the seismic camp and test pattern 10:29. The truck rig digs a 20-foot hole in two minutes 10:55. Dynamite is placed into each hole of the test pattern 11:17. Geophones are laid out in the desert 11:32. The underground explosion is measured through the geophones 11:50. A geophone is a device converts ground movement (velocity) into voltage, which may be recorded at a recording station. The deviation of this measured voltage from the base line is called the seismic response and is analyzed for structure of the earth. It can help locate oil. In Tripoli, the company maintains permanent offices 12:25. Libyans and Americans work together 12:35. Geological drafting room 12:50. In the Paleo laboratory young Libyans work as lab assistants 13:16. The End.
The Zelten oil field (now the Nasser field) is located at the foot of the Zelten Mountains, about 169 kilometres (105 mi) south of Brega. Zelten holds the title as the largest oil field in the Gulf of Sidra. The 229 wells in Zelten use a gas lifting system.
We encourage viewers to add comments and, especially, to provide additional information about our videos by adding a comment! See something interesting? Tell people what it is and what they can see by writing something for example: "01:00:12:00 -- President Roosevelt is seen meeting with Winston Churchill at the Quebec Conference."
This film is part of the Periscope Film LLC archive, one of the largest historic military, transportation, and aviation stock footage collections in the USA. Entirely film backed, this material is available for licensing in 24p HD, 2k and 4k. For more information visit http://www.PeriscopeFilm.com
Want to support this channel and help us preserve old films? Visit https://www.patreon.com/PeriscopeFilm
Browse our products on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2YILTSD
Journey. Report from Libya. Produced for Standard Oil Company, New Jersey. By Tangent Films, Inc. The movie opens with a view over the water at Tripoli, the capital city of Libya. The purpose of the movie is to show the progress of oil drilling and collaboration between American oil companies and the Libyan people. Historically the area of Libya was considered as three provinces (or states), Tripolitania in the northwest, Cyrenaica in the east, and Fezzan in the southwest. Tripoli has wide boulevards, palm trees and beautiful modern architecture 1:15. Downtown Tripoli, cars and horse and carriages share the road 1:35. Regio Tripolitana. Around the beginning of the 3rd century AD, it became known as the Regio Tripolitana, meaning "region of the three cities", namely Oea (i.e., modern Tripoli), Sabratha and Leptis Magna. It was probably raised to the rank of a separate province by Septimius Severus, who was a native of Leptis Magna. Arch honoring Marcus Aurelius 1:50. The ruins of the two other modern cities in Libya stand as monuments to ancient Rome. The theater at Sabratha 2:10. Camels truck down the road carrying passengers 2:21. Large excavations in Libya uncovering Roman ruins 2:42. Aerial view of the desert 2:51. The Sahara Desert. Esso Standard Libya was the first company to find oil in Libya in 1958 in the Fezzan province 3:06. Dry holes from failed excavating attempts dot the landscape 3:25. Drilling rig in the Fezzan 3:36. Drills find “basement rock” meaning that there was no oil in the hole 3:47. Pneumatic tires under the rig 3:55. Oil has been found more than a mile deep in Zelten. The oil camp is moved from the Fezzan province to Zelten 4:12. Trucks move the large equipment 4:25. Airplanes and Land Rover cars scout for passable roots 4:45. The trip takes two weeks. Skilled Libyan drivers push the trucks across the desert to Zelten 5:13. Discovered in 1956, Zelten (Zelten 1) was Libya's first major oil well, producing about 17,500 bbl/d. In 1959, its reserves were estimated at 2.5 billion barrels (400,000,000 m3) of 38° API oil, lying at 5,500-7,600 feet. Esso Standard began production of Zelten in 1961. The Zelten gas-lift system was installed during the period from 1969 to 1971 and represented one of the first uses of gas lift on a fieldwide basis to produce the high-volume wells typical of Middle East Oil fields. Zelten begins oil drilling 5:47. Libyan men are trained on the oil rigs 6:20. The Libyan men teach American oil workers how to survive in the heat of the Sahara 6:45. The crew pumps fast setting cement into the well to seal a hole 7:08. Pressure is restored. Oil is struck 7:22. 15,000 barrels a day. Libyan oil-well camp has potable water 7:50. The camp boss has a radiotelephone connected directly to the main office and other camps 8:20. Land Rover crosses what used to be in inland sea 8:52. Geologists look at different types of rock to locate oil 9:15. A plane takes off from the desert 9:25. Oil explorers encounter vast areas of land mines in the desert since World War II 10:00. Anti-tank mines are excavated 10:15. Aerial view of the seismic camp and test pattern 10:29. The truck rig digs a 20-foot hole in two minutes 10:55. Dynamite is placed into each hole of the test pattern 11:17. Geophones are laid out in the desert 11:32. The underground explosion is measured through the geophones 11:50. A geophone is a device converts ground movement (velocity) into voltage, which may be recorded at a recording station. The deviation of this measured voltage from the base line is called the seismic response and is analyzed for structure of the earth. It can help locate oil. In Tripoli, the company maintains permanent offices 12:25. Libyans and Americans work together 12:35. Geological drafting room 12:50. In the Paleo laboratory young Libyans work as lab assistants 13:16. The End.
The Zelten oil field (now the Nasser field) is located at the foot of the Zelten Mountains, about 169 kilometres (105 mi) south of Brega. Zelten holds the title as the largest oil field in the Gulf of Sidra. The 229 wells in Zelten use a gas lifting system.
We encourage viewers to add comments and, especially, to provide additional information about our videos by adding a comment! See something interesting? Tell people what it is and what they can see by writing something for example: "01:00:12:00 -- President Roosevelt is seen meeting with Winston Churchill at the Quebec Conference."
This film is part of the Periscope Film LLC archive, one of the largest historic military, transportation, and aviation stock footage collections in the USA. Entirely film backed, this material is available for licensing in 24p HD, 2k and 4k. For more information visit http://www.PeriscopeFilm.com
- published: 30 Jun 2020
- views: 11377
CKY - 96 Quite Bitter Beings [Official Video]
Volume 1 (1999) - Track 1
published: 22 Oct 2011
CKY - Replaceable
CKY "Replaceable" is from CKY's new album 'The Phoenix'
Get 'The Phoenix' - http://www.2lin.cc/ThePhoenix
Directed by : Matthew Joffe (www.joffco.net)
Produced by : Joffco
published: 17 Jul 2017
CKY - Flesh Into Gear
Music video by CKY performing Flesh Into Gear. (C) 2002 The Island Def Jam Music Group
published: 21 Nov 2009
CKY - Flesh Into Gear (Blurred Version)
Music video by CKY performing Flesh Into Gear. (C) 2002 The Island Def Jam Music Group
#CKY #FleshIntoGear #Vevo
published: 06 Oct 2009
CKY - Familiar Realm
Music video by CKY performing Familiar Realm. (C) 2005 The Island Def Jam Music Group
published: 08 Oct 2009
CKY-96 quite bitter things
band: cky
song: 96 quite bitter things
published: 28 Jan 2008
CKY - Attached At The Hip (Official Video)
Music video by CKY performing Attached At The Hip. (C) 2002 The Island Def Jam Music Group
#CKY #AttachedAtTheHip #Vevo
published: 07 Oct 2009
CKY - 96 Quite Bitter Beings - Live @ Sonisphere 2010 UK [7/8]
CKY performing 96 Quite Bitter Beings at Sonisphere Festival, Knebworth UK 2010. The video/audio are DVD quality, by far one of the best videos shot of CKY over the years.
This footage was uploaded by Jess Margera on Ask CKY for the Alliance
published: 15 Aug 2011
CKY- flesh into gear
song:flesh into gear
published: 29 Jan 2008
CKY - Disengage The Simulator (HQ)
Disengage The Simulator
Directed by Bam Margera
published: 06 Sep 2009
CKY - Replaceable
CKY "Replaceable" is from CKY's new album 'The Phoenix'
Get 'The Phoenix' - http://www.2lin.cc/ThePhoenix
Directed by : Matthew Joffe (www.joffco.net)
CKY "Replaceable" is from CKY's new album 'The Phoenix'
Get 'The Phoenix' - http://www.2lin.cc/ThePhoenix
Directed by : Matthew Joffe (www.joffco.net)
Produced by : Joffco
CKY "Replaceable" is from CKY's new album 'The Phoenix'
Get 'The Phoenix' - http://www.2lin.cc/ThePhoenix
Directed by : Matthew Joffe (www.joffco.net)
Produced by : Joffco
- published: 17 Jul 2017
- views: 307361
CKY - Flesh Into Gear
Music video by CKY performing Flesh Into Gear. (C) 2002 The Island Def Jam Music Group
Music video by CKY performing Flesh Into Gear. (C) 2002 The Island Def Jam Music Group
Music video by CKY performing Flesh Into Gear. (C) 2002 The Island Def Jam Music Group
- published: 21 Nov 2009
- views: 438286
CKY - Flesh Into Gear (Blurred Version)
Music video by CKY performing Flesh Into Gear. (C) 2002 The Island Def Jam Music Group
#CKY #FleshIntoGear #Vevo
Music video by CKY performing Flesh Into Gear. (C) 2002 The Island Def Jam Music Group
#CKY #FleshIntoGear #Vevo
Music video by CKY performing Flesh Into Gear. (C) 2002 The Island Def Jam Music Group
#CKY #FleshIntoGear #Vevo
- published: 06 Oct 2009
- views: 2510782
CKY - Familiar Realm
Music video by CKY performing Familiar Realm. (C) 2005 The Island Def Jam Music Group
Music video by CKY performing Familiar Realm. (C) 2005 The Island Def Jam Music Group
Music video by CKY performing Familiar Realm. (C) 2005 The Island Def Jam Music Group
- published: 08 Oct 2009
- views: 1972306
CKY-96 quite bitter things
band: cky
song: 96 quite bitter things
band: cky
song: 96 quite bitter things
band: cky
song: 96 quite bitter things
- published: 28 Jan 2008
- views: 412616
CKY - Attached At The Hip (Official Video)
Music video by CKY performing Attached At The Hip. (C) 2002 The Island Def Jam Music Group
#CKY #AttachedAtTheHip #Vevo
Music video by CKY performing Attached At The Hip. (C) 2002 The Island Def Jam Music Group
#CKY #AttachedAtTheHip #Vevo
Music video by CKY performing Attached At The Hip. (C) 2002 The Island Def Jam Music Group
#CKY #AttachedAtTheHip #Vevo
- published: 07 Oct 2009
- views: 1015444
CKY - 96 Quite Bitter Beings - Live @ Sonisphere 2010 UK [7/8]
CKY performing 96 Quite Bitter Beings at Sonisphere Festival, Knebworth UK 2010. The video/audio are DVD quality, by far one of the best videos shot of CKY over...
CKY performing 96 Quite Bitter Beings at Sonisphere Festival, Knebworth UK 2010. The video/audio are DVD quality, by far one of the best videos shot of CKY over the years.
This footage was uploaded by Jess Margera on Ask CKY for the Alliance
CKY performing 96 Quite Bitter Beings at Sonisphere Festival, Knebworth UK 2010. The video/audio are DVD quality, by far one of the best videos shot of CKY over the years.
This footage was uploaded by Jess Margera on Ask CKY for the Alliance
- published: 15 Aug 2011
- views: 504956
CKY - Disengage The Simulator (HQ)
Disengage The Simulator
Directed by Bam Margera
Disengage The Simulator
Directed by Bam Margera
Disengage The Simulator
Directed by Bam Margera
- published: 06 Sep 2009
- views: 437374