Booty Call - EP
Midnight Beast
What's this?
Is that a flyer for a gig?
I think so. Shall we go?
But what would I wear to a rock show? Is mucis more about the sound? Or the look? (Or the look?)
Fashion! okay!
Rip my jeans. It's fashion innit.
Roll up my sleeves. It's fashion innit.
Knee high leathers. It's fashion innit.
What? It's fashion innit!
Paint my nails. It's fashion innit.
Got sick details. It's fashion innit.
Spiderwebs. It's fashion innit.
What? It's fashion innit!
Spiky neck piece. It's fashion innit!
Slipnot fleece. It's fashion - is it?
Earl grey tea.
H-h-h-h-h-have you heard the word? It's fashion innit!
Screaming man.
Screaming woman.
Sacrificial lamb and a hooded clan,
We've been throwing horns since time began.
Who can last the longest in a moshpit with an egg?
So what have we learned today guys?
Don't lose your ticket in a moshpit!
What else have we learned today guys?
Music plus clothes equals fashion!
So what have we learnt today guys?!
Don't bring a egg to a moshpit!
But the main thing we've learnt today guys is?
WHAT? It's fashion innit!