- published: 09 Jan 2014
- views: 6237
The National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (NUPSPA) (Romanian: Şcoala Naţională de Studii Politice şi Administrative, SNSPA) is a public University in Bucharest, Romania.
The National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (NUPSPA), established in 1991 as a school of governance and training of professionals for essential social areas, is a landmark in the Romanian academic setting.
Throughout its existence over more than two decades, NUPSPA has trained knowledgeable professionals who contribute to the design up and implementation of public policies in state institutions, to the development of the country’s international affairs, to business organization and management in private companies, to the improvement of communication and to the process of nation or company branding.
Known both nationally and internationally, NUPSPA is a state institution of higher education, scientific research and professional academic training offering undergraduate degrees, master’s degrees and doctoral studies. NUPSPA has proved to be a successful project, being one of the most popular institutions with high school graduates or professionals in different domains who wish to pursue a degree.
Balul Bobocilor SNSPA @Utv 2013
Profilul studentului SNSPA pe LinkedIn
Transmisiune psihică pentru SNSPA
Ziua Portilor Deschise SNSPA
SNSPA by Drone
Facultatea de Stiinte Politice - SNSPA
Facultatea de Management SNSPA prezintă cursa spre succes
Viata de student la Facultatea de Management, SNSPA
Camine Cernica SNSPA - 5
De unde vine, unde lucrează și la ce se pricepe cel mai bine. SlideShare http://www.slideshare.net/PirciuDaniel/profilul-studentului-snspa-pe-linkedin-59589286
În acest clip îmi povestesc participarea psihică la un eveniment organizat de Școala Națională de Studii Politice și Administrative (SNSPA), o instituție de învățământ pe holurile căreia am avut onoarea să mă plimb patru ani.
Find out more about the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (SNSPA) www.snspa.ro www.erasmus.snspa.ro www.facebook.com/SNSPAoficial Video by: Ioana Gomoi
Pe holurile facultaţii circulă o zicală: "Cine termină FSP poate face aproape-orice!" FSP este un mediu academic în care vei putea gândi pe cont propriu şi vei avea toată libertatea de exprimare pe care ţi-o doreşti. Mulţi viitori studenţi se întreabă ce poţi face după terminarea acestei facultăţi. Ai ocazia de a te îndrepta spre absolut orice domeniu care ţi se pare interesant, fie că este vorba despre jurnalism politic, marketing electoral, diplomaţie, publicitate electorală. Studiind științe politice poți fi mai mult decât politician. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/facultateadestiintepolitice/timeline
Un proiect studențesc realizat de studenții din anul I și masteranzi. Vă așteptăm la înscrieri între 11 și 17 Iulie 2014 !
Alatura-te noua in aventura de student la FM, vei vedea ce bine iti va fi aici!
Jahangirnagar University (Bengali: জাহাঙ্গীরনগর বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় Jahangirnagar Vishvavidyalaya, University Acronym: জাবি or JU ) is a public university in Bangladesh, located in Savar Upazila, Dhaka.[1] It is the only fully residential[2] university in Bangladesh.[1] The university was established in 1970 by the government of Pakistan by the Jahangirnagar Muslim University Ordinance, 1970. During the first two years, it operated as a project. Its first Vice-Chancellor, Professor Mafiz Uddin Ahmad (Ph.D in Chemistry, University of Illinois, Chicago) took up office on 24 September 1970. The first group of students, a total of 150, was enrolled in four departments: Economics, Geography, Mathematics and Statistics. Its formal inauguration was delayed until 12 January 1971, when the university w...
Complete video at: http://fora.tv/2009/10/28/Rick_Steves_Travel_As_a_Political_Act Travel guru Rick Steves introduces one of his favorite parts of travel: incorporating history into tourist activities. Steves argues that many tourists are shielded from history by a travel industry that makes more money when people have been "dumbed down" and "conditioned not to think." ----- Spending four months a year overseas, Rick Steves believes that thoughtful travel can expand our world view and shape how we address the political challenges that confront our country. This popular speaker returns to The Commonwealth Club to provide a unique perspective on how the other 96 percent of humanity views our country and why we should "challenge truths we were raised to think were self-evident" in...
Complete video at: http://fora.tv/2009/10/28/Rick_Steves_Travel_As_a_Political_Act Travel writer Rick Steves compares European drug policies to those of the United States, and calls for comprehensive reform of laws restricting use of soft drugs like marijuana. "There's not a reservoir of people just wishing they could ruin their lives with drugs if only it was legal," says Steves. ----- Spending four months a year overseas, Rick Steves believes that thoughtful travel can expand our world view and shape how we address the political challenges that confront our country. This popular speaker returns to The Commonwealth Club to provide a unique perspective on how the other 96 percent of humanity views our country and why we should "challenge truths we were raised to think were self...
COP18 (26/11/2012) -- Antal Wozniak M.A. from the Department of Media & Communication Studies at the University of Mannheim describes UN climate talks as global media events, where communication is not confined to national and international outlets. Delegations and NGOs are also communicating what is happening in Doha to the world, he says. He is here to analyse how these various stakeholders are communicating the conference. He describes the motivations behind the communications of different actors, and the range of approaches to communicating COP18. He also describes the indirect communication that goes on at the conference, where delegations communicate with each other through the media, and the affect this has on the talks. His current research is focusing on the differences between gl...
Complete video at: http://fora.tv/2009/01/26/Rick_Steves_A_Perspective_on_Iran Travel writer Rick Steves claims the perceived notion of anti-American sentiment in Iran is derived from conservative Iranians' attempt to protect their families from Western encroachment. Steves finds says it's ironic that "fear and love" seem to motivate both conservative, small town Iranians and Americans alike. ----- Travel guru Rick Steves sheds light on Iran, calling it the most misunderstood country he has ever visited. He discusses his travels through the country and his new special airing on PBS. From Friday prayer in a leading mosque to anti-American murals, Steves presents his message and experiences to help us better understand a nation that continues to be shrouded in mystery and clouded...
Complete video at: http://fora.tv/2009/01/26/Rick_Steves_A_Perspective_on_Iran Travel writer Rick Steves discusses the seeming contradictions of suicide bombing and Islamic 'family values,' comparing the concept of martyrdom in Iran to images of heroism in the United States. Steves says that much of the world views the US as an empire, the only challenge to which lies in waging acts of terrorism. ----- Travel guru Rick Steves sheds light on Iran, calling it the most misunderstood country he has ever visited. He discusses his travels through the country and his new special airing on PBS. From Friday prayer in a leading mosque to anti-American murals, Steves presents his message and experiences to help us better understand a nation that continues to be shrouded in mystery and clo...
The Freeman Chair in China Studies and the Japan Chair cordially invite you to a discussion on: Japanese Perspectives on China, Taiwan, and Cross-Strait Relations AGENDA Registration and Continental Breakfast: 8:00-8:30 a.m. Welcome and Introduction: 8:30-8:45 a.m. Bonnie Glaser, Senior Adviser for Asia, Freeman Chair in China Studies, CSIS Panel One: 8:45–10:15 a.m. "The Japan-Taiwan Relationship in the Post-Democratization Era: Enhancement and Institutionalization" Author: FUKUDA Madoka Associate Professor of International Politics and China Studies, Hosei University Discussant: Mike Mochizuki Japan-U.S. Relations Chair, the Elliott School of International Affairs, the George Washington University "The Development of Japan-China Relations in the Period of Stability in ...
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http://www.youtube.com/user/StPetersburgCollege Grand Opening of the St. Petersburg College Midtown Center About St. Petersburg College: In 1927, St. Petersburg College (then known as St. Petersburg Junior College) became Florida's first private, non-profit, two-year school of higher learning located in downtown St. Petersburg. Full accreditation followed in 1931 and in 1948 SPC became a public college. In June 2001, SPJC officially became St. Petersburg College when Florida's governor signed legislation making it the first community college in Florida to offer four-year degrees. On Dec. 11, 2001, the college received the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools' accreditation to offer courses leading to bachelor's degrees. In 2002, St. Petersburg College began offering courses ...
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