
Asia Workers Organising

Global Charter

Union Charter of Workplace Rights

Treaty Now

Global Picketline June 2015 - Downloadable version

Global Picketline June 2015 - Web presentation version

Happy 53rd birthday Somyot - September 14

Support Cambodian Garment Workers - September 14

Statement from Iraqi workers - July 14

Statement Against the Thai Military Coup - May 14

May Day 2014

Workers' Memorial Day - April 14

Anniversary of Rana Plaza - April 14

International Wormen's Day - March 14

Defend our right to protest - February 14 

Invasion Day is nothing to celebrate - January 14 

Korean railway strike: What is at stake? -  January 14

Permanent Residency for all temporary migrant workers - August 13

We need a global picketline - AAWL workshop August 13

May Day solidarity rally - May Day 13

Free our comrades in Thailand - May Day 13

Airline workers stand together - 27 September 12

Global Day of Action for Airline Workers - September 12

Outsourced! - Support locked out Philippine Airlines workers - May 12

March in solidarity with workers in struggle everywhere - May Day 12

Toyota attacks workers again! - April 12

Free Somyot ! - April 12

Support the biggest strike action in the world ! - February 12

Companies profit as workers die - October 2011

Support Hanjin workers - October 2011

Support Freeport workers - October 2011

Philippine Airlines - Frontline in the battle against outsourcing - October 2011

Why organise internationally? - September 2011

Support Fiji workers - August 2011

Why do capitalists kill - August 2011

Remember Farzad - May 2011

It is time to take control - May Day 2011

한상균을 석방하라 - April 2011

Fight for democratic rights - Fight for workers rights - March 2011

March 2011 - حاربوا من أجل حقوقكم الديمقراطية - حاربوا من أجل حقوق العمال

Solidarity with Indigenous workers - March 2011

How do we achieve a global ban on asbestos?  October 2010

Global Charter Workshop - Latin America Forum, September 2010

Free Han Sang Kyun - September 2010

Free Mansour Osanloo - August 2010

Workers: Organise to Win! - May Day 2010

We need a global labour movement charter, March 2010

Solidarity with Ssangyong workers, August 09

Fight to Win, May 09

May Day 09

International Women's Day, March 09

Defend Gaza, February 09

Defend Noel Washington, December 08

Building a response to the capitalist crisis, November 08

Human Rights in the Philippines, October 08

Our strength is solidarity, July 08

Building solidarity with workers in West Asia, June 08

May Day 08

Unilever Day of Action, March 08

Stop the Race to the Bottom - ISF Report, November 07

Defend Indigenous Rights, October 07

International Solidarity Forum, October 07

Workers against APEC, September 07

May Day 07

Stop the War, March 07

Trades Hall rally, November 06

Free Crispin Beltran, June 06

Refugees & Temporary Migrant Workers, June 06

United We Win, June 06

Struggle Song, June 06

International Solidarity, October 05

Defending Our Rights, June 05

Support union organisers in the Philippines, April 05

Solidarity Not War, March 05

Free Daryoush Hooshmand Nejad, March 05

International Human Rights Day, December 04

No War On Iraq, September 04

Justice for Refugees, September 04

May Day 04

Refugee Hope March, April 04

International Women’s Day, March 04

Free Tian Chua, March 03

We Stand Together, February 03

International Human Rights Day, December 02

Enough Is Enough, August 02

May Day 02

We Will Not Cooperate, October 01

Healthy Work Life, September 01

Thai workers solidarity visit, September 01

Indonesian Unions Training Project, March 01

International Human Rights Day, December 00

Anggota-anggota Serikat Buruh mendukung Hak atas Tanah, March 99

Our mixed history, March 99