Webinar: What Is AWS?
Are you new to cloud computing and would like to learn more about Amazon Web Services? If you intend to implement a project and would like to discover the ba...
AWS - Te is félsz [Hivatalos videó 2015]
AWS - Te is Félsz
"Tereld el a gondolatot,
oda ahol nem látszik.
Ahol a tudatod mélyén az önpusztítás
önfeledten játszik.
Semmit nem ér a szó
amit nem szívből kaptam,
nem kell több kérdés,
mert választ sem adtam.
Te félsz, látom félsz,
pedig ugyanúgy vágysz,
ugyanazt kérsz!
Hé ember, hova mész, mit remélsz?
Te csak egy megtakar
AWS re:Invent 2015 Keynote | Andy Jassy
Watch Andy Jassy, SVP, Amazon Web Services deliver the latest news and announcements from AWS re:Invent 2015, including the launch of Amazon QuickSight, Amazon Kinesis Firehose, AWS Input/Output Snowball, Amazon RDS for MariaDB, and Amazon Inspector. Hear how Capital One, GE, Accenture, Stripe, and Major League Baseball Advanced Media (MLBAM) are using AWS to transform their businesses to better
AWS Webcast - Getting Started with Amazon Web Services
Learn how to use Amazon Web Services (AWS). This "how-to" webinar will cover the basics to get started with AWS. After a brief overview, this session will di...
Understanding the Difference Between Microsoft Azure & Amazon AWS | Pluralsight
Microsoft Azure & Amazon AWS
In this webinar, Pluralsight author & IT Consultant Elias Khnaser, walks listeners through the differences between Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure. You will be ready to make more informed decisions as you migrate your workloads to the public cloud.
Learn more about Elias Khnaser and his courses here: http://www.pluralsight.com/author/elias-khnaser
Visit us at:
AWS re:Invent 2015 | (CMP301) AWS Lambda and the Serverless Cloud
With AWS Lambda you can easily build scalable microservices for mobile, web, and IoT applications or respond to events from other AWS services without managing infrastructure. In this session you’ll see demonstrations and hear more about newly launched features, as well as a recap of the languages, tools, and features added over the last several months. We’ll show you how to use Lambda to build mo
AWS Summit 2015 | New York – Keynote with Dr. Werner Vogels
Watch Werner Vogels, CTO for Amazon.com, deliver the latest announcements and innovations in the AWS cloud. Also hear from special guests Nordstrom, Oscar Insurance, and New York Department of Transportation describe how AWS is helping them to transform their businesses.
Learn more about the AWS cloud: https://aws.amazon.com
AWS - Nem fáj [Hivatalos videó 2014]
LIKE-OLD AZ AWS-T: http://www.facebook.com/awsofficial RENDELD ELŐ AZ ÚJ NAGYLEMEZT: http://www.awsmusic.hu ✥✥✥✥✥✥✥✥✥✥✥✥✥✥✥✥✥✥✥✥ AWS - NEM FÁJ Szöveg: "Itt v...
AWS Demo 1: Creating a VPC, Subnets, and Base Security Groups
Demo for infrastructure engineers wanting to get started with AWS and learn how to establish simple perimeter security. Demo 2 will be creating the Sophos UTM 9 instance to control inbound traffic.
Introduction to AWS CloudFormation
Learn about key AWS CloudFormation concepts. See a demo on how to launch Wordpress on Amazon Web Services using AWS CloudFormation, then practice with a free lab at http://run.qwiklabs.com. For more information about AWS Training, visit http://aws.amazon.com/training/.
AWS re:Invent 2015 Keynote | Werner Vogels
Watch Amazon.com CTO Dr. Werner Vogels discuss the latest trends in cloud computing and unveil the AWS Internet of Things (IoT) platform at AWS re:Invent 2015. He announces AWS Mobile Hub, Amazon EC2 Container Registry, new AWS Lambda features including Python support, and more. Also hear how BMW, John Deere, Remind, and Intel are delivering innovative products and better customer experiences with
AWS - Ha nem tűnsz el [Hivatalos Videó]
"Régen bennem égett, de elfeledtem végleg.
Sok száz éjjelen át, hazug szóval éltem.
Miért nem világít fényes álmod a sötétben?
Kitől vársz változást, ha még te sem tettél érte?
Belém szálltál a széllel.
Belém láttál egy új lelket tiszta fénnyel.
Ugyanaz fáj, ugyanaz bánt, ami eddig megkísértett.
Ugyanaz a szív, ugyanaz a test, ami
AWS re:Invent 2015 | (DVO202) DevOps at Amazon: A Look at Our Tools and Processes
As software teams transition to cloud-based architectures and adopt more agile processes, the tools they need to support their development cycles will change. In this session, we'll take you through the transition that Amazon made to a service-oriented architecture over a decade ago. We will share the lessons we learned, the processes we adopted, and the tools we built to increase both our agility
What is Cloud Computing with AWS?
Watch this video if you're you new to cloud computing and would like to learn more about Amazon Web Services (AWS), if you intend to implement a project and ...
AWS - Sorsforgató [Promó Videó]
LIKE-OLD AZ AWS-T: http://www.facebook.com/awsofficial Promó videó 2012 Szöveg: "Ma átlépem a vörös óceánt És poharam merítem belé. Új bárkát ringat a szente...
Cloud Computing with AWS Class 1
http://www.edureka.co/cloudcomputing Fundamentals of Cloud Computing, Amazon Web services (AWS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS) a...
Introduction to AWS Lambda
Learn more at http://aws.amazon.com/lambda/.
AWS Lambda is a compute service that runs your code in response to events and automatically manages the compute resources for you, making it easy to build applications that respond quickly to new information. AWS Lambda starts running your code within milliseconds of an event such as an image upload, in-app activity, website click, or output from a con
Want to be a AWS Solutions Architect?
AWS Solutions Architect Paul Duffy talks about what is like to be a Solution Architect for Amazon Web Services. The team is hiring! If you'd like to apply, e...
AWS re:Invent 2015 | (DVO203) A Day in the Life of a Netflix Engineer
Netflix is a large and ever-changing ecosystem made up of: hundreds of production changes every hour, thousands of micro services, tens of thousands of instances, millions of concurrent customers, billions of metrics every minute. And I'm the guy with the pager. This is an in-the-trenches look at what operating at Netflix scale in the cloud is really like. It covers how Netflix views the velocity
2035 年、その時デベロッパーはどう生きるか (AWS Summit Tokyo 2015 | Key-03)
大前 研一(株式会社ビジネス・ブレークスルー 代表取締役社長、ビジネス・ブレークスルー大学 学長)
大前 創希(株式会社クリエイティブホープ 代表取締役会長、ピコもん株式会社 代表取締役CEO)
大前研一氏とファシリテイター大前創希氏による、デベロッパーの生き方についてのセッションです。今から 20 年後の 2035 年をマイルストーンに、その時のデベロッパーを取り巻く環境をイメージしながら、「デベロッパーはこの先どう生きるか」について、最新 IT 事情を含む国内外、多方面に豊富な知見をお持ちの大前研一氏から普遍的なアドバイスを頂きます。デベロッパー以外の方でも、自分のキャリアに迷いや不安を抱える方、2035 年の自分のキャリアのイメージが湧かない方など、自分戦略を考える上で多くの気付きを得られるセッションとなります。
Introducing AWS IoT
Learn more about AWS IoT: http://amzn.to/1G0t0Ql
AWS IoT is a managed cloud service that lets connected devices easily and securely interact with cloud applications and other devices. AWS IoT can support billions of devices and trillions of messages, and can process and route those messages to AWS endpoints, such as AWS Lambda and Amazon Kinesis, and to other devices reliably and securely.
AWS Certification Series Overview
Give us a feedback: http://goo.gl/oWwdfc
Use this special coupon on our PRO Annual Membership: https://cloudacademy.com/pricing/plan/pro-yearly/?code=besuccessful
In this video Kevin Felichko, one of our in-house AWS cloud expert, will begin our webinar series on AWS training with an overview of the available certifications, the purpose of each certification, and what makes these certifications
Redstar Radi - أوس
Radirecs ©
Mixin & Masterin By Yallsee
Beat by Hani belhssan
Cover By Hamzaoui Ibrahim
Webinar: What Is AWS?
Are you new to cloud computing and would like to learn more about Amazon Web Services? If you intend to implement a project and would like to discover the ba......
Are you new to cloud computing and would like to learn more about Amazon Web Services? If you intend to implement a project and would like to discover the ba...
wn.com/Webinar What Is Aws
Are you new to cloud computing and would like to learn more about Amazon Web Services? If you intend to implement a project and would like to discover the ba...
AWS - Te is félsz [Hivatalos videó 2015]
AWS - Te is Félsz
"Tereld el a gondolatot,
oda ahol nem látszik.
Ahol a tudatod mélyén az ö...
AWS - Te is Félsz
"Tereld el a gondolatot,
oda ahol nem látszik.
Ahol a tudatod mélyén az önpusztítás
önfeledten játszik.
Semmit nem ér a szó
amit nem szívből kaptam,
nem kell több kérdés,
mert választ sem adtam.
Te félsz, látom félsz,
pedig ugyanúgy vágysz,
ugyanazt kérsz!
Hé ember, hova mész, mit remélsz?
Te csak egy megtakarított létben,
megbabonázott lélekkel élsz,
oh, és ugyanúgy félsz!
Távolról sem látod már,
hogy mit hoz el a holnap.
Egy percig nem hitted,
hogy megtalálod,
hogy mitől érzed majd jobbnak.
De nekem nem kell a szó,
amit nem szívből kaptam,
nem kell több kérdés,
mert választ sem adtam.
Te félsz, látom félsz,
pedig ugyanúgy vágysz,
ugyanazt kérsz!
Hé ember, hova mész, mit remélsz?
Te csak egy megtakarított létben,
megbabonázott lélekkel élsz,
oh, és ugyanúgy félsz!"
Zene: AWS
Szöveg: Siklósi Örs
A Hangfelvétel a Supersize Recording stúdióban készült.
Felvétel/Keverés/Master: Brucker Bence
Közreműködik a kórusban:
Baumann Eszter Anna
Fehér Sándor
Gergely-Kosza Petra
Gábor Ádám
Írisz Minami Vida
Molnár Anna
Pettenkoffer Zsófi
Pál Júlia
Snekszer Vera
Szabó Mesi
Készítette: PUR E
Rendező: Tiszai András
Rendezőasszisztens: Vető Dániel
Operatőr: Brautigam Bertold
Gyártásvezető: Tiszai András
Utómunka: Porkoláb Norbert-Bad Moon Films
wn.com/Aws Te Is Félsz Hivatalos Videó 2015
AWS - Te is Félsz
"Tereld el a gondolatot,
oda ahol nem látszik.
Ahol a tudatod mélyén az önpusztítás
önfeledten játszik.
Semmit nem ér a szó
amit nem szívből kaptam,
nem kell több kérdés,
mert választ sem adtam.
Te félsz, látom félsz,
pedig ugyanúgy vágysz,
ugyanazt kérsz!
Hé ember, hova mész, mit remélsz?
Te csak egy megtakarított létben,
megbabonázott lélekkel élsz,
oh, és ugyanúgy félsz!
Távolról sem látod már,
hogy mit hoz el a holnap.
Egy percig nem hitted,
hogy megtalálod,
hogy mitől érzed majd jobbnak.
De nekem nem kell a szó,
amit nem szívből kaptam,
nem kell több kérdés,
mert választ sem adtam.
Te félsz, látom félsz,
pedig ugyanúgy vágysz,
ugyanazt kérsz!
Hé ember, hova mész, mit remélsz?
Te csak egy megtakarított létben,
megbabonázott lélekkel élsz,
oh, és ugyanúgy félsz!"
Zene: AWS
Szöveg: Siklósi Örs
A Hangfelvétel a Supersize Recording stúdióban készült.
Felvétel/Keverés/Master: Brucker Bence
Közreműködik a kórusban:
Baumann Eszter Anna
Fehér Sándor
Gergely-Kosza Petra
Gábor Ádám
Írisz Minami Vida
Molnár Anna
Pettenkoffer Zsófi
Pál Júlia
Snekszer Vera
Szabó Mesi
Készítette: PUR E
Rendező: Tiszai András
Rendezőasszisztens: Vető Dániel
Operatőr: Brautigam Bertold
Gyártásvezető: Tiszai András
Utómunka: Porkoláb Norbert-Bad Moon Films
- published: 19 Sep 2015
- views: 11847
AWS re:Invent 2015 Keynote | Andy Jassy
Watch Andy Jassy, SVP, Amazon Web Services deliver the latest news and announcements from AWS re:Invent 2015, including the launch of Amazon QuickSight, Amazon ...
Watch Andy Jassy, SVP, Amazon Web Services deliver the latest news and announcements from AWS re:Invent 2015, including the launch of Amazon QuickSight, Amazon Kinesis Firehose, AWS Input/Output Snowball, Amazon RDS for MariaDB, and Amazon Inspector. Hear how Capital One, GE, Accenture, Stripe, and Major League Baseball Advanced Media (MLBAM) are using AWS to transform their businesses to better meet customer needs. Learn more about AWS here: http://amzn.to/1ZdwMwa
wn.com/Aws Re Invent 2015 Keynote | Andy Jassy
Watch Andy Jassy, SVP, Amazon Web Services deliver the latest news and announcements from AWS re:Invent 2015, including the launch of Amazon QuickSight, Amazon Kinesis Firehose, AWS Input/Output Snowball, Amazon RDS for MariaDB, and Amazon Inspector. Hear how Capital One, GE, Accenture, Stripe, and Major League Baseball Advanced Media (MLBAM) are using AWS to transform their businesses to better meet customer needs. Learn more about AWS here: http://amzn.to/1ZdwMwa
- published: 08 Oct 2015
- views: 811
AWS Webcast - Getting Started with Amazon Web Services
Learn how to use Amazon Web Services (AWS). This "how-to" webinar will cover the basics to get started with AWS. After a brief overview, this session will di......
Learn how to use Amazon Web Services (AWS). This "how-to" webinar will cover the basics to get started with AWS. After a brief overview, this session will di...
wn.com/Aws Webcast Getting Started With Amazon Web Services
Learn how to use Amazon Web Services (AWS). This "how-to" webinar will cover the basics to get started with AWS. After a brief overview, this session will di...
Understanding the Difference Between Microsoft Azure & Amazon AWS | Pluralsight
Microsoft Azure & Amazon AWS
In this webinar, Pluralsight author & IT Consultant Elias Khnaser, walks listeners through the differences between Amazon AWS and ...
Microsoft Azure & Amazon AWS
In this webinar, Pluralsight author & IT Consultant Elias Khnaser, walks listeners through the differences between Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure. You will be ready to make more informed decisions as you migrate your workloads to the public cloud.
Learn more about Elias Khnaser and his courses here: http://www.pluralsight.com/author/elias-khnaser
Visit us at:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pluralsight
Twitter: https://twitter.com/pluralsight
Google+: https://plus.google.com/+pluralsight
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/pluralsight
Instagram: http://instagram.com/pluralsight
Blog: http://blog.pluralsight.com/
3,500 courses unlimited and online. Start your 10-day FREE trial now: https://www.pluralsight.com/a/subscribe/step1?isTrial=True
Microsoft Azure & Amazon AWS | Pluralsight
wn.com/Understanding The Difference Between Microsoft Azure Amazon Aws | Pluralsight
Microsoft Azure & Amazon AWS
In this webinar, Pluralsight author & IT Consultant Elias Khnaser, walks listeners through the differences between Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure. You will be ready to make more informed decisions as you migrate your workloads to the public cloud.
Learn more about Elias Khnaser and his courses here: http://www.pluralsight.com/author/elias-khnaser
Visit us at:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pluralsight
Twitter: https://twitter.com/pluralsight
Google+: https://plus.google.com/+pluralsight
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/pluralsight
Instagram: http://instagram.com/pluralsight
Blog: http://blog.pluralsight.com/
3,500 courses unlimited and online. Start your 10-day FREE trial now: https://www.pluralsight.com/a/subscribe/step1?isTrial=True
Microsoft Azure & Amazon AWS | Pluralsight
- published: 10 Nov 2014
- views: 24
AWS re:Invent 2015 | (CMP301) AWS Lambda and the Serverless Cloud
With AWS Lambda you can easily build scalable microservices for mobile, web, and IoT applications or respond to events from other AWS services without managing ...
With AWS Lambda you can easily build scalable microservices for mobile, web, and IoT applications or respond to events from other AWS services without managing infrastructure. In this session you’ll see demonstrations and hear more about newly launched features, as well as a recap of the languages, tools, and features added over the last several months. We’ll show you how to use Lambda to build mobile backends, create web, IoT, and voice-enabled apps, and extend both AWS and third party services by triggering Lambda functions – all without the need for servers or other infrastructure. We’ll also provide productivity and performance tips for getting the most out of your Lambda functions and show how cloud native architectures use Lambda to eliminate “cold servers” and excess capacity without sacrificing scalability or responsiveness.
wn.com/Aws Re Invent 2015 | (Cmp301) Aws Lambda And The Serverless Cloud
With AWS Lambda you can easily build scalable microservices for mobile, web, and IoT applications or respond to events from other AWS services without managing infrastructure. In this session you’ll see demonstrations and hear more about newly launched features, as well as a recap of the languages, tools, and features added over the last several months. We’ll show you how to use Lambda to build mobile backends, create web, IoT, and voice-enabled apps, and extend both AWS and third party services by triggering Lambda functions – all without the need for servers or other infrastructure. We’ll also provide productivity and performance tips for getting the most out of your Lambda functions and show how cloud native architectures use Lambda to eliminate “cold servers” and excess capacity without sacrificing scalability or responsiveness.
- published: 14 Oct 2015
- views: 77
AWS Summit 2015 | New York – Keynote with Dr. Werner Vogels
Watch Werner Vogels, CTO for Amazon.com, deliver the latest announcements and innovations in the AWS cloud. Also hear from special guests Nordstrom, Oscar Insur...
Watch Werner Vogels, CTO for Amazon.com, deliver the latest announcements and innovations in the AWS cloud. Also hear from special guests Nordstrom, Oscar Insurance, and New York Department of Transportation describe how AWS is helping them to transform their businesses.
Learn more about the AWS cloud: https://aws.amazon.com
wn.com/Aws Summit 2015 | New York – Keynote With Dr. Werner Vogels
Watch Werner Vogels, CTO for Amazon.com, deliver the latest announcements and innovations in the AWS cloud. Also hear from special guests Nordstrom, Oscar Insurance, and New York Department of Transportation describe how AWS is helping them to transform their businesses.
Learn more about the AWS cloud: https://aws.amazon.com
- published: 10 Jul 2015
- views: 343
AWS - Nem fáj [Hivatalos videó 2014]
LIKE-OLD AZ AWS-T: http://www.facebook.com/awsofficial RENDELD ELŐ AZ ÚJ NAGYLEMEZT: http://www.awsmusic.hu ✥✥✥✥✥✥✥✥✥✥✥✥✥✥✥✥✥✥✥✥ AWS - NEM FÁJ Szöveg: "Itt v......
LIKE-OLD AZ AWS-T: http://www.facebook.com/awsofficial RENDELD ELŐ AZ ÚJ NAGYLEMEZT: http://www.awsmusic.hu ✥✥✥✥✥✥✥✥✥✥✥✥✥✥✥✥✥✥✥✥ AWS - NEM FÁJ Szöveg: "Itt v...
wn.com/Aws Nem Fáj Hivatalos Videó 2014
LIKE-OLD AZ AWS-T: http://www.facebook.com/awsofficial RENDELD ELŐ AZ ÚJ NAGYLEMEZT: http://www.awsmusic.hu ✥✥✥✥✥✥✥✥✥✥✥✥✥✥✥✥✥✥✥✥ AWS - NEM FÁJ Szöveg: "Itt v...
- published: 10 Mar 2014
- views: 30391
author: AWSofficial
AWS Demo 1: Creating a VPC, Subnets, and Base Security Groups
Demo for infrastructure engineers wanting to get started with AWS and learn how to establish simple perimeter security. Demo 2 will be creating the Sophos UTM ...
Demo for infrastructure engineers wanting to get started with AWS and learn how to establish simple perimeter security. Demo 2 will be creating the Sophos UTM 9 instance to control inbound traffic.
wn.com/Aws Demo 1 Creating A Vpc, Subnets, And Base Security Groups
Demo for infrastructure engineers wanting to get started with AWS and learn how to establish simple perimeter security. Demo 2 will be creating the Sophos UTM 9 instance to control inbound traffic.
- published: 05 Nov 2014
- views: 9425
Introduction to AWS CloudFormation
Learn about key AWS CloudFormation concepts. See a demo on how to launch Wordpress on Amazon Web Services using AWS CloudFormation, then practice with a free la...
Learn about key AWS CloudFormation concepts. See a demo on how to launch Wordpress on Amazon Web Services using AWS CloudFormation, then practice with a free lab at http://run.qwiklabs.com. For more information about AWS Training, visit http://aws.amazon.com/training/.
wn.com/Introduction To Aws Cloudformation
Learn about key AWS CloudFormation concepts. See a demo on how to launch Wordpress on Amazon Web Services using AWS CloudFormation, then practice with a free lab at http://run.qwiklabs.com. For more information about AWS Training, visit http://aws.amazon.com/training/.
- published: 05 Jan 2015
- views: 1130
AWS re:Invent 2015 Keynote | Werner Vogels
Watch Amazon.com CTO Dr. Werner Vogels discuss the latest trends in cloud computing and unveil the AWS Internet of Things (IoT) platform at AWS re:Invent 2015. ...
Watch Amazon.com CTO Dr. Werner Vogels discuss the latest trends in cloud computing and unveil the AWS Internet of Things (IoT) platform at AWS re:Invent 2015. He announces AWS Mobile Hub, Amazon EC2 Container Registry, new AWS Lambda features including Python support, and more. Also hear how BMW, John Deere, Remind, and Intel are delivering innovative products and better customer experiences with the help of AWS. Learn more about AWS here: http://amzn.to/1OoJlj2
wn.com/Aws Re Invent 2015 Keynote | Werner Vogels
Watch Amazon.com CTO Dr. Werner Vogels discuss the latest trends in cloud computing and unveil the AWS Internet of Things (IoT) platform at AWS re:Invent 2015. He announces AWS Mobile Hub, Amazon EC2 Container Registry, new AWS Lambda features including Python support, and more. Also hear how BMW, John Deere, Remind, and Intel are delivering innovative products and better customer experiences with the help of AWS. Learn more about AWS here: http://amzn.to/1OoJlj2
- published: 09 Oct 2015
- views: 2847
AWS - Ha nem tűnsz el [Hivatalos Videó]
"Régen bennem égett, de elfeledtem végleg.
Sok száz éjjelen át, hazug szóval éltem.
Miért nem v...
"Régen bennem égett, de elfeledtem végleg.
Sok száz éjjelen át, hazug szóval éltem.
Miért nem világít fényes álmod a sötétben?
Kitől vársz változást, ha még te sem tettél érte?
Belém szálltál a széllel.
Belém láttál egy új lelket tiszta fénnyel.
Ugyanaz fáj, ugyanaz bánt, ami eddig megkísértett.
Ugyanaz a szív, ugyanaz a test, amit örökké követnék, ha nem tűnsz el.
Végig úgy futottam, hogy visszafelé néztem.
Amíg egy lépést előre, addig százat hátra léptem.
Miért nem hajt a vágy, az ami régen vitt előre?
Miért látsz bennem mást, ha sohase tettem érte?
Belém szálltál a széllel.
Belém láttál egy új lelket tiszta fénnyel.
Ugyanaz fáj, ugyanaz bánt, ami eddig megkísértett.
Ugyanaz a szív, ugyanaz a test, amit örökké követnék, ha nem tűnsz el."
Írta, rendezte, fényképezte:
Balogh Dániel
Pohorelli Bettina
Zene: AWS
Szöveg: Siklósi Örs
A Hangfelvétel a Supersize Recording stúdióban készült.
Producer/Keverés/Master: Varga Zoltán
Felvétel: Brucker Bence
Normál YouTube-licenc
wn.com/Aws Ha Nem Tűnsz El Hivatalos Videó
"Régen bennem égett, de elfeledtem végleg.
Sok száz éjjelen át, hazug szóval éltem.
Miért nem világít fényes álmod a sötétben?
Kitől vársz változást, ha még te sem tettél érte?
Belém szálltál a széllel.
Belém láttál egy új lelket tiszta fénnyel.
Ugyanaz fáj, ugyanaz bánt, ami eddig megkísértett.
Ugyanaz a szív, ugyanaz a test, amit örökké követnék, ha nem tűnsz el.
Végig úgy futottam, hogy visszafelé néztem.
Amíg egy lépést előre, addig százat hátra léptem.
Miért nem hajt a vágy, az ami régen vitt előre?
Miért látsz bennem mást, ha sohase tettem érte?
Belém szálltál a széllel.
Belém láttál egy új lelket tiszta fénnyel.
Ugyanaz fáj, ugyanaz bánt, ami eddig megkísértett.
Ugyanaz a szív, ugyanaz a test, amit örökké követnék, ha nem tűnsz el."
Írta, rendezte, fényképezte:
Balogh Dániel
Pohorelli Bettina
Zene: AWS
Szöveg: Siklósi Örs
A Hangfelvétel a Supersize Recording stúdióban készült.
Producer/Keverés/Master: Varga Zoltán
Felvétel: Brucker Bence
Normál YouTube-licenc
- published: 02 Dec 2013
- views: 6324
AWS re:Invent 2015 | (DVO202) DevOps at Amazon: A Look at Our Tools and Processes
As software teams transition to cloud-based architectures and adopt more agile processes, the tools they need to support their development cycles will change. I...
As software teams transition to cloud-based architectures and adopt more agile processes, the tools they need to support their development cycles will change. In this session, we'll take you through the transition that Amazon made to a service-oriented architecture over a decade ago. We will share the lessons we learned, the processes we adopted, and the tools we built to increase both our agility and reliability. We will also introduce you to AWS CodeCommit, AWS CodePipeline, and AWS CodeDeploy, three new services born out of Amazon's internal DevOps experience.
wn.com/Aws Re Invent 2015 | (Dvo202) Devops At Amazon A Look At Our Tools And Processes
As software teams transition to cloud-based architectures and adopt more agile processes, the tools they need to support their development cycles will change. In this session, we'll take you through the transition that Amazon made to a service-oriented architecture over a decade ago. We will share the lessons we learned, the processes we adopted, and the tools we built to increase both our agility and reliability. We will also introduce you to AWS CodeCommit, AWS CodePipeline, and AWS CodeDeploy, three new services born out of Amazon's internal DevOps experience.
- published: 15 Oct 2015
- views: 481
What is Cloud Computing with AWS?
Watch this video if you're you new to cloud computing and would like to learn more about Amazon Web Services (AWS), if you intend to implement a project and ......
Watch this video if you're you new to cloud computing and would like to learn more about Amazon Web Services (AWS), if you intend to implement a project and ...
wn.com/What Is Cloud Computing With Aws
Watch this video if you're you new to cloud computing and would like to learn more about Amazon Web Services (AWS), if you intend to implement a project and ...
AWS - Sorsforgató [Promó Videó]
LIKE-OLD AZ AWS-T: http://www.facebook.com/awsofficial Promó videó 2012 Szöveg: "Ma átlépem a vörös óceánt És poharam merítem belé. Új bárkát ringat a szente......
LIKE-OLD AZ AWS-T: http://www.facebook.com/awsofficial Promó videó 2012 Szöveg: "Ma átlépem a vörös óceánt És poharam merítem belé. Új bárkát ringat a szente...
wn.com/Aws Sorsforgató Promó Videó
LIKE-OLD AZ AWS-T: http://www.facebook.com/awsofficial Promó videó 2012 Szöveg: "Ma átlépem a vörös óceánt És poharam merítem belé. Új bárkát ringat a szente...
Cloud Computing with AWS Class 1
http://www.edureka.co/cloudcomputing Fundamentals of Cloud Computing, Amazon Web services (AWS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS) a......
http://www.edureka.co/cloudcomputing Fundamentals of Cloud Computing, Amazon Web services (AWS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS) a...
wn.com/Cloud Computing With Aws Class 1
http://www.edureka.co/cloudcomputing Fundamentals of Cloud Computing, Amazon Web services (AWS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS) a...
- published: 14 Nov 2013
- views: 2105
author: edureka!
Introduction to AWS Lambda
Learn more at http://aws.amazon.com/lambda/.
AWS Lambda is a compute service that runs your code in response to events and automatically manages the compute re...
Learn more at http://aws.amazon.com/lambda/.
AWS Lambda is a compute service that runs your code in response to events and automatically manages the compute resources for you, making it easy to build applications that respond quickly to new information. AWS Lambda starts running your code within milliseconds of an event such as an image upload, in-app activity, website click, or output from a connected device. You can also use AWS Lambda to create new back-end services where compute resources are automatically triggered based on custom requests. With AWS Lambda you pay only for the requests served and the compute time required to run your code.
wn.com/Introduction To Aws Lambda
Learn more at http://aws.amazon.com/lambda/.
AWS Lambda is a compute service that runs your code in response to events and automatically manages the compute resources for you, making it easy to build applications that respond quickly to new information. AWS Lambda starts running your code within milliseconds of an event such as an image upload, in-app activity, website click, or output from a connected device. You can also use AWS Lambda to create new back-end services where compute resources are automatically triggered based on custom requests. With AWS Lambda you pay only for the requests served and the compute time required to run your code.
- published: 19 May 2015
- views: 622
Want to be a AWS Solutions Architect?
AWS Solutions Architect Paul Duffy talks about what is like to be a Solution Architect for Amazon Web Services. The team is hiring! If you'd like to apply, e......
AWS Solutions Architect Paul Duffy talks about what is like to be a Solution Architect for Amazon Web Services. The team is hiring! If you'd like to apply, e...
wn.com/Want To Be A Aws Solutions Architect
AWS Solutions Architect Paul Duffy talks about what is like to be a Solution Architect for Amazon Web Services. The team is hiring! If you'd like to apply, e...
AWS re:Invent 2015 | (DVO203) A Day in the Life of a Netflix Engineer
Netflix is a large and ever-changing ecosystem made up of: hundreds of production changes every hour, thousands of micro services, tens of thousands of instance...
Netflix is a large and ever-changing ecosystem made up of: hundreds of production changes every hour, thousands of micro services, tens of thousands of instances, millions of concurrent customers, billions of metrics every minute. And I'm the guy with the pager. This is an in-the-trenches look at what operating at Netflix scale in the cloud is really like. It covers how Netflix views the velocity of innovation, expected failures, high availability, engineer responsibility, and obsessing over the quality of the customer experience. It also explains why freedom and responsibility are key, trust is required, and chaos is your friend.
wn.com/Aws Re Invent 2015 | (Dvo203) A Day In The Life Of A Netflix Engineer
Netflix is a large and ever-changing ecosystem made up of: hundreds of production changes every hour, thousands of micro services, tens of thousands of instances, millions of concurrent customers, billions of metrics every minute. And I'm the guy with the pager. This is an in-the-trenches look at what operating at Netflix scale in the cloud is really like. It covers how Netflix views the velocity of innovation, expected failures, high availability, engineer responsibility, and obsessing over the quality of the customer experience. It also explains why freedom and responsibility are key, trust is required, and chaos is your friend.
- published: 12 Oct 2015
- views: 163
2035 年、その時デベロッパーはどう生きるか (AWS Summit Tokyo 2015 | Key-03)
大前 研一(株式会社ビジネス・ブレークスルー 代表取締役社長、ビジネス・ブレークスルー大学 学長)
大前 創希(株式会社クリエイティブホープ 代表取締役会長、ピコもん株式会社 代表取締役CEO)
大前研一氏とファシリテイター大前創希氏による、デベロッパーの生き方についてのセッションです。今から 20 年後の 2035...
大前 研一(株式会社ビジネス・ブレークスルー 代表取締役社長、ビジネス・ブレークスルー大学 学長)
大前 創希(株式会社クリエイティブホープ 代表取締役会長、ピコもん株式会社 代表取締役CEO)
大前研一氏とファシリテイター大前創希氏による、デベロッパーの生き方についてのセッションです。今から 20 年後の 2035 年をマイルストーンに、その時のデベロッパーを取り巻く環境をイメージしながら、「デベロッパーはこの先どう生きるか」について、最新 IT 事情を含む国内外、多方面に豊富な知見をお持ちの大前研一氏から普遍的なアドバイスを頂きます。デベロッパー以外の方でも、自分のキャリアに迷いや不安を抱える方、2035 年の自分のキャリアのイメージが湧かない方など、自分戦略を考える上で多くの気付きを得られるセッションとなります。
wn.com/2035 年、その時デベロッパーはどう生きるか (Aws Summit Tokyo 2015 | Key 03)
大前 研一(株式会社ビジネス・ブレークスルー 代表取締役社長、ビジネス・ブレークスルー大学 学長)
大前 創希(株式会社クリエイティブホープ 代表取締役会長、ピコもん株式会社 代表取締役CEO)
大前研一氏とファシリテイター大前創希氏による、デベロッパーの生き方についてのセッションです。今から 20 年後の 2035 年をマイルストーンに、その時のデベロッパーを取り巻く環境をイメージしながら、「デベロッパーはこの先どう生きるか」について、最新 IT 事情を含む国内外、多方面に豊富な知見をお持ちの大前研一氏から普遍的なアドバイスを頂きます。デベロッパー以外の方でも、自分のキャリアに迷いや不安を抱える方、2035 年の自分のキャリアのイメージが湧かない方など、自分戦略を考える上で多くの気付きを得られるセッションとなります。
- published: 09 Jun 2015
- views: 18
Introducing AWS IoT
Learn more about AWS IoT: http://amzn.to/1G0t0Ql
AWS IoT is a managed cloud service that lets connected devices easily and securely interact with cloud applicat...
Learn more about AWS IoT: http://amzn.to/1G0t0Ql
AWS IoT is a managed cloud service that lets connected devices easily and securely interact with cloud applications and other devices. AWS IoT can support billions of devices and trillions of messages, and can process and route those messages to AWS endpoints, such as AWS Lambda and Amazon Kinesis, and to other devices reliably and securely.
wn.com/Introducing Aws Iot
Learn more about AWS IoT: http://amzn.to/1G0t0Ql
AWS IoT is a managed cloud service that lets connected devices easily and securely interact with cloud applications and other devices. AWS IoT can support billions of devices and trillions of messages, and can process and route those messages to AWS endpoints, such as AWS Lambda and Amazon Kinesis, and to other devices reliably and securely.
- published: 12 Oct 2015
- views: 423
AWS Certification Series Overview
Give us a feedback: http://goo.gl/oWwdfc
Use this special coupon on our PRO Annual Membership: https://cloudacademy.com/pricing/plan/pro-yearly/?code=besuccess...
Give us a feedback: http://goo.gl/oWwdfc
Use this special coupon on our PRO Annual Membership: https://cloudacademy.com/pricing/plan/pro-yearly/?code=besuccessful
In this video Kevin Felichko, one of our in-house AWS cloud expert, will begin our webinar series on AWS training with an overview of the available certifications, the purpose of each certification, and what makes these certifications so important to anybody who wishes to work with cloud technologies.
You'll have the opportunity to hear some unique observations directly from an AWS cloud expert.
wn.com/Aws Certification Series Overview
Give us a feedback: http://goo.gl/oWwdfc
Use this special coupon on our PRO Annual Membership: https://cloudacademy.com/pricing/plan/pro-yearly/?code=besuccessful
In this video Kevin Felichko, one of our in-house AWS cloud expert, will begin our webinar series on AWS training with an overview of the available certifications, the purpose of each certification, and what makes these certifications so important to anybody who wishes to work with cloud technologies.
You'll have the opportunity to hear some unique observations directly from an AWS cloud expert.
- published: 01 Apr 2015
- views: 13
Redstar Radi - أوس
Radirecs ©
Mixin & Masterin By Yallsee
Beat by Hani belhssan
Cover By Hamzaoui Ibrahim...
Radirecs ©
Mixin & Masterin By Yallsee
Beat by Hani belhssan
Cover By Hamzaoui Ibrahim
wn.com/Redstar Radi أوس
Radirecs ©
Mixin & Masterin By Yallsee
Beat by Hani belhssan
Cover By Hamzaoui Ibrahim
- published: 26 Apr 2015
- views: 19758
2016 Acura TLX 2.4 8-DCT P-AWS with Technology Package
Sons Acura
7060 Jonesboro Road
in Morrow, GA 30260
Learn More: http://www.sonsacura.com/new/Acura/2016-Acura-TLX-974c94ff0a0e0ae84305275ca0669f4e.htm
Introducing the 2016 Acura TLX. This 4 door sedan is waiting for you to take home! Smooth gearshifts are achieved thanks to the 2.4 liter 4 cylinder engine, providing a spirited, yet composed ride and drive. Everything is where it ought to be, from
2016 Acura TLX 2.4 8-DCT P-AWS with Technology Package
Acura Of Concord
1340 Concord Avenue
in Concord, CA 94520
Learn More: http://www.acuraofconcord.com/new/Acura/2016-Acura-TLX-Concord-CA-5f5bfe4b0a0e0a170a2315f87a7b33d1.htm
Introducing the 2016 Acura TLX. This 4 door sedan provides a satisfying ride for all passengers. Smooth gearshifts are achieved thanks to the 2.4 liter 4 cylinder engine, providing a spirited, yet composed ride and drive. For
2016 Acura TLX 3.5 V-6 9-AT P-AWS in Morrow, GA 30260
Sons Acura
7060 Jonesboro Road
in Morrow, GA 30260
Learn More: http://www.sonsacura.com/new/Acura/2016-Acura-TLX-abefdaef0a0e0a170a2315f84e5cc4ee.htm
The 2016 Acura TLX. This 4 door sedan leads among competitors in its segment. For drivers who enjoy the natural environment, a power moon roof allows an infusion of fresh air. Brake assist technology provides extra pressure when applying the brakes
2016 Acura TLX 3.5 V-6 9-AT P-AWS with Technology Package
Hendrick Acura Overland Park
7727 Frontage Road
in Overland Park, KS 66204
Learn More: http://www.hendrickacuraoverlandpark.com/new/Acura/2016-Acura-TLX-overland-park-ks-5f5c01b90a0e0ae8582ae4314462dcfa.htm
Introducing the 2016 Acura TLX. This 4 door sedan stands out among competitors in its class! Smooth gearshifts are achieved thanks to the 3.5 liter 6 cylinder engine, providing a spirited, ye
Building a Wordpress Blog using Amazon AWS and Ubuntu.
This is a tutorial on how to create a Ubuntu Apache Webserver on Amazon Web Services for hosting Wordpress blogs.
*** This is the basic set up of your wordpress site. If you want to use plugins you need to still go in and edit your WP-config.php to allow for that... i will link to the video below. **
Let me know what you think in the comments below!
AWS Lambda: Martin Smith
2016 Acura TLX 2.4 8-DCT P-AWS in Concord, CA 94520
Acura Of Concord
1340 Concord Avenue
in Concord, CA 94520
Learn More: http://www.acuraofconcord.com/new/Acura/2016-Acura-TLX-Concord-CA-5f5c00330a0e0a170a2315f869fb6214.htm
The 2016 Acura TLX. This 4 door sedan stands out among competitors in its class! Smooth gearshifts are achieved thanks to the efficient 4 cylinder engine, providing a spirited, yet composed ride and drive. For drivers who enj
2016 Acura TLX 2.4 8-DCT P-AWS in Duluth, GA 30096
Acura Carland
3403 Satellite Boulevard Northwest,
in Duluth, GA 30096
Learn More: http://www.acuracarland.com/new/Acura/2016-Acura-TLX-duluth-ga-atlanta-6012d1d00a0e0adf484d5bd1683878ff.htm
The 2016 Acura TLX. This 4 door sedan offers the latest in technological innovation and style. Smooth gearshifts are achieved thanks to the 2.4 liter 4 cylinder engine, providing a spirited, yet composed ride
2016 Acura TLX 2.4 8-DCT P-AWS in Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Performance Acura
1814 Durham-Chapel Hill Boulevard
in Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Learn More: http://www.performanceacurachapelhill.com/new/Acura/2016-Acura-TLX-Chapel-Hill-4abd4d260a0e0ae77546168a0e5af159.htm
The 2016 Acura TLX. This 4 door sedan will allow you to take command of the road with confidence! Smooth gearshifts are achieved thanks to the 2.4 liter 4 cylinder engine, providing a spirited,
2016 Acura TLX 2.4 8-DCT P-AWS in Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Performance Acura
1814 Durham-Chapel Hill Boulevard
in Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Learn More: http://www.performanceacurachapelhill.com/new/Acura/2016-Acura-TLX-Chapel-Hill-4abd4d260a0e0ae77546168a0e5af159.htm
The 2016 Acura TLX. This 4 door sedan will allow you to take command of the road with confidence! For drivers who enjoy the natural environment, a power moon roof allows an infusion of fresh ai
2016 Acura TLX 3.5 V-6 9-AT P-AWS in Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Performance Acura
1814 Durham-Chapel Hill Boulevard
in Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Learn More: http://www.performanceacurachapelhill.com/new/Acura/2016-Acura-TLX-Chapel-Hill-5f5bfd100a0e0ae8582ae431e4b0c5e1.htm
The 2016 Acura TLX. This 4 door sedan is waiting for you to take home! Smooth gearshifts are achieved thanks to the 3.5 liter 6 cylinder engine, providing a spirited, yet composed ride and driv
AWS AUG.23,2014 DVD video teaser. #awspromotions
"NEW"! Here's the dvd home video teaser/trailer for #awspromotions "Summer Heat #5 - the Heat is on". Aug.23,2014 at the American legion post #335.
Order this dvd with a paypal account to ; PayPal.Me/awspromotions or to awstheboss@yahoo.com
$12.00 plus $6.00 to cover priority postage rates in the u.s.a. (outside order e-mail us for postage rates to where you live).
AWS/SANTINO bros. July 25th, 2014 dvd Teaser/tailer.
Here it finally is!!!!!!!!! The dvd is now out! And here's the dvd tease4r/trailer video for it. Two of southern California's top pro wrestling promotions united on Saturday night july 25th, 2014 to bring the fans of socal a joint show that featured the SoCalUNCENSORED.com match of the year; Joey Muñoz "Joey Kaoz" vs The New Age Punisher B-Boy Benny Cuntapay (the aws champion) and tons more!
Learning AWS: How Hands-On Labs Can Help
Learn more about AWS classes, labs, and certifications at: aws.amazon.com/training/?learnmore
We asked customers how online labs from AWS training partner qwikLABS have helped them learn AWS and improve their cloud skills. See what they told us. qwikLABS offers more than 85 hands-on practice labs in a live AWS environment. Use them to help you learn your way around the AWS Console, practice an
Why I Got AWS Certified: Customers Talk about the Value of AWS Certification
Learn more about AWS classes, labs, and certifications at: aws.amazon.com/training/?learnmore
We asked some of our customers who've earned multiple AWS Certifications why they did it and how being AWS Certified has helped. See what they told us. AWS Certifications recognize IT professionals with the technical skills and expertise to design, deploy, and operate applications and infrastructure on
Introduction to AWS Training & Certification
Learn more about AWS classes, labs, and certifications at: aws.amazon.com/training/?learnmore
Whether you're new to AWS or an experienced user looking to deepen your knowledge, AWS Training & Certification offers free videos, technical classes, online practice labs and other learning resources to help you develop the skills you need to design, deploy, and operate infrastructure and applications
Bruk av AWS
Dette våpenet skytter 800 runder i minuttet og 100 skudd u magasinet. Den har nesten samme skuddbilde som M416.
Petru: PiS skończy jak AWS. Dojdzie do rozłamu.
Ryszard Petru: PiS skończy jak AWS.
Petru o debacie w PE: Byłem rozczarowany wystąpieniem Szydło (TV Interia)
Petru: Liczę, że dojdzie do rozłamu w PiS (TV Interia)
Clase 170 SISTEMA AUTOMÁTICO DE ADVERTENCIA (AWS) - RailWorks Train Simulator 2016
Digital Rebar AWS Quick Start
Step by Step tour of building a Digital Rebar Hybrid DevOps platform and installing Docker Swarm on AWS. Streamlined to most basic install for new users.
visit http://rebar.digital
Battlefield 4 AWS Gameplay | El mejor LMG?
Primera vez con la AWS y la verdad que es bastante buena.
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Quick upload to AWS s3
A workflow for uploading a file to S3 using Hazel.
Decomposition of this flow can be found here:
2016 Acura TLX 2.4 8-DCT P-AWS with Technology Package
Sons Acura
7060 Jonesboro Road
in Morrow, GA 30260
Learn More: http://www.sonsacura.com/new/Acura/2016-Acura-TLX-974c94ff0a0e0ae84305275ca0669f4e.htm
Sons Acura
7060 Jonesboro Road
in Morrow, GA 30260
Learn More: http://www.sonsacura.com/new/Acura/2016-Acura-TLX-974c94ff0a0e0ae84305275ca0669f4e.htm
Introducing the 2016 Acura TLX. This 4 door sedan is waiting for you to take home! Smooth gearshifts are achieved thanks to the 2.4 liter 4 cylinder engine, providing a spirited, yet composed ride and drive. Everything is where it ought to be, from the dashboard controls to the door locks and window controls. For drivers who enjoy the natural environment, a power moon roof allows an infusion of fresh air. You'll never lose visibility with rain sensing wipers, which activate automatically when the drops start to fall. We know that you have high expectations, and we enjoy the challenge of meeting and exceeding them! Please don't hesitate to give us a call.
wn.com/2016 Acura Tlx 2.4 8 Dct P Aws With Technology Package
Sons Acura
7060 Jonesboro Road
in Morrow, GA 30260
Learn More: http://www.sonsacura.com/new/Acura/2016-Acura-TLX-974c94ff0a0e0ae84305275ca0669f4e.htm
Introducing the 2016 Acura TLX. This 4 door sedan is waiting for you to take home! Smooth gearshifts are achieved thanks to the 2.4 liter 4 cylinder engine, providing a spirited, yet composed ride and drive. Everything is where it ought to be, from the dashboard controls to the door locks and window controls. For drivers who enjoy the natural environment, a power moon roof allows an infusion of fresh air. You'll never lose visibility with rain sensing wipers, which activate automatically when the drops start to fall. We know that you have high expectations, and we enjoy the challenge of meeting and exceeding them! Please don't hesitate to give us a call.
- published: 21 Jan 2016
- views: 0
2016 Acura TLX 2.4 8-DCT P-AWS with Technology Package
Acura Of Concord
1340 Concord Avenue
in Concord, CA 94520
Learn More: http://www.acuraofconcord.com/new/Acura/2016-Acura-TLX-Concord-CA-5f5bfe4b0a0e0a170a2315f...
Acura Of Concord
1340 Concord Avenue
in Concord, CA 94520
Learn More: http://www.acuraofconcord.com/new/Acura/2016-Acura-TLX-Concord-CA-5f5bfe4b0a0e0a170a2315f87a7b33d1.htm
Introducing the 2016 Acura TLX. This 4 door sedan provides a satisfying ride for all passengers. Smooth gearshifts are achieved thanks to the 2.4 liter 4 cylinder engine, providing a spirited, yet composed ride and drive. For drivers who enjoy the natural environment, a power moon roof allows an infusion of fresh air. You'll never lose visibility with rain sensing wipers, which activate automatically when the drops start to fall. We pride ourselves in consistently exceeding our customer's expectations. Please don't hesitate to give us a call.
wn.com/2016 Acura Tlx 2.4 8 Dct P Aws With Technology Package
Acura Of Concord
1340 Concord Avenue
in Concord, CA 94520
Learn More: http://www.acuraofconcord.com/new/Acura/2016-Acura-TLX-Concord-CA-5f5bfe4b0a0e0a170a2315f87a7b33d1.htm
Introducing the 2016 Acura TLX. This 4 door sedan provides a satisfying ride for all passengers. Smooth gearshifts are achieved thanks to the 2.4 liter 4 cylinder engine, providing a spirited, yet composed ride and drive. For drivers who enjoy the natural environment, a power moon roof allows an infusion of fresh air. You'll never lose visibility with rain sensing wipers, which activate automatically when the drops start to fall. We pride ourselves in consistently exceeding our customer's expectations. Please don't hesitate to give us a call.
- published: 20 Jan 2016
- views: 0
2016 Acura TLX 3.5 V-6 9-AT P-AWS in Morrow, GA 30260
Sons Acura
7060 Jonesboro Road
in Morrow, GA 30260
Learn More: http://www.sonsacura.com/new/Acura/2016-Acura-TLX-abefdaef0a0e0a170a2315f84e5cc4ee.htm
The 2016...
Sons Acura
7060 Jonesboro Road
in Morrow, GA 30260
Learn More: http://www.sonsacura.com/new/Acura/2016-Acura-TLX-abefdaef0a0e0a170a2315f84e5cc4ee.htm
The 2016 Acura TLX. This 4 door sedan leads among competitors in its segment. For drivers who enjoy the natural environment, a power moon roof allows an infusion of fresh air. Brake assist technology provides extra pressure when applying the brakes. We pride ourselves on providing excellent customer service. Stop by our dealership or give us a call for more information.
wn.com/2016 Acura Tlx 3.5 V 6 9 At P Aws In Morrow, Ga 30260
Sons Acura
7060 Jonesboro Road
in Morrow, GA 30260
Learn More: http://www.sonsacura.com/new/Acura/2016-Acura-TLX-abefdaef0a0e0a170a2315f84e5cc4ee.htm
The 2016 Acura TLX. This 4 door sedan leads among competitors in its segment. For drivers who enjoy the natural environment, a power moon roof allows an infusion of fresh air. Brake assist technology provides extra pressure when applying the brakes. We pride ourselves on providing excellent customer service. Stop by our dealership or give us a call for more information.
- published: 21 Jan 2016
- views: 0
2016 Acura TLX 3.5 V-6 9-AT P-AWS with Technology Package
Hendrick Acura Overland Park
7727 Frontage Road
in Overland Park, KS 66204
Learn More: http://www.hendrickacuraoverlandpark.com/new/Acura/2016-Acura-TLX-overla...
Hendrick Acura Overland Park
7727 Frontage Road
in Overland Park, KS 66204
Learn More: http://www.hendrickacuraoverlandpark.com/new/Acura/2016-Acura-TLX-overland-park-ks-5f5c01b90a0e0ae8582ae4314462dcfa.htm
Introducing the 2016 Acura TLX. This 4 door sedan stands out among competitors in its class! Smooth gearshifts are achieved thanks to the 3.5 liter 6 cylinder engine, providing a spirited, yet composed ride and drive. Acura prioritized practicality, efficiency, and style by including: heated seats, rain sensing wipers, and more. For drivers who enjoy the natural environment, a power moon roof allows an infusion of fresh air. Brake assist technology provides extra pressure when applying the brakes. You will have a pleasant shopping experience that is fun, informative, and never high pressured. Please don't hesitate to give us a call.
wn.com/2016 Acura Tlx 3.5 V 6 9 At P Aws With Technology Package
Hendrick Acura Overland Park
7727 Frontage Road
in Overland Park, KS 66204
Learn More: http://www.hendrickacuraoverlandpark.com/new/Acura/2016-Acura-TLX-overland-park-ks-5f5c01b90a0e0ae8582ae4314462dcfa.htm
Introducing the 2016 Acura TLX. This 4 door sedan stands out among competitors in its class! Smooth gearshifts are achieved thanks to the 3.5 liter 6 cylinder engine, providing a spirited, yet composed ride and drive. Acura prioritized practicality, efficiency, and style by including: heated seats, rain sensing wipers, and more. For drivers who enjoy the natural environment, a power moon roof allows an infusion of fresh air. Brake assist technology provides extra pressure when applying the brakes. You will have a pleasant shopping experience that is fun, informative, and never high pressured. Please don't hesitate to give us a call.
- published: 21 Jan 2016
- views: 0
Building a Wordpress Blog using Amazon AWS and Ubuntu.
This is a tutorial on how to create a Ubuntu Apache Webserver on Amazon Web Services for hosting Wordpress blogs.
*** This is the basic set up of your wordp...
This is a tutorial on how to create a Ubuntu Apache Webserver on Amazon Web Services for hosting Wordpress blogs.
*** This is the basic set up of your wordpress site. If you want to use plugins you need to still go in and edit your WP-config.php to allow for that... i will link to the video below. **
Let me know what you think in the comments below!
wn.com/Building A Wordpress Blog Using Amazon Aws And Ubuntu.
This is a tutorial on how to create a Ubuntu Apache Webserver on Amazon Web Services for hosting Wordpress blogs.
*** This is the basic set up of your wordpress site. If you want to use plugins you need to still go in and edit your WP-config.php to allow for that... i will link to the video below. **
Let me know what you think in the comments below!
- published: 20 Jan 2016
- views: 1
2016 Acura TLX 2.4 8-DCT P-AWS in Concord, CA 94520
Acura Of Concord
1340 Concord Avenue
in Concord, CA 94520
Learn More: http://www.acuraofconcord.com/new/Acura/2016-Acura-TLX-Concord-CA-5f5c00330a0e0a170a2315f...
Acura Of Concord
1340 Concord Avenue
in Concord, CA 94520
Learn More: http://www.acuraofconcord.com/new/Acura/2016-Acura-TLX-Concord-CA-5f5c00330a0e0a170a2315f869fb6214.htm
The 2016 Acura TLX. This 4 door sedan stands out among competitors in its class! Smooth gearshifts are achieved thanks to the efficient 4 cylinder engine, providing a spirited, yet composed ride and drive. For drivers who enjoy the natural environment, a power moon roof allows an infusion of fresh air. Brake assist technology provides extra pressure when applying the brakes. Our sales reps are extremely helpful & knowledgeable. They'll work with you to find the right vehicle at a price you can afford. Please don't hesitate to give us a call.
wn.com/2016 Acura Tlx 2.4 8 Dct P Aws In Concord, Ca 94520
Acura Of Concord
1340 Concord Avenue
in Concord, CA 94520
Learn More: http://www.acuraofconcord.com/new/Acura/2016-Acura-TLX-Concord-CA-5f5c00330a0e0a170a2315f869fb6214.htm
The 2016 Acura TLX. This 4 door sedan stands out among competitors in its class! Smooth gearshifts are achieved thanks to the efficient 4 cylinder engine, providing a spirited, yet composed ride and drive. For drivers who enjoy the natural environment, a power moon roof allows an infusion of fresh air. Brake assist technology provides extra pressure when applying the brakes. Our sales reps are extremely helpful & knowledgeable. They'll work with you to find the right vehicle at a price you can afford. Please don't hesitate to give us a call.
- published: 20 Jan 2016
- views: 0
2016 Acura TLX 2.4 8-DCT P-AWS in Duluth, GA 30096
Acura Carland
3403 Satellite Boulevard Northwest,
in Duluth, GA 30096
Learn More: http://www.acuracarland.com/new/Acura/2016-Acura-TLX-duluth-ga-atlanta-6012d1...
Acura Carland
3403 Satellite Boulevard Northwest,
in Duluth, GA 30096
Learn More: http://www.acuracarland.com/new/Acura/2016-Acura-TLX-duluth-ga-atlanta-6012d1d00a0e0adf484d5bd1683878ff.htm
The 2016 Acura TLX. This 4 door sedan offers the latest in technological innovation and style. Smooth gearshifts are achieved thanks to the 2.4 liter 4 cylinder engine, providing a spirited, yet composed ride and drive. For drivers who enjoy the natural environment, a power moon roof allows an infusion of fresh air. Brake assist technology provides extra pressure when applying the brakes. We pride ourselves on providing excellent customer service. Stop by our dealership or give us a call for more information.
wn.com/2016 Acura Tlx 2.4 8 Dct P Aws In Duluth, Ga 30096
Acura Carland
3403 Satellite Boulevard Northwest,
in Duluth, GA 30096
Learn More: http://www.acuracarland.com/new/Acura/2016-Acura-TLX-duluth-ga-atlanta-6012d1d00a0e0adf484d5bd1683878ff.htm
The 2016 Acura TLX. This 4 door sedan offers the latest in technological innovation and style. Smooth gearshifts are achieved thanks to the 2.4 liter 4 cylinder engine, providing a spirited, yet composed ride and drive. For drivers who enjoy the natural environment, a power moon roof allows an infusion of fresh air. Brake assist technology provides extra pressure when applying the brakes. We pride ourselves on providing excellent customer service. Stop by our dealership or give us a call for more information.
- published: 20 Jan 2016
- views: 0
2016 Acura TLX 2.4 8-DCT P-AWS in Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Performance Acura
1814 Durham-Chapel Hill Boulevard
in Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Learn More: http://www.performanceacurachapelhill.com/new/Acura/2016-Acura-TLX-Cha...
Performance Acura
1814 Durham-Chapel Hill Boulevard
in Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Learn More: http://www.performanceacurachapelhill.com/new/Acura/2016-Acura-TLX-Chapel-Hill-4abd4d260a0e0ae77546168a0e5af159.htm
The 2016 Acura TLX. This 4 door sedan will allow you to take command of the road with confidence! Smooth gearshifts are achieved thanks to the 2.4 liter 4 cylinder engine, providing a spirited, yet composed ride and drive. For drivers who enjoy the natural environment, a power moon roof allows an infusion of fresh air. Brake assist technology provides extra pressure when applying the brakes. Our team is professional, and we offer a no-pressure environment. They'll work with you to find the right vehicle at a price you can afford. Come on in and take a test drive!
wn.com/2016 Acura Tlx 2.4 8 Dct P Aws In Chapel Hill, Nc 27514
Performance Acura
1814 Durham-Chapel Hill Boulevard
in Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Learn More: http://www.performanceacurachapelhill.com/new/Acura/2016-Acura-TLX-Chapel-Hill-4abd4d260a0e0ae77546168a0e5af159.htm
The 2016 Acura TLX. This 4 door sedan will allow you to take command of the road with confidence! Smooth gearshifts are achieved thanks to the 2.4 liter 4 cylinder engine, providing a spirited, yet composed ride and drive. For drivers who enjoy the natural environment, a power moon roof allows an infusion of fresh air. Brake assist technology provides extra pressure when applying the brakes. Our team is professional, and we offer a no-pressure environment. They'll work with you to find the right vehicle at a price you can afford. Come on in and take a test drive!
- published: 20 Jan 2016
- views: 1
2016 Acura TLX 2.4 8-DCT P-AWS in Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Performance Acura
1814 Durham-Chapel Hill Boulevard
in Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Learn More: http://www.performanceacurachapelhill.com/new/Acura/2016-Acura-TLX-Cha...
Performance Acura
1814 Durham-Chapel Hill Boulevard
in Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Learn More: http://www.performanceacurachapelhill.com/new/Acura/2016-Acura-TLX-Chapel-Hill-4abd4d260a0e0ae77546168a0e5af159.htm
The 2016 Acura TLX. This 4 door sedan will allow you to take command of the road with confidence! For drivers who enjoy the natural environment, a power moon roof allows an infusion of fresh air. Brake assist technology provides extra pressure when applying the brakes. We know that you have high expectations, and we enjoy the challenge of meeting and exceeding them! Please don't hesitate to give us a call.
wn.com/2016 Acura Tlx 2.4 8 Dct P Aws In Chapel Hill, Nc 27514
Performance Acura
1814 Durham-Chapel Hill Boulevard
in Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Learn More: http://www.performanceacurachapelhill.com/new/Acura/2016-Acura-TLX-Chapel-Hill-4abd4d260a0e0ae77546168a0e5af159.htm
The 2016 Acura TLX. This 4 door sedan will allow you to take command of the road with confidence! For drivers who enjoy the natural environment, a power moon roof allows an infusion of fresh air. Brake assist technology provides extra pressure when applying the brakes. We know that you have high expectations, and we enjoy the challenge of meeting and exceeding them! Please don't hesitate to give us a call.
- published: 20 Jan 2016
- views: 0
2016 Acura TLX 3.5 V-6 9-AT P-AWS in Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Performance Acura
1814 Durham-Chapel Hill Boulevard
in Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Learn More: http://www.performanceacurachapelhill.com/new/Acura/2016-Acura-TLX-Cha...
Performance Acura
1814 Durham-Chapel Hill Boulevard
in Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Learn More: http://www.performanceacurachapelhill.com/new/Acura/2016-Acura-TLX-Chapel-Hill-5f5bfd100a0e0ae8582ae431e4b0c5e1.htm
The 2016 Acura TLX. This 4 door sedan is waiting for you to take home! Smooth gearshifts are achieved thanks to the 3.5 liter 6 cylinder engine, providing a spirited, yet composed ride and drive. For drivers who enjoy the natural environment, a power moon roof allows an infusion of fresh air. Brake assist technology provides extra pressure when applying the brakes. We pride ourselves on providing excellent customer service. Please don't hesitate to give us a call.
wn.com/2016 Acura Tlx 3.5 V 6 9 At P Aws In Chapel Hill, Nc 27514
Performance Acura
1814 Durham-Chapel Hill Boulevard
in Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Learn More: http://www.performanceacurachapelhill.com/new/Acura/2016-Acura-TLX-Chapel-Hill-5f5bfd100a0e0ae8582ae431e4b0c5e1.htm
The 2016 Acura TLX. This 4 door sedan is waiting for you to take home! Smooth gearshifts are achieved thanks to the 3.5 liter 6 cylinder engine, providing a spirited, yet composed ride and drive. For drivers who enjoy the natural environment, a power moon roof allows an infusion of fresh air. Brake assist technology provides extra pressure when applying the brakes. We pride ourselves on providing excellent customer service. Please don't hesitate to give us a call.
- published: 20 Jan 2016
- views: 0
AWS AUG.23,2014 DVD video teaser. #awspromotions
"NEW"! Here's the dvd home video teaser/trailer for #awspromotions "Summer Heat #5 - the Heat is on". Aug.23,2014 at the American legion post #335.
Order this d...
"NEW"! Here's the dvd home video teaser/trailer for #awspromotions "Summer Heat #5 - the Heat is on". Aug.23,2014 at the American legion post #335.
Order this dvd with a paypal account to ; PayPal.Me/awspromotions or to awstheboss@yahoo.com
$12.00 plus $6.00 to cover priority postage rates in the u.s.a. (outside order e-mail us for postage rates to where you live).
wn.com/Aws Aug.23,2014 Dvd Video Teaser. Awspromotions
"NEW"! Here's the dvd home video teaser/trailer for #awspromotions "Summer Heat #5 - the Heat is on". Aug.23,2014 at the American legion post #335.
Order this dvd with a paypal account to ; PayPal.Me/awspromotions or to awstheboss@yahoo.com
$12.00 plus $6.00 to cover priority postage rates in the u.s.a. (outside order e-mail us for postage rates to where you live).
- published: 20 Jan 2016
- views: 11
AWS/SANTINO bros. July 25th, 2014 dvd Teaser/tailer.
Here it finally is!!!!!!!!! The dvd is now out! And here's the dvd tease4r/trailer video for it. Two of southern California's top pro wrestling promotions unite...
Here it finally is!!!!!!!!! The dvd is now out! And here's the dvd tease4r/trailer video for it. Two of southern California's top pro wrestling promotions united on Saturday night july 25th, 2014 to bring the fans of socal a joint show that featured the SoCalUNCENSORED.com match of the year; Joey Muñoz "Joey Kaoz" vs The New Age Punisher B-Boy Benny Cuntapay (the aws champion) and tons more!
Order this double dvd home video set with a paypal account to ; PayPal.Me/awspromotions or to awstheboss@yahoo.com
$14.00 plus $6.00 to cover priority postage rates in the u.s.a. (outside order e-mail us for postage rates to where you live). #Santinobros #AWSpromotions Also pick it up at any live Santino Bros Wrestling Academy events or AWS.
wn.com/Aws Santino Bros. July 25Th, 2014 Dvd Teaser Tailer.
Here it finally is!!!!!!!!! The dvd is now out! And here's the dvd tease4r/trailer video for it. Two of southern California's top pro wrestling promotions united on Saturday night july 25th, 2014 to bring the fans of socal a joint show that featured the SoCalUNCENSORED.com match of the year; Joey Muñoz "Joey Kaoz" vs The New Age Punisher B-Boy Benny Cuntapay (the aws champion) and tons more!
Order this double dvd home video set with a paypal account to ; PayPal.Me/awspromotions or to awstheboss@yahoo.com
$14.00 plus $6.00 to cover priority postage rates in the u.s.a. (outside order e-mail us for postage rates to where you live). #Santinobros #AWSpromotions Also pick it up at any live Santino Bros Wrestling Academy events or AWS.
- published: 20 Jan 2016
- views: 14
Learning AWS: How Hands-On Labs Can Help
Learn more about AWS classes, labs, and certifications at: aws.amazon.com/training/?learnmore
We asked customers how online labs from AWS training partner qw...
Learn more about AWS classes, labs, and certifications at: aws.amazon.com/training/?learnmore
We asked customers how online labs from AWS training partner qwikLABS have helped them learn AWS and improve their cloud skills. See what they told us. qwikLABS offers more than 85 hands-on practice labs in a live AWS environment. Use them to help you learn your way around the AWS Console, practice an unfamiliar AWS service, try out a popular use case, or study for an AWS Certification exam.
wn.com/Learning Aws How Hands On Labs Can Help
Learn more about AWS classes, labs, and certifications at: aws.amazon.com/training/?learnmore
We asked customers how online labs from AWS training partner qwikLABS have helped them learn AWS and improve their cloud skills. See what they told us. qwikLABS offers more than 85 hands-on practice labs in a live AWS environment. Use them to help you learn your way around the AWS Console, practice an unfamiliar AWS service, try out a popular use case, or study for an AWS Certification exam.
- published: 20 Jan 2016
- views: 66
Why I Got AWS Certified: Customers Talk about the Value of AWS Certification
Learn more about AWS classes, labs, and certifications at: aws.amazon.com/training/?learnmore
We asked some of our customers who've earned multiple AWS Certi...
Learn more about AWS classes, labs, and certifications at: aws.amazon.com/training/?learnmore
We asked some of our customers who've earned multiple AWS Certifications why they did it and how being AWS Certified has helped. See what they told us. AWS Certifications recognize IT professionals with the technical skills and expertise to design, deploy, and operate applications and infrastructure on AWS. Exams are offered in multiple languages at testing centers around the world.
wn.com/Why I Got Aws Certified Customers Talk About The Value Of Aws Certification
Learn more about AWS classes, labs, and certifications at: aws.amazon.com/training/?learnmore
We asked some of our customers who've earned multiple AWS Certifications why they did it and how being AWS Certified has helped. See what they told us. AWS Certifications recognize IT professionals with the technical skills and expertise to design, deploy, and operate applications and infrastructure on AWS. Exams are offered in multiple languages at testing centers around the world.
- published: 20 Jan 2016
- views: 83
Introduction to AWS Training & Certification
Learn more about AWS classes, labs, and certifications at: aws.amazon.com/training/?learnmore
Whether you're new to AWS or an experienced user looking to dee...
Learn more about AWS classes, labs, and certifications at: aws.amazon.com/training/?learnmore
Whether you're new to AWS or an experienced user looking to deepen your knowledge, AWS Training & Certification offers free videos, technical classes, online practice labs and other learning resources to help you develop the skills you need to design, deploy, and operate infrastructure and applications on the AWS cloud.
wn.com/Introduction To Aws Training Certification
Learn more about AWS classes, labs, and certifications at: aws.amazon.com/training/?learnmore
Whether you're new to AWS or an experienced user looking to deepen your knowledge, AWS Training & Certification offers free videos, technical classes, online practice labs and other learning resources to help you develop the skills you need to design, deploy, and operate infrastructure and applications on the AWS cloud.
- published: 20 Jan 2016
- views: 123
Bruk av AWS
Dette våpenet skytter 800 runder i minuttet og 100 skudd u magasinet. Den har nesten samme skuddbilde som M416.
Dette våpenet skytter 800 runder i minuttet og 100 skudd u magasinet. Den har nesten samme skuddbilde som M416.
wn.com/Bruk Av Aws
Dette våpenet skytter 800 runder i minuttet og 100 skudd u magasinet. Den har nesten samme skuddbilde som M416.
- published: 20 Jan 2016
- views: 1
Petru: PiS skończy jak AWS. Dojdzie do rozłamu.
Ryszard Petru: PiS skończy jak AWS.
Petru o debacie w PE: Byłem rozczarowany wystąpieniem Szydło (TV Interia)
Ryszard Petru: PiS skończy jak AWS.
Petru o debacie w PE: Byłem rozczarowany wystąpieniem Szydło (TV Interia)
Petru: Liczę, że dojdzie do rozłamu w PiS (TV Interia)
wn.com/Petru Pis Skończy Jak Aws. Dojdzie Do Rozłamu.
Ryszard Petru: PiS skończy jak AWS.
Petru o debacie w PE: Byłem rozczarowany wystąpieniem Szydło (TV Interia)
Petru: Liczę, że dojdzie do rozłamu w PiS (TV Interia)
- published: 20 Jan 2016
- views: 19
Digital Rebar AWS Quick Start
Step by Step tour of building a Digital Rebar Hybrid DevOps platform and installing Docker Swarm on AWS. Streamlined to most basic install for new users.
Step by Step tour of building a Digital Rebar Hybrid DevOps platform and installing Docker Swarm on AWS. Streamlined to most basic install for new users.
visit http://rebar.digital
wn.com/Digital Rebar Aws Quick Start
Step by Step tour of building a Digital Rebar Hybrid DevOps platform and installing Docker Swarm on AWS. Streamlined to most basic install for new users.
visit http://rebar.digital
- published: 20 Jan 2016
- views: 2
Battlefield 4 AWS Gameplay | El mejor LMG?
Primera vez con la AWS y la verdad que es bastante buena.
Que creen ustedes?
Échenle un vistazo a mi canal para que vean mis otros videos.
Si te a gustado el...
Primera vez con la AWS y la verdad que es bastante buena.
Que creen ustedes?
Échenle un vistazo a mi canal para que vean mis otros videos.
Si te a gustado el video dale like, suscribete así no te perderás mis próximos videos.
wn.com/Battlefield 4 Aws Gameplay | El Mejor Lmg
Primera vez con la AWS y la verdad que es bastante buena.
Que creen ustedes?
Échenle un vistazo a mi canal para que vean mis otros videos.
Si te a gustado el video dale like, suscribete así no te perderás mis próximos videos.
- published: 19 Jan 2016
- views: 12
Quick upload to AWS s3
A workflow for uploading a file to S3 using Hazel.
Decomposition of this flow can be found here:
A workflow for uploading a file to S3 using Hazel.
Decomposition of this flow can be found here:
wn.com/Quick Upload To Aws S3
A workflow for uploading a file to S3 using Hazel.
Decomposition of this flow can be found here:
- published: 19 Jan 2016
- views: 48
AWS re:Invent 2015 | (ARC309) Getting to Microservices: Cloud Architecture Patterns
Learn more about AWS: http://amzn.to/1RyoI41
Gilt, a billion dollar e-commerce company, implemented a sophisticated microservices architecture on AWS to handle millions of customers visiting their site at noon every day. The microservices architecture pattern enables independent service scaling, faster deployments, better fault isolation, and graceful degradation. In this session, Derek Chiles, AW
How to Setup Amazon Web Services EC2 Instance with Apache, PHP, MySQL
How to Setup Amazon Web Services EC2 Instance with Apache, PHP, MySQL
Go to http://aws.amazon.com/ and create a new account if you do not have an account already.
A credit card or debit is required.
Sign into your AWS account under console management.
Select EC2 and create a new instance.
Choose one of the Ubuntu AMIs, and leave everything default. Under Security groups, create a
Learn how to properly setup a IPSEC VPN Connection between your Cisco ASA and the AWS VPN endpoints.
AWS CloudFormation Masterclass
AWS CloudFormation is a comprehensive templating language that enables you to create managed 'stacks' of AWS resources, with a growing library of templates available for you to use. But how do you create one from scratch? This webinar will take you through building an AWS CloudFormation template from the ground up, so you can see all the essential template constructs in action.
You can find the s
BATTLEFIELD 4 (PS4) - Road to Colonel - Live Multiplayer Gameplay #158 - AWS LMG (Naval Strike Gun)
My Battlefield 4 multiplayer gameplay with live commentary. Enjoy! ○ Insane PS4 BF4 Gameplay :http://youtu.be/uJLmZ7BiLX8 ○ Twitter: https://twitter.com/OneC...
AWS re:Invent 2014 | (SEC304) Bring Your Own Identities – Federating Access to Your AWS Environment
Have you wondered how you can use your corporate directory for accessing AWS? Or how you can build an AWS-powered application accessible to the millions of users from social identity providers like Amazon, Google, or Facebook? If so, this session will give you the tools you need to get started. It will provide a variety of examples to make it easier for you to use other identity pools with AWS, as
AWS re:Invent 2015 | (NET406) Deep Dive: AWS Direct Connect and VPNs
As enterprises move to the cloud, robust connectivity is often an early consideration. AWS Direct Connect provides a more consistent network experience for accessing your AWS resources, typically with greater bandwidth and reduced network costs. This session dives deep into the features of AWS Direct Connect and VPNs. We discuss deployment architectures and demonstrate the process from start to fi
AWS re:Invent 2015 | (MBL205) Everything You Want to Know About IoT
AWS IoT is a new managed service that enables Internet-connected things (sensors, actuators, devices, and applications) to easily and securely interact with each other and the cloud. In this session, we will discuss how constrained devices can leverage AWS IoT to send data to the cloud and receive commands back to the device from the cloud using protocol of their choice. We will discuss how device
Introduction to Amazon Web Services
This video can help you understand what Amazon Web Services are and how they can help you with you IT costs, efficiency, and scalability.
AWS re:Invent 2015 | (ARC309) Getting to Microservices: Cloud Architecture Patterns
Learn more about AWS: http://amzn.to/1RyoI41
Gilt, a billion dollar e-commerce company, implemented a sophisticated microservices architecture on AWS to handle ...
Learn more about AWS: http://amzn.to/1RyoI41
Gilt, a billion dollar e-commerce company, implemented a sophisticated microservices architecture on AWS to handle millions of customers visiting their site at noon every day. The microservices architecture pattern enables independent service scaling, faster deployments, better fault isolation, and graceful degradation. In this session, Derek Chiles, AWS solutions architect, will review best practices and recommended architectures for deploying microservices on AWS. Adrian Trenaman, SVP of engineering at Gilt, will share Gilt's experiences and lessons learned during their evolution from a single monolithic Rails application in a traditional data center to more than 300 Scala/Java microservices deployed in the cloud.
wn.com/Aws Re Invent 2015 | (Arc309) Getting To Microservices Cloud Architecture Patterns
Learn more about AWS: http://amzn.to/1RyoI41
Gilt, a billion dollar e-commerce company, implemented a sophisticated microservices architecture on AWS to handle millions of customers visiting their site at noon every day. The microservices architecture pattern enables independent service scaling, faster deployments, better fault isolation, and graceful degradation. In this session, Derek Chiles, AWS solutions architect, will review best practices and recommended architectures for deploying microservices on AWS. Adrian Trenaman, SVP of engineering at Gilt, will share Gilt's experiences and lessons learned during their evolution from a single monolithic Rails application in a traditional data center to more than 300 Scala/Java microservices deployed in the cloud.
- published: 09 Oct 2015
- views: 9
How to Setup Amazon Web Services EC2 Instance with Apache, PHP, MySQL
How to Setup Amazon Web Services EC2 Instance with Apache, PHP, MySQL
Go to http://aws.amazon.com/ and create a new account if you do not have an...
How to Setup Amazon Web Services EC2 Instance with Apache, PHP, MySQL
Go to http://aws.amazon.com/ and create a new account if you do not have an account already.
A credit card or debit is required.
Sign into your AWS account under console management.
Select EC2 and create a new instance.
Choose one of the Ubuntu AMIs, and leave everything default. Under Security groups, create a new security group with SSH and HTTP.
Name your key and download.
Under the terminal, maneuver to the key and chmod 400 to make sure that the permissions are correct.
Under windows, you may have to run as administrator the command prompt or cygwin to chmod properly.
Or you can use the command that I did, which was:
chown :Users testTutorial.pem
Then I did:
chmod 400 testTutorial.pem
Allows only me to read
ssh -i testTutorial.pem ubuntu@...(public IP)
Once you are on the Ubuntu AMI, you can start to mess around with the packages to install.
I recommend the following:
Run the command:
sudo apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-php5 php5 mysql-server mysql-php5
You can also get phpadmin if you would like.
Remember to restart the apache service:
service apache2 restart
Then, run a secure installation of mysql:
Go put in your browser the public IP. It works! But what if you want to change the index.html
Well, go cd ../../var/www
In this directory www, you can edit the index.html
sudo vim index.html
You can change the index.html to anything you want using the editor of your choice.
The site changes.
Extra tags: How,to,Setup,Install,Use,Amazon,Web,Services,EC2,Instance,with,Apache,PHP,MySQL,Amazon Web Services,Amazon EC2,Elastic Compute Cloud,How to Setup Amazon Web Services EC2,How to Install Amazon Web Services EC2,How to Use EC2,Beginner,Tutorial,How to Install Amazon EC2,How to Setup Amazon Web Services EC2 Instance with Apache,AWS EC2 Instance,Amazon Web Services EC2 instance
wn.com/How To Setup Amazon Web Services Ec2 Instance With Apache, Php, Mysql
How to Setup Amazon Web Services EC2 Instance with Apache, PHP, MySQL
Go to http://aws.amazon.com/ and create a new account if you do not have an account already.
A credit card or debit is required.
Sign into your AWS account under console management.
Select EC2 and create a new instance.
Choose one of the Ubuntu AMIs, and leave everything default. Under Security groups, create a new security group with SSH and HTTP.
Name your key and download.
Under the terminal, maneuver to the key and chmod 400 to make sure that the permissions are correct.
Under windows, you may have to run as administrator the command prompt or cygwin to chmod properly.
Or you can use the command that I did, which was:
chown :Users testTutorial.pem
Then I did:
chmod 400 testTutorial.pem
Allows only me to read
ssh -i testTutorial.pem ubuntu@...(public IP)
Once you are on the Ubuntu AMI, you can start to mess around with the packages to install.
I recommend the following:
Run the command:
sudo apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-php5 php5 mysql-server mysql-php5
You can also get phpadmin if you would like.
Remember to restart the apache service:
service apache2 restart
Then, run a secure installation of mysql:
Go put in your browser the public IP. It works! But what if you want to change the index.html
Well, go cd ../../var/www
In this directory www, you can edit the index.html
sudo vim index.html
You can change the index.html to anything you want using the editor of your choice.
The site changes.
Extra tags: How,to,Setup,Install,Use,Amazon,Web,Services,EC2,Instance,with,Apache,PHP,MySQL,Amazon Web Services,Amazon EC2,Elastic Compute Cloud,How to Setup Amazon Web Services EC2,How to Install Amazon Web Services EC2,How to Use EC2,Beginner,Tutorial,How to Install Amazon EC2,How to Setup Amazon Web Services EC2 Instance with Apache,AWS EC2 Instance,Amazon Web Services EC2 instance
- published: 14 Mar 2014
- views: 40063
Learn how to properly setup a IPSEC VPN Connection between your Cisco ASA and the AWS VPN endpoints....
Learn how to properly setup a IPSEC VPN Connection between your Cisco ASA and the AWS VPN endpoints.
wn.com/Cisco Asa Vpn To Aws Vpc
Learn how to properly setup a IPSEC VPN Connection between your Cisco ASA and the AWS VPN endpoints.
- published: 25 Sep 2015
- views: 17
AWS CloudFormation Masterclass
AWS CloudFormation is a comprehensive templating language that enables you to create managed 'stacks' of AWS resources, with a growing library of templates avai...
AWS CloudFormation is a comprehensive templating language that enables you to create managed 'stacks' of AWS resources, with a growing library of templates available for you to use. But how do you create one from scratch? This webinar will take you through building an AWS CloudFormation template from the ground up, so you can see all the essential template constructs in action.
You can find the slides from this webinar on SlideShare here: https://www.slideshare.net/AmazonWebServices/aws-cloudformation-masterclass
Check out other upcoming webinars in the Masterclass Series here: http://aws.amazon.com/campaigns/emea/masterclass/ and find details of our Journey Through the Cloud series here: http://aws.amazon.com/campaigns/emea/journey/
wn.com/Aws Cloudformation Masterclass
AWS CloudFormation is a comprehensive templating language that enables you to create managed 'stacks' of AWS resources, with a growing library of templates available for you to use. But how do you create one from scratch? This webinar will take you through building an AWS CloudFormation template from the ground up, so you can see all the essential template constructs in action.
You can find the slides from this webinar on SlideShare here: https://www.slideshare.net/AmazonWebServices/aws-cloudformation-masterclass
Check out other upcoming webinars in the Masterclass Series here: http://aws.amazon.com/campaigns/emea/masterclass/ and find details of our Journey Through the Cloud series here: http://aws.amazon.com/campaigns/emea/journey/
- published: 25 Mar 2015
- views: 99
BATTLEFIELD 4 (PS4) - Road to Colonel - Live Multiplayer Gameplay #158 - AWS LMG (Naval Strike Gun)
My Battlefield 4 multiplayer gameplay with live commentary. Enjoy! ○ Insane PS4 BF4 Gameplay :http://youtu.be/uJLmZ7BiLX8 ○ Twitter: https://twitter.com/OneC......
My Battlefield 4 multiplayer gameplay with live commentary. Enjoy! ○ Insane PS4 BF4 Gameplay :http://youtu.be/uJLmZ7BiLX8 ○ Twitter: https://twitter.com/OneC...
wn.com/Battlefield 4 (Ps4) Road To Colonel Live Multiplayer Gameplay 158 Aws Lmg (Naval Strike Gun)
My Battlefield 4 multiplayer gameplay with live commentary. Enjoy! ○ Insane PS4 BF4 Gameplay :http://youtu.be/uJLmZ7BiLX8 ○ Twitter: https://twitter.com/OneC...
AWS re:Invent 2014 | (SEC304) Bring Your Own Identities – Federating Access to Your AWS Environment
Have you wondered how you can use your corporate directory for accessing AWS? Or how you can build an AWS-powered application accessible to the millions of user...
Have you wondered how you can use your corporate directory for accessing AWS? Or how you can build an AWS-powered application accessible to the millions of users from social identity providers like Amazon, Google, or Facebook? If so, this session will give you the tools you need to get started. It will provide a variety of examples to make it easier for you to use other identity pools with AWS, as well as cover open standards like Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML). Anyone who deals with external identities won't want to miss this session.
wn.com/Aws Re Invent 2014 | (Sec304) Bring Your Own Identities – Federating Access To Your Aws Environment
Have you wondered how you can use your corporate directory for accessing AWS? Or how you can build an AWS-powered application accessible to the millions of users from social identity providers like Amazon, Google, or Facebook? If so, this session will give you the tools you need to get started. It will provide a variety of examples to make it easier for you to use other identity pools with AWS, as well as cover open standards like Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML). Anyone who deals with external identities won't want to miss this session.
- published: 18 Nov 2014
- views: 28
AWS re:Invent 2015 | (NET406) Deep Dive: AWS Direct Connect and VPNs
As enterprises move to the cloud, robust connectivity is often an early consideration. AWS Direct Connect provides a more consistent network experience for acce...
As enterprises move to the cloud, robust connectivity is often an early consideration. AWS Direct Connect provides a more consistent network experience for accessing your AWS resources, typically with greater bandwidth and reduced network costs. This session dives deep into the features of AWS Direct Connect and VPNs. We discuss deployment architectures and demonstrate the process from start to finish. We’ll show you how to configure public and private virtual interfaces, configure routers, use VPN backup, and provide secure communication between sites by using the AWS VPN CloudHub.
wn.com/Aws Re Invent 2015 | (Net406) Deep Dive Aws Direct Connect And Vpns
As enterprises move to the cloud, robust connectivity is often an early consideration. AWS Direct Connect provides a more consistent network experience for accessing your AWS resources, typically with greater bandwidth and reduced network costs. This session dives deep into the features of AWS Direct Connect and VPNs. We discuss deployment architectures and demonstrate the process from start to finish. We’ll show you how to configure public and private virtual interfaces, configure routers, use VPN backup, and provide secure communication between sites by using the AWS VPN CloudHub.
- published: 10 Oct 2015
- views: 16
AWS re:Invent 2015 | (MBL205) Everything You Want to Know About IoT
AWS IoT is a new managed service that enables Internet-connected things (sensors, actuators, devices, and applications) to easily and securely interact with eac...
AWS IoT is a new managed service that enables Internet-connected things (sensors, actuators, devices, and applications) to easily and securely interact with each other and the cloud. In this session, we will discuss how constrained devices can leverage AWS IoT to send data to the cloud and receive commands back to the device from the cloud using protocol of their choice. We will discuss how devices can connect securely connect using MQTT, HTTP protocols and how can developers and businesses leverage several features of AWS IoT Rules Engine, Thing Shadow to build a real connected product. You don't want to miss this session if you are a maker or manufacturer of a connected device. We have a cool giveaway for you at the end of the session!
wn.com/Aws Re Invent 2015 | (Mbl205) Everything You Want To Know About Iot
AWS IoT is a new managed service that enables Internet-connected things (sensors, actuators, devices, and applications) to easily and securely interact with each other and the cloud. In this session, we will discuss how constrained devices can leverage AWS IoT to send data to the cloud and receive commands back to the device from the cloud using protocol of their choice. We will discuss how devices can connect securely connect using MQTT, HTTP protocols and how can developers and businesses leverage several features of AWS IoT Rules Engine, Thing Shadow to build a real connected product. You don't want to miss this session if you are a maker or manufacturer of a connected device. We have a cool giveaway for you at the end of the session!
- published: 14 Oct 2015
- views: 122
Introduction to Amazon Web Services
This video can help you understand what Amazon Web Services are and how they can help you with you IT costs, efficiency, and scalability....
This video can help you understand what Amazon Web Services are and how they can help you with you IT costs, efficiency, and scalability.
wn.com/Introduction To Amazon Web Services
This video can help you understand what Amazon Web Services are and how they can help you with you IT costs, efficiency, and scalability.