The Aviator (1985 film)
The Aviator (1985) is an American adventure film directed by George T. Miller. The film stars Christopher Reeve and Rosanna Arquette.
Edgar Anscombe (Christopher Reeve) is an instructor at a US Army Air Corps flying school in 1918. While he is teaching a young pilot, the aircraft crashes during a landing attempt and bursts into flames. The student is killed, though Edgar survives.
Ten years later, Edgar is a Contract Air Mail pilot flying the rugged CAM-5 route between Elko, Nevada and Pasco, Washington. When asked to take a passenger, Edgar reluctantly agrees, revealing that the last time he had a passenger in his aircraft, it was the doomed trainee.
Tillie Hansen (Rosanna Arquette) is outspoken and rebellious. She makes it clear that she does not want to go to her aunt's house, but her father demands it. He uses his influence as banker for the airline to secure passage for her. Tillie annoys Edgar with her questions, and he acts coldly towards her.
During the stopover at Boise, Idaho, Edgar's pilot friend, Jerry Stiller (Scott Wilson) changes the oil in the engine, but neglects to tighten a hose. The tension between Edgar and Tillie continues to escalate, and when the flight resumes, Edgar decides to take a shortcut over the mountains, deviating from the normal route. However, the engine loses oil pressure and soon fails, causing Edgar to crash land on a remote ridge.