Law Firm RFP Questions About Knowledge Management – Crowd Sourcing Comments for My KM Book

Readers of the blog know that for the past few weeks, I have been crowd sourcing comments for my KM book that will be published by the ABA in early 2014.  Thanks to all who have commented here and sent me emails with other comments.   Today, I’d like to ask about questions you are seeing in Requests for Proposals (RFPs).  More below image…

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As any rainmaking lawyer or law firm business development professional knows, Read more

The Future of Knowledge Management – Crowd Sourcing Comments for My KM Book

Readers of the blog know that for the past few weeks, I have been crowd sourcing comments for my KM book that will be published by the ABA in early 2014.  Thanks to all who have commented here and sent me emails with other comments.

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Last week we talked about disappointment and failure.  This week, a more rosy topic: the future of KM. Read more

Knowledge Management is Disappointing and Has Failed – Crowd Sourcing Comments for My KM Book

If you have been following my blog, you know that I have been crowd-sourcing comments for my KM book that will be published by the ABA in early 2014.  Last week, I crowd-sourced comments about who leads KM in law firms.  Thank you to those who commented (both on the blog and in emails directly to me).  This week, it’s all about disappointment and failure.

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I’m not talking about the various failures that we all have experienced in KM (or other) efforts in our careers.  I’m talking about the failure of KM itself.   Read more

Crowd Sourcing Comments for My KM Book – Who Leads KM in Law Firms?

I’m excited to report that I am writing a book about KM in the legal profession and it is scheduled for publication by the ABA in 2014.  If you know me, then you know that I am a big fan of collaboration.  I’m also always trying to think of ways to do things differently, better, and more effectively.  I think I have come up with a way to make this a better book — one that will really resonate with KM professionals, law firm leaders, and those who want to learn about KM, and/or who are thinking of getting involved in KM in their law firm or legal department.  That approach is to crowd source parts of the book from the KM community.  See more below the chart…

Who leads KM in law firms

I’m starting this experiment by seeking comments Read more