- published: 13 Sep 2015
- views: 36347
The neon tetra (Paracheirodon innesi) is a freshwater fish of the characin family (family Characidae) of order Characiformes. The type species of its genus, it is native to blackwater or clearwater streams in southeastern Colombia, eastern Peru, and western Brazil, including the tributaries of the Solimões where the water is between 20 and 26 °C (68 and 79 °F). It is not found in the whitewater rivers of Andean origin. Its bright colouring makes the fish visible to conspecifics in the dark blackwater streams, and is also the main reason for its popularity among tropical fish hobbyists.
The Neon Tetra has a light-blue back over a silver-white abdomen. The fish is characterized by an iridescent blue horizontal stripe along each side of the fish from its nose to the base of the adipose fin, and an iridescent red stripe that begins at the middle of the body and extends posteriorly to the base of the caudal fin. Rarely, they develop an dark olive-green sheen lining on their backs. The fish is partially transparent (including fins) except for these markings. During the night, the blue and red become gray or black as the fish rests—it reactivates once it becomes active in the morning. It grows to approximately 3 cm (1.2 in) in overall length. Sexual dimorphism is slight, with the female having a slightly larger belly, and a bent iridescent stripe rather than the male's straight stripe. They have recently become available in a long-fin variety.
FACEBOOK PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/waynesfishworld Neon tetras are my favorite tetra, neons tetras are an amazing little fish with so much personality. These fish come from the amazon river, streams, and tributaries. Neons live in both, Clear, and black water. They closely resemble their cousins, the Cardinal Tetras, which have more red in them. Keep Neons can be a double edged sword, some people find them very easy to care for, while others believe that they are in fact more difficult to keep then their cousins, the cardinals. A lot of people ask me on YouTube, "How do you keep your angel fish with the small neons? Won't they be eaten?". The answer to that is, you have to get the angel fish when they are small, and raise them with the neons, so they see them as friends, not food...
Neon Tetra - Fun Facts: There are several other fish called "neon tetras," but these are different species, not color variations. The green neon tetra is closely related but has a green "neon" stripe instead of blue. The red neon tetra, or cardinal tetra, has a longer red stripe that extends across its body. Believe it or not, neon tetras are members of the same family as piranhas! As you know, Neon tetras have brightly colored bodies, with a fluorescent blue line along the side. They actually appear to be gleaming in the aquarium, which is why they are called 'neon' tetra. Neon tetras owe their bright coloring to "blackwater" regions in which they evolved. They developed their bright colors so they can see each other and school together in these dark waters. Neon tetras must be ke...
I thought I would share some insight on Neon Tetra breeding to make it easier for people out there doing it for their first time. Good luck. Cheers.
Short video about how to care for Neon Tetras. Talks about breeding, feeding, water conditions, and more!
By Paul Talbot http://paultalbot.com.au/ http://www.majesticaquariums.com.au Links for more informations and prices: http://www.majesticaquariums.com.au/live-fish
Today we address schooling fish. Groups of tetras, corydoras, angelfish, Apistos, and Rams. The more numbers you can add to these types of fish the less the aggression becomes. Groups of 12+ for most schooling fish are recommended assuming you have a tank that is large enough to handle the load. If you've enjoyed this video and haven't already subscribed to our channel, please click that subscribe button now.
Kilau Rezeki dari Ikan Neon Tetra Ratusan akuarium berjajar rapi dengan dengan ikan-ikan kecil yang tampilannya sangat mencolok. Ikan bertubuh transparan tersebut memiliki garis berwarna biru serta merah, dan tubuhnya juga seperti mengeluarkan cahaya. Itulah ikan neon tetra alias paracheirodon innesi. Bambang Suripto (Pitet), salah seorang pembudidaya ikan neon tetra yang memiliki ratusan akuarium tersebut, melakukan budi daya ikan tetra di kawasan Pondok Petir, Sawangan, Depok, selama 10 tahun belakangan. Dia menjual hasil produksinya ke pengepul untuk kemudian diekspor sebagai bahan baku kosmetik. ----------------------------------------------- Subscribe Bisnis TV Official Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJmNywTIJojwjCKzfs0lgNw ----------------------------------------------...
feeding my 53 neon tetras. blue neon tetras (paracheirodon simulans) and black neon tetras (hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi). enjoy! :) Neonsalmler der Gattung Paracheirodon leben in langsamfließenden bist stehenden Gewässern des Amazonas und des Rio-Negro Gebietes. Üblicherweise findet man sie in lockeren Schwarm, auch gemicht mit anderen Salmlerarten. Bei Gefahr werden Dichte Schwärme gebildet. Die Nahrung der Neonfische der Gattung Paracheirodon besteht aus Insekten die auf die Wasseroberfläche gefallen sind, aus Insektenlarven die im Wasser leben. Auch pflanzliche Kost wird nicht verschmäht. Für Laien sind die Geschlechter meist nur schwer auseinander zu halten, da Männchen und Weibchen sich farblich nicht unterscheiden. Die Geschlechter der Neonsalmler lassen sich bei ausgewach...