
For Study Participants

A Golden Opportunity to Fight Canine Cancer Our 3,000 Golden Retrievers their owners are in the most important observational study ever undertaken for canine health.

Why Are Owners Participating?

More than half of Golden Retrievers develop cancer, and it is the leading cause of death in all dogs over the age of 2. Our participants will help scientists

  • We hope to identify genetic, environmental and nutritional risk factors for cancer and other major health problems in dogs
  • Findings from this study could lead to better prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer and other canine diseases
  • We will create a brighter, healthier future for all dogs

Who Is Participating?

  • Golden Retriever owners over 18 years of age and living in the contiguous United States
  • Golden Retrievers that are healthy and under 2 years of age at the time of application
  • Purebred Golden Retrievers that have a three-generation pedigree

What Is Expected of Our Participants?

The study’s success depends on highly committed Golden Retriever owners. Each one will

  • Participate in the study for the life of your dog
  • Complete online questionnaires regarding their dog’s diet and environment
  • Take their dog to its veterinarian for annual examinations and sample collections (blood, urine, feces, hair and toenail clippings)*
  • Microchip their dog
  • Allow collection of tumor samples for evaluation, when applicable

*The owners are responsible for veterinary costs associated with the annual examinations. Owners are encouraged to discuss study requirements and costs with their veterinarian. Morris Animal Foundation will reimburse owners $75 per year to help offset these costs.