
About the Canine Lifetime Health Project



The Canine Lifetime Health Project is a registry for dog owners interested in having their dog participate in health studies that will identify new tests, diets and therapies to help our dogs live longer, higher quality lives.

The Golden Retriever Lifetime Study, which was fully enrolled in 2015, is the first study launched under the Canine Lifetime Health Project. It is the largest and longest observational study ever undertaken to improve the health of dogs.


Morris Animal Foundation is one of the few privately funded global animal health organizations stepping forward with innovative and large-scale studies necessary to significantly advance veterinary medicine.


Large studies require significant numbers of enrolled dogs to have statistical validity. For the Golden Retriever Lifetime Study, we were able to enroll more than 3,000 dogs, giving us a statistically significant number to follow throughout their lifetimes. Likewise, when future studies need a significant number of dogs to enroll, we will turn to our Canine Lifetime Health Project registry to find good candidates depending on each study’s requirements.


For all Canine Lifetime Health Project studies, every dog and every owner can make a difference!