Justice for Rohith Vemula: The Struggle Continues….

The following article is written by a student of Hyderabad Central University and member of New Socialist Alternative (CWI-India). It documents the experiences of the students in the past few days and their determination to fight against the administration against all odds. Certainly the return of Appa Rao marks a new low for the HRD ministry and the Central govt who have not uttered anything of significance on the whole incident. But one thing is clear, they want to crush this budding student/ ...Read More

When Khrushchev denounced Stalin

1956 ‘secret speech’ a devastating blow to Stalinist regimes Sixty years ago Nikita Khrushchev stunned Communist Party members around the world with a speech attacking Stalin, the recently deceased dictator deified as the Soviet Union’s ‘great leader’. It sparked revolt against the rotten regimes in Russia and eastern Europe. Ultimately, it showed that top-down Stalinist rule had reached its limits. On 14 February, 1956, the 20th congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union ...Read More

Book Review: Blood On My Hands

From reading circles to raising slogans, anything questioning the present regime is now an act of sedition. Even voting for a non-BJP government to power inside this limited democracy is an anti-national act. Not just the Muslims but every one is in an obligation to prove oneself as a nationalist. In a multi ethnic, multi cultural union like India being a nationalist means to conform to the holy cows created by the state. From cricket to capitalism, any one who presents an alternate view is a Naxal ...Read More

International Women’s Day

Working women’s fight for a world without oppression Every year on March 8th we celebrate world-wide the contribution made by working women and famous female pioneers to the struggle for a new society. The date was established at an international meeting of socialists nearly a hundred years ago. On this day in Russia in 1917 (February 25th according to the old calendar) women workers in Petrograd sparked the first revolution of that momentous year which overthrew the autocratic regime of the ...Read More

A Marxist view of Modi’s Hindutva

Peter Taaffe speaks to Jagadish Chandra, New Socialist Alternative (CWI in India) The present day regime of the Modi-led BJP in India is getting more and more authoritarian. The patrons of the BJP, the apparatchiks of the RSS who undoubtedly draw their inspiration and motivation from the 20th Century extreme right wing ideologies of Fascism and Nazism, imagine they can establish an all-out Hindu Rashtra or Hindu Nation by artificially imposing a majoritarian and supremacist demagogy of ...Read More