What can we help you with today?

New to Jetpack? Here you can find information on installation, features, and troubleshooting.

Having trouble getting Jetpack and social media to play well together? Get some help here.

Want to keep track of all the traffic your latest awesome posts get? The Stats module has got you covered.

Want to customize the look of your site? Here you can find information on Custom CSS, Widgets, and more.

Jetpack can let you do fun things with your site's photos and videos. Check out the Tiled Galleries, Carousel, VideoPress, and Photon.

If you want to make your site look good on mobile devices, or you want notifications about your site on your phone, this is where to look.

Whether you want to write your posts by email, use LaTeX for math equations or use some fun shortcode embeds, take a look here.

Everything from a Contact Form, to Extra Sidebar Widgets, to WP.me shortlinks, and more!

What is Jetpack?
Jetpack secures and improves your site by utilising the features and servers on WordPress.com
Troubleshooting Help
Check out these resources.
Still need help?
Feel free to contact us.
Want to run your site locally to test out Jetpack features? Want to use Featured Content or Social links in your themes? Look here!
Installing Jetpack
The easiest way to install Jetpack is from our install page.

If you need help you can follow our step-by-step instructions to get going or install manually by directly.

Finally, if you happen to have WP-CLI installed on your host, you can install Jetpack with this command:

wp plugin install jetpack

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