프린세스 케이크 만들기💖 : Swedish Princess Cake Recipe : プリンセスケーキ | Cooking tree
드레스를 연상시키는 우아한 느낌의 프린세스 케이크를 만들었어요~
♥더 자세한 레시피와 설명은 밑에 더보기 버튼 눌러 확인 해 주세요♥
♡For more detailed recipes, please click on the down below♡
드레스를 연상시키는 우아한 느낌의 프린세스 케이크를 만들었어요~
스웨덴의 디저트 케이크인데 전분을 넣어 구운 시트가 쫀득한 느낌이 나고 라즈베리잼과 커스터드, 디플로매트 크림이 어우러져 정말 맛있는 것 같아요~~
겉에 그린색의 마지팬을 씌워 많이 만드는데 저도 이번에는 그린색을 연하게 내서 은은하게 만들어봤어요~
케이크를 구워서 층층히 쌓고 아이싱하는건 많이 어렵지 않은데 이번에는 크게 만들다보니 마지팬을 씌우는 작업이 손이 많이 가더라구요~~
아래에는 드레스 느낌을 내고 싶어서 흰색으로 무늬를 만들어 둘러 주었는데 깔끔하게 정리도 되고 더 예쁜 것 같아요~^^
이 케이크는 시간과 정성이 많이 들어가는 만큼 맛도 있고 예쁜 것 같아요~~
즐겁게 시청하세요~♬ Enjoy~
*자세한 레시피 설명은 유튜브 자막 기능을 켜서 확인해주세요~
▶틀 사이즈 Mold size : 18cm
달걀노른자 4개
설탕 75g
옥수수전분 25g
바닐라빈페이스트 1/4ts
뜨거운 우유 400g
달걀 4개
설탕 130g
바닐라익스트랙 3g
중력분 120g
옥수수전분 40g
우유 15g
라즈베리잼 160g
생크림 200g
설탕 20g
커스터드 크림 300g
published: 30 May 2019
Cook it in Swedish: Tacopaj (Taco pie)
In this video I'll show you how to combine a popular kind of Swedish food pie with an extremely popular mexican dish in Sweden.
Full recipe: http://www.sayitinswedish.com/blog/swedish-recipes/meals/tacopaj-taco-pie
Did you enjoy this video? Please give me a thumbs up, I would appreciate it! 😍
For more free material for learning Swedish, check out www.sayitinswedish.com
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published: 29 Sep 2016
Traditional swedish apple pie
Yummy swedish apple pie.
published: 01 Nov 2015
WHAT IS FIKA ? new SWEDISH online trend !
this video is sponsored by Skillshare. the first 700 people to click this link will get a free 2 month trial : http://skl.sh/jenny
subscribe for more videos from me: http://bit.ly/2i2VROM
what is fika ? another one of the scandinavian words and concepts that has just taken over the lifestyle blogs and youtube vids - just like lagom and hygge !
well, basically it's like the cosy swedish version of a coffee break. but more than that it a way to socialise with your co-workers, friends and family. we drink coffee, we eat some sandwiches or cinnamon rolls ( yum ) and we chitchat about the small things in life ( leave your political opinions at the door ! )
check out our morning show channel THE MUSTARDS : http://bit.ly/2pILWjH
listen to our podcast - latest episode :
published: 19 Nov 2017
Princess Luna Potion Princess MLP Equestria Girl and G4.5 PonyMLP Potion
Combining My Little Pony and Equestria Girls, the Potion Princess featuring Princess Luna! The Potion Princess set comes with a Princess Luna pony figure and an Equestria Girls Fashion Squad mini doll dressed in a stylish outfit. The articulated pony figure is styled in the new Pony Life shape and has molded hair instead of brushable hair.
Potion Princess set comes with 20 character-inspired accessories, including a blind bag! Tear open the potion bottle-themed pack and pour out the accessories inside to reveal surprise fashions and dress Princess Luna up in her signature style.
#potionnova #mylittlepony #ponylife
Evie's House makes lots of DIY and unboxing videos.
You can find this on amazon (affiliated)
Celestia https://amzn.to/2MWxyhM
Luna https://amzn.to/2rYoHVA
Other figures
published: 06 Jan 2020
Princess and the Pea Fairy Tales and Bedtime Stories for Kids in English
Princess stories next kids story is Princess and the Pea. For more bedtime stories and fairy tales please visit our Kids Story Channel.
Please subscribe for more cartoons: https://goo.gl/qND9BT
"The Princess and the Pea" (Danish: "Prinsessen paa Ærten"; literal translation: "The Princess on the Pea")[1] is a literary fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen about a young woman whose royal identity is established by a test of her physical sensitivity. The tale was first published with three others by Andersen in an inexpensive booklet on 8 May 1835 in Copenhagen by C. A. Reitzel.
Andersen had heard the story as a child, and it likely has its source in folk material, possibly originating from Sweden, as it is unknown in the Danish oral tradition.[1] Neither "The Princess and the Pea" nor Ande...
published: 10 Feb 2018
Schwedische Prinzessinnen Torte / Prinsesstårta / Sallys Welt / Sallys Welt
Die Prinzessinnentorte oder auch Prinsesstårta ist eine Spezialität, die auf keiner Kuchentafel schwedens fehlen darf. Sie besteht aus super luftigen Biskuitböden und einer Schicht Marmelade. Die typische Form bekommt die Torte durch das kuppelförmige Aufstreichen der Sahne- und Konditorcreme. Überzogen und dekoriert wird sie anschließend mit einer Schicht grünem Marzipan und modellierten Rosen.
Hier geht's zum Rezept:
Original Sally Produkte:
Meine Küchenmaschinen Top Angebote Kitchenaid & Kenwood: https://sallys-shop.de/kuechenmaschinen.html
Sallys BACKBUCH: https:/...
published: 24 Mar 2019
The Princess and the Pea - Fixed Fairy Tales
A re-telling of the classic fairy tale, The Princess and the Pea.
Fixed Fairy Tales is an animated series that takes classic fairy tales and gives them a new twist. From the creators of How It Should Have Ended and Klomp! Animation comes a fun new animated collection of stories told high in a castle tower with your host, Vincent Featherbottom, the Story Changing Owl.
Subscribe if you enjoyed it! There are lots more fun videos to come to this channel.
Follow HISHE Kids on Twitter: https://bit.ly/HISHEKidsTwitter
Like HISHE Kids on Facebook: https://bit.ly/HISHEKidsFB
---------- PREVIOUS VIDEOS -----------
Return of the Sith - Kid Bits:
The Angry Birds Story - Kid Bits:
Scooby-Doo Adventure - Kids Bits:
published: 15 Apr 2015
파인애플🍍 코코넛 파이 만들기 : Pineapple Coconut Pie Recipe : パイナップルココナッツパイ | Cooking tree
파인애플 모양을 똑 닮은 파인애플 코코넛 파이를 만들었어요~
♥더 자세한 레시피와 설명은 밑에 더보기 버튼 눌러 확인 해 주세요♥
♡For more detailed recipes, please click on the down below♡
파인애플 모양을 똑 닮은 파인애플 코코넛 파이를 만들었어요~
파인애플을 큼직하게 졸여 넣었더니 씹는 식감도 좋고 비주얼도 더 먹음직 스러워 보이는 것 같아요~
아몬드 크림에 코코넛 가루를 넣어 풍미도 좋고 고소하고 파인애플과 맛도 잘 어울리더라구요~^^
파이 시트로 무늬를 내고 남은 반죽을 뭉쳐 초록색으로 색을 입혀 나뭇잎 모양으로 구워 장식해 봤는데 더 파인애플 느낌이 나는 것 같아요~
심플한 파이 지만 모양만 살짝 다르게 했더니 색다른 느낌이 나서 예쁘네요~~
즐겁게 시청하세요~♬ Enjoy~
*자세한 레시피 설명은 유튜브 자막 기능을 켜서 확인해주세요~
박력분 120g
차가운 무염버터 80g
차가운 물 27g
설탕 3g
소금 1g
파인애플 240g
설탕 25g
레몬즙 5g
무염버터 60g
슈가파우더 35g
달걀 1개
바닐라익스트랙 3g
아몬드가루 40g
코코넛가루 30g
박력분 10g
1. 박력분에 차가운 무염버터를 넣고 버터가 밀가루와 섞여 작은 크기가 될 때까지 스크래퍼로 섞고 차가운 물에 설탕, 소금을 넣고 섞은 뒤 반죽에 넣고 섞는다.
2. 반죽이 한덩이로 뭉치면 랩으로 감싸 냉장실에서 1시간 정도 휴지 시킨다.
published: 16 Nov 2019
프린세스 케이크 만들기💖 : Swedish Princess Cake Recipe : プリンセスケーキ | Cooking tree
드레스를 연상시키는 우아한 느낌의 프린세스 케이크를 만들었어요~
♥더 자세한 레시피와 설명은 밑에 더보기 버튼 눌러 확인 해 주세요♥
♡For more detailed recipes, please click on the down below♡
드레스를 연상시키는 우아한 느낌의 프린세스...
드레스를 연상시키는 우아한 느낌의 프린세스 케이크를 만들었어요~
♥더 자세한 레시피와 설명은 밑에 더보기 버튼 눌러 확인 해 주세요♥
♡For more detailed recipes, please click on the down below♡
드레스를 연상시키는 우아한 느낌의 프린세스 케이크를 만들었어요~
스웨덴의 디저트 케이크인데 전분을 넣어 구운 시트가 쫀득한 느낌이 나고 라즈베리잼과 커스터드, 디플로매트 크림이 어우러져 정말 맛있는 것 같아요~~
겉에 그린색의 마지팬을 씌워 많이 만드는데 저도 이번에는 그린색을 연하게 내서 은은하게 만들어봤어요~
케이크를 구워서 층층히 쌓고 아이싱하는건 많이 어렵지 않은데 이번에는 크게 만들다보니 마지팬을 씌우는 작업이 손이 많이 가더라구요~~
아래에는 드레스 느낌을 내고 싶어서 흰색으로 무늬를 만들어 둘러 주었는데 깔끔하게 정리도 되고 더 예쁜 것 같아요~^^
이 케이크는 시간과 정성이 많이 들어가는 만큼 맛도 있고 예쁜 것 같아요~~
즐겁게 시청하세요~♬ Enjoy~
*자세한 레시피 설명은 유튜브 자막 기능을 켜서 확인해주세요~
▶틀 사이즈 Mold size : 18cm
달걀노른자 4개
설탕 75g
옥수수전분 25g
바닐라빈페이스트 1/4ts
뜨거운 우유 400g
달걀 4개
설탕 130g
바닐라익스트랙 3g
중력분 120g
옥수수전분 40g
우유 15g
라즈베리잼 160g
생크림 200g
설탕 20g
커스터드 크림 300g
아몬드가루 240g
슈가파우더 200g
꿀 50g
물 30g
식용색소 (화이트,레드,그린)
1. 달걀노른자와 설탕을 섞고 옥수수 전분을 넣고 섞은 뒤 바닐라빈 페이스트를 넣고 섞고 뜨거운 우유를 조금씩 부으며 섞는다.
2. 약불에 올려 저으며 걸쭉해질 때까지 가열한 뒤 다른 볼에 옮겨 담고 랩을 씌워 차갑게 식힌다.
3. 달걀에 설탕과 바닐라익스트랙을 넣고 핸드믹서로 풍성한 아이보리 거품이 생길 때까지 휘핑하고 중력분과 옥수수전분을 체 쳐 넣고 섞는다.
4. 우유를 넣고 섞은 뒤 반죽을 3개로 나눠 180도 예열된 오븐에서 15분 정도 구워 3장의 시트를 만들고 식힌다.
5. 식은 커스터드 크림을 체에 내려 부드럽게 한 뒤 300g은 설탕을 넣고 50%정도 휘핑한 생크림과 섞어 디플로매트 크림을 만들고 남은 커스터드 크림은 짤주머니에 담는다.
6. 시트 1장을 접시에 놓고 라즈베리 잼을 올리고 다른 시트를 올린 뒤 커스터드 크림을 올리고 다른 시트를 올린다.
7. 디플로매트 크림을 전체적으로 바르고 윗면을 동그랗게 만든 뒤 냉장실에 넣어 둔다.
8. 아몬드가루와 슈가파우더를 볼에 담고 섞고 물과 꿀을 넣고 섞은 뒤 화이트 식용색소를 넣고 섞는다.
9. 반죽을 조금 덜어두고 남은 반죽에 그린 식용색소를 넣고 섞어 연한 그린색의 마지팬을 만든다.
10. 남은 반죽의 2/3정도에 레드 식용색소를 넣고 섞어 핑크색의 마지팬을 만든다.
11. 그린색의 마지팬을 넓게 펴고 케이크에 덮어 매끄럽게 붙인 뒤 남겨둔 하얀 반죽을 밀어 펴고 모양을 내고 물을 이용해 케이크 밑면에 붙인다.
12. 핑크색의 마지팬으로 꽃을 만들고 케이크에 슈가파우더를 살짝 뿌린 뒤 가운데에 꽃을 올려 마무리한다.
4 Egg yolks
75g Sugar
25g Corn starch
1/4ts Vanilla bean paste
400g Hot milk
4 Eggs
130g Sugar
3g Vanilla extract
120g Plain flour
40g Corn starch
15g Milk
160g Raspberry jam
200g Whipping cream
20g Sugar
300g Custard cream
240g Almond powder
200g Powdered sugar
50g Honey
30g Water
Food coloring (white, red, green)
시청해주셔서 감사합니다~♥
Thank you for watching~
▶Community Subtitles
If you can translate into another language,
I would appreciate it if you could use the link below to add subtitles to this video~^^
다른 언어로 번역이 가능하신 구독자님들께 도움을 요청드립니다~
아래 링크를 통해 자막을 추가해주시면 감사하겠습니다~^^
▶제 영상은 유튜브와 네이버TV에만 업로드 되고 있습니다~
이 영상을 무단 도용하거나 2차 편집 및 재업로드를 금지합니다.
My video is only uploaded to YouTube and Naver TV.
Unauthorized theft of this video or 2nd edit and reupload is prohibited.
▶영상을 좋게 봐주시고 좋은 마음으로 제안을 주시는 건 감사하지만
자유로운 영상 제작을 위해 광고와 협찬 등은 받지 않고 있습니다~^^
*오븐 : LG디오스 광파오븐
*유리볼 : 루미낙 코스모스 유리볼
*핸드믹서 : 럭셀
*스패츌라 : 무인양품
*손거품기 : 쿠이지프로
*가스버너 : 닥터 하우스(Dr.Hows)
*냄비 : 에바트리오(Eva Trio)
드레스를 연상시키는 우아한 느낌의 프린세스 케이크를 만들었어요~
♥더 자세한 레시피와 설명은 밑에 더보기 버튼 눌러 확인 해 주세요♥
♡For more detailed recipes, please click on the down below♡
드레스를 연상시키는 우아한 느낌의 프린세스 케이크를 만들었어요~
스웨덴의 디저트 케이크인데 전분을 넣어 구운 시트가 쫀득한 느낌이 나고 라즈베리잼과 커스터드, 디플로매트 크림이 어우러져 정말 맛있는 것 같아요~~
겉에 그린색의 마지팬을 씌워 많이 만드는데 저도 이번에는 그린색을 연하게 내서 은은하게 만들어봤어요~
케이크를 구워서 층층히 쌓고 아이싱하는건 많이 어렵지 않은데 이번에는 크게 만들다보니 마지팬을 씌우는 작업이 손이 많이 가더라구요~~
아래에는 드레스 느낌을 내고 싶어서 흰색으로 무늬를 만들어 둘러 주었는데 깔끔하게 정리도 되고 더 예쁜 것 같아요~^^
이 케이크는 시간과 정성이 많이 들어가는 만큼 맛도 있고 예쁜 것 같아요~~
즐겁게 시청하세요~♬ Enjoy~
*자세한 레시피 설명은 유튜브 자막 기능을 켜서 확인해주세요~
▶틀 사이즈 Mold size : 18cm
달걀노른자 4개
설탕 75g
옥수수전분 25g
바닐라빈페이스트 1/4ts
뜨거운 우유 400g
달걀 4개
설탕 130g
바닐라익스트랙 3g
중력분 120g
옥수수전분 40g
우유 15g
라즈베리잼 160g
생크림 200g
설탕 20g
커스터드 크림 300g
아몬드가루 240g
슈가파우더 200g
꿀 50g
물 30g
식용색소 (화이트,레드,그린)
1. 달걀노른자와 설탕을 섞고 옥수수 전분을 넣고 섞은 뒤 바닐라빈 페이스트를 넣고 섞고 뜨거운 우유를 조금씩 부으며 섞는다.
2. 약불에 올려 저으며 걸쭉해질 때까지 가열한 뒤 다른 볼에 옮겨 담고 랩을 씌워 차갑게 식힌다.
3. 달걀에 설탕과 바닐라익스트랙을 넣고 핸드믹서로 풍성한 아이보리 거품이 생길 때까지 휘핑하고 중력분과 옥수수전분을 체 쳐 넣고 섞는다.
4. 우유를 넣고 섞은 뒤 반죽을 3개로 나눠 180도 예열된 오븐에서 15분 정도 구워 3장의 시트를 만들고 식힌다.
5. 식은 커스터드 크림을 체에 내려 부드럽게 한 뒤 300g은 설탕을 넣고 50%정도 휘핑한 생크림과 섞어 디플로매트 크림을 만들고 남은 커스터드 크림은 짤주머니에 담는다.
6. 시트 1장을 접시에 놓고 라즈베리 잼을 올리고 다른 시트를 올린 뒤 커스터드 크림을 올리고 다른 시트를 올린다.
7. 디플로매트 크림을 전체적으로 바르고 윗면을 동그랗게 만든 뒤 냉장실에 넣어 둔다.
8. 아몬드가루와 슈가파우더를 볼에 담고 섞고 물과 꿀을 넣고 섞은 뒤 화이트 식용색소를 넣고 섞는다.
9. 반죽을 조금 덜어두고 남은 반죽에 그린 식용색소를 넣고 섞어 연한 그린색의 마지팬을 만든다.
10. 남은 반죽의 2/3정도에 레드 식용색소를 넣고 섞어 핑크색의 마지팬을 만든다.
11. 그린색의 마지팬을 넓게 펴고 케이크에 덮어 매끄럽게 붙인 뒤 남겨둔 하얀 반죽을 밀어 펴고 모양을 내고 물을 이용해 케이크 밑면에 붙인다.
12. 핑크색의 마지팬으로 꽃을 만들고 케이크에 슈가파우더를 살짝 뿌린 뒤 가운데에 꽃을 올려 마무리한다.
4 Egg yolks
75g Sugar
25g Corn starch
1/4ts Vanilla bean paste
400g Hot milk
4 Eggs
130g Sugar
3g Vanilla extract
120g Plain flour
40g Corn starch
15g Milk
160g Raspberry jam
200g Whipping cream
20g Sugar
300g Custard cream
240g Almond powder
200g Powdered sugar
50g Honey
30g Water
Food coloring (white, red, green)
시청해주셔서 감사합니다~♥
Thank you for watching~
▶Community Subtitles
If you can translate into another language,
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다른 언어로 번역이 가능하신 구독자님들께 도움을 요청드립니다~
아래 링크를 통해 자막을 추가해주시면 감사하겠습니다~^^
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My video is only uploaded to YouTube and Naver TV.
Unauthorized theft of this video or 2nd edit and reupload is prohibited.
▶영상을 좋게 봐주시고 좋은 마음으로 제안을 주시는 건 감사하지만
자유로운 영상 제작을 위해 광고와 협찬 등은 받지 않고 있습니다~^^
*오븐 : LG디오스 광파오븐
*유리볼 : 루미낙 코스모스 유리볼
*핸드믹서 : 럭셀
*스패츌라 : 무인양품
*손거품기 : 쿠이지프로
*가스버너 : 닥터 하우스(Dr.Hows)
*냄비 : 에바트리오(Eva Trio)
- published: 30 May 2019
- views: 1939714
Cook it in Swedish: Tacopaj (Taco pie)
In this video I'll show you how to combine a popular kind of Swedish food pie with an extremely popular mexican dish in Sweden.
Full recipe: http://www.sayitins...
In this video I'll show you how to combine a popular kind of Swedish food pie with an extremely popular mexican dish in Sweden.
Full recipe: http://www.sayitinswedish.com/blog/swedish-recipes/meals/tacopaj-taco-pie
Did you enjoy this video? Please give me a thumbs up, I would appreciate it! 😍
For more free material for learning Swedish, check out www.sayitinswedish.com
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Follow the Swede
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In this video I'll show you how to combine a popular kind of Swedish food pie with an extremely popular mexican dish in Sweden.
Full recipe: http://www.sayitinswedish.com/blog/swedish-recipes/meals/tacopaj-taco-pie
Did you enjoy this video? Please give me a thumbs up, I would appreciate it! 😍
For more free material for learning Swedish, check out www.sayitinswedish.com
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Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/sayitinswe
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Follow the Swede
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/joakimbertil
- published: 29 Sep 2016
- views: 6027
WHAT IS FIKA ? new SWEDISH online trend !
this video is sponsored by Skillshare. the first 700 people to click this link will get a free 2 month trial : http://skl.sh/jenny
subscribe for more vide...
this video is sponsored by Skillshare. the first 700 people to click this link will get a free 2 month trial : http://skl.sh/jenny
subscribe for more videos from me: http://bit.ly/2i2VROM
what is fika ? another one of the scandinavian words and concepts that has just taken over the lifestyle blogs and youtube vids - just like lagom and hygge !
well, basically it's like the cosy swedish version of a coffee break. but more than that it a way to socialise with your co-workers, friends and family. we drink coffee, we eat some sandwiches or cinnamon rolls ( yum ) and we chitchat about the small things in life ( leave your political opinions at the door ! )
check out our morning show channel THE MUSTARDS : http://bit.ly/2pILWjH
listen to our podcast - latest episode :
( http://bit.ly/2sOWDTF )
and all this takes place in the fikarum ( fika room ). an office is not an office without one. a lot of stuff goes on there, and if you're unlucky - there might be some embarrassing or uncomfortable situations, if your colleagues are not exactly PC... in the fika room, we should respect the cinnamon rolls enough to keep things civilised !
anyway, besides from explaining the concept, i'm also in this video sharing my 5 rules of fika !
learn them and try having a hygge fika moment in your own home or workplace.
check us out on instagram !
@jennymustard - https://instagram.com/jennymustard/
@davidmustard_ - https://www.instagram.com/davidmustard_/
@themustards_ https://www.instagram.com/themustards_/
if you have no idea what lagom or hygge is, i've explained these other non-translatable terms in the videos below !
what is lagom ? : https://goo.gl/3G2JfT
what is hygge ? : https://goo.gl/s8NBzv
love // jenny
follow us elsewhere
our morning show channel THE MUSTARDS : http://bit.ly/2pILWjH
david's channel : http://bit.ly/2elHJIF
instagram :
@jennymustard - https://instagram.com/jennymustard/
@davidmustard_ - https://www.instagram.com/davidmustard_/
@themustards_ https://www.instagram.com/themustards_/
facebook :
bloglovin' :
our podcast THE MUSTARDS ( available on most podcast apps ) :
like http://apple.co/2bD0hqF
or https://www.acast.com/themustards
this video is sponsored by Skillshare. the first 700 people to click this link will get a free 2 month trial : http://skl.sh/jenny
subscribe for more videos from me: http://bit.ly/2i2VROM
what is fika ? another one of the scandinavian words and concepts that has just taken over the lifestyle blogs and youtube vids - just like lagom and hygge !
well, basically it's like the cosy swedish version of a coffee break. but more than that it a way to socialise with your co-workers, friends and family. we drink coffee, we eat some sandwiches or cinnamon rolls ( yum ) and we chitchat about the small things in life ( leave your political opinions at the door ! )
check out our morning show channel THE MUSTARDS : http://bit.ly/2pILWjH
listen to our podcast - latest episode :
( http://bit.ly/2sOWDTF )
and all this takes place in the fikarum ( fika room ). an office is not an office without one. a lot of stuff goes on there, and if you're unlucky - there might be some embarrassing or uncomfortable situations, if your colleagues are not exactly PC... in the fika room, we should respect the cinnamon rolls enough to keep things civilised !
anyway, besides from explaining the concept, i'm also in this video sharing my 5 rules of fika !
learn them and try having a hygge fika moment in your own home or workplace.
check us out on instagram !
@jennymustard - https://instagram.com/jennymustard/
@davidmustard_ - https://www.instagram.com/davidmustard_/
@themustards_ https://www.instagram.com/themustards_/
if you have no idea what lagom or hygge is, i've explained these other non-translatable terms in the videos below !
what is lagom ? : https://goo.gl/3G2JfT
what is hygge ? : https://goo.gl/s8NBzv
love // jenny
follow us elsewhere
our morning show channel THE MUSTARDS : http://bit.ly/2pILWjH
david's channel : http://bit.ly/2elHJIF
instagram :
@jennymustard - https://instagram.com/jennymustard/
@davidmustard_ - https://www.instagram.com/davidmustard_/
@themustards_ https://www.instagram.com/themustards_/
facebook :
bloglovin' :
our podcast THE MUSTARDS ( available on most podcast apps ) :
like http://apple.co/2bD0hqF
or https://www.acast.com/themustards
- published: 19 Nov 2017
- views: 171716
Princess Luna Potion Princess MLP Equestria Girl and G4.5 PonyMLP Potion
Combining My Little Pony and Equestria Girls, the Potion Princess featuring Princess Luna! The Potion Princess set comes with a Princess Luna pony figure and an...
Combining My Little Pony and Equestria Girls, the Potion Princess featuring Princess Luna! The Potion Princess set comes with a Princess Luna pony figure and an Equestria Girls Fashion Squad mini doll dressed in a stylish outfit. The articulated pony figure is styled in the new Pony Life shape and has molded hair instead of brushable hair.
Potion Princess set comes with 20 character-inspired accessories, including a blind bag! Tear open the potion bottle-themed pack and pour out the accessories inside to reveal surprise fashions and dress Princess Luna up in her signature style.
#potionnova #mylittlepony #ponylife
Evie's House makes lots of DIY and unboxing videos.
You can find this on amazon (affiliated)
Celestia https://amzn.to/2MWxyhM
Luna https://amzn.to/2rYoHVA
Other figures
Potion Nova https://amzn.to/2MXB6R2
Pinkie Pie https://amzn.to/2QuDocF
Fluttershy https://amzn.to/2sGcTb6
Trixie https://amzn.to/35nCPFv
Twilight Sparkle https://amzn.to/2twUVrz
Applejack https://amzn.to/2T2pIqC
❤︎ Find Supplies on Amazon (affiliated)❤︎
DIY Custom Supplies
❤︎ Music ❤︎
YouTube Audio Library: Creative Commons Attribution license
Twin Musicom (twinmusicom.org)
Music: http://www.purple-planet.com
Combining My Little Pony and Equestria Girls, the Potion Princess featuring Princess Luna! The Potion Princess set comes with a Princess Luna pony figure and an Equestria Girls Fashion Squad mini doll dressed in a stylish outfit. The articulated pony figure is styled in the new Pony Life shape and has molded hair instead of brushable hair.
Potion Princess set comes with 20 character-inspired accessories, including a blind bag! Tear open the potion bottle-themed pack and pour out the accessories inside to reveal surprise fashions and dress Princess Luna up in her signature style.
#potionnova #mylittlepony #ponylife
Evie's House makes lots of DIY and unboxing videos.
You can find this on amazon (affiliated)
Celestia https://amzn.to/2MWxyhM
Luna https://amzn.to/2rYoHVA
Other figures
Potion Nova https://amzn.to/2MXB6R2
Pinkie Pie https://amzn.to/2QuDocF
Fluttershy https://amzn.to/2sGcTb6
Trixie https://amzn.to/35nCPFv
Twilight Sparkle https://amzn.to/2twUVrz
Applejack https://amzn.to/2T2pIqC
❤︎ Find Supplies on Amazon (affiliated)❤︎
DIY Custom Supplies
❤︎ Music ❤︎
YouTube Audio Library: Creative Commons Attribution license
Twin Musicom (twinmusicom.org)
Music: http://www.purple-planet.com
- published: 06 Jan 2020
- views: 15396
Princess and the Pea Fairy Tales and Bedtime Stories for Kids in English
Princess stories next kids story is Princess and the Pea. For more bedtime stories and fairy tales please visit our Kids Story Channel.
Please subscribe for mor...
Princess stories next kids story is Princess and the Pea. For more bedtime stories and fairy tales please visit our Kids Story Channel.
Please subscribe for more cartoons: https://goo.gl/qND9BT
"The Princess and the Pea" (Danish: "Prinsessen paa Ærten"; literal translation: "The Princess on the Pea")[1] is a literary fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen about a young woman whose royal identity is established by a test of her physical sensitivity. The tale was first published with three others by Andersen in an inexpensive booklet on 8 May 1835 in Copenhagen by C. A. Reitzel.
Andersen had heard the story as a child, and it likely has its source in folk material, possibly originating from Sweden, as it is unknown in the Danish oral tradition.[1] Neither "The Princess and the Pea" nor Andersen's other tales of 1835 were well received by Danish critics, who disliked their casual, chatty style and their lack of morals.
The story tells of a prince who wants to marry a princess, but is having difficulty finding a suitable wife. Something is always wrong with those he meets, and he cannot be certain they are real princesses because they have bad table manners or they are too fat or thin or not beautiful. One stormy night a young woman drenched with rain seeks shelter in the prince's castle. She claims to be a princess, so the prince's mother decides to test their unexpected, unwitting guest by placing a pea in the bed she is offered for the night, covered by 20 mattresses and 20 feather-beds. In the morning, the guest tells her hosts that she endured a sleepless night, kept awake by something hard in the bed that she is certain has bruised her. The prince rejoices. Only a real princess would have the sensitivity to feel a pea through such a quantity of bedding, so the two are married.
The story ends with the pea being placed in a museum, where according to the storyteller it can still be seen today, unless someone has removed it.
For more info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Princess_and_the_Pea
Bedtime Stories for Kids Youtube channel presents best children's classics, fairy tales and fables animations. Check below, pick your favorite story and watch it now! SUBSCRIBE: https://goo.gl/Gkr873
🚩 Cinderella: https://youtu.be/DgwZebuIiXc
🚩 Rapunzel: https://youtu.be/N2DYQumSvCQ
🚩 12 Dancing Princess: https://youtu.be/VnSdDcm4rdA
🚩 Snow Queen: https://youtu.be/-Rkb88fPMd8
🚩 Snow White: https://youtu.be/payHOUiOuxQ
🚩 The Little Mermaid: https://youtu.be/pf_xz7GFCHw
🚩 Sleeping Beauty: https://youtu.be/fz531jczzQ0
🚩 Beauty and The Beast: https://youtu.be/fkCPEujxTho
🚩 The Frog Prince: https://youtu.be/Dhq_FEUEc8Y
🚩 Princess and the Pea: https://youtu.be/oGLg5khGlis
🚩 The Ant and the Grasshopper: https://youtu.be/XPZXpuoIndo
🚩 Three Little Pigs: https://youtu.be/-gdcgnSrUvU
🚩 The Wolf and The Seven Little Goats: https://youtu.be/OZl3gjh5IhM
🚩 Bremen Musicians: https://youtu.be/K5gr-A03RFM
🚩 Lion and Mouse: https://youtu.be/DKgRHys6bfA
🚩 The Ugly Duckling: https://youtu.be/X9BnQsQeadE
🚩 The Fox and the Crow: https://youtu.be/HwJDpL70c7M
🚩 The Tortoise and the Hare: https://youtu.be/gfbSIdwL0FE
🚩 The Little Red Hen: https://youtu.be/CLqGLE5zTIk
🚩 City Mouse and Country Mouse: https://youtu.be/50p6Ch7bnkA
🚩 The Nutcracker: https://youtu.be/Y32nLilL1-s
🚩 The Little Red Riding Hood: https://youtu.be/RT-EwqgHqCk
🚩 Jack and the Beanstalk: https://youtu.be/Sg0Bf2VAvlk
🚩 The Little Match Girl: https://youtu.be/LRjeVRpFRuM
🚩 Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves: https://youtu.be/vsHS6lLrrf4
🚩 Hansel and Gratel: https://youtu.be/jfg-CYLs9_s
🚩 Jungle Book: https://youtu.be/BS_ofTKqR1w
🚩 Pinocchio: https://youtu.be/aewbOlGXv6s
🚩 Alaaddin and the Magic Lamp: https://youtu.be/w5Ga-iHRaPM
🚩 Gingerbread Man: https://youtu.be/hsEorBffl3o
🚩 Alice in Wonderland: https://youtu.be/8AaPHUYMnW8
🚩 Thumbelina: https://youtu.be/sb5qTK8PYJE
🚩 Puss in Boots: https://youtu.be/C6O9Af_SsnI
🚩 Peter Pan: https://youtu.be/TjpZj6GK3L4
🚩 Heidi: https://youtu.be/bVgWSqtHo2Q
🚩 A Christmas Carol: https://youtu.be/KEIhYN_70EI
🚩 Goldilock and Three Bears: https://youtu.be/Xdy6MOLPgDk
🚩 Wizard of Oz: https://youtu.be/v4EzVo1poUs
🚩 Rumpelstiltskin: https://youtu.be/JDB9lHsGV84
🚩 The Shoemaker and The Elves: https://youtu.be/X0-9b0S42HI
🚩 The Happy Prince: https://youtu.be/2vG-03Ru3M4
#bedtimestoriesforkids #storiesforkidsAdisebaba #animation #cartoon #princessstory
© Adisebaba Animation
Princess stories next kids story is Princess and the Pea. For more bedtime stories and fairy tales please visit our Kids Story Channel.
Please subscribe for more cartoons: https://goo.gl/qND9BT
"The Princess and the Pea" (Danish: "Prinsessen paa Ærten"; literal translation: "The Princess on the Pea")[1] is a literary fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen about a young woman whose royal identity is established by a test of her physical sensitivity. The tale was first published with three others by Andersen in an inexpensive booklet on 8 May 1835 in Copenhagen by C. A. Reitzel.
Andersen had heard the story as a child, and it likely has its source in folk material, possibly originating from Sweden, as it is unknown in the Danish oral tradition.[1] Neither "The Princess and the Pea" nor Andersen's other tales of 1835 were well received by Danish critics, who disliked their casual, chatty style and their lack of morals.
The story tells of a prince who wants to marry a princess, but is having difficulty finding a suitable wife. Something is always wrong with those he meets, and he cannot be certain they are real princesses because they have bad table manners or they are too fat or thin or not beautiful. One stormy night a young woman drenched with rain seeks shelter in the prince's castle. She claims to be a princess, so the prince's mother decides to test their unexpected, unwitting guest by placing a pea in the bed she is offered for the night, covered by 20 mattresses and 20 feather-beds. In the morning, the guest tells her hosts that she endured a sleepless night, kept awake by something hard in the bed that she is certain has bruised her. The prince rejoices. Only a real princess would have the sensitivity to feel a pea through such a quantity of bedding, so the two are married.
The story ends with the pea being placed in a museum, where according to the storyteller it can still be seen today, unless someone has removed it.
For more info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Princess_and_the_Pea
Bedtime Stories for Kids Youtube channel presents best children's classics, fairy tales and fables animations. Check below, pick your favorite story and watch it now! SUBSCRIBE: https://goo.gl/Gkr873
🚩 Cinderella: https://youtu.be/DgwZebuIiXc
🚩 Rapunzel: https://youtu.be/N2DYQumSvCQ
🚩 12 Dancing Princess: https://youtu.be/VnSdDcm4rdA
🚩 Snow Queen: https://youtu.be/-Rkb88fPMd8
🚩 Snow White: https://youtu.be/payHOUiOuxQ
🚩 The Little Mermaid: https://youtu.be/pf_xz7GFCHw
🚩 Sleeping Beauty: https://youtu.be/fz531jczzQ0
🚩 Beauty and The Beast: https://youtu.be/fkCPEujxTho
🚩 The Frog Prince: https://youtu.be/Dhq_FEUEc8Y
🚩 Princess and the Pea: https://youtu.be/oGLg5khGlis
🚩 The Ant and the Grasshopper: https://youtu.be/XPZXpuoIndo
🚩 Three Little Pigs: https://youtu.be/-gdcgnSrUvU
🚩 The Wolf and The Seven Little Goats: https://youtu.be/OZl3gjh5IhM
🚩 Bremen Musicians: https://youtu.be/K5gr-A03RFM
🚩 Lion and Mouse: https://youtu.be/DKgRHys6bfA
🚩 The Ugly Duckling: https://youtu.be/X9BnQsQeadE
🚩 The Fox and the Crow: https://youtu.be/HwJDpL70c7M
🚩 The Tortoise and the Hare: https://youtu.be/gfbSIdwL0FE
🚩 The Little Red Hen: https://youtu.be/CLqGLE5zTIk
🚩 City Mouse and Country Mouse: https://youtu.be/50p6Ch7bnkA
🚩 The Nutcracker: https://youtu.be/Y32nLilL1-s
🚩 The Little Red Riding Hood: https://youtu.be/RT-EwqgHqCk
🚩 Jack and the Beanstalk: https://youtu.be/Sg0Bf2VAvlk
🚩 The Little Match Girl: https://youtu.be/LRjeVRpFRuM
🚩 Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves: https://youtu.be/vsHS6lLrrf4
🚩 Hansel and Gratel: https://youtu.be/jfg-CYLs9_s
🚩 Jungle Book: https://youtu.be/BS_ofTKqR1w
🚩 Pinocchio: https://youtu.be/aewbOlGXv6s
🚩 Alaaddin and the Magic Lamp: https://youtu.be/w5Ga-iHRaPM
🚩 Gingerbread Man: https://youtu.be/hsEorBffl3o
🚩 Alice in Wonderland: https://youtu.be/8AaPHUYMnW8
🚩 Thumbelina: https://youtu.be/sb5qTK8PYJE
🚩 Puss in Boots: https://youtu.be/C6O9Af_SsnI
🚩 Peter Pan: https://youtu.be/TjpZj6GK3L4
🚩 Heidi: https://youtu.be/bVgWSqtHo2Q
🚩 A Christmas Carol: https://youtu.be/KEIhYN_70EI
🚩 Goldilock and Three Bears: https://youtu.be/Xdy6MOLPgDk
🚩 Wizard of Oz: https://youtu.be/v4EzVo1poUs
🚩 Rumpelstiltskin: https://youtu.be/JDB9lHsGV84
🚩 The Shoemaker and The Elves: https://youtu.be/X0-9b0S42HI
🚩 The Happy Prince: https://youtu.be/2vG-03Ru3M4
#bedtimestoriesforkids #storiesforkidsAdisebaba #animation #cartoon #princessstory
© Adisebaba Animation
- published: 10 Feb 2018
- views: 854095
Schwedische Prinzessinnen Torte / Prinsesstårta / Sallys Welt / Sallys Welt
Die Prinzessinnentorte oder auch Prinsesstårta ist eine Spezialität, die auf keiner Kuchentafel schwedens fehlen darf. Sie besteht aus super luftigen Biskuitböd...
Die Prinzessinnentorte oder auch Prinsesstårta ist eine Spezialität, die auf keiner Kuchentafel schwedens fehlen darf. Sie besteht aus super luftigen Biskuitböden und einer Schicht Marmelade. Die typische Form bekommt die Torte durch das kuppelförmige Aufstreichen der Sahne- und Konditorcreme. Überzogen und dekoriert wird sie anschließend mit einer Schicht grünem Marzipan und modellierten Rosen.
Hier geht's zum Rezept:
Original Sally Produkte:
Meine Küchenmaschinen Top Angebote Kitchenaid & Kenwood: https://sallys-shop.de/kuechenmaschinen.html
Sallys BACKBUCH: https://sallys-shop.de/buecher/sallys-classics-klassische-und-moderne-kuchen-und-torten.html
Sallys KOCHBUCH: https://sallys-shop.de/buecher/sallys-kochbuch-rezepte-fuer-kinder-1269.html
Sanapart: https://sallys-shop.de/san-apart-zum-sahnesteifen.html
Vanilleextrakt: https://sallys-shop.de/natuerliches-vanille-konzentrat-mit-samen-530.html
original Sally Produkte: https://sallys-shop.de/sallys.html
Zitruspresse: https://sallys-shop.de/zitronenpresse.html
Meine Sets: https://sallys-shop.de/sets.html
Meine Silikonhelfer: https://sallys-shop.de/sonstige-werkzeuge.html?cat=69
Mein Name ist Sally. Ich bin 30 Jahre alt und von Beruf Lehrerin. In meiner Freizeit liebe ich es zu kochen und zu backen. Ich drehe Koch- und Backvideos und gebe nützliche Tipps für den Haushalt. Mindestens jeden Mittwoch, Freitag und Sonntag dürft ihr euch über ein neues Video von mir freuen! Auch Do it Yourself Videos, Sally On Tour und weitere Videos findet ihr bei mir.
Homepage: http://www.sallyswelt.de
Shop: http://www.sallys-shop.de
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/sallywelt
Instagram: http://instagram.com/sallyswelt
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.de/sallyswelt/
Blog: http://www.sallys-blog.de
Kontakt & Impressum:
Sallys Shop GmbH & Co. KG
Lindenhofplatz 11
78727 Oberndorf am Neckar
Die Prinzessinnentorte oder auch Prinsesstårta ist eine Spezialität, die auf keiner Kuchentafel schwedens fehlen darf. Sie besteht aus super luftigen Biskuitböden und einer Schicht Marmelade. Die typische Form bekommt die Torte durch das kuppelförmige Aufstreichen der Sahne- und Konditorcreme. Überzogen und dekoriert wird sie anschließend mit einer Schicht grünem Marzipan und modellierten Rosen.
Hier geht's zum Rezept:
Original Sally Produkte:
Meine Küchenmaschinen Top Angebote Kitchenaid & Kenwood: https://sallys-shop.de/kuechenmaschinen.html
Sallys BACKBUCH: https://sallys-shop.de/buecher/sallys-classics-klassische-und-moderne-kuchen-und-torten.html
Sallys KOCHBUCH: https://sallys-shop.de/buecher/sallys-kochbuch-rezepte-fuer-kinder-1269.html
Sanapart: https://sallys-shop.de/san-apart-zum-sahnesteifen.html
Vanilleextrakt: https://sallys-shop.de/natuerliches-vanille-konzentrat-mit-samen-530.html
original Sally Produkte: https://sallys-shop.de/sallys.html
Zitruspresse: https://sallys-shop.de/zitronenpresse.html
Meine Sets: https://sallys-shop.de/sets.html
Meine Silikonhelfer: https://sallys-shop.de/sonstige-werkzeuge.html?cat=69
Mein Name ist Sally. Ich bin 30 Jahre alt und von Beruf Lehrerin. In meiner Freizeit liebe ich es zu kochen und zu backen. Ich drehe Koch- und Backvideos und gebe nützliche Tipps für den Haushalt. Mindestens jeden Mittwoch, Freitag und Sonntag dürft ihr euch über ein neues Video von mir freuen! Auch Do it Yourself Videos, Sally On Tour und weitere Videos findet ihr bei mir.
Homepage: http://www.sallyswelt.de
Shop: http://www.sallys-shop.de
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/sallywelt
Instagram: http://instagram.com/sallyswelt
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.de/sallyswelt/
Blog: http://www.sallys-blog.de
Kontakt & Impressum:
Sallys Shop GmbH & Co. KG
Lindenhofplatz 11
78727 Oberndorf am Neckar
- published: 24 Mar 2019
- views: 166956
The Princess and the Pea - Fixed Fairy Tales
A re-telling of the classic fairy tale, The Princess and the Pea.
Fixed Fairy Tales is an animated series that takes classic fairy tales and gives them a new t...
A re-telling of the classic fairy tale, The Princess and the Pea.
Fixed Fairy Tales is an animated series that takes classic fairy tales and gives them a new twist. From the creators of How It Should Have Ended and Klomp! Animation comes a fun new animated collection of stories told high in a castle tower with your host, Vincent Featherbottom, the Story Changing Owl.
Subscribe if you enjoyed it! There are lots more fun videos to come to this channel.
Follow HISHE Kids on Twitter: https://bit.ly/HISHEKidsTwitter
Like HISHE Kids on Facebook: https://bit.ly/HISHEKidsFB
---------- PREVIOUS VIDEOS -----------
Return of the Sith - Kid Bits:
The Angry Birds Story - Kid Bits:
Scooby-Doo Adventure - Kids Bits:
How Iron Man 2 Should Have Ended - Kid Bits:
Humpty Dumpty - Fixed Fairy Tales:
The Princess and the Pea - Fixed Fairy Tales:
Peter Piper - Fixed Fairy Tales:
Little Red Riding Hood - Fixed Fairy Tales:
Old MacDonald - Munchkin Music:
Elephant - Munchkin Music:
Little Old Lady Who Lived In A Shoe - Munchkin Music:
Robot - Munchkin Music:
Round and Round - Munchkin Music:
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star - Munchkin Music:
How To Draw - Super Cafe Batman:
How To Draw - Vincent the Owl:
How To Draw - Little Red Riding Hood:
How To Draw - Kiddo the Dog:
How To Draw - Humpty Dumpty:
A re-telling of the classic fairy tale, The Princess and the Pea.
Fixed Fairy Tales is an animated series that takes classic fairy tales and gives them a new twist. From the creators of How It Should Have Ended and Klomp! Animation comes a fun new animated collection of stories told high in a castle tower with your host, Vincent Featherbottom, the Story Changing Owl.
Subscribe if you enjoyed it! There are lots more fun videos to come to this channel.
Follow HISHE Kids on Twitter: https://bit.ly/HISHEKidsTwitter
Like HISHE Kids on Facebook: https://bit.ly/HISHEKidsFB
---------- PREVIOUS VIDEOS -----------
Return of the Sith - Kid Bits:
The Angry Birds Story - Kid Bits:
Scooby-Doo Adventure - Kids Bits:
How Iron Man 2 Should Have Ended - Kid Bits:
Humpty Dumpty - Fixed Fairy Tales:
The Princess and the Pea - Fixed Fairy Tales:
Peter Piper - Fixed Fairy Tales:
Little Red Riding Hood - Fixed Fairy Tales:
Old MacDonald - Munchkin Music:
Elephant - Munchkin Music:
Little Old Lady Who Lived In A Shoe - Munchkin Music:
Robot - Munchkin Music:
Round and Round - Munchkin Music:
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star - Munchkin Music:
How To Draw - Super Cafe Batman:
How To Draw - Vincent the Owl:
How To Draw - Little Red Riding Hood:
How To Draw - Kiddo the Dog:
How To Draw - Humpty Dumpty:
- published: 15 Apr 2015
- views: 9153355
파인애플🍍 코코넛 파이 만들기 : Pineapple Coconut Pie Recipe : パイナップルココナッツパイ | Cooking tree
파인애플 모양을 똑 닮은 파인애플 코코넛 파이를 만들었어요~
♥더 자세한 레시피와 설명은 밑에 더보기 버튼 눌러 확인 해 주세요♥
♡For more detailed recipes, please click on the down below♡
파인애플 모양을 똑 닮은 파인애플 코코넛 파이...
파인애플 모양을 똑 닮은 파인애플 코코넛 파이를 만들었어요~
♥더 자세한 레시피와 설명은 밑에 더보기 버튼 눌러 확인 해 주세요♥
♡For more detailed recipes, please click on the down below♡
파인애플 모양을 똑 닮은 파인애플 코코넛 파이를 만들었어요~
파인애플을 큼직하게 졸여 넣었더니 씹는 식감도 좋고 비주얼도 더 먹음직 스러워 보이는 것 같아요~
아몬드 크림에 코코넛 가루를 넣어 풍미도 좋고 고소하고 파인애플과 맛도 잘 어울리더라구요~^^
파이 시트로 무늬를 내고 남은 반죽을 뭉쳐 초록색으로 색을 입혀 나뭇잎 모양으로 구워 장식해 봤는데 더 파인애플 느낌이 나는 것 같아요~
심플한 파이 지만 모양만 살짝 다르게 했더니 색다른 느낌이 나서 예쁘네요~~
즐겁게 시청하세요~♬ Enjoy~
*자세한 레시피 설명은 유튜브 자막 기능을 켜서 확인해주세요~
박력분 120g
차가운 무염버터 80g
차가운 물 27g
설탕 3g
소금 1g
파인애플 240g
설탕 25g
레몬즙 5g
무염버터 60g
슈가파우더 35g
달걀 1개
바닐라익스트랙 3g
아몬드가루 40g
코코넛가루 30g
박력분 10g
1. 박력분에 차가운 무염버터를 넣고 버터가 밀가루와 섞여 작은 크기가 될 때까지 스크래퍼로 섞고 차가운 물에 설탕, 소금을 넣고 섞은 뒤 반죽에 넣고 섞는다.
2. 반죽이 한덩이로 뭉치면 랩으로 감싸 냉장실에서 1시간 정도 휴지 시킨다.
3. 파인애플을 작게 자르고 냄비에 설탕과 함께 넣고 저으며 끓이다가 파인애플이 투명해지면 레몬즙을 넣고 마무리한 뒤 다른 볼에 옮겨 담아 식힌다.
4. 무염버터를 부드럽게 풀고 슈가파우더를 넣고 섞은 뒤 달걀과 바닐라익스트랙을 넣고 섞고 아몬드가루, 코코넛가루, 박력분을 넣고 섞는다.
5. 휴지 시킨 반죽을 틀 크기에 맞게 밀어 틀에 넣고 모양을 잡은 뒤 포크를 이용해 바닥에 구멍을 낸다.
6. 코코넛 아몬드 크림을 채우고 식힌 파인애플을 평평하게 올린다.
7. 남은 파이 반죽을 뭉쳐 넓게 펴고 길게 자른 뒤 파인애플 위에 교차로 올려 모양을 잡고 달걀노른자와 우유 섞은 것을 바른다.
8. 180도 (190도 20분 예열) 40분 정도 굽고 식힌다.
120g Cake flour
80g Cold unsalted butter
27g Cold water
3g Sugar
1g Salt
240g Pineapple
25g Sugar
5g Lemon juice
60g Unsalted butter
35g Powdered sugar
1 Egg
3g Vanilla extract
40g Almond powder
30g Coconut powder
10g Cake flour
시청해주셔서 감사합니다~♥
Thank you for watching~
▶제 영상은 유튜브와 네이버TV에만 업로드 되고 있습니다~
이 영상을 무단 도용하거나 2차 편집 및 재업로드를 금지합니다.
My video is only uploaded to YouTube and Naver TV.
Unauthorized theft of this video or 2nd edit and reupload is prohibited.
▶영상을 좋게 봐주시고 좋은 마음으로 제안을 주시는 건 감사하지만
자유로운 영상 제작을 위해 광고와 협찬 등은 받지 않고 있습니다~^^
▶Community Subtitles
If you can translate into another language,
I would appreciate it if you could use the link below to add subtitles to this video~^^
다른 언어로 번역이 가능하신 구독자님들께 도움을 요청드립니다~
아래 링크를 통해 자막을 추가해주시면 감사하겠습니다~^^
파인애플 모양을 똑 닮은 파인애플 코코넛 파이를 만들었어요~
♥더 자세한 레시피와 설명은 밑에 더보기 버튼 눌러 확인 해 주세요♥
♡For more detailed recipes, please click on the down below♡
파인애플 모양을 똑 닮은 파인애플 코코넛 파이를 만들었어요~
파인애플을 큼직하게 졸여 넣었더니 씹는 식감도 좋고 비주얼도 더 먹음직 스러워 보이는 것 같아요~
아몬드 크림에 코코넛 가루를 넣어 풍미도 좋고 고소하고 파인애플과 맛도 잘 어울리더라구요~^^
파이 시트로 무늬를 내고 남은 반죽을 뭉쳐 초록색으로 색을 입혀 나뭇잎 모양으로 구워 장식해 봤는데 더 파인애플 느낌이 나는 것 같아요~
심플한 파이 지만 모양만 살짝 다르게 했더니 색다른 느낌이 나서 예쁘네요~~
즐겁게 시청하세요~♬ Enjoy~
*자세한 레시피 설명은 유튜브 자막 기능을 켜서 확인해주세요~
박력분 120g
차가운 무염버터 80g
차가운 물 27g
설탕 3g
소금 1g
파인애플 240g
설탕 25g
레몬즙 5g
무염버터 60g
슈가파우더 35g
달걀 1개
바닐라익스트랙 3g
아몬드가루 40g
코코넛가루 30g
박력분 10g
1. 박력분에 차가운 무염버터를 넣고 버터가 밀가루와 섞여 작은 크기가 될 때까지 스크래퍼로 섞고 차가운 물에 설탕, 소금을 넣고 섞은 뒤 반죽에 넣고 섞는다.
2. 반죽이 한덩이로 뭉치면 랩으로 감싸 냉장실에서 1시간 정도 휴지 시킨다.
3. 파인애플을 작게 자르고 냄비에 설탕과 함께 넣고 저으며 끓이다가 파인애플이 투명해지면 레몬즙을 넣고 마무리한 뒤 다른 볼에 옮겨 담아 식힌다.
4. 무염버터를 부드럽게 풀고 슈가파우더를 넣고 섞은 뒤 달걀과 바닐라익스트랙을 넣고 섞고 아몬드가루, 코코넛가루, 박력분을 넣고 섞는다.
5. 휴지 시킨 반죽을 틀 크기에 맞게 밀어 틀에 넣고 모양을 잡은 뒤 포크를 이용해 바닥에 구멍을 낸다.
6. 코코넛 아몬드 크림을 채우고 식힌 파인애플을 평평하게 올린다.
7. 남은 파이 반죽을 뭉쳐 넓게 펴고 길게 자른 뒤 파인애플 위에 교차로 올려 모양을 잡고 달걀노른자와 우유 섞은 것을 바른다.
8. 180도 (190도 20분 예열) 40분 정도 굽고 식힌다.
120g Cake flour
80g Cold unsalted butter
27g Cold water
3g Sugar
1g Salt
240g Pineapple
25g Sugar
5g Lemon juice
60g Unsalted butter
35g Powdered sugar
1 Egg
3g Vanilla extract
40g Almond powder
30g Coconut powder
10g Cake flour
시청해주셔서 감사합니다~♥
Thank you for watching~
▶제 영상은 유튜브와 네이버TV에만 업로드 되고 있습니다~
이 영상을 무단 도용하거나 2차 편집 및 재업로드를 금지합니다.
My video is only uploaded to YouTube and Naver TV.
Unauthorized theft of this video or 2nd edit and reupload is prohibited.
▶영상을 좋게 봐주시고 좋은 마음으로 제안을 주시는 건 감사하지만
자유로운 영상 제작을 위해 광고와 협찬 등은 받지 않고 있습니다~^^
▶Community Subtitles
If you can translate into another language,
I would appreciate it if you could use the link below to add subtitles to this video~^^
다른 언어로 번역이 가능하신 구독자님들께 도움을 요청드립니다~
아래 링크를 통해 자막을 추가해주시면 감사하겠습니다~^^
- published: 16 Nov 2019
- views: 81579