Adiexodo Interview (The interview originally appeared in the fanzine HORIS KANONA [“Without A Rule”; the name is taken from an En Plo lyric]. Weblink: . Translated from greek by automaton 3. A “[ ]” signifies a translator’s addition to the original text.) Sotiris Theoharis “Ta Kelia Tis Odou Mesogeion [The Cells at Mesogeion St.]” […]

Disharmonic Interview ( The following questions to Apostolis “humanfly” of Disharmonic were sent by automaton 3 sometime in October of 2005, with the answers following early in November of the same year. Apostolis did a great job & clearly put some effort in answering them, for which a big THANKS! is extended to him! ) […]

Hasma Interview ( The following questions to Hasma were posed by the visitors of – the original can be found right here . Translated from greek by automaton 3. A “[ ]” signifies a translator’s addition to the original text.) The usual question about influences & bands they listen to. The bands that we […]

Hibernation Interview (The interview originally appeared in the zine Ripping Thrash, issue 16 (late april 1998). Thanks to yurigagarin for transcribing it!) SO WHY DID CHAOTIC END SPLIT UP? ARE YOU STILL FRIENDS? HOW MANY MEMBERS OF CHAOTIC END ARE STILL IN HIBERNATION? Well it was a bad period for Chaotic End. First we all […]

Stress Interview (The interview originally appeared in the music mag HXOS KAI HIFI, issue 152, November ’85. Weblink: . Translated from greek by automaton 3. A “[ ]” signifies a translator’s addition to the original text.) I noticed that greek punk bands nowdays tend to distance themselves from specific audiences, which makes me think […]

(These questions were posed to Th[odoris] Iliakopoulos from KGB in 1997. The interview was translated from greek by automaton 3. A “[ ]” signifies a translator’s addition to the original text.) Tell me a few things about Genia Tou Chaous splitting up. Genia Tou Chaous split up right after the release of “Requiem” in ’89. […]