Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Welcome to Eltham Traditionalists!

Please note: Eltham Traditionalists has merged into a new group Melbourne Traditionalists. I've left this site up for the time being to help advertise the new group. The contact information remains valid, so if you're interested in Melbourne Traditionalists please feel free to get in touch.

You've arrived at Eltham Traditionalists, a site intended to connect traditionalists in our suburb and surrounding area and to explain the basic ideas of traditionalism to interested readers.

Where to begin browsing this site? There's a page explaining who we are here. If you'd like to know the aims of our group you could visit this page. For an update on our recent activities see here

For a more detailed explanation of traditionalist ideas there's a further reading section in the sidebar.


Update: 1/07/14 Next meeting coming up in a few weeks.

Update: 30/3/14 Next meeting has been a bit later than normal, but will take place in April. Look forward to catching up with everyone again.

Update: 19/02/14 February meeting was a success. Biggest turnout yet, with three new faces. A great start to 2014.

Update: 20/01/14 Next meeting coming up in a couple of weeks. Looking forward to some more growth in 2014.

Update: 31/12/2013 Our last meeting for the year was not our largest, but we were happy to welcome two new faces. Our next dinner is scheduled for early February. Overall, a very successful year of steady and consistent growth in 2013. Looking forward to 2014!

Update: 17/11/2013 Very successful get together, four new faces. Letterboxing Eltham North. Next meeting scheduled for early December.

Update: 28/10 Next get together is being held next week. It's always great to see new faces, so please get in touch if you're interested in coming along.

Update: 4/09/2013 Meeting went very well. Another new face and enjoyable conversation. Look forward to the next one.

Update: 21/08/2013 Next get together coming up next week. Details can be sent via the email listed under contact details if you're interested in attending.

Update: 7/07/2013 Letterboxing Eltham North. Looking forward to next meeting in August.

Update: 27/06/2013 Meeting went very well, with one new face, a good turn out by the regulars and much lively conversation. Now it's time for more publicity and for liaising with others before our next meeting which is scheduled for 28/08.

Update: 24/06/2013 This has been a good year so far for the growth of the group. We have another meeting coming up very soon, please email me at if you'd like to attend.

Update: 26/02/2013 Our most recent get together was very successful, with a good turn out and a very positive atmosphere.

Update: 21/02/2013 Our next get together is scheduled for the coming week. Readers are welcome to attend, just send me an email at for the details.

Update: 26/11/12  Our last catch up at the Eltham Hotel went very well, we hope to hold another shortly. Letterboxing in the central Eltham area is continuing.